本书第一次发行的时候叫《Abduction to the 9th planet》大概意思是说,被绑架到第九级星球。
Believing is not enough... You need to KNOW.


I have written this book as the result of orders received and which I have obeyed. Further, it is an account of events that happened to me personally - this I affirm.
我是奉命写这本书的。另外,这是我个人经历的真实事件的记录 - 我郑重声明。
この本は、私が受けた命令の結果として書かれたものであり、私が従ったものです。さらに、これは私自身に起こった出来事の記録です - これを断言します。
I imagine that, to some extent, this extraordinary story will appear to some readers as science fiction - a story entirely invented - but I do not have the imagination that such a fabrication would require. This is not science fiction.
我想,从某种程度上讲,这个非同寻常的故事对一些读者来说可能会看起来像是科幻小说 - 完全虚构的故事 - 但我没有创作这样一个虚构故事所需要的想象力。这不是科幻小说。
ある程度の読者にとって、この非凡な物語は、科学小説のように思われるかもしれません - 完全に創作された物語ですが、私にはそのような創作に必要な想像力がありません。これは科学小説ではありません。
The reader of good faith will be able to recognise the truth in the message I transmit from my new friends to the people of the planet Earth.
This message, in spite of numerous references to races and religions, reflects neither racial nor religious bias on behalf of the author.
Michel Desmarquet,January, 1989
They have eyes but they do not see - ears, and they do not hear...

有关本书更多信息请访问 http://thiaoouba.com 或可下载电子版书籍。本站只出于业余爱好进行翻译。翻译部分参考GPT。


I awoke suddenly, not knowing how long I had slept. I was completely awake - fresh and alert - but good God, what time could it be? Lina was sleeping beside me, her fists closed, but then Lina always sleeps...
我突然醒来,不知道自己睡了多久。我完全清醒了 - 精力充沛、警觉 - 但...天哪,现在是什么时间呢?莉娜睡在我旁边,她的拳头紧握着,但莉娜总是这样睡觉...
私は突然目が覚めました。どれくらい眠っていたのかわかりませんでした。完全に目が覚めました - 新鮮で警戒心がありますが、まさか、今何時なのでしょうか?リナは隣で眠っていました。彼女の拳が閉じていましたが、リナはいつもこんなふうに眠ります...
I had no desire at all to go back to sleep and besides, it was possibly already five in the morning. I got up, made my way to the kitchen and checked the clock. Only 12.30am! It was unusual for me to wake up at such an hour.
I took off my pyjamas and dressed in trousers and a shirt, why, I had no idea. Neither can I explain why I went to my desk, took a sheet of paper and a biro and watched myself write, as if my hand had a mind of its own.
My dear, I’ll be away for about ten days. Absolutely no need to worry.
Leaving the note by the telephone, I headed through the door and on to the verandah. I avoided the table on which last night’s chess game remained, with the white King still in checkmate, and silently opened the door leading on to the garden.
The night seemed to be suffused with a strange brightness, which had nothing to do with the stars. Instinctively, I tried to recall what phase the moon was currently in, thinking that perhaps it was about to rise. Here, in the north-east of Australia where I live, the nights are generally quite clear.
I descended the outside stairs and headed towards the pandanus. Usually, at this time of night, we would have a veritable concert from the frogs and crickets whose chirring sounds fill the night. Now however, there was a heavy silence and I wondered why.
I had only walked a few steps when, quite suddenly, the colour of the philodendrons changed. The wall of the house too, and the pandanus - all were bathed in a kind of bluish light. The lawn seemed to undulate beneath my feet and the ground beneath the pandanus waved also. The philodendrons distorted and the wall of the house resembled a sheet floating in the wind.
我只走了几步,突然间,酸藤植物的颜色发生了变化。房屋的墙壁,还有潘达纳斯树 - 全部都沐浴在一种蓝色的光中。草坪在我脚下波动起伏,潘达纳斯树下的地面也起了波浪。酸藤植物变形了,房屋的墙壁看起来像是在风中飘动的一张布。
私がわずか数歩歩いたとき、フィロデンドロンの色が突然変わりました。家の壁も、そしてパンダナスも - すべてが一種の青みがかった光に包まれていました。芝生は私の足の下でうねり、パンダナスの下の地面も揺れました。フィロデンドロンは歪み、家の壁は風に漂うシーツのように見えました。
Beginning to believe that I was not well, I decided to return to the house when, at that precise moment, I felt myself lifted quite gently from the ground. I rose, slowly at first, above the philodendrons, and then quicker, until I saw the house becoming smaller and smaller below me.
What is happening?I exclaimed in utter bewilderment.
All is well now, Michel.
By then, I believed I was dreaming. Before me, a human being of impressive size, dressed in a one-piece suit and wearing a completely transparent helmet on ‘her’ head, was looking at me - friendly and smiling.
当时,我相信自己在做梦。在我面前,一个身材高大、穿着一件连体服、头戴完全透明头盔的人类,正在看着我 - 友好而微笑着。
その時点では、私は夢を見ていると信じていました。私の前には、非常に大きな体格の人間が立っており、ワンピースのスーツを着て、完全に透明なヘルメットを被って私を見ていました - 友好的に微笑んでいました。
No, you are not dreaming,she said, answering the question in my mind.
Yes,I replied,but it always happens this way in a dream and in the end you find you’ve fallen out of bed and have a lump on your forehead!She smiled. Further, I continued, you are speaking to me in French, my native tongue, and yet we are in Australia. I do speak English, you know!,
是的,我回答道,但是梦里总是这样发生,最后你会发现自己从床上摔下来,额头上有个大包!她微笑了。而且,我接着说, 你正在用法语和我交谈,这是我的母语,但我们在澳大利亚。我也会说英语,你知道!
So do I.
It has to be a dream - one of those stupid dreams, moreover. If not though, what are you doing on my property?
这一定是个梦 - 而且是那种愚蠢的梦。如果不是的话,那你在我的院子里做什么呢?
これは夢に違いない - しかも愚かな夢の一つだ。もしそうでないなら、なぜあなたが私の敷地内にいるのですか?
We are not on your property, but above it.
Ah! It is a nightmare. You see I was right. I’ll pinch myself!I accompanied the words with the action. Ouch!
She smiled again. Now are you satisfied, Michel?
But if it's not a dream, why am I here sitting on this rock? Who are those people over there, dressed in the fashion of the last century?
I was beginning to distinguish, in a milky light, people talking and at a slight distance, others moving around.
And you, who are you? Why aren’t you normal sized?
I am a normal size, Michel. On my planet we are all this size. But everything in good time, my dear friend. I hope you don’t mind me calling you that? If we aren’t good friends already, I am sure that we will be soon.
She stood there in front of me, intelligence reflected in her smiling face and goodness emanating from her entire being. It would not be possible to meet anyone with whom I could feel more at ease.
Of course, you may call me what you wish. And what is your name?
My name is Thao, but first, I would like you to know, once and for all, that this is not a dream. Indeed, it is something quite different. For certain reasons which will be explained to you later, you have been chosen to undertake a journey which very few Earthlings have made - particularly in recent times.
我的名字是涛,但首先,我想让你知道,这不是一个梦。事实上,它是完全不同的事情。以后会向你解释的,你被选中来进行一次很少有地球人会尝试的旅程 - 特别是近年来。
私の名前はタオですが、最初に、一労永逸に知っておいてほしいのは、これが夢ではないということです。実際、それはかなり異なるものです。後で説明される理由のために、あなたはほとんどの地球人が行ったことのない旅行をすることに選ばれたのです - 特に近年では。
We are, you and I, at this moment, in a universe which is parallel to that of Earth. In order to admit you, as well as ourselves, we have made use of an ‘airlock’.
At this instant, time has stopped for you, and you could remain here twenty or fifty of your Earthly years and then return as if you hadn’t left. Your physical body would remain absolutely unchanged.
But what are these people doing?
They exist as well as can be expected and, as you will learn later, the population density is very low. Death only occurs by suicide or accident. Time is suspended. There are men and women, as well as some animals who are 30 000, 50 000 or even many more Earth years old.
But why are they here and how did they come to be here? Where were they born?
On Earth. . . they are all here by accident.
在地球上…… 他们都是因为意外来到这里的。
地球上で... 彼らはすべて偶然ここにいます。
By accident? What do you mean?
It’s very simple. You have heard of the Bermuda Triangle?’ I nodded. ‘Well, quite simply, in this spot and in others less well known, this parallel universe becomes confused with your universe so that there exists between them a natural warp.
It’s very simple. You have heard of the Bermuda Triangle?’ I nodded. ‘Well, quite simply, in this spot and in others less well known, this parallel universe becomes confused with your universe so that there exists between them a natural warp.
When a man does return and relates his experience, the vast majority of people don’t believe him - and if he persists, he is assumed ‘crazy’. Most of the time, such a person recounts nothing at all, realising how he will appear in the eyes of his peers. Sometimes too, he returns amnesic, and if he recovers some memory, it is not of what happened in the parallel universe, and therefore sheds no light on the subject.
当一个人回来并讲述他的经历时,绝大多数人都不相信他 - 如果他坚持下去,就会被认为是疯了。大多数情况下,这样的人根本不会讲述任何事情,因为他意识到自己在同伴眼中会是什么样子。有时候,他也会失忆回来,如果他恢复了一些记忆,他也不会觉得那是关于发生在平行宇宙的事情,因此对这个话题从来都没认真对待过。
誰が戻ってきて自分の経験を話すと、ほとんどの人は彼を信じません - そして彼が固執すると、「狂っている」と思われます。ほとんどの場合、そのような人は何も語りません。彼は仲間の目にどう映るかを理解しています。時々彼は失念して戻ってきます。そして、彼がいくらかの記憶を取り戻したとしても、それは平行宇宙で起こったことではないので、この件について何の光も当てません。
There was,Thao continueda typical case of this passage into a parallel universe in North America, where a young man literally vanished while going to fetch water from a well which was situated several hundred metres from his house. About an hour later, family and friends set out in search of him and, as there had been a fresh snowfall of about 20 centimetres, it should have been quite simple - they had only to follow the footprints left by the young man. But, right in the middle of the field - the footprints stopped.
因此,Thao接着说道:在北美,发生了一个典型的进入平行宇宙的案例,一个年轻人在离他家几百米远的井里取水时,他就消失了。大约一个小时后,家人和朋友出发去找他,由于下了大约20厘米的新雪,这本应该很简单 - 他们只需跟随那个年轻人留下的足迹便能找到他。但是,在雪地中央 - 足迹停止了。
ですから,タオは続けて言いました。北アメリカで、典型的な平行宇宙への移行のケースがありました。ある若者が家から数百メートル離れた井戸から水を汲みに行ったとき、彼は文字通り消えました。約1時間後、家族や友人が彼を探しに出かけました。20センチメートルほどの新雪が降っていたので、彼らは若者が残した足跡をただ追うだけでした。しかし、畑の真ん中で - 足跡が途切れました。
There were no trees around, no rocks on to which he could have jumped - nothing strange or unusual - the footprints just stopped. Some people believed that he had been taken by a spacecraft, but that could not have been, as you will see later. This poor man had quite simply been sucked into the parallel universe.
周围没有树木,也没有岩石可以跳跃到上面 - 没有任何奇怪或异常的事物 - 足迹就这样停止了。有些人认为他被飞船带走了,但事实并非如此,您稍后会看到。这个可怜的人很简单地被吸入了平行宇宙。
周囲には木も岩もなく、彼が飛び降りることができるものはありませんでした - 何の変わったこともなかった - 足跡はただそこで止まっていました。一部の人々は彼が宇宙船に連れ去られたと信じていましたが、後で見るように、それはあり得ませんでした。この可哀想な男性は単純に平行宇宙に吸い込まれてしまったのです。
I remember,I said,I did hear of that particular case, but how do you know all about it?
You will find out later how I know,she replied enigmatically
We were interrupted by the sudden appearance of a group of people so bizarre that again, I wondered if this was all a dream. About a dozen men, accompanied by what seemed to be a woman, emerged from behind a pile of rocks a hundred metres from where we were. The sight was even stranger, since these human beings appeared to have stepped out of the pages of prehistoric records. With the gait of gorillas, they brandished enormous clubs which modern man would not have been able to lift from the ground. These hideous creatures were coming straight for us, howling like wild beasts. I made a move to retreat, but my companion told me there was nothing to fear and that I should stay still. She put her hand on the buckle of her belt and turned so that she faced them.
I heard a series of small clicks and five of the strongest looking men fell to the ground, motionless. The rest of the group stopped cleanly and began moaning. They prostrated themselves before us.
I looked again at Thao. She stood like a statue, her face set. Her eyes were fixed on those people as though she was trying to hypnotise them. I later learned that she was giving orders by telepathy to the female of the group. Suddenly, this woman got up and began, it seemed to me, to issue orders in a guttural voice to the others. They then helped remove the bodies, carrying them on their backs to the pile of rocks mentioned earlier.
What are they doing?I asked.
They will cover their dead with stones.
Did you kill them?
I had to.
What do you mean? Were we really in danger?
Of course we were. These are people who have been here for ten or fifteen thousand years - who knows? We don’t have time to establish that and besides, it is of no importance. Nevertheless, it illustrates well what I was explaining to you a few moments ago. These people passed into this universe at a certain time, and they have lived in that time ever since.
もちろんです。ここに住んでいる人々は1万から1万5千年前からここにいます - 誰が知っていますか?私たちはそれを確立する時間がありませんし、それに重要性はありません。それでも、これは私がさっき説明したことをよく示しています。これらの人々はある時点でこの宇宙に移り、それ以来その時代に住んでいます。
It’s frightful!
I agree. However it is part of natural, and therefore universal, law. Furthermore, they are dangerous because they behave more like wild beasts than human beings. Dialogue would not have been possible between them and us, just as it is not possible between them and most of the others living in this parallel universe. For one thing, they are unable to communicate; and for another, they, less than anyone, understand what has happened to them. We were in real danger and, if I do say so, I have done them a favour just now, of liberating them.
Don’t look so shocked, Michel. You know quite well what I mean by that.
They are liberated from their physical bodies and are now able to continue their cycle, like every living being, according to the normal process.
So if I understand correctly, this parallel universe is a curse - a kind of hell or purgatory?
所以,如果我理解正确的话,这个平行宇宙是一个诅咒 - 一种地狱或炼狱?
なるほど、理解が正しいなら、この平行宇宙は呪いです - 一種の地獄や煉獄ですか?
I didn’t realise you were religious!
I just make this comparison to show you that I am trying to understand,I replied, wondering how she could know whether or not I was religious.
I know, Michel, I was only teasing. You were right in explaining it as a kind of purgatory but, of course, this is quite accidental. In fact, this is one of several accidents of nature. An albino is an accident, and a four-leafed clover can also be considered as an accident. Your appendix is just as much an accident. Your doctors still wonder what use it could possibly have in your body. The answer - no use whatsoever. Now usually, in nature, everything has a precise reason for existing - that’s why I list the appendix among the natural ‘accidents
People living in this universe suffer neither physically or morally. For example, if I hit you, you would feel no pain, but if the blows were strong enough, although without pain, you could still die from them. This might be difficult to comprehend, but it is so. Those existing here know nothing of what I have just explained to you, and it is fortunate because they would be tempted to commit suicide - which, even here, is not a solution.
在这个宇宙中生活的人们既感受疼也感受不到痛。例如,如果我打你,你不会感到疼痛,但如果打击足够强大,尽管没有疼痛,你仍然可能死于这些打击。这可能很难理解,但事实确实如此。存在于这里的人对我刚刚向你解释的一切一无所知,这是幸运的,因为否则他们如果知道的话可能会尝试自杀来解脱 - 但即使是自杀,在这里,也不是一个解脱的办法。
この宇宙に住んでいる人々は、肉体的にも道徳的にも苦しむことはありません。たとえば、私があなたを打ったとしても、あなたは痛みを感じませんが、打撃が強力な場合、痛みはありませんが、それでも死ぬことがあります。これは理解が難しいかもしれませんが、そうなのです。ここに存在する人々は、私がさっきあなたに説明したことを何も知りませんし、それは幸運です、なぜなら彼らは自殺に誘惑されるかもしれないからです - ここでも、それは解決策ではありません。
What do they eat?
They don’t eat, nor do they drink, because they don’t feel the need to. Here, remember, time has stopped - those dead won’t even rot.
他们不吃,也不喝,因为他们感觉不到渴和饿。在这里,记住,时间已经停止了 - 那些死者甚至也不会腐烂。
彼らは食べたり飲んだりしません、なぜなら彼らにはその必要を感じません。ここでは、覚えておいてください、時間は止まっています - 死んだ人々はさえ腐敗しません。
But that’s terrible! In all, the greatest service that one can render these people would be to kill them!
You raise an important point there. Effectively it would be one of two solutions.
What is the other?
To send them back where they came from - but that would pose great problems. Because we are able to make use of the warp, we could return many of them to your universe, and thus liberate them, but I’m sure you are aware of the enormous problems that would create for the majority of these people. Here, as I have already said, you have people, who have been here for thousands of years. What would happen if they found themselves back in the universe they left so long ago?
They might go insane. In all, there is nothing to do. She smiled gently at my affirmation.
You are certainly the man of action we require, Michel, but beware of jumping to conclusions - you have much more to see.
貴方は確かに私たちが必要とする行動派ですね、ミシェル、しかし結論を急ぐことに注意してください - まだまだ見るべきことがたくさんあります。
She put her hand on my shoulder, having to incline forward slightly to do so. Although I didn’t know it at the time, Thao measured 290 centimetres, exceptionally tall for a human being.
I see with my own eyes that we made the right choice in selecting you - you have an astute mind, but I cannot explain everything to you now, for two reasons.
这么看来,我们选择你是正确的 - 你有着敏锐的头脑,但我现在不能把一切都解释给你,有两个原因。
私は自分の目で見て、私たちがあなたを選んで正しい選択をしたことを確信しています - 貴方は鋭い頭脳を持っていますが、私は今すぐにすべてを説明することはできません、2つの理由があります。
First, it is still too soon for such an explanation. By this, I mean that you must be instructed further on certain points before proceeding beyond.
I understand - and second?
我明白了 - 还有第二个原因吗?
私は理解しています - 2つ目の理由は?
The second reason is that they are waiting for us. We must leave.
With a light touch, she turned me around. I followed her gaze and stared wide-eyed with surprise. About 100 meters from us was an enormous sphere, from which emanated a bluish Aura. I later learned that it measured 70 meters in diameter. The light was not steady, but shimmered, resembling a heat haze when one looks from a distance at sand heated by the summer sun.
This enormous sphere ‘shimmered’ about ten metres from the ground. With no windows, no openings, no ladder, it appeared as smooth as the shell of an egg.
Thao signalled for me to follow her and we set out towards the machine. I remember that moment very well. During the short time we took in approaching the sphere, I was so excited that I lost control of my thoughts. A constant stream of images flashed through my mind, resembling a film in the ‘fast-forward’ mode. I saw myself relating this adventure to my family, and I saw again newspaper articles I had read on the subject of UFOs.
I remember a feeling of sadness sweep over me when I thought of my family whom I loved so much; I saw myself caught, as though in a trap, and it occurred to me that I might never see them again...
You have absolutely nothing to fear, Michel,said Thao.Trust me. You will be reunited with your family very soon, and in good health.
I believe my mouth fell open in surprise, triggering in Thao a melodious laugh, such as is rarely heard among us Earthlings. That was the second time she had read my thoughts; the first time I thought might have been a coincidence, but this time there could be no doubt.
When we arrived in close proximity to the sphere, Thao placed me in a position opposite her and about a metre’s distance away.
Do not touch me under any pretext, Michel, whatever happens. Under any pretext - do you understand?
无论发生什么事情,米歇尔,无论任何借口,都不要碰我。无论任何借口 - 你明白吗?
どんな理由があっても、私に触れないでください、ミシェル。どんな理由があっても - 分かりますか?
I was quite taken aback by this formal order, but I nodded.
She placed her hand on a type of ‘medallion’ I had noticed earlier ‘attached’ at the height of her left breast, and with the other hand, she held what resembled a large biro which she unclasped from her belt.
She pointed the ‘biro’ above our heads and in the direction of the sphere. I thought I saw a green beam of light flash from it but I couldn’t be sure. She then pointed the ‘biro’ at me, her other hand still on the ‘medallion’ and quite simply, we rose, simultaneously, towards the wall of the machine. Just when I was sure we were going to collide with it, a portion of the hull retracted like an enormous piston in the core of a cylinder, revealing an opening, oval in shape, of about three meters in height.
We regained our feet, Thao and I, on a type of landing inside the craft. She let go of her ‘medallion’ and with a dexterity that suggested she had done it often, she refastened her ‘biro’.
Come. We can touch each other now,she said.
Taking me by the shoulder, she guided me towards a small blue light, so intense that I had almost to half close my eyes. I had never seen a colour like it on Earth. When we were almost below the light, the wall on which it was located ‘let us pass’. That is the only way to describe it. From the way in which my mentor was leading me, I could have sworn I was going to have a handsome lump on my forehead, but we passed through the walls - like ghosts! Thao laughed heartily at the shocked expression on my face. That did me good. I remember that laugh - like a refreshing breeze and reassuring at a time when I was not feeling at ease.
她握住我的肩膀,引导我走向一个小小的蓝光,光线如此强烈,我几乎要半闭着眼睛。我从未在地球上见过这样的颜色。当我们几乎到达光下方时,光所在的墙壁‘放我们通过’。这是唯一的形容方式。从我的导师引领我的方式来看,我几乎可以发誓我额头上会有一个漂亮的包块,但我们穿过了墙壁 - 就像幽灵一样!涛对我震惊的表情哈哈大笑。那让我感到愉快。我记得那笑声 - 就像一阵清风,在我感到不安的时候让人安心。
彼女は私の肩を取り、私を一つの小さな青い光の方へと導いていきました。光は非常に強烈で、私はほとんど目を半分閉じる必要がありました。私は地球上でこんな色を見たことがありませんでした。光の下にほとんど到達したとき、それが配置されていた壁は私たちを通すようになりました。それを説明する唯一の方法です。私のメンターが私を導いている方法から見ると、私は自分の額に立派なこぶができると確信していましたが、私たちは壁を通り抜けました - まるで幽霊のように!Thaoは私の顔に驚いた表情を見て心から笑いました。それは私にとって良かった。私はその笑いを覚えています - まるでさわやかな風のようで、私が不安な時に安心させてくれました。
I had often spoken with friends of ‘flying saucers’ and was persuaded that they did, in fact, exist - but when you are actually faced with the reality, so many questions cloud your brain that you think it will burst. Of course, deep down I was delighted. From Thao’s manner towards me, I sensed that I had nothing to fear. However, she was not alone: I wondered what the others were going to be like. In spite of my fascination with this adventure, I still doubted if I would see my family again. Already, they seemed so far away, when only several minutes earlier I was in my own garden.
我经常和朋友们谈论‘飞碟’,并且被说服它们实际上是存在的 - 但当你真正面对现实时,脑海中涌现出如此多的问题,以至于你觉得它将会爆炸。当然,我内心深处感到高兴。从涛对我的态度来看,我感觉到我没有什么可害怕的。然而,她并不是孤身一人:我想知道其他人会是什么样子。尽管我对这次冒险着迷,我仍然怀疑我是否会再次见到我的家人。他们似乎已经很遥远了,而只有几分钟之前我还在自己的花园里。
私はしばしば友人たちと「空飛ぶ円盤」について話し合い、実際に存在すると確信していました - しかし、実際に直面すると、脳が曇りすぎて、破裂しそうになるほど多くの疑問がわきます。もちろん、心の奥底では喜んでいました。Thaoの私に対する態度から、私は恐れるものは何もないと感じました。しかし、彼女だけではありませんでした:他の人たちはどんな人たちなのか気になります。この冒険に魅了されているにもかかわらず、私はまだ家族に再び会えるかどうか疑っていました。すでに、彼らはとても遠くに感じられましたが、わずか数分前には私は自分の庭にいたばかりでした。
We were now ‘gliding’ at ground level along a tunnel-shaped corridor that led to a small room, the walls of which were of a yellow so intense that I had to close my eyes. The walls formed a vault - exactly as if we were inside an upturned bowl.
我们现在正沿着一个类似隧道的走廊在地面上‘滑行’,这个走廊通往一个小房间,房间的墙壁是一种如此强烈的黄色,以至于我不得不闭上眼睛。墙壁形成了一个拱顶 - 就像我们在一个倒置的碗里一样。
今、私たちは地面をすべるようにして、トンネル状の廊下を進み、小さな部屋に至りました。部屋の壁は非常に濃い黄色で、私は目を閉じざるを得ませんでした。壁はアーチを形成していました - まるで私たちが逆さまのボウルの中にいるかのようです。
Thao covered my head with a helmet made from a transparent material and I found, by opening one eye, that this enabled me to tolerate the light.
How do you feel?she asked.
Better, thank you, but that light - how can you stand it?
好多了,谢谢,但那个光 - 你怎么忍受得了?
よくなりました、ありがとうございますが、その光 - どうやって耐えられますか?
It is not a light. It is just the present colour of the walls in this room.
Why ‘present’? Have you brought me here to repaint them?I joked.
There is no paint. There are only vibrations, Michel. You still believe that you are in your Earthly universe, when you are not. You are now in one of our super long-range spacecraft, capable of travelling at several times the speed of light. We will be leaving soon, if you will lie down on this bunk..?
There, in the centre of the room were two boxes - rather like coffins without lids. I stretched out in one of them and Thao in the other. I heard her speak in a language unfamiliar to me, but very harmonious. I wanted to lift myself up a little but couldn’t, being held by an unknown and invisible force. The yellow colour progressively disappeared from the walls, to be replaced by a blue that was certainly no less intense. The ‘paintwork’ had been redone...
房间中央有两个盒子 - 像是没有盖子的棺材。我躺在其中一个盒子里,涛在另一个盒子里。我听到她说着一种我不熟悉但非常和谐的语言。我想稍微坐起来,但由于被一种未知的看不见的力量所束缚,我无法动弹。墙壁上的黄色渐渐消失,被一种蓝色取代,这种蓝色显然同样强烈。‘油漆’已经重新涂上...
部屋の中央には、蓋のない棺桶のような箱が2つありました。私はそのうちの1つに横になり、タオはもう1つに横になりました。私は彼女が私に聞きなれないが非常に調和の取れた言語で話しているのを聞きました。少し身を起こしたかったのですが、未知で見えない力によって動けませんでした。壁の黄色が徐々に消え去り、確かにそれほど薄くない青に取って代わられました。 ‘塗料’が再び塗り直されました...
One third of the room suddenly became dark and I noticed minute lights sparkling like stars.
Thao’s voice was clear in the darkness.These are stars, Michel. We have left Earth’s parallel universe and will be leaving your planet further and further behind, to take you to visit ours. We know you are going to be greatly interested in the journey, but also in our departure that will be quite slow, for your benefit.
We can watch on the screen you see in front of you.
Where is Earth?
We still can’t see it, being almost directly above it, at approximately 10 000 metres altitude...
Suddenly, a voice could be heard, speaking what seemed to be the same language Thao had used moments earlier. Thao answered briefly and then the voice spoke to me in French - excellent French (although the tone was more melodic than is typical) welcoming me aboard. It was very much the ‘welcome aboard’ of our airline companies, and I recall being quite amused by that - in spite of the unique situation in which I found myself.
突然、タオが以前に使っていた言語に似た言葉が聞こえました。 タオが簡潔に答えた後、その声は私に優れたフランス語で話しかけ、私を歓迎しました(音色は典型的なものよりももっとメロディックでした)。それはまさに航空会社の「ようこそ乗船」であり、私は自分が独特な状況にあるにもかかわらず、それにかなり楽しんでいることを思い出します。
At the same instant, I felt a very light movement of the air and it became cool, as though air-conditioned. Things began to happen quickly. On the screen, appeared what could only have been the sun. At first, it seemed to touch the edge of the Earth or, more precisely, South America, as I later learned. Again, I wondered if I could be dreaming. Second by second America was shrinking. Australia couldn’t be seen, as the sun’s rays had not yet reached it. Now the contours of the planet could be distinguished, and we seemed to move around the globe, to a position above the North Pole. There, we changed direction, drawing away from Earth at an incredible speed.
Our poor Earth became a basketball, then a billiard ball until it finally disappeared - or almost - from the screen. Instead, my vision was filled with the sombre blue of space. I turned my head in Thao’s direction hoping for further explanation.
私たちのかわいそうな地球は、バスケットボール、それからビリヤードの球になり、最後には画面から消えました- あるいはほぼです。その代わり、私の視界は暗い青色の宇宙で満たされました。私はThaoの方向に頭を向け、さらなる説明を期待しています。
Did you like that?
It was wonderful, but so fast - is it possible to travel at such a high speed?
That was nothing, my dear friend. We ‘took off’ very gently. Only now are we travelling at full speed.
How fast?I interrupted.
Several times the speed of light.
Of light? But how many times? It’s incredible! What about the light barrier?
I can well understand that it appears incredible to you. Not even your experts would believe it - it is, however, the truth.
あなたがそれが信じられないように思えることは十分理解できます。あなたの専門家ですら信じないでしょう- しかし、それは事実です。
You say several times the speed of light, but how may times?
Michel, during this journey many things will be intentionally revealed to you - many things, but there will also be details to which you will not have access. The precise speed of our spacecraft is one such detail. I’m sorry, for I know it will disappoint you not to have your great curiosity for all things satisfied, but there will be so many new and interesting things for you to see and learn, that you must not mind too much when information is withheld from you.
米歇尔,在这段旅程中,许多事情会有意向地向你揭示 - 许多事情,但也会有你无法获得的细节。我们飞船的确切速度就是其中之一。我很抱歉,因为我知道你无法满足对所有事物的浓厚好奇心会让你失望,但你会看到和学到很多新奇有趣的事情,所以当信息被隐瞒时,请你不要太在意。
ミシェル、この旅の間に、多くのことがあなたに意図的に明らかにされます - 多くのことですが、あなたがアクセスできない詳細もあります。私たちの宇宙船の正確な速度がそのような詳細の1つです。残念ながら、あなたがすべてのことに対する大きな好奇心を満たすことができないことを知っているので、申し訳ありませんが、あなたが情報を差し控えられたときにあまり気にしないでください。それほど多くの新しい興味深いことがあなたを待っています。
Her manner indicated that the matter was closed and I didn’t insist further, sensing that to do so would have been rude.
Lookshe said to me. On the screen a coloured dot had appeared and was growing rapidly.
What is it?
The reader must forgive me if the descriptions I give are not as detailed as he/she might wish, but it must be understood that I had not yet recovered all my senses. I had seen so much in so short a time, and was somewhat ‘disoriented.
As we approached, the famous Saturn grew rapidly larger on the screen. Its colours were wonderful - incomparable to anything I had ever seen on Earth. There were yellows, reds, greens, blues, oranges - within each colour, an infinite range of nuances mingled, separated, grew stronger then weaker, creating the famous rings and confined within them...
当我们接近时,著名的土星在屏幕上迅速变大。它的颜色令人惊叹 - 与我在地球上见过的任何东西都无法比拟。有黄色、红色、绿色、蓝色、橙色 - 在每种颜色中,无尽的色调交织、分离、变强然后变弱,创造了著名的土星光环,一圈又一圈...
我々が近づくにつれて、有名な土星は画面上で急速に大きくなっていきました。その色彩は素晴らしく、地球で見たことのないものです。黄色、赤色、緑色、青色、オレンジ色があります - 各色には、無限のニュアンスが交じり合い、分離し、強くなったり弱くなったりして、有名なリングが作られ、その中に閉じ込められます...
It was an amazing spectacle, which filled more and more of our screen.
Realising I was no longer restrained by the force field, I wanted to remove my mask so as to see the colours better, but Thao signalled that I should do nothing.
Where are the satellites? I asked.
You can see two, almost side by side towards the right of the screen.
How far away are we?
We must be approximately 6 000 000 kilometres or perhaps more. They know exactly on the flight deck of course, but to give you a more precise estimate, I’d have to know whether our ‘camera’ is on full zoom or not.
Saturn suddenly disappeared from the left side of the screen, which filled again with the ‘colour’ of space.
I believe it was at that moment I felt exalted, as I never had before. It hit me that I was in the process of living an extraordinary adventure - and why? I had asked for nothing and had never contemplated the possibility (who would have dared?) of experiencing such an adventure.
我相信那一刻我感到前所未有的兴奋。我意识到我正在经历一次非凡的冒险 - 为什么呢?我什么也没有要求过,从来没有想过会有这样的可能性(谁敢想象呢?)去经历这样的冒险。
その時、私は前例のない興奮を感じたと思います。私が非凡な冒険を体験している過程にいることが理解できました - そしてなぜ?私は何も求めておらず、こんな冒険を経験する可能性を考えたこともありませんでした(誰がそんなことを考えるでしょうか?)。
Thao got up.You can do the same now, Michel.I obeyed and we found ourselves again, side by side in the centre of the cabin. It was only then, I noticed Thao no longer wore her helmet.
Can you explain to me,I askedwhy just now, you were still wearing a helmet while I was able to accompany you without one, and yet now I have one while you don’t?
It is very simple. We come from a planet bacteriologically different from Earth, which, for us, is a veritable culture medium. Thus, in order to contact you, I was obliged to take this basic precaution. You, yourself, were a danger to me but you are no longer.
I don’t follow you.
When you entered this cabin, the colour was too intense for you and I gave you the helmet you are now wearing, which was specially designed for you. Indeed, we were able to anticipate your reaction.
During the very short time the cabin was yellow and then blue, eighty per cent of the dangerous bacteria in you was destroyed. Then perhaps you felt a coolness in the air, similar to when an air conditioner is working; this was another form of disinfection by...let’s call it radiation, although that is not the correct word - it cannot be translated into any Earth language. In this way, I have been disinfected one hundred per cent, but you still have enough bacteria to harm us considerably. I am going to give you these two pills, and in three hours you will be able to consider yourself as ‘pure’ as one of us.As she spoke, she took a little box from beside her bunk, removed the pills and held them out to me, along with a test tube containing a liquid that I supposed to be water. I swallowed them both, lifting the base of my helmet to do so. Next ... well, everything happened very quickly and it was all very strange.very strange.
Thao took me in her arms, put me on the bunk and removed my mask. I saw that happen from two or three meters from my body! I imagine that certain things in this book will seem incomprehensible to the unwarned reader, but I saw my body from a distance and I was able to move about in the room just by thought.
Thao spoke. Michel, I know that you see me and hear me, but I am not able to see you myself, therefore I cannot look at you when I speak to you. Your Astral being has left your body. There is no danger in this - you needn’t worry. I know that this is the first time this has happened to you, and there are people who panic...
I have given you a special drug in order to cleanse your body of all bacteria that is dangerous to us. I have also given you another drug that has caused your Astral being to leave your body - this will last three hours, the time it will take to purify you. In this way, you will be able to visit our spacecraft, without danger of contamination to us and without wasting time.
As strange as it seems, I found this quite natural - and I followed her. It was fascinating. She arrived in front of a panel that slid open to let us pass into one chamber after another. I was following at some distance and each time, if the panel had already closed by the time I reached it - I quite simply passedthrough it. it.
尽管看起来很奇怪,但我觉得这很自然-于是我跟着她。 这令人着迷。 她来到一个滑动门前,让我们进入一个又一个的房间。 我跟在一定的距离后面,每次,如果滑动门在我到达时已经关闭 - 我仍然能很简单地穿过它。
奇妙なことに、これはかなり自然に感じました-そして私は彼女に従いました。 魅力的でした。 彼女は私たちが一つの部屋から別の部屋に通るのを許すためにスライド式のドアの前に到着しました。私はある距離を保って後ろについていましたが、ドアが私が到着する時にすでに閉じていた場合、私は簡単にそれを通過しました。
Finally, we reached a circular room, about 20 metres in diameter, in which there were at least a dozen ‘astronauts’ - all women and all about Thao’s size. Thao approached a group of four who were seated in enormous, comfortable-looking armchairs, arranged in a circle. When she sat down in a vacant seat, the four heads turned towards her questioningly. She almost seemed to take delight in making them wait: finally she spoke.
I was again charmed to hear that language - the assonance was quite new to me, and the intonations so harmonious one would have thought they were singing. They all seemed to be greatly interested in Thao’s report. I supposed they were speaking of me, believing correctly that I was the main purpose of their mission.
When Thao stopped, the questions streamed forth, and two other astronauts joined the group. The discussion swelled and developed a tone of increased excitement.
Not understanding a word of what was being said, and having noticed on entering three people positioned in front of screens displaying 3-dimensional images, more or less vividly coloured, I approached to discover that this must certainly be the control room of the spacecraft. Being invisible made it even much more interesting since each person was performing her duties without being disturbed, or even distracted, by my presence.
On a screen bigger than the rest, I was able to discern dots - some larger than others and some brighter, which moved steadily and without interruption in their prescribed directions, several towards the left of the screen and others towards the right.
最大的一个屏幕上,我看到一些小点 —— 有些比其他的大,有些更亮,它们按照规定的方向稳步地移动,没有中断,有几个朝着屏幕左侧移动,另一些朝着右侧移动。
Their speed increased as they grew on the screen and finally exited from it. Their colours were often brilliant and extraordinarily beautiful, ranging from subtle tones to a blinding yellow, like the light from our sun.
I soon realised that these were the planets and suns among which we were navigating, and I was absolutely fascinated by their silent progression across the screen. I can’t say how long I had been watching them, when suddenly a strange sound filled the cabin - a sound which was soft and at the same time, insistent, and which was accompanied by many flashing lights.
The effect was immediate. The astronauts that had been talking with Thao now approached the control post and each took a seat that seemed to be personally assigned to her. Everyone’s eyes were fixed attentively on the screens.
Right in the middle of these large monitors, I began to distinguish an enormous mass that is difficult to describe. Let me say only that it was round in form and blue-grey in colour. It remained immobile in the centre of each screen.
In the room, all was silent. The general attention was focused on three astronauts in command of oblong-shaped pieces of equipment resembling in some ways, our computers.
Suddenly, covering a huge area of what I believed was a wall of the cabin I was stupefied to see an image of New York - no! That’s Sydney, I said to myself, and yet the bridge is different...was it even a bridge?
My surprise was such I had to ask Thao, at whose side I was standing. I had forgotten however, that I was no longer in my physical body and no one could hear me. I was able to hear Thao and others commenting on what they were seeing but, not understanding their language, it didn’t get me far. I was convinced though, that Thao had not lied to me and therefore we had well and truly left Earth behind. My mentor had explained we were travelling at several times the speed of light...and I had seen Saturn pass by and later, what I took to be planets and suns - so had we come back, and why?
私の驚きは大きかったので、私は傍に立っていたタオに尋ねざるを得ませんでした。しかし、私がもはや肉体ではなく、誰も私の声を聞くことができないことを忘れていました。私はタオや他の人々が見ているものについてコメントしているのを聞くことができましたが、彼らの言語を理解していなかったため、あまり役に立ちませんでした。しかし、タオが私に嘘をついていないと確信しており、したがって私たちは地球を本当に去っていると思っていました。私の指導者は、私たちは光速の数倍の速度で移動していると説明していました...そして、私は土星が通り過ぎ、後に私が惑星や太陽だと思ったものを見たことがあります- なぜ私たちが戻ってきたのでしょうか?
Thao spoke aloud and in French, which caused all heads to turn in her direction.
Michel, we are stationed above the planet Arèmo X3 which is almost twice the size of planet Earth, and as you can see on the screen, quite similar to your world.
I can’t explain at any length our current mission as I am required to participate in the operation, but I will do so later. To put you on the right track, I will tell you that our mission concerns atomic radiation such as you know on Earth
Everyone seemed preoccupied: each knew exactly what to do and when to do it. We were stationary. The large panel projected an image of the centre of a town. The reader should understand that this large panel was in fact, no more than an immense television screen, projecting an image in relief so real, we could have been looking out the window of a tall building.
My attention turned to another smaller screen being monitored by two of my ‘hostesses’. On this panel I could see our spacecraft, as I had already seen it in our parallel universe. As I watched, I was surprised to see, slightly below the middle of our vessel, a small sphere ejected, like an egg from a hen. Once outside, this sphere accelerated rapidly towards the planet below. As it disappeared from view, another sphere emerged in the same manner, and then a third. I noticed each sphere was being monitored on separate screens by different groups of astronauts.
The descent of the spheres could now be easily followed on the large panel. The distance should have made them invisible in quite a short time but they remained in sight and I deduced that the camera had to have an extraordinarily powerful ‘zoom’. Indeed, the effect of the zoom was so strong that the first sphere disappeared from the right of the panel and the second from the left. We could now only see the middle one and followed its descent to the ground quite clearly. It stopped in the centre of an immense square, situated among apartment buildings. There it hovered, as though suspended several metres from the ground. The other spheres were monitored in the same detail. One was above a river that flowed through the town, and the other hovered above a hill, near the city.
Unexpectedly, the panel projected a new image. I could now distinctly see the doors of the apartment buildings, or rather, the doorways, for where doors should have been, were gaping openings.
I remember clearly that, until then, I had not realised how odd this town was...
Nothing had moved...
A single word can impart what was being reflected from the panel: ‘Desolation’. The street we were observing, piece by piece, was cluttered with ‘mounds’ generally arranged one behind the other. Some stood apart while others lay right in the middle of the openings to the buildings. Imperceptibly, the camera zoomed closer and I soon understood that these ‘mounds’ had to be vehicles - vehicles that were somewhat similar in shape to flat-bottomed boats.
Around me, the astronauts were attending to their desks. From each sphere emerged a long tube that descended slowly towards the surface. When the end of the tube touched the ground, a little cloud of dust rose, and I realised that the vehicles too were covered in a thick blanket of dust, rendering them formless and unrecognisable. Of course, the sphere that hovered above the river had its tube in the water. My attention was now riveted on the panel, for the scene was quite fascinating - one had the exact impression of being in the street.
My attention was especially drawn to a darkened place in the entrance of a huge building. I could have sworn something moved...
I also felt there was a certain agitation among the astronauts. Abruptly, and with a series of jerks, the ‘thing’ emerged into the light. I was horrified by what I saw. As for my ‘hostesses’, apart from some utterances spoken more quickly, and a few exclamations in which emotion could be discerned, I must say that they didn’t really seem surprised. However, what we were seeing so clearly on the panel was a horrible cockroach, about two metres long and 80 centimetres high.
The reader will certainly have seen, at one time or another, these nasty little insects we have on Earth, particularly in hot climates, living in cupboards and damp places.
You will agree that they are loathsome, but the biggest would be no more than five centimeters in length. Imagine then, one with the dimensions I have just described. It was truly an abomination.
The tube from the sphere began to retract, yet was still a metre from the ground when suddenly, the creature hurried forward to attack this thing which moved. Untrustingly, it stopped again, when from under the building, a veritable swarm of the creatures emerged, spilling one over the other. Just then, a ray of intense blue light beamed from the sphere and swept over the group, reducing it instantly to carbonized dust. A cloud of black smoke hid the entrance to the building from view.
My curiosity further aroused, I watched the other screens, but they indicated no problems. The sphere from the river was returning towards us, and the sphere on the hill retracted its tube, moved a little higher and lowered the tube again, along with a second cylinder above the sphere. I had guessed, of course, that the astronauts were collecting samples of soil, water and air. Being in Astral body, I couldn’t ask Thao any questions; in any case, she seemed quite busy conferring with two of the ‘hostesses. The spheres began climbing towards us and were soon ready to be ‘reabsorbed’ by our spacecraft.
When the operation was complete, Thao and the two astronauts mentioned took their places opposite their respective desks. Instantly, the images we received on the panel and screens changed completely.
I understood we were leaving when each one took her place. I observed that all the astronauts had a similar posture in their seats that intrigued me. I later learned that a force field restrained them exactly as a security harness would have restrained a stuntman on Earth.
The suns illuminated the planet through a reddish fog. We had left by then, and I assumed we were following the contour of the planet, at the same altitude. In fact, we could see a desert-like area passing by, dissected by dry riverbeds that sometimes crossed each other at right angles. It occurred to me they might be canals, or at least had been man made.
The panel revealed images of a town apparently intact, then it disappeared and the screen went blank. The vessel had obviously gained speed in flying over the planet, as the images on the smaller screens, showing a lake or inland sea, flashed by quickly. Suddenly, several exclamations were heard and we immediately slowed down. The panel was turned on and presented a close-up of the lake. We stopped.
We could clearly see a portion of the coast and, beyond some large rocks by the lake, we could make out cube-like structures which I imagined to be habitations. As soon as we had stopped, the spheres began their operations again, just as they had earlier.
We received some excellent shots taken from one of the spheres that hovered above the beach at a height I judged to be 40 to 60 meters from the ground. Its tube extended right to the shore. Very clearly, it transmitted a scene of a group of human beings... Indeed, at first sight, they were identical to people found on Earth.
私たちは、地面から40〜60メートルの高さで浜辺の上空に浮かぶ球体の一つから撮影された優れたショットを受け取りました。そのチューブは海岸まで伸びていました。非常にはっきりと、人々の一団のシーンが伝わってきました... 実際、一見すると、彼らは地球上の人々と同じでした。
We had a very close view. In the middle of the panel appeared the face of a woman of uncertain age. She had brown skin, with long black hair that fell to her breasts. As we could see on another screen, she was quite naked. Only her face appeared to be deformed - she was Mongoloid.
我们有一个非常近距离的视角。在面板的中央出现了一个年龄不明的女人的脸。她有褐色的皮肤,长长的黑发垂到胸前。正如我们在另一个屏幕上所看到的,她完全赤裸着身体。只有她的脸看起来有些畸形 - 她是蒙古人。
私たちは非常近くから眺めました。パネルの中央には、年齢が不明の女性の顔が現れました。彼女は茶色の肌で、長い黒髪が胸に垂れています。別の画面で見ることができるように、彼女は完全に裸でした。彼女の顔だけが変形して見えました - 彼女はモンゴロイドでした。
When I saw her, I didn’t realize she was deformed, I simply assumed we had to contend with a race of humans only slightly different from our own - as science fiction writers like to describe them - all twisted, with big ears or such like. Still, we had other shots and, in this group, the men and women seemed to resemble the Polynesian race. It was, however, obvious that more than half of these people were either deformed or eaten away by what appeared to beleprosy.
当我看到她时,我没有意识到她有畸形,我只是假设我们必须对抗一种与我们自己略有不同的人类种族 - 就像科幻作家喜欢描述的那样 - 扭曲的,有大耳朵之类的。尽管如此,我们还有其他镜头,在这个群体中,男人和女人似乎像波利尼西亚种族。然而,显然,这些人中超过一半要么有畸形,要么被看似麻风病吞噬了身体。
彼女を見たとき、私は彼女が異常だと気づきませんでした。私は単に、我々自身とわずかに異なる人類の種族と戦わなければならないと仮定しました - 科学小説家が彼らを描写するように - すべてが捻れていて、大きな耳などです。それでも、私たちは他のショットを持っており、このグループでは、男性と女性がポリネシアの種族に似ているように思われます。しかし、明らかに、これらの人々の半数以上が異常であるか癩病で体が食いつぶされているようでした。
They were looking towards the sphere and gesticulating, appearing to be greatly agitated. Many more were emerging from the cubic constructions which proved to be their habitations, and on which I will elaborate a little.
These structures closely resembled the ‘blockhaus’ of the Second World War, to which had been added very thick chimneys (installed, I supposed, for the ventilation of the buildings) which only seemed to rise about one metre above the ground. These blockhaus were all built with the same orientation and the people emerging from them, did so by openings on the sides which were in shadow.
Without warning, I felt myself drawn backwards away from the panel. Rapidly, I passed through several partitions until I found myself once again, in the cabin where my physical being lay stretched out on the bunk, just as I had left it.
Instantly, everything was completely black. How well I remember the unpleasant sensation that followed! My limbs felt like lead and when I tried to move them, it was as if I was paralyzed. I could not understand what prevented me from moving. I must confess I panicked a little and wished with all my heart that I might leave my physical body again, but I couldn’t do that either.
I don’t know how much time elapsed before the cabin gradually became suffused with the most restful blue-green light. Finally Thao entered, wearing a different suit.
I am sorry to have made you wait, Michel, but just as your physical body recalled you, it was impossible for me to come and help you.
Don’t apologise, I understand perfectly,I interrupted, but I believe I have a problem - I can’t move. I’m sure something in me is disconnected.
謝罪する必要はありません、私は完全に理解していますと私は割り込んで言いました。しかし、私には問題があると思います - 動けません。私の体の何かが切断されていると確信しています。
She smiled and put her hand just beside mine, undoubtedly operating a control mechanism, and immediately I was freed.
Again, a thousand apologies, Michel. I should have pointed out to you the spot where the control cell for the security harness is found. All the seats, beds or bunks are equipped with them, and they are automatically activated when occupied if there is the least possibility of danger.
When the vessel arrives in a dangerous area, the three security computers cause the closing of the force fields, to use their proper name. When the danger has passed they automatically release them.
At the same time, if we do want to be released in a zone deemed dangerous, or even if we simply want to change position, we have only to pass a hand or just a finger in front of the cell and the force field is immediately neutralised. When we return to our seats, we will be automatically restrained again.
Now, I’m going to ask you to go and change - I’ll show you where. In the room, you will see an open trunk where you can put your clothes -in fact, all that you are wearing apart from the glasses. You’ll find a suit there, which you are to put on before meeting me back here.
さて、着替えてもらうようお願いします - どこかお見せします。部屋には開いたトランクがありますので、そこに衣類を入れてください - 実際には、眼鏡を除くすべてのものをです。そこにスーツがありますので、ここに戻って会う前に着替えてください。
Thao bent down and taking my hand, she helped me up. I was really quite stiff. I went into the small room she had pointed out, undressed completely and put on the suit, which fitted me perfectly. This was surprising, given that, in spite of my 178 centimetres in height, I was a dwarf compared with my hostesses.
A short time later, back in the cabin, Thao handed me something in the form of a bracelet, which was actually a pair of enormous glasses.
A little like motorcycle goggles, they were strongly tinted. At her request, I put them on, but to do so, I was obliged to remove my own glasses, as they would have been crushed by this larger pair. They fitted exactly into the shape of my eye sockets.
A last precaution,she said.
Lifting her hand towards the partition, she in some way released a certain mechanism, for the intense light reappeared and I felt the intensity in spite of the strong glasses. I was again aware of the current of cool air.
The lights went out. The air current could no longer be felt, but Thao did not move, appearing to be waiting for something. Eventually a voice was heard and she removed my large tinted glasses. I replaced them with my own and she asked that I follow her. We took the same route as when I followed her in Astral body, and we found ourselves again, in the command room.
One of the older astronauts (I say older but perhaps I should instead say ‘more serious’ as they all appeared to be about the same age) signalled briefly to Thao who took me to a seat in front of the panel and asked that I stay there. She quickly rejoined her colleague and I realised they were very busy.
As for me, I began checking whether I could in fact free myself from the force field. As soon as I sat down, I was effectively plastered to my seat - a feeling I did not like at all.
私に関して言えば、実際に自分を力場から解放できるかどうかをチェックし始めました。座るとすぐに、私は効果的に座席に張り付いてしまいました - この感覚は全く好きではありませんでした。
Moving my hand slightly, I found I was immediately liberated for as long as my hand remained in front of the cell.
The panel relayed an image of about 500 people standing on the shore and quite near the ‘blockhaus’. Thanks to the close-ups possible with our cameras, we had an excellent view of these people, who were quite naked, from the oldest down to the youngest. Again, I could see many of them were either deformed or sporting ugly wounds. They were all gesturing towards the spheres taking sand and soil samples, but no one approached. The strongest looking men were holding what appeared to be machetes or sabres. They seemed to be watching something.
I felt pressure on my shoulder and turned round, surprised. It was Thao. She smiled at me and I clearly remember appreciating, for the first time, the beauty and nobility of her face.
I have already mentioned her hair, which was long and silky, golden-blond in colour, which fell to her shoulders and framed a face that was perfectly oval in shape. She had a large, slightly protruding forehead.
Her blue-mauve eyes and long curled lashes would have been the envy of many women on our planet. Her eyebrows curved upwards, similar to the wings of a seagull, adding a unique charm. Under her eyes, which sparkled and sometimes teased, was her nose, well-proportioned and slightly flat at the bottom, which accentuated a sensual mouth. When she smiled, she revealed perfect teeth - so perfect, one could believe they were false. (This would have surprised me.) The chin, well-shaped but slightly angular, suggested a wilful determination that was somewhat masculine, but this did not detract from its charm. A faint shadow of hair above her upper lip could have spoiled this perfect face, were it not blond.
彼女のブルー・モーブの目と長くカールしたまつ毛は、地球上の多くの女性の羨望を集めるでしょう。彼女の眉は海鳥の翼のように上向きに曲がっており、独特の魅力を加えています。彼女の目の下には、輝いていて時にはからかうような目があり、その下には鼻があります。比例の取れた鼻は、底部がわずかに平らで、官能的な口を引き立てています。彼女が微笑むと、完璧な歯が見えます - あまりにも完璧で、偽物だと思われるかもしれません。(これは私を驚かせるでしょう。)顎は形がよく、やや角ばっていますが、男性らしい意志の固さを示していますが、それでも魅力には欠けません。上唇の上にかすかな影があると、この完璧な顔を台無しにしてしまうかもしれませんが、それが金髪であればなおさらです。
I see you already know how to free yourself from the force field, Michel.
I was about to reply, when an almost general exclamation made us turn our eyes to the panel.
The people on the beach were surging back en masse towards the habitations and dived inside in one big rush, while a line of men had been formed armed with sabres or picks, facing the most incredible ‘thing’ I could ever have imagined.
A group of red ants, each the size of a cow, were rushing from behind the rocks onto the beach. They moved quicker than horses in gallop.
The armed men kept glancing behind, as if to compare the speed at which the people scrambled to safety, with the advance of the ants. Already, the latter were near - too near.
The men faced them bravely as, with only a second’s hesitation, the first beast attacked. We could distinguish the mandibles clearly - each the size of a man’s arm. At first, the creature feigned, enabling the man to strike with his sabre, but he slashed only air. Immediately, the mandibles encircled his waist, severing him cleanly in two. Another pair of ants helped the first to shred him, while the rest launched their assault on the fleeing combatants, gaining rapidly on them - too rapidly...
这些男人勇敢地面对着它们,第一只巨兽只犹豫了一秒钟就发动了攻击。我们清楚地看到了它们的大颚 - 每一只都有一个人手臂那么大。起初,这个生物佯攻,让那个人用他的刀来反击,但他只是挥舞着刀子划过空气。立刻,蚂蚁的大颚就围绕着他的腰部,干净利落地将他分成了两半。另外两只蚂蚁帮助第一只把他撕成碎片,而其他蚂蚁则对逃跑的战士发起了进攻,迅速地赶上了他们 - 太快了...
From the sphere, an electric-blue beam of unbearable intensity shot out, just as the ants were upon the men. The creatures were struck dead, one after the other, with amazing precision and effectiveness. Curls of smoke rose from the burnt flesh of the animals strewn over the ground, their enormous legs convulsing in a last spasm.
The beam continued its devastation among the ants, instantly and systematically annihilating the giant insects. They must have known instinctively that they could not match this almost supernatural force and fled in retreat. Everything had happened so quickly. Thao was still at my side, her face reflecting disgust and sadness, rather than anger.
Another glance at the panel revealed a new scene - of the sphere pursuing the ants in their hasty retreat, not only with the camera, but also with the deadly beam. The rest of the swarm, which I estimated to comprise six or seven hundred, were being decimated. Not one was left alive.
パネルを再び見ると、新しい場面が現れました - 球体が蚂蚁を急いで退却させ、カメラだけでなく致命的な光線でも追いかけている姿が映し出されていました。私が推測するに、残りの蚁の群は600〜700匹で、壊滅的な打撃を受けています。生き残る者は一匹もいませんでした。
The sphere returned to its earlier position above the beach and produced a special tool with which it combed through the carcasses. I could see one of the astronauts seated at her desk, talking into her computer. This prompted me to ask Thao if she was supervising the work being carried out.
At the moment, yes, for this work was not originally scheduled. We are taking samples of these creatures, pieces of lung in particular, in order to analyse them. We think that certain types of radiation have produced this mutant form of creature. In fact, ants do not have lungs but the only logical explanation for their sudden gigantism is...
Thao stopped short. The camera was relaying a picture of the men now reemerging form their shelters, gesticulating wildly at the sphere. They were holding their arms open-wide and prostrating themselves on the ground. They repeated this pattern.
Can they see this vessel? I asked.
彼らはこの船を見ることができますか? と私は尋ねました。
No. We are at an altitude of 40 000 metres, and, further, there are presently three layers of cloud between the planet and us. On the other hand, they can see our satellite and I think it is to that they are addressing these gestures of gratitude.
不,我们处于 40,000 米的高度,而且,目前在行星和我们之间有三层云。不过,他们可以看到我们的卫星,我认为他们是在向那个卫星表达感激之情。
いいえ。私たちは 40,000 メートルの高度にあり、さらに、現在、惑星と私たちの間には三つの雲の層があります。一方で、彼らは私たちの衛星が見えるので、恩義のジェスチャーを向けていると思います。
Perhaps they take the sphere to be a God which has saved them from ruin?
It’s quite possible.
Can you tell me what is happening? Who are these people?
It would take too long to explain to you, Michel, especially now with so much activity in the vessel, but I can satisfy your curiosity by explaining briefly.
These people are, in a way, the descendants of certain ancestors of people existing still on your planet. In fact, a group of their ancestors peopled a continent on the planet Earth about 250 000 of your Earth years ago. Here, they possessed a civilisation which was very advanced but, having raised enormous political barriers between themselves, they finally destroyed themselves, 150 years ago, with the atom.
这些人在某种程度上是你们星球上仍然存在的某些祖先的后代。事实上,大约在你们地球的 250,000 年前,他们的一群祖先曾在地球上的一个大陆上生活过。在那里,他们拥有一个非常先进的文明,但是,由于在他们之间有着巨大的政治隔阂,他们最终在 150 年前用原子武器毁灭了自己。
Do you mean - a total nuclear war?
你的意思是 - 全面核战争?
Yes, brought about by chain reaction. We come, from time to time, to take samples in order to study the degree of radiation still existing in various regions. Sometimes too, just as a few moments ago, we help them.
But they must take you to be God himself after what you did just now!
Thao smiled and nodded her head. Ah yes, that’s certainly true, Michel. They take us to be gods, exactly as, on your planet, certain of your ancestors also took us to be gods. Still, they talk of us...
I must have shown complete surprise, as Thao threw me a look of amusement.
I told you a moment ago that my explanation is somewhat premature. We’ll have plenty of time to talk of this again. Besides, that’s why you are with us.
With that, she excused herself and resumed her place in front of a ‘screendesk’. The images were changing rapidly on the panel. The sphere was on its way up and we had a view of a whole section of the continent, on which, I noticed in places, patches of green and brown. The sphere took its place again within the vessel and we departed.
We flew over the planet at a breathtaking speed and I allowed myself to be imprisoned in my armchair by the force field.
On the screen were images of the waters of an immense ocean. We could distinguish an island, which ‘grew’ rapidly.
It seemed to be a very low island although, for me, the problems of estimating dimensions were very real.
The entire procedure, already described, was repeated. We stopped above the coast and, this time, four spheres left the spacecraft and descended to the island. On the panel I could see a beach which the camera was scanning.
On the water’s edge lay what looked like thick slabs, around which were gathered naked men - the same kind we had seen earlier. They didn’t appear to have noticed the sphere and I assumed that this time, it was at a much higher altitude, in spite of the ever-closing images we were receiving.
水边躺着看起来像厚厚的石板,周围聚集着赤裸的男人 - 与我们之前见过的相同。他们似乎没有注意到球体,我假设这次它的高度要高得多,尽管我们正在接收的图像越来越接近。
水辺には、厚い板のようなものが横たわっており、その周りには裸の男性たちが集まっていました - 私たちが以前見たのと同じ種類です。彼らは球体に気付いていないようで、私は今回はそれがはるかに高い高度にあると仮定しました。常に近づいてくる画像にもかかわらず。
On the panel, we could now see the men carrying one of the slabs into the waves. It floated, as if made of cork. The men hoisted themselves up onto it, grabbed large oars that they handled skillfully, and the boat took to the open sea. When they were a good distance from the shore, they threw out fishing lines and, to my surprise, almost immediately, pulled up fish of what seemed a respectable size.
It was quite fascinating to see how these men were surviving, and to be capable of helping them, as if we were gods.
I had released myself from the force field, wanting to go and study the other screens that were receiving different images. Just as I was about to venture from my seat, I received an order, without hearing a sound: Stay where you are, Michel.I was stupefied. It was as if the voice was inside my head. I turned my head in Thao’s direction and she was smiling at me. I decided to try something, and thought as hard as I could, Telepathy is great, isn’t it Thao?
我已经解除了力场的束缚,想要去研究接收不同图像的其他屏幕。就在我准备离开座位时,我收到了一条命令,却没有听到任何声音: 米歇尔,待在原地别动我惊呆了。就好像声音是在我的脑海里。我把头转向了涛的方向,她对我微笑着。我决定尝试一些事情,尽我所能地想着心灵感应很棒,不是吗,涛?
Of course, she replied in the same manner.
当然。 她以同样的方式回答道。
もちろんです。 と彼女は同じように返答しました。
It’s wonderful! Can you tell me what the temperature is down there at the moment?
She checked the data at her desk.wenty-eight of your degrees Celsius. By day, the average temperature is thirty-eight degrees.
I said to myself if I was deaf and mute, I could communicate with Thao quite as easily as I can with the spoken word.
Exactly, my dear.
I looked at Thao with some surprise. I had been making a personal reflection and yet she had intercepted my thoughts. I was a little put out by this.
She gave me a wide smile. Don’t worry, Michel. I was merely being playful and I ask that you forgive me.
Normally, I only read your thoughts when you ask me a question. I just wanted to demonstrate what is possible in this domain; I won’t do it again.
I returned her smile and redirected my attention to the panel. There I could see a sphere on the beach, very close to a group of men who didn’t seem to notice it. This sphere was removing sand samples from a spot about ten metres from the group. By telepathy, I asked Thao why these people were unable to see the machine.
It’s night, she answered.
夜です と彼女は答えました。
Night? But how is it that we can see things so clearly
Special cameras, Michel - something like your infra-reds.
特殊なカメラ、ミシェル - あなた方の赤外線のようなものです。
Now I better understood why the images received were less ‘luminous’ than on our preceding stops. However, the close-ups were excellent. Just then, on the panel, we had a shot of a face apparently that of a female. It was really horrible. The poor creature had an enormous gash where her left eye should have been. Her mouth was positioned to the right of her face and appeared as a tiny little opening in the middle of her jaw, around which were lips that seemed fused together. On the top of her head, a single tuft of hair hung pitifully.
We could now see her breasts, and very pretty they would have been, if one of them hadn’t had a purulent wound on the side.
With breasts like that she must be young?I asked.
The computer puts the age at 19 years.
Of course.
Other people appeared, some of whom were perfectly normal looking. There were males among them, with an athletic build, who looked to be in their twenties.
What is the age of the oldest? Do you know?
At present, we have no record of anyone older than 38 years, and a year on this planet is 295 days of 27 hours. Now, if you look at the screen, you can see a close-up of the genital area of that handsome and athletic young man. As you will note, the genitals are totally atrophied. We’ve already worked out, from previous expeditions, that there are very few men actually capable of procreation - and yet, there are great numbers of children. It’s the survival instinct of all races to reproduce as soon as possible. Thus, the obvious solution would be that the males capable of reproduction are ‘studs’. This man must be one of them, I think.
Indeed, the camera was showing a man of about 30 years perhaps, possessing physical attributes certainly capable of producing offspring.
We were also able to see many children coming and going around small fires on which food was cooking.
The men and women seated around the fireplaces were taking cooked pieces and sharing them with the children. The fires seemed like wood fires, but I couldn’t be sure. They were fuelled by something shaped rather like stones.
Behind the fires, slabs similar to the boats seen earlier, were piled and assembled so as to form shelters that looked quite comfortable.
In the camera’s field of vision, no trees could be seen - perhaps they did exist, because I had noticed green patches earlier as we flew over the continent.
カメラの視野内には木々は見えませんでした - 大陸を飛び越える際に緑の斑点を見かけたことがあるので、おそらく存在するかもしれません。
From between two huts, some little black pigs appeared, pursued by three furious yellow dogs, only to disappear rapidly behind another hut. I was dumbfounded and couldn’t help but wonder if I really was looking down on another planet. These humans looked like me - or rather, like Polynesians - and here were dogs and pigs. It was all more and more surprising...
2つの小屋の間から、いくつかの小さな黒い豚が現れ、3匹の怒った黄色い犬に追われて、別の小屋の後ろに迅速に消えました。私は愕然とし、自分が本当に別の惑星を見下ろしているのかと疑問に思わずにはいられませんでした。これらの人々は私に似ているように見えました - あるいはむしろ、ポリネシア人のようです - そして、ここには犬と豚がいます。すべてがますます驚くべきことでした...
The sphere began to return, as did the other spheres no doubt, that were being monitored by screens I couldn’t easily see from my position. The operation ‘return to ship’ was initiated, and all the spheres ‘reabsorbed’ without incident, the same as before.
I assumed we were about to leave again and so installed myself comfortably in my seat, allowing the force field to restrain me thus.
Some moments later, the suns of the planet appeared, two in number, then everything dwindled rapidly, just as it had done when we left Earth. After a time, which seemed quite short, the force field was neutralised and I understood that I was free to get out of my seat. This was a good feeling. I noticed Thao heading towards me accompanied by two of the ‘oldest’, if I can say so, of her companions. I remained standing beside my seat before the three astronauts.
In order to look at Thao, I was already obliged to raise my head, but when she introduced me, in French, to the ‘elder’ of them, I felt even smaller. The latter was easily a head taller than Thao.
I was completely astonished when she, Biastra, spoke to me correctly, although slowly, in French. She placed her right hand on my shoulder, saying,
I am delighted to have you on board, Michel. I hope that all is well with you and that it continues to be so. May I present Latoli, the second-in-charge of our spacecraft, myself being what you would call ‘Commander-in-Chief of the Alatora.
Alatora, in their language, is the name given to their super long-distance spacecraft. (Author’s comment)
I was so obviously overcome by this, that the three of them began to laugh. Reading my thoughts, Thao reassured me.
Michel, Latoli possesses a special gift, although not rare among our people. What you have been able to experience, is a fluid which is magnetic and beneficial, and which emanated from her.
It’s wonderful!I exclaimed.Please compliment her on my behalf.I then addressed the two astronauts.Thank you for your welcome, but I must confess I am absolutely astounded by what is happening to me. It really is the most incredible adventure for an Earthling such as me. Although I have always believed in the possibility that other planets might be inhabited by human-like beings, I’m still having a hard time convincing myself that this is not a fantastic dream.
I had often discussed things such as telepathy, extra-terrestrials and what we call ‘flying saucers’ with friends on Earth, but they were just words and grand phrases uttered in ignorance. Now I have the proof of what I had suspected for so long regarding the existence of parallel universes, the duality of our beings, and other unexplained occurrences. To experience all that I have in these last few hours is so exciting it takes my breath away.
Latoli, admiring my monologue, uttered an exclamation, in words I didn’t understand but which Thao immediately translated for me.
Latoli understands your state of mind perfectly well, Michel.As do I, added Biastra.
ラトリは、あなたの心境を完全に理解しています、ミシェル。私も同じです。 とビアストラが付け加えました。
How could she have understood what I said?
She has ‘dipped’ telepathically into your mind while you were speaking. As you must realise, telepathy is not hindered by language barriers.
My astonishment amused them and perpetual smiles played on their lips. Biastra addressed me.
Michel, I am going to introduce you to the rest of the crew, if you will kindly follow me. She guided me, by the shoulder, to the furthest desk, where three astronauts were monitoring the instruments. I hadn’t yet approached these desks and, even in Astral body, I had not paid any attention to the read-out of these computers. The glance I now gave them immobilised me completely. The numerals before my eyes were in Arabic! I know the reader will be as surprised as I was, but it was fact. The 1s, 2s, 3s 4s etc. appearing on the monitors, were the same numerals that occur on Earth.
米歇尔,我将向你介绍船员的其他成员,请跟着我。 她用手指引着我的肩膀,走向最远处的桌子,那里有三名宇航员在监控仪器。我之前还没有走近这些桌子,即使在灵体状态下,我也没有注意到这些计算机的读数。我现在看着它们,完全动弹不得。我眼前的数字是阿拉伯数字!我知道读者会和我一样感到惊讶,但这是事实。出现在监视器上的 1、2、3、4 等数字与地球上相同。
ミシェル、他のクルーを紹介しますので、私についてきてください と彼女は肩を押して私を先に案内しました。私たちは遠くの机に向かいました。3人の宇宙飛行士が計器を監視していました。私はまだこれらの机に近づいたことがなく、霊的な存在であっても、これらのコンピューターの表示に注意を払ったことはありませんでした。今、私が彼らを見た目を完全に動かせなくなりました。私の目の前の数字はアラビア数字でした!読者が私と同じく驚くでしょうが、それが事実でした。モニターに表示される「1、2、3、4」などの数字は地球上と同じです。
Biastra noticed my astonishment. It is true, isn’t it Michel, for you there is one surprise after another. Don’t think we are having fun at your expense, as we totally understand your wonder. All will fall into place in good time. For the moment please allow me to introduce Naola.
比阿斯特拉注意到了我的惊讶。 米歇尔,这是真的,不是吗?对你来说,一个接一个的惊喜。不要认为我们在和你开玩笑,因为我们完全理解你的惊奇。一切都会及时想你讲明白的。暂时请允许我介绍一下娜欧拉。
ビアストラは私の驚きに気づいた。 ミシェル、本当でしょう?君にとっては驚きの連続ですね。私たちは君で楽しんでいるわけではないと思ってください。我々は君の驚きを完全に理解しています。すべてがうまくいくでしょう。さて、この時点では私がナオラを紹介させてください。
The first of the astronauts rose and turned towards me. She placed her hand on my shoulder, as Biastra and Latoli had done. It occurred to me that this gesture must correspond to our handshake. Naola addressed me in her own language and then she, too, repeated my name three times, as if she wanted to commit it to memory forever. She was about the same size as Thao.
第一位宇航员站起身,转向我。她像比阿斯特拉和拉托利一样把手放在我的肩膀上。我意识到这个动作应该对应于我们的握手。娜欧拉用她自己的语言对我说话,然后她也把我的名字重复了三次,好像她想永远记住它一样。她的身材和 涛 差不多大小。
The same ceremony followed each time I was introduced, and thus I officially made the acquaintance of all the members of the crew. There was a striking resemblance between them. Their hair, for example, varied only in length and shade, which ranged from a dark copper to a light golden-blond. Some had longer or broader noses than others, but all had eyes of a colour which tended towards light rather than dark, and all had very neat, well-shaped ears.
Latoli, Biastra and Thao invited me to sit down in one of the comfortable seats.
When we were all comfortably installed, Biastra moved her hand in a particular way near the armrest of her seat and-I saw coming towards us, floating in the air - four round trays. Each carried a container of yellowish liquid and a bowl of something whitish with a consistency similar to fairyfloss but in granulated form. Flat ‘tongs’ served as forks. The trays came to rest on the arms of our seats.
I was quite intrigued. Thao suggested, if I wished to partake of this refreshment, I might like to follow her lead. She sipped from her ‘glass’ and I did likewise, finding it quite a pleasant-tasting drink, similar to a water-honey mixture. My companions used the ‘tongs’ to eat the mixture in the bowls. Following their example, I tasted for the first time what we, on Earth, called ‘manna’. Similar to bread, it is however, extremely light and without any particular flavour. I had eaten only half the amount in my bowl when already, I felt satisfied, which surprised me considering the consistency of this food. I finished my drink and, although I couldn’t say I’d dined in fine style, I experienced a sense of well-being and was neither hungry nor thirsty.
Perhaps you would have preferred a French dish, Michel?asked Thao, a smile twitching on her lips.
I merely smiled, but Biastra snorted
Just then, a signal drew our attention to the panel. In the centre, and in close-up, appeared the head of a woman, resembling my hostesses. She spoke rapidly. My companions turned slightly in their seats to better attend to what was being said. Naola, at her desk, entered into a dialogue with the figure on the screen, just as our television interviewers do on Earth. Imperceptibly, the shot changed from the close-up to a wide angle, revealing a dozen women each in front of a desk.
Thao took me by the shoulder and guided me over to Naola, installing me in a seat in front of one of the screens. She took a seat next to me and addressed the people on the monitor. She spoke for some time, rapidly, in her melodious voice, turning frequently towards me. From all evidence, I was the main topic of conversation.
When she had finished, the woman re-appeared in close-up, responding in several brief sentences. To my great surprise, her eyes fixed on me and she smiled. ‘Hello Michel, we wish you a safe arrival on Thiaoouba.
She waited for my reply. When I had overcome my surprise, I expressed warm thanks. This, in turn, elicited exclamations and numerous comments from her companions, appearing again in a wide-angle shot on the screen.
Did they understand I asked Thao
他们听懂了吗? 我问涛。
Telepathically yes, but they are delighted to hear someone from another planet speak his own language. For most of them, this is quite a rare experience.
Excusing herself, Thao re-addressed the screen and, what I assumed was a technical conversation, ensued, including Biastra. Eventually, after a smile in my direction and a ‘see you soon’, the picture was cut.
涛 说了声抱歉,重新对准屏幕,接着是我想应该是一场技术性的对话,包括了 比阿斯特拉。最后,在我这边微笑着说了声“再见”,画面被切断了。
I say ‘cut’ because the screen did not simply become blank; rather, the image was replaced by a beautiful, soft colour - a mixture of green and indigo blue - which produced a sense of contentment. It gradually faded after a minute or so.
我说“切断”是因为屏幕并没有变成空白;相反,图像被一个美丽而柔和的颜色所取代 - 一种绿色和靛蓝的混合物 - 这给人一种满足感。大约一分钟后逐渐消失了。
私は「切り替え」と言いますが、画面は単に真っ白になったわけではありません。代わりに、美しい柔らかい色に置き換えられました - 緑と藍の青の混合物 - これは満足感を生み出しました。1分ほどで徐々に薄れていきました。
Turning to Thao, I asked what it had all meant - had we rendezvoused with another spacecraft and what was this Thiaba or Thiaoula..?
Thiaoouba, Michel, is the name we have given to our planet, just as you call yours ‘Earth’. Our intergalactic base has been in touch with us, as we will be arriving in Thiaoouba in 16 of your Earth hours and 35 minutes. This she had checked with a glance at the nearest computer.
Thiaoouba、ミシェル、それは私たちが私たちの惑星に与えた名前です、まるであなたがあなたの星を「地球」と呼ぶように。 私たちの銀河間基地が私たちと連絡を取り合っています、私たちはあなたの地球時間で16時間35分後にThiaooubaに到着します。彼女は一瞥で最寄りのコンピュータを確認しました。
Those people then, are technicians on your planet?
Yes, as I just said, at our intergalactic base.
This base monitors our spacecraft continually and if we were in trouble for technical or human reasons, in eighty one per cent of cases, they would be able to control our safe return to port.
This did not particularly surprise me as I had realised I was dealing with a superior race, whose technological possibilities were beyond my comprehension. What did occur to me was that, not only this spacecraft, but also the intergalactic base appeared to be manned by only women. An all female team such as this would be quite exceptional on Earth.
I wondered if Thiaoouba was populated only by women...like space Amazons. I smiled at the image. I have always preferred the company of women rather than men: it was quite a pleasant thought..!
My question to Thao was direct. Are you from a planet solely populated by women?
She looked at me with apparent surprise, then her face lit up with amusement. I was a little concerned. Had I said something stupid? She took me by the shoulder and asked that I follow her. We left the control room and immediately entered a smaller room (called the Haalis) which had quite a relaxing ambience. Thao explained that we would not be interrupted in the room, since the occupants acquired, by their presence, the right to absolute privacy. She invited me to choose one of the many seats that furnished the room.
Once settled comfortably in a kind of armchair with Thao facing me, I watched, as her face became serious again. She started to speak.
Michel, there are no women aboard this spacecraft
If she had told me that I wasn’t on a spaceship but rather, in the Australian desert, I would have more readily believed her. Seeing the expression of disbelief on my face, she added, neither are there any men.At this, my confusion was absolute.
But,I faltered,you are - what? Just robots?
No, I think you misunderstand. In a word, Michel, we are hermaphrodites. You know, of course, what an hermaphrodite is?
I nodded, quite dumbfounded, and then asked, Is your whole planet inhabited only by hermaphrodites?
我点了点头,感到非常惊讶,然后问道: 你们的整个星球都是雌雄同体吗?
And yet your face and mannerisms are more feminine than masculine.
Indeed, it might appear so, but believe me when I tell you that we are not women, but hermaphrodites. Our race has always been this way.
I must confess, this is all very confusing. I’m going to find it difficult to think of you as ‘he’ rather than the ‘she’ I have done since I’ve been among you.'
You have nothing to imagine, my dear. We are simply what we are: human beings from another planet living in a world different from yours. I can understand you would like to define us as one sex or the other, for you think as an Earthling and a Frenchman. Perhaps, for once, you could make use of the neuter gender of English and think of us as ‘it’.
I smiled at this suggestion but continued to feel disoriented. Only moments ago, I had believed myself to be among Amazons.
But how can reproduction of your race occur? I asked. Can an hermaphrodite reproduce?
Of course we can, exactly as you do on Earth; the only difference being that we genuinely control the births - but that is another story. In good time, you will understand, but now we should rejoin the others.
当然可以,和你们地球上一样;唯一的区别是我们真正控制着生育 —— 但这是另一个故事。等到时机成熟,你会明白的,但现在我们应该重新加入其他人。
もちろん、地球上と同じようにできます。唯一の違いは、私たちが本当に出産をコントロールしていることです - しかし、それはまた別の話です。時間が来たら、理解するでしょうが、今は他の人たちに戻るべきです。
We returned to the control post, and I found myself looking at these astronauts with new eyes. Looking at the chin of one, I found it to be more masculine than it had seemed earlier. Another’s nose was decidedly masculine, and the hairstyles of some were now manlier. It occurred to me that we really do see people as we think they are and not as they are.
In order to feel less embarrassed among them, I created a rule for myself: I had taken them to be women, as to me they were more like females than males: thus I would continue to think of them as women and we’d see how that worked
From where I was, I could follow, on the central panel, the movement of stars as we proceeded on our way. Sometimes they appeared enormous and blinding as we passed by a little too closely - a few million kilometres from them. At times too, we noticed planets of strange colours. I remember one was of an emerald green, so pure I was stunned. It resembled an enormous jewel.
从我所在的位置,我可以在中央面板上跟踪我们前进时星星的运动。有时候,当我们离它们稍微近了一些 - 几百万公里的距离 - 它们看起来巨大而耀眼。有时候,我们还注意到一些奇异颜色的行星。我记得有一个是翡翠绿色的,那么纯净,让我惊叹不已。它像一颗巨大的宝石。
私がいる場所から、中央パネルで私たちの進む道中の星の動きを追うことができました。時折、私たちがあまりにも近くを通過すると、星は巨大で眩しいように見えました - それらから数百万キロ離れていました。時には、奇妙な色の惑星も目にしました。私はあるものが真エメラルドのような緑色だったことを覚えています。それほど純粋で、私を驚かせました。まるで巨大な宝石のようでした。
Thao approached and I took advantage of the opportunity to ask her about a band of light that had appeared at the base of the screen. This light was composed of what looked like millions of tiny explosions.
These are caused by our anti-matter guns, as you would call them on Earth, and are, in fact, explosions. At the speed at which we travel, the most minuscule of meteorites would shatter this spacecraft were we to hit it. So, we make use of specific rooms to store certain forms of dust under enormous pressure, and this is fed into our anti-matter guns. Our vessel could be considered to be a cosmotron, firing streams of accelerated particles that disintegrate the most microscopic of errant bodies in space, for great distances ahead and to the sides of our spacecraft. This is what allows us to attain speeds that we can. Around our vessel, we create our own magnetic field..
これらは、地球では反物質銃と呼ばれるものによるものであり、実際には爆発です。 私たちの移動速度では、最も微小な隕石でも、これらの宇宙船が衝突すれば粉々になるでしょう。 したがって、特定の部屋を使用して、特定の形式の塵を膨大な圧力の下に保存し、それを反物質銃に供給します。 私たちの船はコスモトロンと見なすことができ、宇宙船の前方や側面の遠くまで、宇宙空間の最も微小な飛び散り物を分解する加速された粒子流を発射します。 これが私たちが達成できる速度を可能にするものです。 私たちの船の周りに、私たちは独自の磁場を作成しています...
Oh please, not so fast. As you know Thao, I have no scientific background and if you speak of cosmotrons and accelerated particles, you are going to lose me. I understand the principle, which is certainly very interesting, but I’m not good on technical terms. Can you tell me instead, why the planets on the screen are coloured the way they are?
噢,请不要这么快。 正如你所知,涛,我没有科学功底,如果你谈到宇宙同步加速器和加速粒子,你会把我搞糊涂的。 我明白这个原理,这当然非常有趣,但我不擅长技术术语。 相反,你能告诉我为什么屏幕上的行星呈现出这样的颜色吗?
ああ、もう少しゆっくりしてください。 Thao、あなたも知っての通り、私には科学の背景がありません。宇宙同期加速器や加速された粒子の話をすると、私はついていけなくなります。 この原理は理解しています。それは確かに非常に興味深いものですが、私は技術用語が得意ではありません。代わりに、なぜ画面の惑星がそのような色で表示されているのか教えてくれますか?
Sometimes because of their atmospheres and sometimes because of the gases which surround them. Do you see a multicoloured point with a tail, at the right of the screen?The ‘thing’ was approaching at high speed. Second by second we were better able to admire it.
時には大気圏、時には周囲を取り囲む気体のためです。画面の右側に多色の点と尾を持つものが見えますか?「もの」は高速で接近しています。 秒単位でそれをよりよく鑑賞できました。
It seemed to explode constantly and change form, its colours indescribably rich. I looked at Thao.
It’s a comet, she said. It completes a revolution around its sun in approximately 55 of your Earth years.
How far are we from it?
She glanced at the computer: 4 150 000 kilometres.
Thao,I said,How is it you use the numerals of Arabic? And when you speak of “kilometres”, are you translating for me, or do you actually use this measure?
No. We count in Kato and Taki. We use the numerals that you recognise as Arabic, for the simple reason that it is our own system - one which we took to Earth.
What? Please explain further.
Michel, we have several hours before arriving at Thiaoouba. This is probably the best time to start ‘educating’ you seriously on certain matters. If you don’t mind, we’ll go back to the Haalis, where we were before.
I followed Thao, my curiosity stronger than ever.
Once comfortably re-established in the Haalis, the relaxation room previously described, Thao began her strange recital.
Michel, 1 350 000 years ago precisely, on the planet Bakaratini of the constellation Centaur, a decision was made by the leaders of that planet, following numerous conferences and reconnaissance expeditions, to send inhabited vessels to the planets Mars and Earth.
ミシェル、 precisely 1,350,000年前、ケンタウルス座の惑星バカラティニで、その惑星の指導者たちが、多数の会議と偵察遠征に続いて、火星と地球に有人宇宙船を送ることを決定しました。
There was a very simple reason for this: their planet was cooling down internally and would become uninhabitable within 500 years. They thought, with good reason, that it was preferable to evacuate their people to a younger planet of the same category...
What do you mean by ‘the same category’?
I will explain later, to do so now would be premature. Going back to these people, I must tell you that these beings were human - very intelligent and highly evolved. A black race, they had thick lips, flattened noses, and frizzy hair - resembling, in these ways, the blacks now living on Earth.
後で説明します、今すぐにそうするのは早計です。これらの人々に戻ると、これらの存在は人間でした - 非常に知能が高く、高度に進化していました。黒人種で、厚い唇、平らな鼻、くせ毛を持っていました - これらの点で、現在地球に住んでいる黒人に似ています。
These people had inhabited the planet Bakaratini for 8 000 000 years, in cohabitation with a yellow-coloured race.
To be precise, this was what you call on Earth, the Chinese race and they had inhabited Bakaratini for about 400 years prior to the blacks. The two races witnessed numerous revolutions during their time on the planet. We tried to provide relief, assistance and guidance but, in spite of our intervention, wars broke out periodically. These, along with the natural disasters occurring on the planet, served to thin the ranks in both races.
Finally, a nuclear war broke out on such a grand scale that the entire planet was plunged into darkness and temperatures fell to minus 40 of your degrees Celsius. Not only did atomic radiation destroy the population, but cold and lack of food accomplished the rest.
It is a recorded fact that a mere 150 black people and 85 yellow people survived the catastrophe, from a population of seven billion black and four billion yellow humans. A register of survivors was taken just before they began to reproduce and when they had stopped killing each other.
What do you mean ‘killing each other’?
Let me explain the whole situation to you and you’ll be able to understand better.
First of all, it is important to explain that those who remained were not, as you might expect, the leaders, well protected in specially equipped shelters.
The survivors, comprising three groups of blacks and five groups of yellows, had come, some from private shelters and others from large public shelters. Of course, at the time of the war, there were many more than 235 people in shelters: indeed it is believed there were over 800 000 in all. Following months of confinement in the darkness and intense cold, they were eventually able to risk going outside.
The blacks ventured out first, finding almost no trees, no plants and no animals to speak of, on their continent. It was a group, isolated from their shelter in the mountains, who first knew cannibalism. Because of the lack of food, when the weakest died, they were eaten; then, in order to eat, they had to kill each other - and that was the worst catastrophe on their planet.
Another group, near the ocean, managed to survive by eating the only living things left on the planet, which were not too contaminated, that is, the molluscs, some fish and crustaceans. They still had unpolluted drinking water thanks to very ingenious installations enabling them to obtain water from incredible depths.
Of course, many of these people still died, as a result of lethal radiation on the planet and from eating fish which were filled with radioactivity.
Much the same course of events occurred in the yellows’ territory; so that, as I have said, 150 blacks and 85 yellows remained, then finally, deaths resulting from the war ceased and reproduction began again.
All of this occurred, in spite of all the warnings they had received. It should be said that before this almost total decimation, both the black race and the yellow race had attained a very high level of technological advance. The people lived in great comfort. They worked in factories, private and government enterprises, offices - just as happens now on your planet.
すべての警告を受けながら、これらのすべてが起こりました。ほとんど完全な壊滅の前に、黒人種と黄色人種の両方が非常に高い技術水準に達していたことを述べておきます。人々は非常に快適に暮らしていました。彼らは工場や私企業、政府企業、オフィスで働いていました - まるであなたの惑星で起こっているのと同じです。
They had a strong devotion to money which, to some, meant power and to others, wiser, it meant well-being. They worked on average 12 hours per week.
On Bakaratini a week comprises six days of 21 hours each. They tended to the material rather than the spiritual side of their existence. At the same time, they allowed themselves to be duped and led in circles by a structure of politicians and bureaucrats, exactly as is happening now on Earth. Leaders fool the masses with empty words and, motivated by greed or pride, they ‘lead’ entire nations towards their downfall.
Gradually, these two great races began to envy each other and, as there is only one step from envy to hate, eventually they hated each other so much and so completely that the catastrophe occurred. Both possessing very sophisticated arms, they achieved their mutual destruction.
Our historical records show, then, that 235 survived the disaster, six of them being children. These statistics were recorded five years afterwards, and their survival is attributed to cannibalism and certain marine life.
They reproduced - not always ‘successfully’ as it was not uncommon for babies to be born with horribly misshapen heads or ugly weeping sores. They had to endure all the effects of atomic radiation on human beings.
One hundred and fifty years later, there were 190 000 blacks - men, women and children, and 85 000 yellows. I speak to you of this 150-year period because this was when both races began to re-establish and when we were able to help them materially.
What do you mean?
Just a few hours ago, you saw our spacecraft stop above the planet Arêmo X3 and take samples of soil, water and air, did you not? I nodded. Then,Thao resumed, you watched as we quite easily annihilated a mass of giant ants as they attacked the inhabitants of a village.
In that particular case, we helped those people by intervening directly. You saw that they were living in a semi-wild state?
Yes, but what happened on that planet?
Atomic war, my friend. Always and eternally the same story.
Don’t forget Michel that the universe is a gigantic atom and everything is affected by that. Your body is composed of atoms. My point is, in all galaxies, each time a planet is inhabited, at a certain stage in its evolution, the atom is discovered or rediscovered.
Of course, the scientists who discover it are very soon aware that the disintegration of the atom can be a formidable weapon, and, at one moment or another, the leaders want to use it; just as a child with a box of matches is driven to set fire to a bale of straw in order to see what will happen.
But, coming back to the planet Bakaratini, 150 years after the nuclear holocaust, we wanted to help these people.
Their immediate need was food. Still they were subsisting essentially from products of the sea, resorting occasionally to cannibalism to satisfy their omnivorous yearnings. They needed vegetables and a source of meat. Vegetables, fruit trees, grains, animals - all that was edible had disappeared from the planet.
彼らの直接の必要性は食料でした。それでも彼らは基本的に海産物で生計を立てており、時折雑食の欲望を満たすために食人に訴えることもあります。彼らは野菜と肉源が必要でした。野菜、果樹、穀物、動物 - すべてが消えてしまいました。
There remained just enough inedible plants and bushes to replenish the oxygen in the atmosphere.
At the same time, an insect, resembling in some ways your praying mantis, had survived and, as a result of spontaneous mutation caused by the atomic radiation, had evolved to gigantic proportions. It grew to about eight metres in height and had become extremely dangerous to the people. In addition, this insect, having no natural predator, reproduced rapidly.
We flew over the planet locating the whereabouts of these insects. This was a relatively easy task thanks to technology that has been at our disposal since time immemorial. When we detected the insects, we destroyed them so that, in a short time, we had exterminated them.
Next, we had to re-introduce livestock, plants and trees on the planet according to the species known to have adapted climatically in specific regions before the catastrophe. This too, was relatively easy...
It must have taken years for such a task!
A large smile lit up Thao’s face. It took just two days - two 21-hour days.Faced with my incredulity, Thao burst into laughter. She, or he, laughed so heartily that I joined in, still wondering however, if the truth was being stretched somewhat。
How could I know? What I was hearing was so fantastic! Perhaps I was hallucinating; perhaps I had been drugged; perhaps I would soon ‘wake up’ in my very own bed? No, Michel,interrupted Thao, reading my thoughts.I wish you would stop doubting in this way. Telepathy itself should be enough to convince you
As she uttered this sentence, it struck me that, even in the best-planned hoax, it would hardly be possible to bring together so many supernatural elements. Thao was able to read my mind like an open book, and proved it over and over again. Latoli, simply by placing her hand on me, had produced such an extraordinary feeling of well-being, I must acknowledge the evidence. I was well and truly experiencing an extra-extraordinary adventure。
Perfect,Thao agreed aloud.May I continue?
Please do,I encouraged.
So, we helped these people materially; but, as so often when we intervene, we did not allow our presence to be known and there are several reasons for that
The first is security. The second reason is a psychological one; if we had made these people aware of our existence and if they had realised we were there in order to help them, they would passively have allowed themselves to be helped and would have felt sorry for themselves. This would adversely affect their will to survive. As you say on Earth: ‘God helps those who help themselves.
The third and last reason is the main one. Universal Law is well-established and is as strictly enforced as that which controls the planets revolutions around their suns. If you make a mistake, you pay the penalty - immediately, in ten years time, or in ten centuries time, but errors must be paid for. Thus, from time to time we are permitted, or even advised, to offer a helping hand but we are formally forbidden to ‘serve the meal on a plate
Thus, in two days, we repopulated their planet with several pairs of animals and re-established numerous plants so that eventually the people could raise the animals and cultivate the plants and trees. They had to start from scratch and we guided their progress, either by dream or telepathy. At times we did it by means of ‘a voice coming from the heavens’; that is to say, the ‘voice’ came from our spacecraft but, to them, it came from ‘heaven’.
They must have taken you to be gods!
Exactly so, and it is in this way that legends and religions are established; but, in cases as urgent as that one was, the end justified the means.
Finally, after several centuries, the planet was almost as it had been before the nuclear holocaust. All the same, in some places, deserts had been definitely established. In other spots less affected, the flora and fauna were easily developed.
One hundred and fifty thousand years later, the civilization was highly successful but, this time, not only technologically: happily the people had learned their lesson and had also evolved to a high psychic and spiritual level. This occurred in both races and the blacks and the yellows had developed strong bonds of friendship.
Thus, peace reigned on the planet, for the legends remained quite clear; many of them recorded in writing, so that future generations would know exactly what had provoked the nuclear catastrophe and what its consequences had been.
As I said earlier, the people knew that their planet was going to become uninhabitable within 500 years. Knowing there were other planets, inhabited and inhabitable, in the galaxy, they mounted one of the most serious exploratory expeditions.
正如我之前所说,人们知道他们的星球将在500年内变得无法居住。 他们知道在银河系中有其他有人居住和适于居住的星球,于是他们进行了一次最严肃的探险远征。
私が前に言ったように、人々は彼らの惑星が500年以内に居住不能になることを知っていました。 銀河には、住んでいる星や住むことができる星があることを知っており、彼らは最も深刻な探検遠征の1つを実施しました。
Eventually, they penetrated your solar system, first visiting Mars which was known to be inhabitable and which, at that time in fact was inhabited.
The human beings on Mars had no technology but, by contrast, they were spiritually, highly evolved. They were very small people measuring in height between 120 centimetres and 150 centimetres, and of Mongoloid type. They lived in tribes, in huts of stone.
The fauna on Mars was scarce. There was a kind of dwarf goat, some very large hare-like creatures, several species of rat, and the largest animal resembled a buffalo but had a head like a tapir. There were also some birds and three species of snakes, one of which was quite venomous. The flora was also poor, trees attaining no more than four metres in height. They had too, an edible grass that you might compare with buckwheat.
火星の動物相は少なかったです。 矮小なヤギ、大きな野ウサギのような生物、いくつかのネズミの種類、最大の動物はバッファローに似ていますが、タピルのような頭を持っています。また、いくつかの鳥類と3種類のヘビがおり、そのうちの1つはかなり毒がありました。植物相も貧弱で、木は4メートルにも満たない高さにしか育ちませんでした。彼らはまた、そばに似た食用の草も持っていました。
The Bakaratinians conducted their research, realising soon that Mars was also cooling down at a rate which indicated that it would no longer be inhabitable in four to five thousand years. In terms of its flora and fauna, it was barely rich enough to sustain those already living there, let alone cope with an emigrant mass from Bakaratini. Besides, the planet did not appeal to them.
巴卡拉蒂尼人进行了他们的研究,很快意识到火星也在以一个速度冷却,这表明它将在四到五千年内不再适合居住。 就其植物和动物而言,它不够丰富度来维持那里已经居住的人口,更不用说应对来自巴卡拉蒂尼的大规模移民了。 因此,这个星球并不吸引他们。
Thus, the two spacecraft headed for Earth. The first landing took place where Australia is now found. At that time, it should be explained that Australia, New Guinea, Indonesia and Malaysia were all part of the one continent. A strait existed, about 300 kilometres wide, exactly where Thailand is now found.
In those times, Australia possessed a great inland sea fed by several large rivers, so that diverse and interesting flora and fauna flourished there. All things considered, the astronauts chose this country as their first immigration base.
I must say, to be more precise, that the black race chose Australia and the yellow people established themselves where Burma is now - here too, was a land rich in wildlife. Bases were quickly set up on the coast, on the Bay of Bengal, while the black people constructed their first base on the shores of the Inland Sea in Australia. Later, further bases were established where New Guinea is presently located.
我必须说,更准确地说,黑人种族选择了澳大利亚,黄种人则在现在的缅甸地区建立了自己的定居点 - 这里也是一个物种丰富的土地。在孟加拉湾沿岸迅速建立了基地,而黑人则在澳大利亚内陆海岸边建立了他们的第一个基地。后来,又在目前所在的新几内亚建立了更多基地。
より正確に言うと、黒人種はオーストラリアを選び、黄色人種は今のビルマの地に定住しました - ここも野生動物が豊富な土地でした。基地はベンガル湾沿岸に迅速に設置されましたが、黒人たちは最初の基地をオーストラリアの内陸海岸に建設しました。後に、さらに新ギニアに基地が設立されました。
Their spacecraft were capable of super-light speeds and took approximately 50 of your Earth years to bring 3 600 000 black people and the same number of the yellow race, to Earth. This bears witness to the perfect understanding and excellent association between two races determined to survive on a new planet and exist in peace. By common agreement, the aged and infirmed remained in Bakaratini.
The Bakaratinians had explored all of the planet Earth before establishing their bases, and were absolutely persuaded that no human life existed before their arrival. Often they thought they had located a humanoid form of life, but on closer inspection, realised they had made contact with a species of large apes.
Gravity on Earth was stronger than on their planet and it was quite uncomfortable initially, for the two races, but eventually they adapted very well.
In building their towns and factories, they were fortunate to import from Bakaratini, certain materials which were very light and, at the same time, very strong.
I have not yet explained that, at that time, Australia was on the equator. Earth rotated on a different axis - taking 30 hours and 12 minutes to complete a rotation, and achieved a revolution around its sun in 280 such days. The equatorial climate was not as you will find it today. It was much more humid than now, for the Earth’s atmosphere has changed.
我还没有解释,在那个时候,澳大利亚位于赤道上。地球以不同的轴旋转 - 完成一次旋转需要30小时12分钟,并在280天内围绕太阳运行。赤道气候不像你今天看到的那样。它比现在潮湿得多,因为地球的大气层发生了变化。
まだ説明していないことがありますが、その当時、オーストラリアは赤道上にありました。地球は異なる軸を回転しました - 回転を完了するのに30時間12分かかり、太陽の周りを280日かけて公転しました。赤道の気候は今日のものとは異なります。地球の大気が変わったため、かなり湿度が高かったのです。
Herds of huge zebras roamed the country, in company with enormous edible birds, referred to as ‘dodos’, very large jaguars, and another bird measuring almost four metres in height, which you have called Dinornis. In certain rivers, there were crocodiles up to 15 metres in length and snakes 25 to 30 metres long. They, at times, nourished themselves on the new arrivals.
Most of the flora and fauna on Earth was totally different from that on Bakaratini - both from a nutritional and ecological point of view. Numerous experimental farms were established in an endeavour to acclimatise plants such as sunflower, maize, wheat, sorghum, tapioca and others.
地球上的大部分植物和动物与Bakaratini的完全不同 - 从营养和生态的角度来看。为了使向日葵、玉米、小麦、高粱、木薯等植物适应环境,建立了许多试验农场。
These plants either didn’t exist on Earth or else existed in such a primitive state that they couldn’t be consumed. The goat and the kangaroo were both imported, for the immigrants were quite partial to these, consuming them in great numbers on their planet. They were particularly keen to raise kangaroos on Earth, experiencing enormous difficulties however, in acclimatising them. One of the main problems was food. On Bakaratini, the kangaroo fed on a fine, hardy grass called arilu, which was totally unknown on Earth. Each time the Bakaratinians tried to grow it, it died, attacked always by millions of microscopic fungi. So it happened that the kangaroo were hand-fed, so to speak, for several decades, as they gradually adapted to the grasses on Earth
The black race persevered in its endeavours and finally succeeded in growing the plant, but it had taken so long that the kangaroos no longer required more than their new pastures. Very much later, some arilu plants took root and, as there were no animals to eat them, they spread throughout Australia. They still exist under the botanical name Xanthorrhoea and the popular name “grass trees’’. ‘On Earth, this grass grows much taller and thicker than it did on Bakaratini, but that often happens when species are introduced from other planets. This plant is one of the rare vestiges of those distant times.
“grass trees’’ - original text was ‘black boys’. This term is currently avoided in Australia due to the racist connotation.
“草树” - 原文为“黑人男孩”。由于具有种族主义内涵,澳大利亚目前避免使用此术语。(编辑注)
「草木」- 元の文は「黒人の少年」と書かれていました。この用語は、人種差別的な意味合いがあるため、現在オーストラリアでは避けられています。(編集者コメント)
It indicates, by being found only in Australia, along with the kangaroo, that the Bakaratinians remained in that particular part of the planet for a very long time before seeking to colonise other parts. I am about to explain this, but I wanted first, to cite the examples of the kangaroo and the Xanthorrhoea so that you might better understand all the problems of adaptation these people had to overcome; of course, it is only one small example among so many others.
The yellow race had settled, as I said, in the hinterland of the Bay of Bengal. Most were in Burma where they too, had established cities and experimental farms. Principally interested in vegetables, they had imported from Bakaratini cabbages, lettuce, parsley, coriander and some others. For fruit, they brought the cherry tree, the banana and the orange trees. These last two were difficult to establish, for the climate of the time was generally colder than it is now. Thus, they gave some of the trees to the blacks who, by contrast, had enormous success with them.
In the same way, the yellow people had far greater success in the growing of wheat. In fact, the wheat from Bakaratini produced enormous grains, around the size of a coffee bean, with ears measuring up to 40 centimetres in length. Four varieties of wheat were grown and the yellow race wasted no time in establishing a very high production level.
Did they also bring rice to the planet?
No, not at all. Rice is a plant absolutely native to Earth, although it was greatly improved by the yellow people on its way to becoming what it is now.
To continue, immense silos were constructed and soon, commercial exchanges began between the two races. The black race exported kangaroo meat, dodos (which were prolific at the time) and zebra meat. In domesticating the latter, the blacks in fact, produced breeds that were equal in taste, to kangaroo meat and more nutritious. Trade was carried out using Bakaratini spacecraft, bases for these vessels having been set up all over the land...
What you are saying, Thao, is that the first men on Earth were black and yellow. How is it then, that I come to be white?
Not so fast, Michel, not so fast. The first men on Earth were, indeed, the blacks and the yellows, but for the moment I will continue to explain how they organised themselves and how they lived.
Materially, they were successful, but they were also careful not to neglect the construction of their immense meeting halls, in which they practised their cult.
They had a cult?
Oh yes, they were all Tackioni, which is to say, they all believed in reincarnation; something in the way present-day Lamaists do on your planet.
There was much travel between the two countries and they even combined efforts to explore deeper into certain regions of Earth. A mixed group of blacks and yellows landed one day, on the tip of South Africa, now called the Cape of Good Hope. Africa has changed very little since those times - apart from the Sahara, the north-eastern area and the Red Sea, which didn’t exist then. But that is another story we will get to later.
两国之间的交往很频繁,甚至还联合一起探索地球的某些地区。一群黑种人和黄种人的混合团队有一天登陆了南非的尖端,现在被称为好望角。非洲自那时以来变化很少 - 除了撒哈拉、东北地区和红海外,那时还不存在。但那是另一个我们以后会讨论的故事。
両国の間では多くの交通があり、彼らは地球の特定の地域をさらに探索するために力を合わせることさえありました。 黒人と黄色人種の混合グループがある日、南アフリカの先端、現在は善望角と呼ばれる場所に上陸しました。 アフリカはその時以来ほとんど変わっていません - サハラ砂漠、北東地域、赤海を除いて、当時存在しなかったものです。 しかし、それは後で別の話になります。
At the time of the exploration, they had already been established on Earth for three centuries.
In Africa, they discovered new animals such as the elephant, the giraffe and the buffalo, and a new fruit that they had never before encountered - the tomato. Don’t imagine Michel, that this was the tomato as you know it today. When discovered, it was the size of a very small currant and very acidic. The yellow people, having developed great expertise in such things, undertook to improve the tomato over the succeeding centuries, just as they did with rice, until it became the fruit you are now familiar with. They were equally surprised to find banana trees that, at first sight, resembled those they had imported. They had no reason to regret their efforts however, for the African banana was practically inedible and filled with large seeds.
在非洲,他们发现了新的动物,比如大象、长颈鹿和水牛,以及一种他们以前从未遇到过的新水果 - 番茄。米歇尔,不要以为这是你今天所熟知的番茄。当发现它时,它的大小就像一个非常小的红加仑,非常酸。黄种人,在这方面已经发展出了极高的专业知识,他们在接下来的几个世纪里着手改良番茄,就像他们对大米所做的那样,直到它成为你现在熟悉的水果。他们同样惊讶地发现了香蕉树,乍一看,它们与他们带来的香蕉树相似。然而,他们并没有理由后悔他们的努力,因为非洲香蕉几乎是不可食用的,而且有很大的种子。
This African expedition comprised 50 blacks and 50 yellows, bringing home elephants, tomatoes and many mongeese, for they soon discovered the mongoose to be the mortal enemy of snakes. Unfortunately, they also brought with them without realising it, the terrible virus which is now called ‘yellow fever’.
In a very short time, millions of people had died, without their medical experts even knowing how the sickness had spread.
Since it is mainly spread by the mosquito, and since there are many more mosquitoes in equatorial climates where there is no winter to reduce their numbers, it was the blacks in Australia who suffered most. In fact, they counted four times more victims than the yellows.
The yellow race on Bakaratini has always been superior in the field of medicine and pathology; nevertheless, it took many years before they discovered a remedy for this curse, during which time hundreds of thousands died in terrible suffering. Eventually the yellow people produced a vaccine that was immediately made available to the blacks - a gesture that reinforced the bonds of friendship between the two races.
在巴卡拉蒂尼,黄种人在医学和病理学领域一直处于领先地位;然而,在发现这一病毒的治疗方法之前,过了很多年,在此期间,数十万人在可怕的痛苦中死去。最终,黄种人生产出一种疫苗,立即提供给黑种人使用 - 这一举动加强了两个种族之间的友谊。
バカラティーニの黄色人種は常に医学と病理学の分野で優れていましたが、この呪いの治療法を発見するまでには多くの年月がかかり、その間に何十万人もがひどい苦しみの中で死にました。 最終的に、黄色人種はワクチンを開発し、即座に黒人に提供しました - このジェスチャーは、両種族間の友情の絆を強化しました。
What were they physically like, these blacks?
When they migrated from Bakaratini, they were about 230 centimetres tall - their women too. They were a beautiful race. The yellow people were smaller in size, the average man measuring 190 centimetres and the women, 180 centimetres.
当他们从巴卡拉提尼迁移时,他们大约有230厘米高 - 他们的女性也是如此。他们是一个美丽的种族。黄种人体型较小,平均男性身高为190厘米,女性为180厘米。
バカラティーニから移住したとき、彼らの身長は約230センチメートルでした - 彼らの女性も同じです。彼らは美しい人種でした。黄色人種はサイズが小さく、平均男性の身長は190センチメートル、女性は180センチメートルでした。
But you said that the present-day blacks are the descendants of those people - why is it they are now so much smaller?
但你说现在的黑人是那些人的后代 - 为什么他们现在变得如此矮小?
Gravitation, Michel. Being stronger on Earth than on Bakaratini, both races gradually became smaller in size.
You also said that you are able to help people in trouble - why did you not give any assistance in regard to the yellow fever outbreak. Was it that you weren’t able to find the vaccine either?
你还说你能帮助遇到麻烦的人 - 为什么你在黄热病爆发方面没有提供任何帮助?难道你也找不到疫苗吗?
We could have helped; you will realise our potential when you visit our planet - but we didn’t intervene because it wasn’t in the program that we had to follow. I have already told you, and I can’t repeat it often enough, we can help in certain situations but only so far. Beyond a certain point, the law strictly forbids aid of any kind.
我们本来可以提供帮助;当你访问我们的星球时,你会意识到我们的潜力 - 但我们没有介入是因为这不在我们必须的计划中。我已经告诉过你了,而且我也无法再次重复,我们可以在某些情况下提供帮助,但只是某些时候。超出一定程度后,法律严格禁止任何形式的援助。
私たちは助けることができました;あなたが私たちの惑星を訪れるときに私たちの潜在能力を実感するでしょう - しかし、私たちは介入しなかったのは、私たちが従うべきプログラムに含まれていなかったからです。私はすでにあなたに言いましたが、何度も繰り返すことはできません、私たちは特定の状況で助けることができますが、それまでの範囲でしかできません。ある一定のポイントを超えると、法律は厳密にどんな種類の援助も禁止しています。
I’ll give you a simple example. Imagine a child who goes to school each day in order to learn. Returning home in the evening, this child asks for assistance with his homework. If his parents are smart, they will help him understand the concepts involved so that the child can complete his task himself. If, however, his parents did his work for him, he wouldn’t learn much, would he? He’d have to repeat each year and his parents would have done him no favours.
As you will see later, although you know it already, you are on your planet in order to learn how to live, suffer and die, but also to develop spiritually as much as you can. We’ll come back to this point later when the Thaori speak to you. For now, I want to tell you more of these people...
後でお分かりいただくとおり、すでに知っているかもしれませんが、あなたは生きること、苦しみ、そして死ぬことを学ぶためにこの惑星にいるのですが、同時にできるだけ精神的に成長することも目指しています。 Thaoriがあなたに話しかけるときに、このポイントに戻ります。今のところ、私はこれらの人々についてもっと話したいのです...
They overcame the curse of the yellow fever and spread their roots deeper on this new planet. Not only was Australia heavily populated, but so was the area now known as Antarctica - of course, in those days, its position meant that its climate was temperate. New Guinea was also densely settled. By the end of the yellow fever scourge, the blacks numbered 795 million.
他们克服了黄热病的诅咒,在这个新星球上扎下了更深的根基。澳大利亚不仅人口稠密,现在被称为南极洲的地区也是如此 - 当然,那个时候,它的位置气候是温和的。新几内亚也是人口稠密的地区。到黄热病肆虐结束时,黑人的人口达到了7.95亿人。
彼らは黄熱病の呪いを克服し、この新しい惑星でより深く根を張りました。オーストラリアだけでなく、南極大陸として知られる地域も人口が密集していました - もちろん、当時、その位置は気候が温暖であることを意味していました。ニューギニアも人口が密集していました。黄熱病の流行が終わる頃には、黒人の数は7億9500万人に達しました。
I thought that Antarctica was not really a continent?
At that time, it was attached to Australia and very much warmer than now, since Earth rotated on a different axis. The Antarctic climate was more like southern Russia is now.
Did they never go back to Bakaratini?
No. Once established on Earth, they made strict rules that no one would return.
What became of their planet?
It cooled down as predicted and became a desert - much like Mars.
正如预测的那样,它冷却下来,变成了一个沙漠 - 很像火星。
予測されていたように冷え、砂漠となりました - 火星にとても似ています。
What was their political structure like?
Very simple - election (by raised hands) of the leader of a village or district. These district leaders elected a town leader as well as eight old people chosen from among those most respected for their wisdom, common sense, integrity and intelligence.
非常简单 - 通过村庄或地区领导人的选举(举手表决)。这些地区领导人选出了一个城镇领导人,以及从那些因智慧、常识、正直和智慧而备受尊敬的人中选出的八位老人。
非常にシンプルです - 村や地区の指導者の選挙(手を挙げて投票)。これらの地区の指導者は、町の指導者と、知恵、常識、誠実さ、知性で最も尊敬されている人々の中から選ばれた8人の年配者を選出しました。
They were never selected on the basis of wealth or family, and all were between 45 and 65 years of age. The town or regional leaders (a region comprised eight villages) had the role of negotiating with the eight old people. The council of eight elected (by a secret ballot requiring that at least seven voted in accord) a delegate to represent them at meetings of State Council.
In Australia, for example, there were eight states, each of which comprised eight towns or regions. At state council meetings there were thus, eight delegates, each representing a different town or region.
At a state council meeting, presided over by a great sage, they discussed the type of day-to-day problems that confront any government: water conveyance, hospitals, roads etc. In regards to roads, both the black and the yellow races used very light vehicles, with a hydrogen motor, which travelled above the ground, thanks to a system based on antimagnetic and anti-gravitational force.
But, to get back to the political system, there was no such thing as a ‘party’, everything being based solely on reputation for integrity and wisdom. Long experience had taught them that to establish an order that would endure, required two golden ingredients: fairness and discipline.
I will speak to you some other time of their economic and social organisation, and give you an idea now, of their system of justice. A thief for example, genuinely considered to be guilty, was branded with a red-hot iron on the back of the hand he or she ordinarily used. So, a right-handed thief was branded on the right hand, a subsequent offence resulted in the left hand being cut off. This is a practice that still occurred quite recently among the Arabs - a practice conserved throughout time past. If he or she continued to steal, the right hand would be cut off and the forehead marked with an indelible symbol. Without hands, the thief was at the mercy and pity of his family and passers-by for food, for everything. Because people would recognise the symbol as that of a thief, life became very difficult. Death would have been preferable.
我将在其他时间向你介绍他们的经济和社会组织,并现在给你一个概念,他们的司法系统。例如,一名被真正认定有罪的小偷会被用红热的铁器在他或她通常使用的手背上烙上烙印。因此,右撇子的小偷会在右手上烙上烙印,再次犯罪会导致左手被切断。这是一种在阿拉伯地区最近仍然存在的做法 - 一个贯穿历史时期的做法。如果他或她继续偷窃,右手将被切断,额头会被刻上一个不可磨灭的标记。没有手,小偷就会因为食物、一切都得依赖家人和路人的怜悯。因为人们会认出这个标记是小偷的标记,生活变得非常困难。也更容易因此死去。
彼らの経済と社会組織についてはまた別の機会に話しますが、今回は彼らの司法制度について話しましょう。たとえば、本当に有罪とみなされる泥棒は、普段使う手の背中に赤熱の鉄で焼印を押されました。したがって、利き手が右の泥棒は右手に焼印を押され、再犯すると左手が切断されます。これは最近でもアラブ人の間で行われている実践です - 過去を通じて受け継がれてきた実践です。もし泥棒が盗み続けると、右手が切断され、額に消せない記号が刻まれます。手がないと、泥棒は家族や通行人の慈悲を頼りに食事やすべてのことを生きていかなければなりません。人々がその記号を泥棒のものとして認識するため、生活は非常に困難になりました。死が好ましいでしょう。
In this way, the thief became a living example of what happened to a habitual offender. Needless to say, theft was a rare occurrence.
As for murder, this too was rare, as you will see. Accused murderers were taken to a special room and left alone. Behind a curtain, a ‘mind-reader’ would be installed. This was a man who not only possessed a special telepathic gift but who also cultivated that gift in a constant endeavour, in one or another of the special universities. He would intercept the thoughts of the supposed murderer.
You are going to retort that it is possible, with training, to make one’s mind blank - but not for six hours at a stretch. Further, at various times when he or she might least expect it, certain predetermined sounds would be heard, obliging the ‘subject’ to break concentration.
你可能会反驳,通过训练可以让自己的头脑变空白,什么都不想 - 但不可能连续六个小时持续这种状态。此外,在他或她不注意的各种时候,会听到一些预定的声音,迫使“受试者”打破集中状态。
あなたは、訓練によって自分の心を空白にすることが可能であると反論するかもしれません - しかし、6時間もの間は不可能です。さらに、彼または彼女が最も予期しない時に、特定の予め決められた音が聞こえ、『被験者』に集中を妨げさせます。
As a precautionary measure, six different ‘mind-readers’ were used. The same procedure was applied to witnesses for the prosecution or defence, in another building some distance away. Not a word would be exchanged and, on the two following days, the procedure would be repeated, this time for eight hours.
On the fourth day, all the ‘mind-readers’ submitted their notes to a panel of three judges, who interviewed and cross-examined the accused and the witnesses. There were no lawyers or juries to impress. The judges had before them all the particulars of the case, and wanted to be absolutely sure of the guilt of the accused.
The penalty was death Michel, but a terrible death, the murderer being thrown alive to the crocodiles. As for rape, which was considered worse than murder, the punishment was even crueller. The offender was coated with honey and buried to the shoulders in the immediate vicinity of an ant colony. Death, at times, would take ten or 12 hours.
As you will now understand, the crime rate was extremely low among both races and, for this reason, they had no need for prisons.
Don’t you consider that excessively cruel?
Consider the mother of a 16-year-old-girl, for example, who was raped and murdered. Doesn’t she endure, in the loss of her child, cruelty of the worst kind? She did not provoke or seek her loss but she must suffer. The criminal, on the other hand, is aware of the consequences of his actions; thus, it is just that he be punished very cruelly. As I have explained however, criminality was almost nonexistent.
Returning to religion: I said earlier that both races believed in reincarnation, but there were variations on their beliefs that, at times, divided them. Certain priests diverted masses of people to group them, under their leadership, in these variant religions. The divisions that resulted among the blacks had disastrous repercussions.
Eventually, about 500 000 blacks emigrated in the wake of their priests, to Africa - to the area where the Red Sea is now. At that time, the Red Sea did not exist and the land was African. They began to construct villages and towns, but the political system as I described to you, which was fair and effective in all respects, was abandoned. The priests themselves elected the heads of government, so that these leaders became, more or less, puppets manipulated by the priests. From that time on, the people had to face many of the problems that are so familiar to you on Earth at the present time: corruption, prostitution, drugs and all manner of injustices.
最终,约有 50 万黑人在他们的祭司带领下移民到了非洲——现在红海所在的地区。当时,红海并不存在,那片土地属于非洲。他们开始建造村庄和城镇,但是我描述的政治体系在各个方面都是公平而有效的,却被抛弃了。祭司们自己选举政府的领导人,这样这些领导人就成了祭司们操纵的傀儡。从那时起,人们不得不面对你们地球上目前所熟悉的许多问题:腐败、卖淫、毒品以及各种不公正行为。
最終的に、約50万人の黒人が彼らの司祭に導かれてアフリカに移住しました - 今では紅海がある地域に。当時、紅海は存在せず、その土地はアフリカでした。彼らは村や町を建設し始めましたが、私が説明した政治システムは公正で効果的であるとすべての点で放棄されました。司祭たちは政府の長を自ら選出し、これらの指導者は司祭たちによって多かれ少なかれ操られる人形となりました。その時以来、人々は地球上で現在非常に馴染みのある多くの問題に直面しなければなりませんでした:汚職、売春、薬物などあらゆる種類の不正義。
As for the yellow people they were very well structured and, in spite of some slight religious distortions, their priests had no say in the affairs of state.
They lived in peace and affluence - quite different from the secessionist black race in Africa.
彼らは平和と豊かさの中で生活していました - アフリカの分離主義の黒人種とはかなり異なっています。
And in regard to arms, what sorts of weapons did they have?
It was quite simple and, as simplicity is often superior to complexity, it worked wonderfully well. Both races brought with them what we could call ‘laser weapons’. These weapons were under the control of a special group which, in turn, was under the direction of the leaders of each country. By common accord, each race had exchanged 100 ‘observers’ whose presence was permanent in each foreign country. These observers were ambassadors and diplomats for their own countries, at the same time, ensuring that an arms excess did not occur. This system worked perfectly and peace was maintained for 3550 years.
The blacks who emigrated to Africa however, had not been allowed to take these weapons with them, being, as they were, a secessionist group. Little by little they spread further, settling the area that is now the Sahara desert. In those times, it was a rich land with a temperate climate, providing a well-vegetated habitat for many animals.
The priests had temples constructed and, to satisfy their desire for wealth and power, they taxed the people heavily.
Among a people who had never before known poverty, there now formed two distinct classes: the very rich and the very poor. The priests of course, belonged to the former, as did those who helped them to exploit the poor.
Religion became idolatry and the people worshiped stone or wooden gods, offering sacrifices to them. It was not long before the priests insisted that the sacrifices must be human.
From the beginning of the secession, the priests took pains to ensure that the people were kept in ignorance to the greatest extent possible. By lowering their intellectual and physical level of development over the course of years, the priests were better able to maintain domination over them. The religion which had ‘developed’ had absolutely nothing in common with the ‘cult’ that had originally inspired the secession; so control of the masses was essential.
Universal Law decrees that man’s principal obligation, regardless of which planet he happens to inhabit, is to develop his spirituality. These priests, by degrading an entire ‘nation’ through keeping them in ignorance and leading them with lies, infringed this fundamental Law.
We decided at this point, to intervene, but, before doing so, offered the priests a last chance. Using telepathy, as well as a dream, we contacted the Great Priest: ‘Human sacrifices must cease and these people must be led back to the Right Path. Man exists physically for the sole purpose of developing spiritually. What you are doing contravenes Universal Law.
The Great Priest was terribly shaken and, the next day, called a meeting of his priests, telling them of his dream. A few among them accused him of betrayal; others suggested senility; and some suspected hallucinations. Eventually, following several hours of discussion, 12 of the 15 priests who formed this council, remained determined to preserve the religion as it was, claiming that the ideal was to maintain control and to promote the belief in, and fear of, ‘vengeful gods’ whose representatives they were on Earth. They didn’t believe a word of what the Great Priest had told them regarding his ‘dream’.
Sometimes our position is very delicate, Michel. We could have appeared with our spacecraft and spoken directly to the priests, but they were able to identify vessels from space, having had them too, before the secession.
They would have attacked us immediately - no questions asked - for they were very suspicious and fearful of losing their pre-eminence within their ‘nation’. They had formed an army and possessed quite powerful weapons, to be used to counter possible revolutions. We could also have destroyed them and spoken directly to the people in order to lead them back to the Right Path but, psychologically, this would have been a mistake. These people were accustomed to obeying their priests and would not have understood why we interfered in the affairs of their country - thus all would have been spoiled.
So it was that one night we flew above the country at an altitude of 10 000 metres in one of our ‘tool spheres’. The temple and the Holy City were situated about one kilometre from the town. We woke, by telepathy, the Great Priest and the two acolytes who had followed his advice, making them go, on foot, to a beautiful park, one-and-a-half kilometres from the Holy City. Then, by collective hallucination, we had the guards open the gaols and release the prisoners. Servants, soldiers - in fact, all the inhabitants of the Holy City, with the exception of the 12 evil priests, were evacuated. Inspired by strange ‘visions’ in the sky, everyone ran for the other end of the town.
In the sky, winged personages hovered around an enormous incandescent cloud which shone in the night...
How is that done?
Collective illusion, Michel. Thus, in a very short time, it was arranged that only the 12 evil priests remained in the Holy City. When all was ready, the ‘tool sphere’ destroyed it all, including the Temple, by means of the same weapon that you have already seen in action. Rocks were shattered and walls crumbled to a height of one metre, that their ruins might bear witness to the consequence of this ‘sin’.
Indeed, if they had been totally effaced, men would soon have forgotten, for men easily forget...
Further, and for the edification of the people, a voice issuing from the incandescent cloud, warned that the anger of God could be terrible - much worse than they had seen - and that they must obey the Great Priest and follow the new way which he would show them.
此外,为了教化人民,从白炽云中传出的声音警告说,上帝的愤怒可能是可怕的 - 比他们看到的要糟糕得多 - 他们必须服从伟大的祭司,并跟随他所指示的新道路。
When it was all over, the Great Priest stood before the people and spoke to them. He explained to the poor wretches that he had been wrong, and that it was now important that everyone strive together to follow the new way.
He was assisted in his work by the two priests. Of course, times were often hard, but they were aided by the memory and the fear of the event that had destroyed, in a matter of minutes, the Holy City and killed the evil priests. Needless to say, this ‘event’ was considered by all to be a miracle of the Gods, for it also involved the liberation of more than 200 prisoners who were to face human sacrifice the next day.
All the details of the incident were noted by the scribes, but they were also distorted in the legends and tales passed on through the centuries. Nevertheless, the immediate consequence was that everything changed. The rich who had previously had a hand in the exploitation of the people, now, in view of what had happened to the evil priests and the Holy City, were fearful of meeting a similar fate. They were considerably humbled and assisted the new leaders in instigating the changes required.
Gradually, the people became contented again, as they had been in times prior to the secession.
Inclined towards pastoral rather than industrial or urban pursuits, they spread throughout Africa during the course of the centuries that followed and numbered, eventually, several million. Nevertheless, towns were only established in the area where the Red Sea is now, and along the banks of a large river that flowed through the centre of Africa.
The people managed to develop their psychic abilities enormously. Many were able to travel short distances by means of levitation, and telepathy resumed its significance in their lives, becoming commonplace. There were also frequent instances of physical ailments being cured by the laying on of hands.
Amicable relations were re-established with the black people in Australia and New Guinea who came to visit them regularly on ‘chariots of fire’ as they sometimes called the spaceships still being used by their Australian brothers.
The yellow race, being closer neighbours, began to immigrate, in small numbers, to northern Africa, and were fascinated by the tales of ‘The arrival of God on a Chariot of Fire’. This is how the legends subsequently referred to our intervention.
The yellow people were the first to mix with the black race physically speaking, I mean. It might be surprising, but never, on Bakaratini, had the race mixed to the extent that they did on Earth. The ethnologists were greatly interested in the results of this union, which produced on Earth, a great new tribe. Indeed, these ‘crossbreeds’ as I’ll call them, being crossed with more yellow blood than black, ended up feeling more at ease among themselves than with either black or yellow. Eventually, they grouped together and settled in the area now called Algeria - Tunisia, North Africa. Thus, a new race was born - the Arab race that you know. Don’t think though, they immediately resembled the race they are now. Climate and time, the passing of centuries, had its effect. My story simply gives you the idea of how the race began through inter-breeding.
And so, all was going well for the inhabitants of the planet Earth, except for one thing...the astronomers and scholars were very worried, for an enormous asteroid was approaching Earth, almost imperceptibly, but unmistakably.
It was first picked up by the observatory of Ikirito, located in the centre of Australia. After several months, it could be seen by the naked eye, provided one knew where to look, glowing a most sinister, vivid red. In the weeks to follow it became ever more readily visible.
The governments of Australia, New Guinea and Antarctica made a most important decision, which was soon agreed to by the yellow leaders. Ahead of the inevitable collision with the asteroid, they agreed that all space vessels in a condition to fly, would leave Earth, carrying on board as many specialists and experts as possible - doctors, technicians etc. - of the kind most likely to be of service to the community following the catastrophe.
澳大利亚、新几内亚和南极洲的政府做出了一项极为重要的决定,很快得到了黄种人领导人的同意。在与小行星不可避免地相撞之前,他们同意所有处于飞行状态的太空船都将离开地球,搭载尽可能多的专家 - 医生、技术人员等 - 这些人最有可能在灾难后为社区提供服务。
オーストラリア、ニューギニア、南極の政府は、最も重要な決定を下しましたが、これはすぐに黄色の指導者たちによって合意されました。小惑星との避けられない衝突の前に、彼らは飛行可能なすべての宇宙船が地球を離れ、できるだけ多くの専門家や専門家 - 医師、技術者など - を乗せることに同意しました。これらの専門家は、災害後にコミュニティに役立つ可能性が最も高いです。
Where were they going? To the Moon?
No Michel, at that time Earth didn’t have a moon. Their spacecraft were now capable of 12 weeks autonomous flight. For a long time, their capability for super long distance travel had been lost to them. Their plan was to remain in orbit around the earth, ready to land as soon as possible and give assistance where it was most needed.
Eighty Australian spacecraft were equipped and loaded to carry an elite group, which was chosen as a result of meetings held day and night. The yellow race followed the same procedure, making 98 spacecraft ready. In Africa of course, there had never been any spaceships.
I ask you to note, in passing, that apart from the supreme leader of each country, none of his ‘ministers’, as you might call them, was given a place on any vessel. This will probably seem odd to you, for if the same situation were to occur today on Earth, many politicians would be pulling strings to save their own skins.
All was ready. The people were then warned of the impending collision. The role of the spacecraft was kept secret though, for fear that the people would believe they had been betrayed by their leaders and that a panic would be created, perhaps even an attack on the airports. By the same token, the leaders had played down the impact the collision was likely to have, in order to minimise the collective panic.
The collision was now as much imminent as it was inevitable, considering the estimated speed of the asteroid. It was only 48 hours away. The experts all agreed with this calculation - well, almost all.
The spaceships were to take off together - 2 hours before the supposed collision time, their very late departure intended to allow them to remain in space for the full 12 weeks if necessary, following the catastrophe. It had been calculated that the asteroid would hit where South America is now.
宇宙船は一斉に離陸することになっていました - 仮定された衝突時間の2時間前に、非常に遅い出発は、災害の後も必要に応じて12週間太空に滞在できるようにするためのものでした。 小惑星が今の南アメリカに当たると計算されていました。
So, all was ready and the signal for take-off to be given on D-day, at 12 noon, Central Australian Time. Whether there had been an error in the calculations, although highly unlikely, or whether there was a sudden, unpredicted acceleration of the asteroid, it appeared in the sky at 11 am, shining like an orange sun. The order for take-off was given immediately and all the spacecraft took to the sky.
In order to leave Earth’s atmosphere and gravitational force quickly, it is necessary to make use of a ‘warp’ 1, which at that time, was above present day Europe. In spite of the speed these space vessels were capable of, they had not quite made it to the warp, when the asteroid hit Earth. When it entered the Earth’s atmosphere it had broken into three huge pieces. The smallest, which measured several kilometres in diameter, hit where the Red Sea is now.
Another, much bigger, hit where the Timor Sea is now, and the largest of the three landed in the region of the actual Galapagos Islands.
The simultaneous impacts were terrible. The sun became a dull red and slid towards the horizon like a falling balloon. Soon, it stopped and climbed slowly, but when only to half the distance, it ‘fell’. The Earth had suddenly changed the inclination of its axis! Explosions of incredible force occurred, for two larger pieces of asteroid had pierced the Earth’s crust. Volcanoes erupted in Australia, New Guinea, Japan, South America - indeed, just about everywhere on the planet. Mountains formed instantly and tidal waves more than 300 metres in height swept over four-fifths of Australia. Tasmania separated from the Australian continent and a huge portion of Antarctica sank in the waters, creating two immense underwater canyons between Antarctica and Australia. An enormous continent rose from the waters in the centre of the South Pacific Ocean. A huge piece of Burma subsided where the Bay of Bengal is now. Another basin of land subsided and the Red Sea was formed.
同时的冲击是可怕的。太阳变成了暗淡的红色,像一个下落的气球滑向地平线。很快,它停了下来,慢慢地爬升,但只爬升到一半的距离,它又“落下”了。地球突然改变了它的轴倾斜!不可思议的爆炸发生了,因为两块更大的小行星碎片穿透了地球的地壳。火山在澳大利亚、新几内亚、日本、南美洲等地爆发 - 实际上,几乎在地球的每个地方都有。山脉瞬间形成,超过300米高的海啸席卷了澳大利亚的五分之四。塔斯马尼亚与澳大利亚大陆分开,南极洲的一大部分沉入海中,在南极洲和澳大利亚之间形成了两个巨大的水下峡谷。在南太平洋中心的海域,一个巨大的大陆从海中升起。缅甸的一个巨大区域沉没,现在孟加拉湾的地方。另一个陆地盆地下沉,红海形成了。
Warp here means ‘a gravitational hole’ - a region of weak gravity. (Editor’s note based on the explanation of the Author).
这里的Warp指的是‘一个引力洞’ - 一个引力较弱的区域。(基于作者的解释的编辑注)。
ここでのWarpとは、「重力の穴」を意味します - 引力の弱い領域。(著者の説明に基づく編集者の注意事項)。
Was there time for the spaceships to get out?
Not quite, Michel, for the experts had made one mistake. It could be said in their defence that they could not really have anticipated what would happen. They had predicted the tilting of the Earth on its axis but what they hadn’t been able to predict was its oscillation. The spacecraft were literally caught and dragged in the ‘backwash’ caused by the re-entry of the asteroid into the Earth’s atmosphere. Further, they were bombarded by millions of particles coming from the asteroid and trailing in its wake.
Only seven vessels, three with black passengers and four with yellow, struggling with all the power they could manage, succeeded in escaping the horror occurring on Earth.
It must have been a frightening sight for them to watch Earth change before their eyes.
How long did it take for the continent you mentioned in the Pacific Ocean to emerge?
The upheavals on the Earth’s surface continued for months. In the three points of impact of the asteroids, thousands of volcanoes were created. Poisonous gases spread over most of the Australian continent, causing painless death within minutes, of millions of blacks. Our statistics indicate an almost total annihilation of humankind and of animals in Australia. A count taken when calm was restored indicated a mere 180 people had survived.
The poisonous gases were the cause of this frightful toll. In New Guinea, where less gas had drifted, there were fewer deaths.
I have been wanting to ask you a question, Thao.
Please do
You said that it was the black people from Australia who spread to New Guinea and Africa. How is it then, that now, the Aborigines are so different from the blacks throughout the world?
Excellent question, Michel. My account should have included more detail. You see, as a result of the catastrophe, there had been such an upheaval, that deposits of uranium scattered on the surface of the Earth emitted strong radiation. This happened only in Australia, and those who escaped death were badly affected, just as in an atomic explosion.
They were genetically affected, so that today, the genes of Africans are different from those of Aborigines. Further, the environment totally changed and their diet drastically altered too. With the progress of time, these descendants of Bakaratinians were ‘transformed’ into the Aboriginal race of today.
As the upheavals continued, mountains were formed, some suddenly, others within days. Crevasses opened swallowing entire towns, and then closing, removing all traces of existing civilisation.
On top of all the horror, there was a deluge such as the planet had not known for eons. In fact, the volcanoes spat so many ashes into the sky simultaneously, and to such incredible altitudes, that the sky darkened. The vapour from the oceans, which in places actually boiled over an area of thousands of square kilometres, combined with the clouds of ashes. The thick clouds thus created, burst with rain so torrential you’d find it hard to imagine...
And the vessels orbiting in space?
After 12 weeks, they were obliged to return to Earth. They chose to descend over the area we now know as Europe, having absolutely no visibility over the rest of the planet. Of the seven vessels, only one managed to land.
The others were hurled into the ground by gales, which occurred all over the planet - cyclonic winds of 300-400 kilometres per hour. The main cause of these winds was differences in temperature - these in turn, caused by the sudden volcanic eruptions.
其余的舰艇被全球范围内发生的风暴所击落 - 这些是每小时300-400公里的旋风。这些风暴的主要原因是温差 - 而这些温差是由突发的火山喷发引起的。
他たちは、全球中で発生した風雨によって地面に投げつけられました - 毎時300〜400キロのサイクロン風です。これらの風の主な原因は温度差であり、これは突然の火山噴火によって引き起こされました。
So, the sole remaining spaceship managed to land in what is now called Greenland. There were 95 yellow passengers on board, many of whom were doctors and experts of various kinds. Having landed in extremely adverse conditions, damage was incurred which made it impossible for the vessel to take off again. However, it remained useful for a shelter. They had provisions enough to last a long time and so they organised themselves as best they could.
About one month later, they were all engulfed in an earthquake - the spacecraft too, and it was with this last catastrophe that all trace of civilisation on Earth was destroyed. The chain of catastrophes that followed the collision with the asteroid had dispersed entire populations - in New Guinea, Burma and China, and in Africa, although the region of the Sahara suffered to a lesser extent than elsewhere. However, all the towns established in the Red Sea area were engulfed by the newly-formed sea. In brief, no city remained on Earth and millions of people and animals had been wiped out. It was, therefore, not long before widespread famine occurred.
大约一个月后,他们全被地震吞没了 - 宇宙飞船也是如此,正是在这最后一场灾难中,地球上所有的文明痕迹都被摧毁了。随着与小行星碰撞后发生的一系列灾难,整个人口都分散了 - 在新几内亚、缅甸和中国,以及在非洲,尽管撒哈拉地区受到的影响较小。然而,所有在红海地区建立的城镇都被新形成的海水所吞没。简而言之,地球上没有一座城市留下来,数百万人和动物都被消灭了。因此,很快就出现了大规模的饥荒。
約1か月後、すべての人々が地震に巻き込まれました - 宇宙船も同様で、この最後の災害で地球上のすべての文明の痕跡が消滅しました。小惑星との衝突に続く一連の災害が、ニューギニア、ビルマ、中国、およびアフリカの人口全体を分散させましたが、サハラ地域の影響は他の地域よりも小さかった。ただし、紅海地域に建設されたすべての町が新しく形成された海によって飲み込まれました。要するに、地球上には一つの都市も残っておらず、何百万もの人々や動物が消滅しました。そのため、広範な飢饉がまもなく発生しました。
Needless to say, the wonderful cultures of Australia and China were no more than memories that would become legends. And so it was, that the people (suddenly disseminated and separated from each other by newly gouged chasms and newly formed seas) experienced for the first time on the planet Earth, cannibalism.
As Thao was winding up her narrative, my attention was drawn to lights of different colours, which had lit up near her seat. When she had finished talking, she made a gesture. On one of the walls of the room, there appeared a series of letters and numbers, which Thao examined attentively. Then the light went out and the image disappeared.
Thao,I said, you spoke just now of hallucination or collective illusion. I have trouble understanding how you can delude thousands of people - isn’t it charlatanism, just as when an illusionist on stage fools the crowd with a dozen, more or less ‘chosen’ subjects?
涛,我说道,你刚才提到了幻觉或集体错觉。我很难理解你是如何能欺骗成千上万的人的 - 这不就是江湖骗术吗,就像舞台上的魔术师用十几个或多或少的'精心挑选'的对象愚弄观众一样吗?
タオ、と私は言った、あなたはさっき幻覚や集団的な錯覚について話しました。成千人もの人々をだませることができるかどうかを理解するのは難しいです - それはまさに、舞台の奇術師が十数人、多かれ少なかれ「選ばれた」被験者で観客をだますときと同じではありませんか?
Thao smiled again. You are right in a certain sense, for it is extremely rare these days on your planet and especially on stage to find a true illusionist. I must remind you that we are experts in all manner of psychic phenomena Michel, and for us it is quite easy because...
At that moment, a shock of extraordinary violence shook the spacecraft. Thao looked at me with horrified eyes - her whole face had completely changed and one could read in it sheer terror. With a dreadful cracking sound, the vessel split into several pieces and I heard screams from astronauts, as we were all hurled into space. Thao had grabbed hold of my arm and we were flung through the sidereal emptiness at a giddying speed. I realised, only because of the speed we were travelling, that we were about to cross paths with a comet - exactly like the one we had passed by several hours earlier.
就在那一刻,飞船开始剧烈的震动起来。涛用恐惧的眼神看着我 - 她整张脸完全变了,人们可以从中读出彻底的恐惧。随着一声可怕的爆裂声,飞船分裂成了几块,我听到了宇航员的尖叫声,因为我们都被抛向了太空。涛抓住了我的胳膊,我们以令人眩晕的速度在星际空虚中被甩来甩去。我意识到,我们的速度太快了,我们即将与一颗彗星相遇 - 恰好像我们几个小时前经过的那颗一样。
その瞬間、非常に激しい衝撃が宇宙船を襲った。タオは私を恐ろしい目で見つめた - 彼女の顔は完全に変わり、その中にはまったくの恐怖が読み取れた。恐ろしい割れる音と共に、宇宙船はいくつかの部分に分かれ、私たちはみんな宇宙に放り出された。タオは私の腕を掴んで、私たちは目眩がするような速度で星空の空虚を飛ばされた。私は私たちが移動している速度だけで気づいた、私たちは数時間前に通り過ぎたのとまったく同じ彗星の軌道と交差することになっていることを。
I felt Thao’s hand on my arm but didn’t even think to turn my head in her direction - I was literally mesmerised by the comet. We were going to collide with its tail - that was certain - and already I could feel the terrible heat. The skin on my face was ready to burst - it was the end...
我感觉到涛的手放在我的胳膊上,但甚至都没有想过转过头去看她 - 我完全被那颗彗星迷住了。我们将与它的尾巴相撞 - 这是肯定的 - 我已经能感觉到可怕的热量。我的脸上的皮肤就要爆裂 - 这就是结局...
私はタオの手が私の腕にあるのを感じましたが、彼女の方向に顔を向けることすら考えませんでした - 私は文字通りその彗星に魅了されていました。私たちはその尾に衝突することになっていました - それは確実でした - そして、すでに私は恐ろしい熱を感じていました。私の顔の皮膚は破裂する準備ができていました - それが終わりだったのです...
Are you OK, Michel?’ asked Thao gently from her seat. I thought I was going mad. I was sitting opposite her in the same seat where I had listened to her account of the first man on Earth.
Are we dead or mad? I asked.
Neither, Michel. There is a saying on your planet that a picture is worth a thousand words. You asked me how we were able to delude crowds of people. I replied immediately by creating an illusion for you. I realise I should have chosen a less frightening experience, but the subject is a very important one in this case.
‘It’s fantastic! I never would have believed that it could happen like that - and so suddenly. It was so very real - the whole scenario. I don’t know what to say... The only thing I ask of you is not to frighten me like that again. Besides, I could die of fright...
太奇妙了!我从来不会相信会发生这样的事情 - 而且如此突然。那么真实 - 整个情节。我不知道该说什么... 我唯一想要的是不要再吓我了。不然,我可能被吓死了...’
すごい!こんなふうに、そしてこんなに突然起こるとは信じられませんでした。とてもリアルでした - すべてのシナリオ。何と言っていいかわかりません... あなたにお願いすることは、もう私をあんな風に怖がらせないでください。それに、私、ビックリで死んじゃうかもしれませんから...
Not at all. Our physical bodies were in our seats and we simply separated our...let’s call them ‘astropsychic’ bodies from our physical ones and from our other bodies...
全くそんなことはありません。私たちの物理的な体は座席にあり、私たちは単に私たちの... それを「星間心霊」体と呼ぶことにします...私たちの物理的な体と他の体から分離しました..
What other bodies?’
All the others: the physiological, the psychotypical, the astral, and so on. Your astropsychic body was separated from the others by a telepathic system originating in my brain which, acts in this case, like a transmitter. A direct correlation is established between my astropsychic body and yours.
All that I imagined was projected in your astropsychic body exactly as if it was happening. The only thing is, not having had time to prepare you for the experience, I had to be very cautious.
What do you mean?
Well, when you create an illusion, the subject, or subjects, should be prepared to see what you want them to see. For example, if you want people to see a spaceship in the sky, it is important that they are expecting to see one. If they expect to see an elephant, they will never see the spaceship. Thus, with the right words and cleverly controlled suggestions, the crowd will unite around you in anticipation of seeing a spaceship, a white elephant, or the Virgin of Fatima - a typical case of the phenomenon on Earth.
まあ、幻覚を作るとき、被験者、または主題は、あなたが彼らに見せたいものを見る準備ができている必要があります。例えば、空に宇宙船を見せたい場合、彼らがそのようなものを期待していることが重要です。彼らが象を見ることを期待している場合、彼らは宇宙船を決して見ることはありません。したがって、適切な言葉と巧みに制御された提案により、群衆はあなたの周りに集結し、宇宙船、白い象、またはファティマの聖母を見ることを期待して結集します - これは地球上の典型的な現象です。
It would have to be easier with a single subject than with 10,000.
Not at all. On the contrary, with several people, a chain reaction is produced. You release the astropsychic bodies of the individuals and when you put the procedure in motion, they telepathise among themselves. It’s a bit like the famous domino-lines - when you make the first one fall, all the others must fall right down to the last one.
一点也不。相反地,有了几个人,就会产生连锁反应。你释放了一个星魂体,当你触发该程序时,他们会相互感应。这有点像著名的多米诺骨牌效应 - 当你让第一个倒下时,所有的其他人都必须倒下,直到最后一个。
全くそうではありません。逆に、複数の人がいると、連鎖反応が起こります。個人の星間心霊体を解放し、手続きを開始すると、彼らはお互いにテレパシーを行います。これは有名なドミノラインのようなものです - 最初のものを倒すと、すべての他のものも最後のものまで倒れなければなりません。
So it was a very easy game with you. Since you left Earth, you have remained more or less anxious. You don’t know what will logically happen next.
I took advantage of this typical case of conscious or unconscious fear that is always present when one travels in a flying machine - the fear of exploding or crashing. Then, as you had seen the comet on the screen, why not use it too? Rather than cook your face as you approached the comet, I could have made you cross the tail believing it to be frozen.
私は飛行機で旅行する際に常に存在する意識的または無意識の恐怖の典型的なケースを利用しました - 爆発したり墜落したりする恐れです。そして、あなたが画面で彗星を見ていたので、なぜそれを利用しないのですか?彗星に近づくと顔が焼けるのではなく、彗星の尾を凍っていると思い込ませることができました。
In all, you could have driven me insane!
Not in such a short time...
But that had to have lasted more than five minutes..?
No more than ten seconds - just as in a dream, or should I say a nightmare, which occurs by the way, in approximately the same manner. For example, you are sleeping and you begin to dream... You are in a field with a wonderful white stallion. You approach to catch him, but each time you try, he runs away. After five or six attempts, which take time of course, you leap on the horse’s back and begin to gallop and gallop. Faster and faster you go and you are happily intoxicated by the speed... The stallion gallops so fast that he no longer touches the ground. He is airborne and the countryside passes beneath you - river, plains and forests.
不超过十秒钟 - 就像梦境中一样,或者我应该说是噩梦,以大致相同的方式发生。例如,你正在睡觉,开始做梦......你看见一匹美丽的白马在田野上。你走近要抓住它,但每次尝试时,它都会逃走。经过五六次尝试,当然会花费一些时间,你跃上马背开始奔跑。你跑得越来越快,速度让你陶醉不已......马奔跑得太快了,不再触及地面。它在空中飞驰,乡村的风光在你下面流淌过 - 河流、平原和森林。
10秒もかからない - 夢の中と同じように、あるいは悪夢と言っても良いでしょう、それはおそらく同じような方法で起こります。例えば、あなたが眠って夢を見始めると......素晴らしい白い馬のいる野原にいます。あなたは彼を捕まえようと近づきますが、毎回試みると彼は逃げます。もちろん、5、6回の試みを経て、時間がかかりますが、あなたは馬の背中に飛び乗り、ギャロップし始めます。あなたはますます速く走り、速度に酔いしれています...馬はとても速くギャロップしているので、もはや地面に触れていません。馬は空中におり、田園地帯があなたの下を通り過ぎます - 川、平原、森林。
It is truly wonderful. Then a mountain appears on the horizon, looming taller and taller as you approach. You have to rise higher with difficulty. The horse flies up and up - it is almost over the highest peak when his shoe strikes a rock, unbalancing you, so that you fall - down and down - you go into a chasm that seems to have no end...and you find you have fallen out of bed on to the floor.
这真是太美妙了。然后,地平线上出现了一座山,随着你的靠近,它变得越来越高大。你必须费力地升得更高。马飞得越来越高 - 突然马蹄撞到一块岩石时,使你失去平衡,于是你摔倒了 - 你跌跌撞撞地下降 - 你跌入了一个看起来没有尽头的深渊... 当你发现你已经从床上摔到地板上时。
本当に素晴らしいです。その後、地平線に山が現れ、あなたが近づくにつれてますます高くそびえ立っています。あなたは難しく高く上昇しなければなりません。馬はますます高く飛びます - 最高峰のほぼ上空にいるとき、彼の馬蹄が岩に当たり、あなたがバランスを失うので、あなたは落ちます - 下に下がっていきます - 終わりのないかのように見える深淵に落ちます...そして、あなたはベッドから床に落ちたことに気付きます。
No doubt you are going to tell me this dream lasts only a few minutes.
It would have lasted four seconds. The dream started as though, from a certain point you wound back a film on video and then watched it. I know it is difficult to comprehend but in this particular dream, all would have begun at the moment you lost your balance in bed.
I confess that I don’t understand.
I’m not at all surprised, Michel. To understand completely requires much more study in the field and, on Earth at the present time, you don’t have anyone capable of instructing you on the subject. Dreams don’t really matter for the moment Michel, but without your realising it, during the few hours you have spent with us, you have made great progress in certain areas and this is what matters. Now it is time to explain to you our motives for bringing you to Thiaoouba.
We are entrusting you with a mission. This mission is to report all that you are going to see, live and hear during your time with us. Report everything in one, or several books that you will write when you return to Earth. We have been observing the behaviour of the people on your planet for thousands and thousands of years, as you now realise.
A certain percentage of these people are arriving at a very critical point in history and we feel that the time has come to try to assist them. If they will listen, we can ensure that they take the right path. This is why you have been chosen...
But I am not a writer! Why haven’t you chosen a good writer - someone well known, or a good journalist?
但我不是作家!为什么你们没有选择一个优秀的作家 - 一个知名的人,或者一个优秀的记者?
Thao smiled at my vehement reaction.The only writers who might have done it, as it must be done, are dead - I mean Plato or Victor Hugo - and they still would have reported the facts with too much stylistic embellishment. We require the most precise account possible.
涛对我的激烈反应微笑着说道。那些可能比较适合的作家,已经去世了 - 我指的是柏拉图或雨果 - 即使是他们也会用过多的文体修饰来报告事实。而我们需要的是尽可能准确的记录事实。
タオは私の激しい反応に微笑んだ。それを行うことができた唯一の作家は、死んでしまった人たちです - 私はプラトンやヴィクトル・ユーゴーを指しています - それでも彼らは事実をあまりにも多くの文体の装飾で報告していただろう。私たちはできるだけ正確な記述が必要です。
How often for example, do you see news reports that differ from channel to channel or paper to paper? Whom do you believe when one gives the death toll in an earthquake as 75, another as 62 and another as 95? Do you really imagine we would trust a journalist?
You’re absolutely right!I exclaimed.
We have observed you and we know all about you as we know about some others on Earth - and you were selected...
我们观察了你,我们知道你的一切,就像我们知道地球上的其他一些人一样 - 而你被选中了...
私たちはあなたを観察し、他の何人かの地球上の人々と同様に、あなたについてすべてを知っています - そしてあなたが選ばれました...
But why exactly me? I am not the only one on Earth capable of objectivity.
Why not you? In time, you will learn the principal reason behind our choice.
I didn’t know what to say. Moreover, my objections were ridiculous since I had already embarked on this affair and there was no going back. Ultimately, I had to admit I was enjoying this space voyage more and more. Certainly, millions of human beings would have given all they owned to be in my place.
I will argue no further Thao. If this is your decision, I can only yield to it. I hope I will be equal to the task. Have you considered that ninety-nine per cent of people will not believe a word of what I say? For most people it will be too incredible.
Michel, almost 2000 years ago, did they believe that Christ was sent by God as he claimed? Certainly not, for they wouldn’t have crucified him had they believed. Now however, there are millions who believe what he said...
Who believes him? Do they really believe him Thao? And who was he anyway? First of all, who is God? Does he exist?
I have been expecting this question and it is important that you ask it. On an ancient stone tablet, which I believe is Naacal, it is written: In the beginning there was nothing - all was darkness and silence.
我一直在期待这个问题,重要的是,这个问题是由你提出的。在一块古老的石碑上,我相信是Naacal文,上面写着:太初一切皆无 - 一切都是黑暗和寂静。
私はこの質問を予期していました、そしてそれを尋ねることは重要です。私がNaacalだと信じている古代の石碑には、次のように書かれています:はじめに何もありませんでした - 全てが闇と静寂でした。
The Spirit - the Superior Intelligence decided to create the worlds and he commanded to four superior forces...
那位纯精神 - 至高无上的神灵决定创造世界,并命令四股至高的力量...
その精神 - 最高の知性が世界を創造することを決定し、彼は四つの最高の力に命じました...
It’s extremely difficult for the human mind, even when highly developed, to comprehend such a thing. In fact, in a sense, it is impossible. On the other hand, your Astral Spirit assimilates it when it is freed from your physical body. But I’m getting ahead of myself - let’s go back to the very beginning.
对于人类的思维来说,即使是高度发展的文明,理解这样的事情也是极其困难的。事实上,在某种意义上,这是不可能的。另一方面,当你的星魂体从你的肉体中解放出来时,它就能够了解这一点。但我有点扯远了 - 让我们回到最开始的地方。
人間の心、たとえそれが高度に発展していても、そのようなことを理解するのは非常に難しいです。実際、ある意味では不可能です。一方、あなたの星体の精神は、肉体から解放されたときにそれを吸収します。しかし、私は自分の前に進みすぎています - 最初に戻りましょう。
In the beginning there was nothing except darkness and a spirit——THE Spirit.
起初,除了黑暗和一个灵魂之外什么都没有。——THE Spirit.(无上意志,大圣灵,上帝,道,超智神灵)
はじめに、暗闇と1つの霊魂、THE Spirit以外は何もありませんでした。——THE Spirit.
The Spirit was, and is, infinitely powerful - powerful beyond the comprehension of any human mind. The Spirit is so powerful that he was able, by the action of his will alone, to trigger an atomic explosion with chain reactions of unimaginable force. In fact, the Spirit imagined the worlds - he imagined how to create them - from the most enormous to the most minuscule. He imagined the atoms. When he imagined them he created, in his imagination, all that moved and will move: all that lived and will live; all that is motionless, or seems to be - every single thing.
这个精神是无比强大的 - 强大到超出任何人类思维的理解。神灵是如此强大,以至于他仅凭他的意志行动就能够引发一场具有无法想象力量的原子爆炸连锁反应。事实上,它仅凭精神就构想了世界 - 他构想了如何创造它们 - 从最巨大的到最微小的。他构想了原子。当他构想它们时,他在自己的想象中创造了一切运动和将要运动的东西:所有生活和将要生活的东西;所有静止不动的东西,或看起来是 - 每一件事物。
精神は無限に強力であり、どの人間の心理でも理解できないほどの力を持っています。精神はその意志だけで、想像できない力の連鎖反応を引き起こす原子爆発を引き起こすことができました。実際、精神は世界を想像しました - 彼はそれらをどのように創造するかを想像しました - 最も巨大なものから最も微小なものまで。彼は原子を想像しました。彼がそれらを想像したとき、彼は想像の中で動き、動くすべてを創造しました:生きているものすべて、そして生きていくもの;動かないかのように見えるものすべて - すべてのもの。
But it existed only in his imagination. All was still in darkness. Once he had an overall view of what he wanted to create, he was able, by his exceptional spiritual force, to create, instantaneously, the four forces of the Universe.
With these, he directed the first and the most gigantic atomic explosion of all time - what certain people on Earth call ‘The Big Bang’. The Spirit was at its centre and induced it. Darkness was gone and the Universe was creating itself according to the will of the Spirit.
凭借这些力量,他引导了有史以来第一次也是最大的核爆炸 - 这就是地球上某些人所谓的“大爆炸”。神灵位于其中心并引导了它。黑暗消失了,宇宙正在根据精神的意志自行创造。
これらを用いて、彼は史上初めてかつ最も巨大な原子爆発を指導しました - それは地球上の一部の人々が「ビッグバン」と呼ぶものです。精神はその中心にあり、それを誘発しました。暗闇は消え、宇宙は精神の意志に従って自己創造していました。
The Spirit was thus, is still, and always will be, at the centre of the Universe for he is the Master and Creator of it...
Well then,I interrupted,it’s the story of God as the Christian religion teaches it - or just about - and I never believed in their nonsense...
那么,我打断道,这就是基督教所教导的上帝的故事 - 或者几乎是 - 而我从未相信过他们的鬼话...
それでは、私は中断しました、それはキリスト教の宗教が教えるような神の物語です - ほぼそうです - そして私は彼らの愚かさを信じたことはありません...
Michel, I speak of no religion such as exists on Earth and especially not the Christian religion. Don’t confuse religions with the Creation and the simplicity of all that ensued. Don’t confuse logic with the illogical distortions of religions. We will have the opportunity to talk again later on this subject, and you are certainly in for some surprises.
For the moment, I was trying to explain the Creation to you. During billions of years (for the Creator of course, it is eternally the ‘present’, but it is more at the level of our understanding to count by billions of years), all the worlds, suns and atoms were formed, as you are taught in schools, the planets revolving around their suns, and sometimes with their own satellites etc. At certain times in certain solar systems, some planets cool down - soil is formed, rocks solidify, oceans are formed and landmasses become continents
就目前而言,我试图向你解释创世纪。数十亿年间(对于造物主来说,当然是永恒的‘现在’,但按数十亿年来计算更符合我们的理解水平),所有的世界、太阳和原子都形成了,就像你在学校里学到的那样,行星围绕着它们的太阳运转,有时还带有自己的卫星等。在某些太阳系的某些时间,一些行星冷却下来 - 土壤形成,岩石凝固,海洋形成,陆地变成大陆。
今のところ、私はあなたに創造について説明しようとしていました。何十億年もの間(もちろん、造物主にとっては永遠の「現在」ですが、何十億年と数える方が私たちの理解レベルには合っています)、すべての世界、太陽、原子が形成されました。学校で教わったように、惑星がその太陽の周りを公転し、時には自分自身の衛星も持っています。特定の太陽系の特定の時期に、いくつかの惑星が冷えます - 土壌が形成され、岩石が固まり、海洋が形成され、陸地が大陸になります。
Finally, these planets become habitable for certain forms of life. All this was in the beginning, in the imagination of The Spirit. We can call his first force the ‘Atomic force’.
At this stage, by his second force, he conceived the primary living creatures and many of the primary plants, from which later derived the sub-species. This second force we will call the ‘Ovocosmic Force’, as these creatures and plants were created by simple cosmic rays, which ended up with cosmic eggs.
At the very beginning, The Spirit imagined experiencing feelings through a special creature. He had imagined Man by means of the third force that we will call the ‘Ovoastromic Force’. Thus Man was created. Have you ever considered Michel, what intelligence it took to create a human being or even an animal? Blood that circulates thanks to the heart that beats millions of times independently of the will...lungs that purify the blood by means of a complex system...the nervous system...the brain which gives the orders, aided by the five senses...the spinal cord which is ultra-sensitive and which will make you [instantly] withdraw your hand from a hot stove so you won’t burn yourself - it would have taken one tenth of a second for the brain to issue the order to prevent your hand from being burnt.
最初,神灵想通过一种特殊的生物来体验物质世界的感受。他通过我们将称之为‘卵星力量’的第三种力构想了人类。于是人类诞生了。米歇尔,你有没有想过,创造一个人类甚至一个动物需要多么无上的智慧?血液通过心脏独立于意志外跳动数百万次来流变全身...肺部通过复杂的系统净化血液...神经系统...大脑通过五种感官给出命令...脊髓极为敏感,可以让你立即将手从热炉子上移开,以免被烫伤 - 大脑发出命令防止手被烧伤只需十分之一秒。
最初、精神は特別な生物を通じて感情を体験することを想像していました。彼は私たちが「卵星力量」と呼ぶ第三の力を使って人間を想像しました。したがって、人間が創造されました。ミシェル、人間や動物を作るのにどれだけの知性が必要か考えたことがありますか?心臓が意志に関係なく何百万回も打つことによって血液が循環する...肺が複雑なシステムを通じて血液を浄化する...神経系...五感によって補助された命令を出す脳...極めて敏感な脊髄は、手を熱いストーブから引き上げ、自分を火傷させないようにします - 手が火傷されるのを防ぐために脳が命令を出すのには1/10秒かかります。
Have you ever wondered why, that of the billions of individuals on a planet like yours, there are no two fingerprints the same: and why, what we call the ‘crystalline’ of the blood, is just as unique among individuals as the fingerprint?
Your experts and technicians on Earth, and on other planets, have tried and still try to create a human body. Have they succeeded? In regards to the robots they have made, not even the most highly perfected will ever be more than a vulgar machine in comparison with the human mechanism.
If it is a large transfusion, it can have an influence on the recipient to a degree and, for a length of time, which varies according to the volume of the transfusion. This influence, of course, is never dangerous.
After a time, which never exceeds one month, the vibrations of the recipient’s blood takes over, leaving no trace of the vibrations of the donor’s blood.
It shouldn’t be forgotten that these vibrations are much more a feature of the physiological and fluidic body than that of the physical body.
But I notice that I have deviated greatly from my subject, Michel. In any case, it is time now to rejoin the others. We are not far from arriving at Thiaoouba.
I didn’t dare ask Thao then, about the nature of the fourth force, for already she was heading for the exit. I left my seat and followed her back to the command post. There, on the panel and in close-up view, a person was talking slowly and almost continuously. Numbers and figures, with luminous dots of different bright colours were continually crossing the screen, interspersed with symbols.
Thao sat me down in the seat I had previously occupied and asked me not to interfere with my security system. She then moved away, to confer with Biastra who seemed to be supervising the astronauts, each of who was busy at her respective desk. Finally, she came back and sat down in the seat next to mine. What is happening?I asked.
We are reducing speed progressively as we approach our planet. We are now 848 million kilometers away and will arrive in about twenty-five minutes.
Can we see it now?
Patience, Michel. Twenty-five minutes is not the end of the world!She winked, evidently in good humour.
The close-up view on the panel was replaced by a wide-angle shot, allowing us a general view of the command room of the intergalactic base, as we had seen earlier. Now each operator was deep in concentration at her particular desk. Many of the ‘desk-computers’ were operated orally, rather than manually, responding to the operators’ voices. Figures, accompanied by luminous dots of various colours, crossed the screen rapidly. No one in the spacecraft remained standing.
Suddenly, there it was, right in the middle of the panel. The intergalactic centre had been replaced by... Thiaoouba!
My guess had to be correct - I could feel it. Thao immediately telepathised an affirmative, leaving me in no doubt.
As we approached and Thiaoouba grew on the panel, I couldn’t take my eyes off the sight, for what I saw before me was indescribably beautiful. Initially, the first word which sprang to mind was ‘luminous’ - this then was juxtaposed with ‘golden’ - but the effect produced by this colour was beyond any description. If I were to invent a word, perhaps one that might apply would be ‘lumino-vapourgolden’. In fact, one had the impression of plunging into a luminous and golden bath - almost as if there were very fine gold dust in the atmosphere.
We were descending gently on to the planet and the panel no longer showed its contours, but rather, the contours of a continent could be distinguished, ending abruptly at an ocean, that was sprinkled with a multitude of islands of different colours.
The closer we came, the greater was the detail discernible - the zoom lenses were not used at the time of landing, for a reason which was explained to me later. What captivated me most, was the colour before me - I was dazzled!
我们越接近,就越能看清楚细节 - 着陆时没有使用变焦镜头,原因后来向我解释了。最吸引我的是我面前的颜色 - 我被迷住了!
私たちが近づくにつれて、見える細部はますます大きくなりました - 着陸時にズームレンズは使用されませんでしたが、後で説明されました。私を最も魅了したのは、目の前の色でした - 私は眩惑されました!
All the colours were, in each tonal variation more vivid than ours. A bright green, for example, almost shone - it radiated colour. A dark green had the opposite effect - it ‘kept’ its colour. It is extremely difficult to describe, for the colours on this planet could not be compared with any that exist on Earth. A red could be recognised as red, but it wasn’t the red we know. There is a word in Thao’s language which defines the types of colours on Earth and on planets similar to ours. Our colours are Kalbilaoka which I translate as ‘dull’, theirs, on the other hand, are Theosolakoviniki 2 which means they radiate their colours from within.
所有的颜色都比我们地球的更加鲜明。比如说,鲜艳的绿色几乎闪耀着光彩 - 它散发着颜色。深绿色产生了相反的效果 - 它保持了它的颜色。非常难以描述,因为这个星球上的颜色无法与地球上的任何颜色相比。红色可以被认出是红色,但它不是我们所知道的红色。在涛的语言中有一个词来定义地球和类似于我们的行星的颜色类型。我们的颜色是Kalbilaoka,我把它翻译成‘暗淡’,而他们的颜色,则是Theosolakoviniki,意味着它们从内部辐射出它们的颜色。
すべての色は、それぞれのトーンの変化が私たちのものよりも鮮明でした。例えば、明るい緑色はほとんど輝いていました - 色彩を放射していました。一方、濃い緑色は逆の効果を持っていました - それは色を保持していました。これを説明するのは非常に難しいです。なぜなら、この惑星の色は地球に存在するどの色とも比較できないからです。赤は赤として認識されますが、私たちが知っている赤ではありませんでした。タオの言語には、地球と似た惑星の色の種類を定義する言葉があります。私たちの色はKalbilaokaと言い、それを‘くすんだ’と訳しますが、彼らの色はTheosolakovinikiです。それは彼らの色を内部から放射していることを意味します。
My attention was soon drawn to what looked, on the screen, like eggs - yes, eggs! I could see the ground dotted with eggs, some half covered with vegetation, and others quite bare. Some seemed bigger than others and some lay down. Others were upright with what looked like the pointed end towards the sky.
我的注意力很快被屏幕上看起来像蛋的东西吸引住了 - 是的,蛋!我可以看到地面上布满了蛋,有些蛋半埋在植被中,而另一些则完全裸露着。有些看起来比其他的大,有些是躺着的。其他的则直立着,尖端朝向天空。
私の注意はすぐに、画面上で鳥の卵のように見えるものに引かれました - そう、卵です!地面には卵が点在しているのが見えました。一部の卵は植物で半分覆われており、他のものはまったく裸でした。いくつかの卵は他のものよりも大きく見え、いくつかは横になっていました。他のものは、尖った端が空に向かって直立しているように見えました。
I was so astonished by this sight that I turned again towards Thao to ask her about these ‘eggs’, when suddenly on the screen, there appeared a round form surrounded by several spheres of different sizes, and, slightly further away, yet more ‘eggs’. These ones were enormous. I recognised the spheres to be space vessels just like ours.
私はこの光景に驚愕して、再びタオに振り向いてこれらの '卵' について尋ねようとしましたが、突然、画面には異なるサイズのいくつかの球体に囲まれた丸い形が現れ、やや遠くにはもっと '卵' がありました。これらは巨大でした。私はこれらの球体が私たちのものと同じような宇宙船であると認識しました。
Affirmative, said Thao from her seat, and the round form you see is the cell in which our spacecraft will be accommodated in a few moments, for we are in the process of docking.
And the gigantic eggs, what are they?
Thao smiled. Buildings, Michel, but just now, there is something more important that I must explain to you. Our planet contains many surprises for you, but there are two, which could have harmful effects on you. I must therefore ensure that you take certain elementary precautions. Thiaoouba does not have the same gravitational force as your planet. Your weight would be 70 kilograms on Earth - here it will be 47 kilograms. When you leave the spacecraft, if you aren’t careful, you risk losing your sense of equilibrium in your movements and your reflexes. You’ll be inclined to take too great a stride, and perhaps fall and injure yourself...
I should say half an egg, as we shall see later on, the description would be more appropriate. (note of the Author)
Theosolakoviniki, - a similar effect can be observed with pure monochromatic colours, when light vibrates in a narrow band of frequencies. The author had confirmed this when he was shown such colours. Is it a coincidence that ‘Theos’ in ancient Greek means ‘God’? Are these colours ‘pure’ and hence “Godly”? (Explanation of the Editor)
Theosolakoviniki,- 当光在一定频率范围内振动时,可以观察到类似的效果,这种情况通常发生在纯单色颜色中。作者在展示这些颜色时确认了这一点。古希腊语中的'Theos'意味着'上帝',这是巧合吗?这些颜色是'纯净的',因此是“神圣的”吗?(编辑的解释)
But I don’t understand. In your spacecraft, I feel fine.
We have related the internal gravitational pull to correspond with that of Earth - or almost.
我们已经调整了飞船内部的重力,使之与地球的一样 - 或几乎一样。
Then you must be extremely uncomfortable, for you must weigh about 60 kilograms more than your normal weight, given your size.
It’s true that under this force, our bodies are heavier, but we have counter-balanced this by a semi-levitation, thus we are not uncomfortable, and at the same time, we have the satisfaction of seeing you move among us at ease.
A slight jolt indicated we had docked. This extraordinary trip was over - I was going to put my foot on another planet.
The second point,Thao resumed, is that you will be obliged to wear a mask, for a while at least, for the brightness and the colours will literally intoxicate you, just as if you had drunk alcohol. The colours are vibrations that act on certain points on your physiological body. On Earth, these points are so slightly stimulated, so little exercised, that here, consequences could be unfortunate.
2つ目は、少なくとも一定期間、明るさと色があなたを酩酊させるため、マスクを着用することになるでしょう。 これらの色は、あなたの生理体の特定のポイントに作用する振動です。 地球では、これらのポイントは非常にわずかに刺激され、ほとんど運動されていないため、ここでは結果が不運になる可能性があります。
The security force field of my seat had just been ‘turned off’ liberating me again, to move about as I pleased. The panel was blank but the astronauts were still busy. Thao led me towards the door and back into the room I’d first entered where I had lain for three hours. There, she took a helmet, very light, which covered my face from my forehead to just below my nose
私の座席のセキュリティ・フォース・フィールドがちょうど「オフ」にされ、私は再び自由に動き回ることができました。 パネルは空白ですが、宇宙飛行士たちはまだ忙しくしています。 タオは私をドアの方へ案内し、最初に入った部屋に戻りました。そこでは、3時間横になっていた場所です。 そこで、彼女は非常に軽いヘルメットを取り、私の額から鼻の下まで顔を覆いました。
Let’s go, Michel, and welcome to Thiaoouba.
Outside the spacecraft, we walked along a very short walkway. Immediately, I felt lighter. The sensation was very pleasant, although somewhat disconcerting, since several times I lost balance and Thao had to steady me.
We saw no one, a fact that surprised me. Earthly perspective had led me to expect to be welcomed by a crowd of reporters, cameras flashing...or something similar - perhaps a red carpet! Why not the head of state in person? For heaven’s sake, these people wouldn’t be visited by an extraplanetarian every day! But nothing...
我们没见到任何人,这让我感到惊讶。我以地球人的视角期待着被一群记者、闪光的相机……或类似的场景所欢迎 - 或许会有红地毯!为什么不是国家元首亲自出面呢?天哪,这些人不会每天都被外星人拜访吧!但是什么都没有……
After a short distance, we arrived at a round platform, to the side of the walkway. Thao sat down on a circular seat inside the platform and signalled that I should sit down opposite her.
She took out an object the size of a walkie-talkie and immediately I felt myself pinned to the seat, just as I had been in the spaceship, by an invisible force field. Then, quite gently and with a barely perceptible hum, the platform rose by several metres and moved off rapidly towards the ‘eggs’, about 800 metres away. The thin and slightly perfumed air was lashing the exposed area of my face below my nose, which was very nice, its temperature being around 26 degrees Celsius.
In just seconds, we arrived, and passed through the walls of one of the ‘eggs’, as if we’d passed through a cloud. The platform stopped and came to rest gently on the floor of the ‘building’. I looked around me in all directions.
It seemed absurd, but the ‘egg’ had disappeared. We had indeed, entered the ‘egg’ and yet around us, as far as the eye could see, stretched the countryside. We could see the landing ground and the docked spaceships just as though we were outside...
I understand your reaction, Michel,said Thao who knew what I was thinking,I’ll explain the mystery to you later.
Not far from us, were gathered twenty or thirty people, all busy to some extent, in front of desks and screens which flashed with coloured lights - similar to inside the spacecraft. A type of music played very softly, elevating me to a state of euphoria.
离我们不远处,聚集着二三十个人,都在一定程度上忙碌,他们面前摆着闪烁着彩色灯光的桌子和屏幕 - 类似于飞船内部。一种柔和的音乐轻轻地响起,让我陶醉在一种幸福的状态中。
Thao signalled me to follow her and we headed towards one of the smaller ‘eggs’ situated near the ‘supposed inside walls’ of this larger one. As we went, we were greeted with happiness by all we passed.
I must mention here, that Thao and I made an odd couple as we moved across the room. The great difference in our heights meant that, as we walked side by side, she was obliged to move slowly so that I didn’t have to run to keep up - my movements were more like ungainly jumps, for each time I tried to hurry, I exacerbated the problem. I had the task of coordinating muscles that were accustomed to moving a weight of 70 kilograms and now had only to move 47 kilograms - you can imagine the effect we created.
值得一提的是,当我们穿过房间时,我和涛组成了一对奇怪的组合。我们身高的巨大差异意味着,当我们并肩行走时,她不得不缓慢移动,这样我就不必跑着跟上她 - 我的动作更像是笨拙的跳跃,因为每次我试图加速,都会失去平衡。我要协调的肌肉习惯于移动70公斤的重量,现在只需要移动47公斤 - 你可以想象我们造成的效果。
ここで言及すべきことは、私たちはタオと私が部屋を横断する際に奇妙なカップルを形成したことです。私たちの身長の大きな違いのため、並んで歩くと、私が追いつくために走らなくてはならないことを意味します。私の動きは、たびたび急ぐと問題が悪化するため、不器用なジャンプのようでした。私は70キログラムの重さを動かすのに慣れた筋肉を調整する任務を持っており、今は47キログラムを動かすだけです - どのような効果を生み出したか想像できます。
We headed for a light that was shining on the wall of the small ‘egg’. In spite of my mask, I was very conscious of its brilliance. We passed beneath the light and went through the wall into a room that I immediately recognised as the one featured on the screen in the spaceship. The faces too, were familiar to me. I realised I was in the intergalactic centre.
Thao took off my mask. It’s all right for now, Michel, you won’t need it here.
She introduced me personally to each of the dozen people there. They all exclaimed something and put a hand on my shoulder as a gesture of welcome.
Their faces wore expressions of sincere joy and goodness and I was deeply touched by the warmth of their reception. It was as if they considered me one of them.
Thao explained that their principal question was: why is he so sad - is he ill?I am not sad! I protested.
涛解释说,他们最主要的问题是:他为什么那么伤心 - 他生病了吗?我并不伤心!我连忙解释道。
I know, but they are not accustomed to the facial expressions of the people of Earth. Faces here, as you can see, reflect a perpetual happiness.
It was true. They looked as though every second, they received excellent news.
I had been aware that something was strange about these people and suddenly it hit me: Everyone I had seen seemed to be of the same age!
It seemed that Thao was also very popular here and she found herself answering numerous questions - always with her natural, broad smile. Before long, however, several of our hosts were required to resume their duties and we took this as our cue to leave. My mask was put on again and we left these people, as well as those in the larger room, amidst many gestures of friendship and goodwill.
ここでもタオは非常に人気があり、彼女は多くの質問に答えなければなりませんでした - いつも彼女の自然な、広い笑顔で。しかし、間もなく私たちのいくつかのホストが彼らの職務を再開する必要があったため、私たちはこれを私たちの出発の合図として受け取りました。私のマスクが再び付けられ、私たちはこれらの人々、および大きな部屋の人々の中から、多くの友情と善意のジェスチャーの中で去りました。
We rejoined our vehicle and immediately accelerated away in the direction of a forest, which could be seen in the distance. We flew at a height of approximately five or six metres and at a speed I would have estimated to be 70 or 80 kilometres per hour. The air was warm and fragrant and I again felt euphoric, in a way I had never experienced on Earth.
我们重新回到飞行器上,立即加速朝着远处可见的森林方向驶去。我们以大约五到六米的高度飞行,速度我估计大约是每小时 70 到 80 公里。空气温暖而芬芳,我再次感到一种我在地球上从未有过的欣快感。
We arrived at the edge of the forest and I remember having been greatly impressed by the size of the largest trees. They looked to rise about 200 metres into the sky.
Some of these are 8000 of our years old. Our year consists of 333 days of 26 karses. A karse is a period of 55 lorse, a lorse comprising 70 kasios, and a kasios being almost equivalent to one of your seconds. (Now there’s a sum for you...) Would you like to go to your ‘apartment’ or to have a look at the forest first?
Let’s visit the forest first, Thao.
The vehicle greatly reduced its speed and we were able to glide between, or indeed, stop and observe more closely, the trees at heights that ranged from almost ground level to 10 metres above the ground.
Thao was able to guide our ‘flying platform’ with amazing precision and expertise. Our vehicle, and Thao’s manner of driving it, put me in mind of a flying carpet, which was taking me on a magical tour of this magnificent forest floor.
涛能够以惊人的精确度和技巧来引导我们的 '飞行平台'。我们的交通工具和涛的驾驶方式让我想起了一块飞毯,它带领我进行了一次奇妙的探索,穿越这片壮丽的森林和地面。
タオは素晴らしい正確さと専門知識を持って私たちの '飛行プラットフォーム' を案内することができました。私たちの乗り物とタオの運転方法は、私を魔法の絨毯に乗せ、この壮大な森の床を魔法のツアーに連れて行ってくれるようでした。
Thao leaned towards me and removed my mask. The undergrowth was luminous and softly golden but I found it quite tolerable.
It is a good time to begin accustoming yourself to the light and colour, Michel. Look!
Following her gaze, I spotted, very high among the branches, three butterflies, vividly coloured and of enormous size.
These lepidoptera, which must have had one metre wingspans, fluttered high in the foliage, but we were lucky to see them fly closer and closer to us, on wings of blue, green and orange. It is as clear to me as if it were yesterday. They brushed against us with their wings that were strangely fringed, to create the most beautiful and breathtaking effect. One of them came to rest on a leaf just a few metres from us and I was able to admire its body, ringed with silver and gold, and its jade-green antennae. Its proboscis was golden and the tops of its wings were green with streaks of bright blue alternated with dark orange diamond shapes. The under-sides were dark blue, but luminous, as though they had been illuminated from above by a projector.
For the duration of time this giant insect remained on the leaf, it seemed to emit a soft whistling sound and I was quite surprised by this. I had certainly not heard a lepidopteran on Earth make any sound at all. Of course, we were no longer on Earth but on Thiaoouba, and this was only the beginning of a long series of surprises for me.
On the forest floor, grew an incredible variety of plants, each one stranger than the next. They covered the ground completely, but I noticed very few bushes among them. I imagine the forest's giants prevented them from developing.
In size, these plants varied from a ground-covering moss-like plant, to one the size of a large rose bush. One kind, with leaves as thick as a hand in various shapes - sometimes heart-shaped or circular, sometimes very long and thin - was of a colour tending much more towards blue than to green.
We rose till we were up among the highest branches and I put my mask back on according to Thao’s direction. We emerged from the canopy and moved slowly, just above the foliage of those enormous trees.
Above the forest the light was, once again, incredibly intense and I had the impression of travelling through a landscape of pure crystal.
Marvellous birds were perched on the tops of the taller trees, watching us pass, without fear. Their colours, varied and rich, were a veritable feast for my eyes in spite of the subduing effect of my mask. Here were varieties of macaw, with blue, yellow, pink and red plumage; and, among them a type of bird of paradise strutted amidst a cloud of what appeared to be hummingbirds.
These hummingbirds were of a brilliant red colour flecked with gold. The red, pink and orange tail feathers of the birds of paradise, would have measured 250 centimetres in length and their wingspans almost two metres.
When these ‘jewels’ took flight, the underside of their wings revealed a very soft, misty pink, with just a touch of bright blue on the tips - so unexpected, especially as the tops of their wings were of an orange-yellow colour. Their heads wore plumes of impressive size, each feather being a different colour: yellow, green, orange, black, blue, red, white, cream....
当这些‘宝石’飞翔时,它们翅膀的下侧露出了非常柔和、朦胧的粉色,尖端只有一丝明亮的蓝色 - 它们如此美丽,特别是考虑到它们翅膀的上表面是橙黄色的。它们的头上戴着令人印象深刻的羽毛,每一根羽毛都是不同的颜色:黄色、绿色、橙色、黑色、蓝色、红色、白色、奶油色..
これらの‘宝石’が飛び立つと、翼の裏側は非常に柔らかく、朧気なピンク色が現れ、先端には明るい青色がわずかについています - これは非常に予期せず、特に翼の上部がオレンジ色の黄色であることを考えるとそうです。彼らの頭には印象的な大きさの飾り毛があり、各羽は異なる色:黄色、緑色、オレンジ色、黒色、青色、赤色、白色、クリーム色...
I feel frustrated that my attempts to describe the colours I saw on Thiaoouba are so inadequate - I feel I need a whole new lexicon, as my language fails me. I had the constant impression that the colours came from within the objects I looked at, and the colour was more than I had known it to be. On earth, we know perhaps 15 shades of red; here there must have been over a hundred...
我感到沮丧,因为我试图描述我在海奥华看到的颜色,但是我的词汇是如此不足 - 我觉得我需要一个全新的词汇表。我一直有一种持续的感觉,即颜色来自我所看到的物体内部,颜色比我所知道的要丰富。在地球上,我们可能知道15种红色的色调;但在这里,可能有超过一百种...
私はThiaooubaで見た色を説明しようとする試みがあまりにも不十分であることにフラストレーションを感じています - 私は新しい語彙が必要だと感じています、私の言語は私を裏切ります。私は常に、色が私が知っている以上に豊かで、物体の内部から来るような印象を持っていました。地球では、おそらく15の赤色のシェードがありますが、ここでは100を超えるかもしれません...
It wasn’t only the colours that claimed my attention. The sounds that I had heard since we began to fly over the forest inspired me to seek an explanation from Thao. It was almost a background music, very light and soft, similar to a flute which continually played the same air but at a distance.
As we moved on, the music seemed to change, only to return to the original tune.
Is that music I hear?
It is vibrations emitted by the thousands of insects which, when combined with the vibrations of the colours reflected by solar rays on to certain plants, such as the Xinoxi, for example, produce the very musical results that you hear. We, ourselves, only hear it if we particularly attune to it, for it comprises an integral part of our life and our environment. It is restful, isn’t it?
According to the experts, if these vibrations were to cease, we would experience considerable eye trouble. This will perhaps seem odd at first, since these vibrations appear to be perceptible to the ear rather than the eye. However, experts are experts, Michel, and, in any case, it is of little concern to us, for they also say that the chance of their ceasing is as remote as the chance of our sun extinguishing itself tomorrow.
Thao turned our vehicle and in a few moments, we had left the forest tops and were flying over a plain, across which flowed a jade-green river.
We descended to an altitude of about three metres and followed its course. Now we were able to follow the movements of strange fish - fish that resembled platypuses more than fish, as I knew them to be. The water was pure, like crystal, and at this altitude we could distinguish everything down to the smallest pebble.
我们下降到约三米的高度,沿着它的航线前进。现在我们能够看到一些奇怪鱼 - 这些鱼更像鸭嘴兽而不是我所知道的鱼。水清澈透明,就像水晶一样,在这个高度我们能够分辨出每一颗小石头。
私たちは高度約3メートルに降下し、そのコースに従いました。今、私たちは奇妙な魚の動きを追うことができました - 私が知っているような魚よりも、鴨嘴類に似た魚です。水はクリスタルのように清澄で、この高度では最も小さな小石まですべてを区別することができました。
Looking up, I saw we were approaching the ocean. Palm trees resembling coconut palms waved their majestic fronds at impressive heights, on the edge of a beach of golden sands. The blue of the ocean contrasted pleasantly with the bright red of rocks encrusted in small hills, which overlooked a section of its beach.
A hundred or so people basked on the sand or swam, entirely naked, in the transparent waters of the ocean.
I felt a little dazed, not only because of the new and wondrous things I was constantly discovering, but also because of the perpetual sensation of lightness, due to the change in gravity. This sensation was my reminder of Earth - what a strange word, and how difficult it was to visualise Earth now!
我感到有点眩晕,不光是因为我不断发现新奇的事物,可能还由于重力的变化而产生的持续轻盈的感觉。这种感觉让我想起了地球 - 多么奇怪的词,现在想象地球是多么困难啊!
私は少し眩暈を感じました。新しく驚くべきことを不断に発見しているだけでなく、重力の変化による永続的な軽さの感覚もそうでした。この感覚は私に地球を思い出させました - なんて奇妙な言葉で、今では地球を想像するのがどれほど難しいか!
The auditory and visual vibrations were also affecting my nervous system enormously. Usually a highly-strung person, I was feeling completely relaxed - as if I had plunged into a warm bath, allowing myself to float in the bubbles while soft music played.
这种听觉和视觉的振动也对我的神经系统产生了巨大影响。通常情况下我是一个严肃的人,现在我感觉完全放松了 - 就像我跳进了温暖的浴缸,让自己漂浮在泡泡中,听着柔和的音乐。
聴覚と視覚の振動も私の神経系に大きな影響を与えていました。普段は神経質な人ですが、完全にリラックスしているように感じました - まるで暖かいお風呂に飛び込み、泡の中で浮かんでいるかのようで、やさしい音楽が流れている中です。
No, even more relaxed than that - so relaxed I felt like crying.
不,甚至比那更放松 - 如此放松以至于我感觉自己要哭出来了。
いや、それ以上にリラックスしていた - とてもリラックスしていたので、泣きたくなるほどでした。
We proceeded, quite rapidly, across the waters of the immense bay, flying about 12 metres above the waves. On the horizon, I could distinguish several dots - some larger than others, and I realised these were islands; no doubt those I had seen prior to our landing on Thiaoouba.
我们迅速地飞过了广阔海湾上空,飞行高度大约在波浪之上12米处。在地平线上,我看到了几个点 - 有些比其他的大,我意识到那些是岛屿;毫无疑问,那些是我们在抵达海奥华之前所看到的岛屿。
私たちは非常に迅速に、広大な湾の上空を飛行し、波の上空約12メートルを飛行しました。地平線には、いくつかの点が見えました - その中には他のものよりも大きいものもあり、私はこれらが島であることに気づきました;間違いなく、これは私たちがThiaooubaに着陸する前に見ていた島でしょう。
As we headed for the smallest island, I looked below and saw that we were being followed by numerous fish, amusing themselves by criss-crossing the shadow our vehicle projected on the water.
Are they sharks?I asked.
‘No, they’re Dajiks - the brothers of your dolphin. You see? They are as fond of playing as your dolphins are.
不,它们是达吉克(Dajiks)- 是你们海豚的兄弟。你看到了吗?它们和你们的海豚一样喜欢玩耍。
いいえ、彼らはダジク(Dajiks)です - あなたがイルカの兄弟ですね。見ていますか?彼らもあなたがイルカを愛するように遊ぶのが好きです。
Look!I interrupted Thao.look!
Thao looked to where I was pointing and began laughing - I was astonished to see a group of people approaching us, seemingly without the aid of a vehicle.
They were about two metres above the water, in a vertical position, and not only floating in the air, but moving quite rapidly towards us.
Soon our paths crossed and grand gestures of friendship were exchanged. At the same instant, a wave of well-being flowed through me lasting several seconds. It was the same sensation Latoli had produced and I recognised it as a sign of greeting from these ‘flying people‘
How do they do that? Is it levitation?
No, they have a Tara on their waists and a Litiolac in their hands. These produce certain vibrations that neutralise the cold magnetic force of the planet, allowing neutralisation of the gravitational force. Even a weight of millions of tonnes compares with that of feathers. Then, by other vibrations resembling those of ultra-sound, they can steer themselves precisely to wherever they choose, as they are doing now. On this planet, everyone wanting to travel some distance uses this method.
Then why are we using this vehicle? I asked, for I would have loved to experiment with such equipment, which, by the way, was absolutely noiseless.
那我们为什么要使用这辆交通工具呢? 我问道,因为我很想尝试一下这种设备,顺便说一句,这种设备是绝对无声的。
Michel, you are impatient. I have brought you by this means because you are not capable of flying with a Litiolac. Without practice, you could hurt yourself. Later, perhaps, if there is time, I will teach you how to use it. Look, we are nearly there.
米歇尔,你过于心急了。我带你来的原因是因为你还不擅长使用 Litiolac 飞行。没有练习的话,你可能会受伤。也许以后,如果有时间的话,我会教你如何使用它。看,我们快到了。
Indeed, we were fast approaching an island and could clearly see a golden beach where several people basked in the sun. Almost immediately, we were flying beneath palm fronds along a wide path, bordered with two rows of flowering and very fragrant bushes. The area was alive with the sound and colour of insects, butterflies and birds.
The vehicle proceeded slowly at ground level and, after a final bend in the path, we arrived before a ‘little egg’, nestled among small trees and flowering vines. It seemed that every building on this planet had the shape of an egg, most often lying on their ‘sides’ but occasionally upright, as I have said, with the pointed end upwards. The ‘shells’ were off-white in colour and had no windows or doors.
This particular egg lay on its side, apparently half buried in the ground. It was about 30 metres long and 20 metres in diameter - quite small in comparison with those I’d seen so far.
这个特殊的蛋躺在地面上,显然有一半被埋在地里。它长约30米,直径约20米 - 与我之前看到的相比是比较小的。
この特定の卵は、地面に横たわっているようで、地面の半分が埋まっているようでした。それは約30メートルの長さで、直径が約20メートルありました - これまで見てきたものと比べてかなり小さいです。
Thao stopped the vehicle in front of a bright light centred on the wall of the egg. Leaving the platform, we entered the habitation. As we did so, I felt a light pressure, with no more force than the weight of an eiderdown. I remembered experiencing the same sensation earlier, when we passed through the wall of the space centre.
Having neither doors nor windows on these buildings is extraordinary in itself, but once inside, it was stranger still. As I have mentioned before, the overall impression was of still being outside.
The Tara is an apparatus worn like a belt when you wish to fly. (Author’s comment)
The Litiolac works in concert with the Tara to fly, but is held in the hand. (Author’s comment)
The startling beauty of colour was everywhere; the greenery; the branches of the trees dissecting the blue-mauve sky above; the butterflies; the flowers...I recall a bird that came to rest right in the middle of the ‘roof, so that we could see the bottom of its feet. It was as though it had miraculously stopped in midair - the effect was quite extraordinary.
色彩的惊人美丽无处不在;绿草茵茵;树枝将上方的蓝紫色天空切割开来;蝴蝶;鲜花……我记得有一只鸟停在“屋顶”的正中央,以便我们可以看到它脚底。就好像它奇迹般地停在半空中 - 这种效果非常不可思议。
The only contrast with the outside was provided by the floor that was covered in a type of carpet on which were arranged comfortable looking seats and large pedestal tables. All of these furnishings were, of course, on a large scale - appropriate to these ‘large-scale’ people.
唯一能区分室内外的是一种地毯,地板上铺着一种地毯,摆放着舒适的座椅和大型底座桌子。所有这些家具当然都是大规模的 - 与这些“大号身材”的人相适应。
Thao,I asked,how are your walls transparent and yet we can’t see in from the outside? And how can we pass through your walls as we did?
First of all, Michel, let’s take off this mask of yours. I will regulate the internal light so that it will be bearable for you.
Thao approached an object on the floor and touched it. When I removed my mask, I found the light to be no less tolerable than with it on, although the shiny quality was restored.
You see, Michel, this habitation exists because of a magnetic field that is quite special. We have copied the forces of nature and the creations of nature to our own ends. Let me explain. Every body - human, animal or mineral - possesses a field around itself. The human body, for example, is surrounded both by an Aura and by an etheric force (field) of oval shape. You know that, don’t you?
你看,米歇尔,这个住所的存在是因为一个非常特殊的磁场。我们模仿了大自然的力量创造的,以满足我们自己的目的。让我解释一下。每个身体 - 无论是人类、动物还是矿物 - 都拥有自己周围的一个场。例如,人体周围既有一个光环,也有一个椭圆形的以太力(场)。你知道这一点,对吗?
見てごらん、ミシェル、この住居はかなり特殊な磁場が存在するからです。我々は自然の力と創造を自らの目的のために模倣しています。説明しましょう。すべての体 - 人間、動物、鉱物 - はそれ自体の周りに場を持っています。例えば、人間の体はオーラと楕円形のエーテル力(場)に囲まれています。それを知っていますよね?
I nodded.
The latter comprises, in part, electricity and, to a greater extent, vibrations that we call Ariacostinaki.
These vibrations occur continuously for your protection while you are alive, and they are not to be confused with the vibrations of the Aura. With our habitations, we have copied nature in creating a field of mineral electro-etheric vibrations around a nucleus. Thao indicated an ‘egg’, the size of an ostrich egg, located in the middle of the room between two seats. Will you push this seat please, Michel?
I looked at Thao, surprised by her request, considering the size of the seat and the fact that she had never before asked anything of me. I tried to oblige, but with some difficulty for the seat was indeed heavy; however I succeeded in moving it about 50 centimetres.
Very good,she said. Now you will pass me the egg.
很好,她说。 现在请你把那个蛋递给我。
I smiled. In comparison, this would be a simple task. I could lift it with one hand and without any effort; but in order not to drop it, I took it in two hands and...fell to my knees! I had not expected it to be so heavy and had overbalanced. I stood up and tried again, this time with all my strength...nothing happened.
Thao touched my shoulder. Watch,she said. Turning towards the seat I had found so difficult to move, she placed one hand under it and raised it above her head. Still with one hand, she set it down again, apparently with no effort. Next, she took the egg in both hands and pushed and pulled with all her might till the veins swelled in her neck. Still the egg didn’t move a tenth of a millimetre.
It is welded to the floor, I suggested.
No, Michel, it is the Centre and cannot move. It is the nucleus I spoke of earlier. We have created a field around it, so strong that the wind and the rain can’t penetrate this field. As for the sun’s rays, we can regulate the extent to which they penetrate. The birds too, which come to rest above, are not heavy enough to pass through the field and, if by chance a heavier bird does land, he will start to sink. This produces such a frightening sensation for the bird that he will fly away immediately without having come to any harm.
It’s so ingenious,I said,but what is the significance of the light at the entrance? Couldn’t we pass through the walls anywhere we chose?
Indeed, we could. It’s just that from the outside, it’s not possible to see the interior and so you can’t know that you won’t hit a piece of furniture on the other side. The best place to enter is always indicated by an external light. Come, let me show you around.
I followed her and discovered, behind a richly decorated partition, a truly magnificent setting. There was a miniature swimming pool that seemed to be of green porphyry and, nearby, a matching basin over which a porphyry swan was bending, its beak open...the effect was beautiful.
Thao held her hand under the swan’s beak and immediately the water began to flow over her hand and into the basin. She withdrew it and the flow ceased. She indicated that I should try. The basin was about 150 centimetres above the floor so that I had to lift my arm quite high but I managed and the water spurted out again.
How clever!I explained. Do you have water which is drinkable on this island, or have you had to sink bores?
Again Thao’s face lit with her smile of amusement. It was quite familiar to me, appearing each time I said something that, to her, seemed ‘quaint’.
No, Michel, we don’t procure our water as you do on Earth. Under this magnificent stone bird, is an apparatus which draws air from outside and transforms it into drinking water as required.
That’s wonderful!
We are merely exploiting a natural law.
And what if you want hot water?
Electro-vibratory force. For warm water, you put your foot here, and for boiling water, you put it there.
Cells positioned on the side, control the functioning of the apparatus...but these are only material details and of no great significance. This here,said Thao, following the direction of my gaze,is the relaxation area. You can stretch out there. She pointed to a thick mat that was on the floor, a little further down towards the base of the egg.
I lay down and immediately felt as though I were floating at ground level. Although she continued to speak, I could no longer hear Thao’s voice. She had disappeared behind a misty curtain, so that I had the impression of being enveloped in a thick fog of cotton wool. At the same time, musical vibrations could be heard, and the total effect was marvellously relaxing.
I stood up again and after several seconds, Thao’s voice was audible again, growing louder as the ‘fog’ lifted and disappeared completely. What do you think of that, Michel?
It really is the height of comfort! I replied enthusiastically. But there is one thing I haven’t yet seen and that is the kitchen - and you know how important the kitchen is to the French!
This way. she said, smiling again and taking several steps in another direction. Do you see this transparent drawer? Inside you have various compartments. From left to right: fish, shellfish, eggs, cheese, dairy products, vegetables and fruits, and here in the last, we have what you call ‘manna’, which is our bread.
Either you are teasing me or you are making fun of me. All I see in your drawer is red, green, blue, brown and blends of these colours...
What you see are concentrates of the various foods - fish, vegetables etc, of the best quality prepared by excellent cooks using various special methods. When you taste it, you will find all this food excellent and very nourishing.
你看到的是各种食物的浓缩物 - 鱼、蔬菜等等,由优秀的厨师使用各种特殊方法准备的最好的食物。品尝时,你会发现所有这些食物都非常美味和营养丰富。
Thao then uttered several words in her own language and, in a few moments, I had before me on a tray, selected items of food arranged in a manner pleasing to the eye. When I tasted it, my palate was agreeably surprised. It was indeed, excellent, although very different from anything I had ever eaten before in my life. The manna I had already tasted in the spaceship. I ate some of it again and found it a good accompaniment to the dishes presented.
You tell me that, on Earth, this bread is known as ‘manna’. How is it that it exists on Earth at all?
It is a product we always carry on our intergalactic spacecraft. It is very practical, being easily compressed and highly nourishing. In fact, it’s a complete food. It comes from wheat and oats and you could live on it alone for months.
Just then, our attention was drawn by the approach of some people, flying at ground level beneath the branches of the trees. They set down at the entrance to the ‘egg’, unfastened their Taras and placed them on a block of marble, no doubt there for the purpose. One after the other, they entered and I recognised with pleasure, Biastra and Latoli and the rest of the crew from the spacecraft.
They had changed from their space uniforms into long Arabian-style robes of shimmering colours. (Later, I was to understand why the colour of each robe was so flattering to the individual who wore it.) For the moment, it was difficult to believe these were the same people I had known and spoken with on the spacecraft, they were so completely transformed.
他们已经从太空制服换成了长长的阿拉伯式长袍,色彩鲜艳。 (后来,我理解了为什么每件长袍的颜色对穿着者的重要性。)暂时很难相信这些与我在宇宙飞船上认识和交谈的人是同一批人,因为他们变化如此之大。
彼らは宇宙服から長いアラビア風のローブに着替えていました。 (後で、それぞれのローブの色が着用者にとって非常に好ましいものである理由が理解できるようになりました。)その時点では、彼らが完全に変わってしまったので、私が宇宙船で知っていた同じ人々であると信じるのは難しかったです。
Latoli approached me, a radiant smile lighting up her face. Placing her hand on my shoulder she said, telepathically, You seem somewhat stunned, my dear. Are our habitations not to your liking?
She ‘read’ my affirmative and admiring response and was delighted by it. Turning back to the others, she relayed my response, and comments flew thick and fast, everyone talking at once. They had all sat down, looking much more at home in their seats than I felt in mine. I felt as odd as a duckling among chickens in that my size corresponded with nothing that had been built on their scale.
Thao went to the ‘kitchen’ and filled a tray with things to eat. Then, at a word from her, all hands were held out in the direction of the tray, which rose slowly in the air.
It moved around the room, stopping before each guest, without her having to touch it. Finally, it stopped in front of me and, with great caution, lest it fall (which vastly amused everyone) I took a glass of hydromel. The tray departed of its own accord, returning to its place of origin, and all hands were lowered.
How is that done?I asked Thao. My question was understood telepathically by everyone and there was a general burst of laughter.
‘By what you would call ‘levitation’, Michel. We can, as readily, lift ourselves in the air, but that serves no great purpose other than our own amusement. Having said that, Thao, who was sitting cross-legged, began to rise above her seat and floated about the room, finally coming to rest in mid-air. I stared at her, but soon realized I was the only one fascinated by her accomplishment. Indeed, I must have looked idiotic, for all eyes were fixed on me. Evidently, Thao’s behavior was perfectly normal to my friends but they were more interested in the astonished expression on my face.
Thao descended slowly onto her seat.
That demonstrates one of the many sciences you have lost on Earth, Michel - apart from a few individuals who are still capable of doing it.
それは、地球で失われた多くの能力の1つを示しています、ミシェル - それを行うことができる数少ない個人を除いて。
There was a time when it was practised by many, along with many other skills.
We passed the time pleasantly that afternoon, my new friends and I, communicating telepathically in a light-hearted way, until the sun was low in the sky.
Then Thao explained, Michel, this ‘doko’, as we call our habitations on this planet, will be your home during your brief stay on Thiaoouba. We’ll be leaving you now for the night, to let you sleep. If you wish to bathe, you know how to arrange it and you can sleep on the relaxation bed. But try to be organised within the next half-hour, as there is no lighting in this habitation. We are able to see as well by night, as by day, and have no need of it.
Is this building secure? Am I safe here?I asked worriedly.
Again Thao smiled.On this planet, you could sleep on the ground in the middle of town and you would be safer than in a building with armed guards, dogs and alarms on Earth.
Here, we have only very evolved beings and certainly, none resembling the criminals you have on Earth. In our eyes, they must be likened to the worst of savage beasts. On that note, good night.
Thao about-turned and passed through the ‘wall’ of the doko to rejoin her friends. They must have brought a ‘Litiolac’ for her because she flew off with the group.
索转身穿过‘doko’的‘墙壁’,重新加入她的朋友。 他们一定给她带了‘Litiolac’(立梯欧拉客),因为她和这群人一起飞走了。
I prepared then, to spend my first night on Thiaoouba.
A huge flame burned blue; orange yellow and red flames burned around it. An enormous black snake slid straight through the flames, heading for me. Giants appeared from nowhere, running, and trying to catch the snake. It took seven of them together, to stop it before it reached me. But it turned and swallowed the flames, only to spit them back out, like a dragon, at the giants. They were transformed into immense statues just as they were - mounted on the tail of the snake.
一团巨大的蓝色火焰燃烧着;橙黄色和红色的火焰在它周围燃闪烁着。一条巨大的黑色蟒蛇直接穿过火焰,朝着我而来。巨人们从远处出现,奔跑着,试图抓住那条巨蟒。需要七个人一起才能阻止它接近我。但巨蟒转身吞下了火焰,然后像一条龙一样,朝着巨人们将火焰喷射出来。他们被转化成了巨大的雕像,就像他们原本的样子一样 - 被安在巨蟒的尾巴上飞走了。
巨大な炎が青く燃えていました。その周りにはオレンジ色、黄色、赤色の炎が燃えていました。巨大な黒い蛇がその炎の中をまっすぐに滑って、私の方に向かっていました。巨人たちがどこからともなく現れ、走って蛇を捕まえようとしました。私に近づく前にそれを止めるのに、彼らは一緒に七人が必要でした。しかし、それは火を飲み込んで、ドラゴンのようにそれを巨人たちに向けて吐き出しました。彼らはそのまま巨大な像に変えられました - 蛇の尾に乗せられました。
The reptile became a comet and carried the statues off - to Easter Island. Next, they were greeting me, wearing strange hats. One of the statues, resembling Thao, caught me by the shoulder and said, ‘Michel, Michel...wake up.’ Thao was shaking me and gently smiling.
那条巨蟒变成了一颗彗星,带走了雕像 - 去复活节岛。接着,他们向我打招呼,戴着奇怪的帽子。其中一个像涛的雕像抓住了我的肩膀,说道,“米歇尔,米歇尔...快醒醒。” 涛正在摇晃我,轻轻地微笑着。
My goodness!I said, opening my eyes,I was dreaming you were an Easter Island statue and that you caught hold of me by the shoulder...
I am an Easter Island statue, and I did take you by the shoulder.
Anyway, I’m not dreaming now, am I?
No, but your dream was really quite strange, for on Easter Island, there is a statue which was sculptured a very long time ago to immortalise me and which was given my name.
What are you telling me now?
The simple truth, Michel, but we will explain all that to you in good time. For now, we will try on these clothes I’ve brought for you.
Thao handed me a richly-coloured robe which quite delighted me and, after a warm and perfumed bath, I dressed in the garment. A feeling of euphoria, which was totally unexpected, overwhelmed me. I mentioned it to Thao, who was waiting with a glass of milk and a little manna for me.
‘Easter Island’ - an isolated island in the Pacific with no trees, several thousand kilometres from the shore of Chile, on which there are numerous gigantic statues from stone. Some of these statues are 50 meters high and since time immemorial have been considered ‘one of the seven wonders of the world’. Their existence has intrigued archaeologists and historians for centuries. (Editor’s comment in agreement with the Author)
‘复活节岛’ - 太平洋上的一座孤岛,离智利海岸数千公里,岛上有许多巨大的石像。其中一些雕像高达50米,自古以来一直被视为‘世界七大奇迹’之一。它们的存在引起了考古学家和历史学家几个世纪以来的兴趣。(编辑与作者意见一致)
「イースター島」 - 太平洋に浮かぶ孤島で、チリの海岸から数千キロメートル離れており、そこには数多くの巨大な石像がある。これらの像のうち、いくつかは高さ50メートルで、古来から「世界七不思議の一つ」とされてきた。その存在は何世紀にもわたり考古学者や歴史家の興味を引いてきた。(編集者の著者との意見一致)
The colours of your robe were chosen according to those of your Aura; that’s why you feel so good. If people on Earth were able to see Auras, they too could choose colours, which suit them and thereby enhance their feeling of well-being. They’d make use of colour rather than aspirin.
What do you mean, exactly?
I’ll give you an example. Do you ever remember saying of someone: ‘oh, those clothes don’t suit you at all. He, or she, has no taste'?
Yes, quite often, in fact.
Well, in such cases, those people have simply chosen their clothes less skilfully than others, or mixed them less successfully. As you say in French, they jurent or ‘clash’, but more in the eyes of others than in their own. However, such people will not feel good in themselves, without realising why. If you were to suggest it be because of the colours they were wearing, they would think you odd. You could explain that the vibrations of the colours were in discord with those of their Auras, but they would be no more inclined to believe you. On your planet, people only believe in what they see or touch...and yet the Aura can be seen...
The Aura is actually coloured?
Of course. The Aura vibrates constantly with colours that vary. At the top of your head is a veritable bouquet of colours, where almost all the colours you know are represented.
Around the head too, is a golden halo, but it is only really obvious in the most highly spiritual people and in those who have sacrificed themselves in order to help someone else. The halo resembles a golden mist, much like painters on Earth depict the haloes of ‘saints’ and of Christ. The haloes were included in their paintings because, in those times, some of the artists actually saw them.
Yes, I have heard mention of that, but I love to hear it from you.
The colours are all there in the Aura: some shine more strongly, others are dull. People in poor health, for example, or people with bad intentions...
I would like so much to see the Aura. I know there are people who can see it.
Many people on Earth could see it and read it a very long time ago, but there are few now. Calm yourself, Michel. You will see it, and not only one but several. Including your own. Now, though, I’ll ask you to follow me, because we have so much to show you and little time available.
I followed Thao, who placed my mask on my face and led the way to the flying platform we had used the day before.
We took our places and immediately Thao began manoeuvring the machine so that it dodged below the branches of trees.
In a matter of moments, we had emerged on the beach.
The sun had just risen behind the island and lit up the ocean and surrounding islands. From water level - the effect was magical. As we proceeded along the beach, I could see other dokos through the foliage, nestled among flowering bushes. On the beach, the inhabitants of these dwellings bathed in transparent waters or strolled together on the sand. Apparently surprised to see our flying platform, they followed our progress as we passed. It occurred to me that this was not the usual means of transport on the island.
I should mention too, although swimmers and sunbathers are always completely naked on Thiaoouba, those who stroll or move any significant distance, always dress to do so. On this planet, there is neither hypocrisy, exhibitionism nor false modesty (this will be explained later).
It was not long before we reached the end of the island and, accelerating, Thao guided the vehicle at water level.
We headed in the direction of a large island, which could be seen on the horizon. I could not help but admire the dexterity with which Thao piloted the flying machine, especially when we arrived at the shore of the island.
Approaching the coast, I could recognise enormous dokos, their points as usual towards the sky, I counted a group of nine, but the island was sprinkled with others, smaller and less visible amongst the vegetation. Thao took us higher and we were soon flying over what Thao called Kotra quo doj Doko - ‘The City of the nine Dokos’.
靠近海岸时,我能够认出巨大的dokos,它们的顶端都指向天空,我数了一组九个,但岛上还有其他更小、淹没在植被中的dokos。涛带我们飞得更高,很快我们就飞过了涛所称的Kotra quo doj Doko - “九Doko之城”。
海岸に近づくにつれて、私は巨大なdokoを見分けることができました。その先はいつものように空へと向かっており、私は9つのグループを数えましたが、島には他にも、より小さく、植生の中で目立たないものが点在していました。タオは私たちをより高いところへ連れて行き、間もなく私たちはタオがKotra quo doj Dokoと呼ぶものを飛び越えました- “九つのDokoの街”。
Skilfully, Thao brought us down between the dokos, to a beautiful park located in their midst. In spite of my mask, I was aware that the golden mist that enveloped Thiaoouba was much denser around these dokos than elsewhere.
Thao confirmed I was not mistaken in my perception, but she was not then able to explain the phenomenon, as they were waiting for us.
She led me beneath an archway of greenery and along a path, which ran beside small ponds. Here wonderful water birds frolicked and little waterfalls murmured.
I found myself almost running to keep up with Thao, but didn’t like to ask her to slow down. She appeared preoccupied in a way that was not typical of her. At one point, there was almost a catastrophe when I tried to jump, as much to amuse myself as to catch up with Thao. Due to the difference in gravity, I misjudged my leap and had to catch hold of a tree, which grew right on the water’s edge, to prevent myself from falling in.
Eventually, we reached the Central Doko and stopped below the entrance light. Thao seemed to concentrate for several seconds, then she took me by the shoulder and we passed through the wall.
She immediately removed my mask, advising at the same time, that I half-closed my eyes, which I did. Light filtered through my lower lids and after a time, I was able to open my eyes normally.
This doko must have been 100 metres in diameter. We headed directly, although more slowly, for the centre, where seven seats, each occupied, were arranged in a semi-circle. The occupants sat as though petrified and, at first, I thought them to be statues.
In looks they resembled Thao, although their hair was longer and their facial expressions more serious, giving them the air of being older. Their eyes seemed to be illuminated from within, which was somewhat disturbing. What struck me most of all, was the golden haze, even stronger here than outside, which seemed to concentrate in haloes around their heads.
Since the age of fifteen, I don’t recall ever having been in awe of another person. No matter how grand a personage: no matter how important he or she was, (or thought they were) I have not felt intimidated by position: neither have I had qualms about expressing my opinion to anyone. To me, the president of a nation is still just a person and it amuses me that people regard themselves as VIPs. I mention this to make it clear I am not impressed by mere status.
In the doko, all that changed.
When one of them raised a hand to indicate Thao and I should each take a seat facing them, I was indeed awestruck, and the word is feeble. I could not have imagined it possible that such radiant beings could exist: it was as though they were on fire inside and emitting rays from within.
They sat on block-like seats, fabric-covered, with straight backs. Each seat was of a different colour - some only slightly different and others vastly different from their neighbours. Their clothes too, differed in colour, suiting each wearer perfectly. All of them sat in what we call on Earth, the ‘lotus position’ that is, the sitting position of Buddha, with hands resting on knees.
他们坐在织物坐垫上,后背挺直。每个座位的颜色都不同 - 有的只有微小的差异,而其他的则与邻座的截然不同。他们的衣服也在颜色上有所不同,完美地适合每个穿着者。他们全部都采用了我们在地球上称之为“莲花坐”的坐姿,也就是佛陀的坐姿,双手放在膝盖上。
As previously mentioned, they formed a semi-circle and, since there were seven of them, I reasoned that the central figure had to be the principal one, with three acolytes on either side. Of course, at the time, I was too overcome to note such details. It only occurred to me later.
It was the central figure who addressed me, in a voice so melodious and, at the same time, so authoritarian. I was stunned by it, particularly since he spoke in perfect French.
You are welcome among us, Michel. May The Spirit assist and enlighten you.The others echoed: 'May The Spirit enlighten you.'
米歇尔,欢迎你加入我们。愿神灵协助并启迪你。其他人随声附和道: '愿神灵启迪你。'
ミシェル、私たちの中で歓迎されています。霊があなたを助けて啓蒙しますように。他の人たちはこう反響しました: '霊があなたを照らしますように。'
He began to rise gently above his seat still in the lotus position, and floated towards me. This did not entirely surprise me since Thao had previously demonstrated this technique of levitation. I wanted to rise before this undoubtedly great and highly spiritual personage, as a measure of the infinite respect inspired in me. In trying to move, I found I couldn’t - as though paralyzed in my seat.
他开始以莲花坐姿从座位上轻轻地升起,向我飘来。这并不完全让我感到惊讶,因为涛之前已经展示过这种悬浮技术。我想在这位伟大且精神力量强大的人面前起立,以示我对他的尊敬。但当我试图移动时,我发现自己无法移动 - 就像被困在座位上一样。
He stopped just above and in front of me, placing both his hands on my head; the thumbs joined on my forehead above my nose, opposite the pineal gland, and the fingers joined at the top of my head. It was Thao who described these details to me later, for at the time, I was overwhelmed by such a sensation, that the details didn’t register.
During the time his hands were on my head, it seemed that my body no longer existed. A gentle warmth and delicate perfume originated within me, emanating in waves and blending with soft music that was barely audible.
Suddenly, I could see amazing colours surrounding the figures opposite me and, as the ‘leader’ returned slowly towards his seat, I could see a multitude of radiant colours around him; ones I had been unable to perceive before. The principal colour was a mass of pale pink which enveloped the seven figures, as though in a cloud, and their movements caused that wonderful, glowing pink to encircle us also!
When I had sufficiently recovered my senses to turn towards Thao, she too, was surrounded with wonderful colours, although less brilliant than those around the seven figures.
You will notice that, in speaking of these great personages, I instinctively use ‘he’ rather than ‘she’. In explaining this, I can only suggest that the personalities of these special beings were so strong and their bearings so imposing, that I recognised more of the masculine in them than the feminine - I mean no offence to women - my reaction was instinctive. It’s a bit like imagining Methuselah as a woman… However, women or men, they had transformed me. I knew that the colours surrounding them were their Auras. I was capable of seeing Auras - who knew for how long - and I wondered at what I saw.
你会注意到,当谈到这些伟大的人物时,我本能地使用男“他”而不是女“她”。在解释这一点时,我是这样认为的,这些特殊存在的个性是如此强大,他们的举止如此威严,以至于我在他们身上认出了更多的男性气质而不是女性气质 - 我并不是对女性有任何歧视 - 我的反应是本能的。这有点像想象Methuselah是一位女性…然而,无论是女性还是男性,他们都改变了我。我知道围绕着他们的颜色是他们的辉光。我能够看到辉光了 - 谁知道这能持续多久 - 我对所看到的东西感到惊讶。
これらの偉大な人物について話すとき、私は本能的に「彼」を使用していることに気付くでしょう。「彼」ではなく「彼女」と言っていることを説明すると、これら特別な存在の個性が非常に強力であり、彼らの態度が非常に印象的であったため、私は彼らに男性的な側面をより多く認識したと言えます。女性に冒犯を与えたいわけではありません - 私の反応は本能的でした。これは、Methuselahを女性と想像するのと少し似ています…しかし、女性でも男性でも、彼らは私を変えました。彼らの周りにある色が彼らのオーラであることを知っていました。私はオーラを見ることができました - どれくらいの期間 - そして私が見たものに驚いていました。
The ‘leader’ had resumed his seat and all eyes were fixed on me, as if they wanted to see inside me, which indeed, is what they were doing. Silence reigned for a time, which seemed interminable. I watched the varied colours of their Auras vibrate and dance around them, sometimes far in the distance and recognised the ‘bouquet of colour’ Thao had spoken of earlier.
The golden haloes, clearly defined, were almost saffron coloured. It occurred to me, they could not only see my Aura, but possibly read it as well. I suddenly felt quite naked before this learned assembly. The question that haunted me was: why have they brought me here?
Abruptly, the ‘leader’ broke the silence. As Thao has already explained to you, Michel, you have been chosen by us, to visit our planet, in order to report certain messages and to offer enlightenment on several important issues when you return to Earth. The time has come when certain events must occur. After several thousand years of darkness and savagery on the planet Earth, a so-called ‘civilisation’ appeared and, inevitably, technology was developed - a development, which was accelerated during the last 150 years.
突然,‘领导者’打破了沉默。正如涛已经向你解释的那样,米歇尔,你已经被我们选中,去访问我们的星球,以便在你返回地球时报告某些信息,并对几个重要问题提供启示。某些事件必须发生的时刻已经到来。在地球上经历了几千年的黑暗和野蛮之后,所谓的‘文明’出现了,不可避免地,技术也得到了发展 - 这一发展在过去150年中加快了速度。
突然、「リーダー」が沈黙を破りました。タオが既にあなたに説明したように、ミシェル、あなたは我々に選ばれました。私たちの惑星を訪れ、地球に戻った時に特定のメッセージを報告し、いくつかの重要な問題について啓蒙を提供するためです。ある特定の出来事が起こる時が来ました。数千年の暗黒と野蛮の後、地球上にいわゆる‘文明’が現れ、避けられないように技術が発展しました - この発展は過去150年間で加速しました。
It has been 14 500 years since a comparable level of technological advance existed on Earth. This technology, which is nothing compared with true knowledge, is nevertheless, sufficiently advanced to become harmful to the human race on Earth in the very near future.
Harmful, because it is only material knowledge and not spiritual knowledge. Technology should assist spiritual development, not confine people, more and more, within a materialistic world, as is happening now on your planet.
To an even greater extent, your people are obsessed with a single goal - affluence. Their lives are concerned with all that the pursuit of wealth entails; envy, jealousy, hatred of those richer and contempt for those poorer. In other words your technology, which is nothing compared with what existed on Earth more than 14 500 years ago, is dragging your civilisation down, and pushing it closer and closer to moral and spiritual catastrophe
在很大程度上,你们的人民着迷于一个单一的目标 - 富裕。他们的生活的一切都与最求财富有关;嫉妒、妒忌、对那些更富有者的仇恨以及对那些更贫穷者的蔑视。换句话说,你们的技术,与14,500年前地球上存在的相比,不仅微不足道,而且还正在拖累你们的文明,并将其推向道德和精神灾难的边缘。
さらに大きな程度で、あなたの人々は一つの目標に取り憑かれています - 富裕です。彼らの生活は富の追求に伴うすべてに関わっており、嫉妬、ねたみ、富裕な人々への憎しみ、貧しい人々への軽蔑があります。言い換えれば、あなたの技術は、14,500年以上前の地球上に存在したものと比較して微々たるものですが、あなたの文明を引きずりおろし、道徳的および精神的な大惨事に一歩近づけています。
I noticed that each time this great personage spoke of materialism, his Aura and those of his acolytes, flashed with a dull and ‘dirty’ red, as though momentarily, they were in the middle of burning bushes.
We, the people of Thiaoouba, are assigned to assist, guide and sometimes punish the inhabitants of planets under our guardianship.
Fortunately, Thao had briefed me on Earth’s history during our journey to Thiaoouba. Otherwise, I’d have surely fallen off my seat on hearing such a speech.
I think,he resumed,that you already know what we mean by ‘harmful to the human race’. Many people on Earth believe atomic arms to be the major danger, but it is not so. The greatest danger concerns ‘materialism’. The people of your planet seek money - to some it’s a means of attaining power; to others it’s a means to acquire drugs, (another curse) yet to others, it’s a way of possessing more than their neighbours possess.
他接着说:我认为,你已经知道我们所说的‘对人类有害’是什么意思了。地球上很多人认为核武器是主要的危险,但事实并非如此。最大的危险涉及‘唯物主义’。你们星球的人们追求金钱 - 对一些人来说,这是获得权力的手段;对另一些人来说,这是获取毒品的手段(又一种诅咒);而对另一些人来说,这是拥有比邻居更多的东西的方式。
彼は続けました。私は考えます。あなたはすでに『人類にとって有害』が何を意味するかを知っていると思います。地球上の多くの人々が原子兵器を主要な危険と考えていますが、それはそうではありません。最大の危険は『物質主義』に関連しています。あなたたちの惑星の人々はお金を求めています - 一部の人々にとっては権力を得る手段であり、他の人々にとっては薬物を入手する手段であり(別の呪い)、そして別の人々にとっては、隣人よりも多く所有する方法です。
If a businessman owns a large store he then wants a second, then a third. If he commands a small empire, he wants to increase it. If an ordinary man owns a house in which he could live happily with his family, he wants a larger one or to own a second one, then a third...
Why this folly? Besides, a man will die and have to abandon all he has amassed. Perhaps his children will squander his legacy and his grandchildren will live in poverty? His whole life will have been preoccupied with purely material concerns, with insufficient time allowed for matters of the spirit. Others with money turn to drugs in their endeavour to procure an artificial paradise and these people pay more dearly than do the others.
なぜこの愚かな行為をするのでしょうか? さらに、人は死に、彼が築いたものをすべて放棄しなければなりません。彼の子供たちが彼の遺産を浪費し、彼の孫が貧困の中で生きるかもしれませんか? 彼の人生は純粋な物質的関心に満ち、精神的な問題に十分な時間が割り当てられていませんでした。 他の人々は人工の楽園を手に入れるために薬物に頼りますが、これらの人々が支払う代償は他の人々よりも高くつきます。
I see, he continued.I am going much too fast and you are not following me, Michel. You should be able to follow, however, since Thao has already initiated your education in these matters during your voyage.
I felt ashamed, almost like when reprimanded by a teacher at school; the only difference being, here I was not able to cheat by saying I had understood when it wasn’t true. He could read me like an open book.
He deigned to smile at me and his Aura, which had been flaming like a fire, returned to its original hue.
Now, once and for always, we will teach you and provide you with what you French call ‘the key to the mystery’.
As you have heard, in the beginning there was the Spirit alone and he created, by his immense force, all that exists materially. He created the planets, the suns, plants, animals, with one goal in mind: to satisfy his spiritual need. This is quite logical since he is purely spirit. Already I see you are wondering why the need to create material things in order to attain spiritual fulfilment. I offer this, by way of explanation: the creator sought spiritual experiences through a material world. I see you still have difficulty following - but you are making progress.
In order to have these experiences, he wanted to embody a tiny part of his Spirit in a physical entity. To do this, he called on the Fourth force - the force which Thao has not yet spoken of and which concerns only spirituality. In this domain, Universal Law also applies.
为了拥有这些体验,他想要将他的精神的一个微小部分体现在一个物质实体中。为了做到这一点,他创造了第四种力量 - 涛尚未谈及的力量,它只涉及灵性。在这个领域,宇宙法则也适用。
これらの経験を得るために、彼は自分の霊の微小な部分を物理的な存在に具現化したかったのです。そのために、彼は第四の力 - タオがまだ語っていない、唯一の霊的な力を呼びました。この領域では、宇宙法則も適用されます。
You most certainly know that the pattern of the Universe dictates that nine planets revolve around their sun. It is also the case that these suns revolve around a bigger sun, which is the nucleus for nine such suns, and their nine planets. So it continues, right to the centre of the Universe from where the explosion referred to by the English as the ‘Big Bang’ originated.
Needless to say, certain accidents occur and sometimes a planet will disappear in a solar system, or perhaps enter it, but later in time, the solar system will revert and base its structure again on the number nine.
‘their sun’ - sometimes 9 planets revolve around two small suns (twin star) - explanation of the Author on request of the Editor.
’他们的太阳’ - 有时九颗行星围绕着两个小太阳(双星)运转 - 作者根据编辑的要求进行解释。
‘their sun’ - 時には9つの惑星が2つの小さな太陽(ツインスター)の周りを公転することがあります - 編集者の要請に応じた著者の説明。
The Fourth force had a very important role to play: it had to bring to fruition all that the Spirit had imagined. It ‘inserted’ thus, an infinitesimal part of the Spirit in the human body. This comprises what you could call the Astral body, which forms one ninth of the essential human being and consists of one ninth of a ‘Higher-self’, which is sometimes called ‘overself'. The Higher-self of man is, in other words, an entity which sends one ninth of itself into a human body, becoming the person’s Astral being. Other physical bodies are inhabited, similarly, by other ninths of the same Higher-self and yet each part remains integral to the central entity.
Further, the Higher-self is a ninth part of a superior Higher-self which, in turn, is a ninth part of a more superior Higher-self. The process continues as far back as the source, and allows the enormous filtration of spiritual experience required by the Spirit.
You must not think that the Higher-self of the first category is insignificant in comparison with the others. It functions at a lower level, but is nevertheless extremely powerful and important. It is capable of curing illness and even resuscitating the dead. There are many instances of people, declared clinically dead, who are brought back to life in the hands of doctors who had abandoned all hope for them. What generally happens in these cases, is that the person’s Astral body meets with the Higher-self. This portion of the Higher-self has left the physical body during the period of ‘death’. It perceives its physical body below, and the doctors trying to resuscitate it; it can also perceive loved ones who mourn for it. In his present state, the Astral body, the person will feel perfectly well - even blissful. Usually he abandons his physical body, frequently the source of much suffering, to find himself catapulted down a ‘psychic canal’, at the end of which is a wondrous light and beyond, a state of bliss.
你不应该认为第一层高级自我与其他相比微不足道。它在较低层次上运作,但仍然非常强大和重要。它能够治愈疾病,甚至使死者复活。有许多人被宣告临床死亡,但在医生们已经放弃所有希望的情况下,却被带回了身体。在这些情况下通常发生的情况是,人的灵体与更高级的自我相遇。这部灵体在“死亡”期间离开了物理身体。它看到自己的物理身体在下面,医生们试图使其复苏;它还可以感知为它哀悼的亲人。在这种的状态下,灵体的人将感觉非常好 - 甚至是幸福的。通常,他会放弃自己的肉体,肉体往往是痛苦的根源,从而发现自己被投放到一个“心灵运河”中,沿着这个运河的尽头是一束奇妙的光,超越了这束光,是一种幸福的状态。
第一のカテゴリのハイヤーセルフが他のものと比較して無意味であるとは考えないでください。それは低いレベルで機能しますが、それでも非常に強力で重要です。それは病気を治すことができ、死者さえ蘇生させることができます。臨床的に死亡したと宣告された人々が、医師たちによって全ての希望を捨てられた状態で生き返る事例が多数あります。これらのケースでは一般的に、その人のアストラル体がハイヤーセルフと出会います。このハイヤーセルフの一部は「死」の期間中に肉体を離れました。それは自分の下にある肉体を認識し、その下にいる医師たちがそれを蘇生しようとしていることを認識することができます。また、それを悼む愛する人々も感じることができます。現在の状態では、その人のアストラル体は非常によく感じるでしょう - たとえ幸福でさえあります。通常、彼は自分の肉体を捨て、しばしば多くの苦しみの源泉となることを見つけるために、「サイキック運河」と呼ばれる運河を下ります。その運河の終わりには素晴らしい光があり、その先には幸福な状態があります。
If before passing through this canal into the blissful light which is his Higherself he has the least will not to die - not on his own account but for the sake of those who need him, young children for example, he will ask to return. In certain cases it will be permitted.
如果在通过这个运河进入他的高级自我的幸福光之前,他有一丝不想死的意愿 - 不是为了自己,而是为了那些需要他的人,比如年幼的孩子,他会被允许返回。在某些情况下,这是允许的。
彼がこの運河を通り抜けて、彼のハイヤーセルフである幸福な光に戻る前に、彼が死にたくないという少しでも意思を持っている場合 - 彼自身のためではなく、彼を必要とする人々、たとえば幼い子供たちのために、彼は戻るように頼みます。一部の場合では許可されるでしょう。
You are in constant communication with your Higher-self by means of your cerebral canal. Acting as a transmitting and receiving post, it conducts special vibrations directly between your Astral body and your Higher-self. Your Higher-self monitors you continually, by day and by night and can intervene to save you from an accident.
‘central entity’ - it means that each of us shares a Higher Self with 8 other people on Earth - explanation of the Author on Editor’s request.
‘central entity’ - 这意味着我们每个人与地球上其他8个人共享一个高级自我 - 作者根据编辑的要求解释
‘central entity’ - これは、私たちそれぞれが地球上の他の8人とハイヤーセルフを共有していることを意味します - 編集者の要請による作者の説明
What is known on Earth as Spiritual Healing, can be achieved with the help of the Higherself of the healer, without the patient being present. Providing the patient gives permission, the competent healer can assist the patient from anywhere in the world. (Author’s comment) This is not an exchange of any ‘energy’ but exchange of ‘information’ at the level of Higher Selves. (Editor’s comment)
Someone, for example, who is to catch a plane, finds that the taxi breaks down on the way to the airport; a second taxi called also breaks down - just like that...just like that? Could you really believe in such a coincidence? The plane in question crashes thirty minutes later, leaving no survivors. Another person, an old and rheumatic woman and barely able to walk, starts to cross a street. There is a loud horn blast and a screeching of tyres, but this person is miraculously able to leap to safety.
比如有人要赶飞机,发现出租车在去机场的路上抛锚了;叫来的第二辆出租车也出了故障 - 就这样...就这样?你真的相信有这样的巧合吗?涉事的飞机30分钟后坠毁,没有幸存者。另一个例子,一位老年风湿病患者,行动不便,勉强能走路,开始过马路。突然传来一声巨大的喇叭声和刹车声,但这个人奇迹般地跳到了安全的地方。
How is this explained? It was not yet her time to die and so her Higher-self intervened. In one hundredth of a second the Higher-self triggered a reaction in her adrenaline glands which, for a few seconds, provided enough strength to her muscles to enable her to execute the leap which saved her life. Adrenaline released into the blood can make it possible to flee from imminent danger, or to defeat the ‘unbeatable’ through anger or fear. In too strong a dose, however, adrenaline becomes a lethal poison.
It isn’t only the cerebral canal which is able to conduct messages between the Higher-self and the Astral body. Another channel exists sometimes in dreams - or, I should even say, in sleep. At certain times during sleep, your Higher-self is able to call your Astral body to itself and, either communicate instructions or ideas, or to regenerate it in some way, replenishing its spiritual strength or enlightening it in regard to solutions to important problems. For this reason, it is essential your sleep is undisturbed by intrusive noise or by nightmares resulting from harmful impressions received during the day. Perhaps you will better understand the importance of your old French saying: ‘Night brings counsel’.
不仅是脑脊髓能够在高级自我和灵体之间传递信息。另一个渠道有时存在于梦中 - 或者,我甚至应该说,在睡眠中。在睡眠中的某些时刻,你的高级自我能够将你的灵体召唤到自己身边,并且要么传达指示或想法,要么以某种方式再生它,补充其精神力量或在解决重要问题方面给予启示。因此,避免你的睡眠被侵入性噪音或由于白天接收到的有害印象而引起的噩梦所干扰是至关重要的。正如你们古老法语讲的谚语所说的:“夜晚到方法到”。
脳脊髄だけがハイヤーセルフとアストラル体の間でメッセージを伝達することができるわけではありません。夢の中に時々存在する別のチャネルがあります - あるいは、私は言うべきか、睡眠の中に存在します。睡眠中の特定の時点で、あなたのハイヤーセルフはあなたのアストラル体を自分のもとに呼び寄せ、指示やアイデアを伝えるか、あるいはいくらかの方法で再生し、精神的な力を補充したり、重要な問題の解決策について啓発したりすることができます。そのため、白昼に受けた有害な印象によって引き起こされた侵入的なノイズや悪夢によって睡眠が妨げられないことが重要です。もしかしたら、あなたはあなたの古いフランス語のことわざの重要性をより良く理解するでしょう:“夜は助言をもたらす”。
The physical body in which you exist at the moment is already very complex, but still, it is nothing compared with the complexity of the process of evolvement which occurs with Astral bodies and Higher-selves. In order to allow ordinary people on your planet to understand as easily as possible, I will make my explanation in the simplest terms.
Your Astral body, which inhabits every normal human being, transfers to its Higher-self all the sensations that are experienced during a lifetime in a physical body. These sensations pass through the immense ‘filter’ of nine Higher-selves before arriving in the etheric ‘ocean’ that surrounds the Spirit. If these sensations are based essentially on materialism, the Higher-selves have enormous trouble filtering them, just as a water filter clogs quicker if it filters dirty water than if the water was already clear.
If, through the numerous experiences you have in your life, you ensure your Astral body benefits in a spiritual sense, it will acquire more and more spiritual understanding. In time, which can vary from 500 to even 15 000 of your Earth years, your Higher-self will have nothing more to filter.
This part of itself, embodied in the Astral being of Michel Desmarquet, will be so spiritually advanced, it will have arrived at the next stage where it will have to contend directly with the more superior Higher-self.
We can compare this process with a nine-stage filter, intended to rid the water passing through, of nine elements. At the end of stage one in the process, one will have been completely eliminated, with eight remaining. Of course, to make this information easier to digest, I am making enormous use of imagery...
This Astral body then, will have completed its cycle with the Higher-self of the first category and will then detach itself from Higher-self number one to rejoin the Higher-self of the second category; the entire process will be repeated. By the same token, the Astral body will be sufficiently spiritually advanced to pass to a planet of the next category, as well.
I see you are not following me very well and I am anxious that you will understand absolutely, all that I explain to you.
In his wisdom, The Spirit, by means of the Fourth force, provided for nine categories of planets. At present, you are on the planet Thiaoouba which is in the ninth category; that is, at the top of the scale.
Earth is a planet of the first category and therefore at the bottom of the scale. What does this mean? The planet Earth could be likened to a kindergarten with the emphasis on teaching basic social values. A planet of the second category would then correspond with a primary school where further values are taught - in both schools, adult guidance is imperative. The third category would comprise secondary schools where a foundation of values allows exploration beyond. Next, you would go to university, where you are treated as an adult, for you would not only have attained a certain amount of knowledge, but you would also start to accept civic responsibility.
地球是第一类别的行星,因此处于等级的最底端。这是什么意思?地球可以被比作一个幼儿园,强调教授基本的社会价值观。第二类别的行星则对应着小学,那里会教授更多的价值观 - 在这两个学校里,成人的指导是必不可少的。第三类别将包括中学,那里的价值观基础会让人们探索更多。接下来,你将去大学,那里你会被视为成年人,因为你不仅获得了一定量的知识,而且开始接受公民责任。
地球は第一のカテゴリの惑星であり、したがってスケールの最下位に位置します。これは何を意味するのでしょうか?地球は、基本的な社会的価値観を教えることに重点を置いた幼稚園に喩えることができます。第二のカテゴリの惑星は、さらに価値観が教えられる小学校に対応します - どちらの学校でも、成人の指導は不可欠です。第三のカテゴリには、さらなる探求が可能になるような価値観の基盤がある中学校が含まれます。次に、大学に行くと、そこでは成人として扱われます。一定量の知識を得ただけでなく、市民の責任を受け入れ始めるからです。
This is the type of progress occurring with the nine categories of planets. The more spiritually advanced you are, the more you will benefit, on a superior planet, by an environment and general way of life which is superior. The very way in which you procure food is much easier, which in turn, simplifies the process of organising your way of life; the consequence is more effective spiritual development.
On the higher planets, Nature itself, enters the stage to assist ‘the pupil’ and, by the time you reach planets of the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth category, not only is your Astral body highly evolved, your physical body has also benefited from your development.
We know you have already been favourably impressed by what you have seen on our planet. As you see more, you will appreciate that it is what you would call on Earth, ‘a paradise’; and yet, compared with true happiness, when you become a pure spirit, it is still nothing.
I must be careful not to make this explanation too long, for you must report it word for word, changing nothing in the book that you will write. It is absolutely essential you allow no personal opinion to intrude.
No, don’t get anxious - Thao will help you with the details when the time comes to start writing...
不,不用紧张 - 当写作开始时,涛会帮助你处理细节...
いいえ、心配しないでください - 書き始める時には、タオが詳細を手助けしてくれるでしょう...
From this planet, it is possible either to remain in a physical body or be reunited with the Great Spirit in the ether.
As these words were uttered, the Aura surrounding the leader shone more brightly than ever and I was surprised to see him almost disappear in a golden mist, only to reappear a second later.
You have understood that the Astral body is a body which inhabits your physical body recalling and noting all the understanding acquired during the course of its various lives.
It can only be enriched spiritually - not materially. The physical body is merely a vehicle which, in most cases we abandon when we die.
I will elaborate, for I see that ‘in most cases’ has confused you. By this, I mean that some of us, including all on our planet, are able to regenerate the cells of our bodies at will. Yes, you have already noticed that most of us seem to be of the same age. We are one of three planets that are the most highly evolved in this galaxy. Some of us can, and do, directly join what we call the great ether.
So, on this particular planet, we have arrived at a stage near perfection, both materially and spiritually. But we have our roles to perform, as does every creature existing in the universe; in fact, everything, including a single pebble, has its role.
Our role, as beings of a superior planet, is to guide - to help with spiritual development and even, sometimes, materially. We are in a position to give material assistance because we are technologically the most advanced people. Indeed, how could a father give spiritual guidance to his child if he were not older, more educated and more skilled in diplomacy than the child?
作为高等星球生命形式的存在,我们的角色是引导 - 在精神发展甚至有时在物质上提供帮助。我们有能力提供物质援助,因为我们在技术上是最先进的人。实际上,如果父亲不比孩子更年长、受过更多的教育和更擅长外交,他怎么能给孩子提供精神指导呢?
If the child should require physical punishment, as unfortunately, is sometimes the case, isn’t it important that the parent be physically stronger than the child? Certain adults, who refuse to listen and who are absolutely stubborn, also need to be corrected by physical means.
You, Michel, come from the planet Earth, which is sometimes called ‘The Planet of Sorrows’. Indeed, the name is appropriate, but it is this way for a precise reason - it is intended to provide a learning environment of a quite specific kind. It is not because life there is so difficult that you have to intervene - you cannot lightly go against Nature, destroying rather than conserving what the Creator has put at your disposal; that is, interfering with ecological systems, which have been intricately designed. Certain countries, like Australia, where you are from, are beginning to show great respect for ecology and it is a step in the right direction; but even in that country, what case is made of pollution - both water and air pollution? What is ever done about one of the worst forms of pollution? Noise.
ミシェル、あなたは地球から来ています。地球は時々「悲しみの星」と呼ばれることがあります。実際、その名前は適切ですが、その理由は明確です - それは特定の種類の学習環境を提供することを意図しています。そこでの生活が非常に困難なために介入しなければならないわけではありません。自然に軽率に逆らうことはできません。創造主があなたたちに与えたものを破壊するのではなく、保存することです。つまり、入り組んで設計された生態系に干渉することです。オーストラリアのような特定の国々は、生態系を非常に尊重し始めており、これは正しい方向への一歩です。しかし、その国でも、水や大気の汚染についてどれだけのケースが訴えられていますか?最悪の形態の一つである騒音について何ができていますか?
I say ‘worst’ because people such as Australians pay virtually no attention to it at all.
Ask someone if traffic noise bothers him and the response will surprise you - eighty five per cent of the time it will be; ‘What noise? What are you talking about? Oh that noise - we get used to it.’ And it is precisely because they ‘get used to it’ that the danger exists.
问一个人交通噪音是否打扰到他,答案会让你感到惊讶 - 85%的回答会是:“什么噪音?你在说什么?哦,那个噪音 - 我们已经习惯了。”而正是因为他们“习惯了”,危险才如影随形。
誰かに交通騒音が気になるか尋ねると、その答えに驚くでしょう - 85%の場合、「どんな騒音?何を言ってるの?ああ、その騒音 - それには慣れてるよ」となります。そして、彼らが「慣れてしまった」からこそ危険が存在するのです。
Just then, Thaora, as this high figure was called, made a gesture and I turned around. He was replying to a question I had mentally posed; ‘How can he speak of percentages and know so much about our planet with so much precision?
Turning around, I almost uttered a cry of surprise for, behind me, stood Biastra and Latoli. In itself, this was nothing surprising, but the friends I knew who measured 310 and 280 centimetres in height respectively, were now reduced in size to correspond with my height. My mouth must have continued to gape, for Thaora smiled.
Can you understand, that sometimes, and very often in these days, some of us live among your people on Earth? - and there is my answer to your question.
你明白了吧,有时,特别是最近,我们中的一些人会与你们地球上的人民生活在一起吗? - 这就是对你问题的回答。
わかりますか、ときに、そして最近では非常によく、私たちの中のいくつかが地球の人々と一緒に生活していることがありますか? - これがあなたの質問に対する私の答えです。
To continue on the very important subject of noise, it is such a danger that, if nothing is done, catastrophe is certain.
Let us take the example of a discotheque. The people who expose themselves to music that is typically played three times too loudly, are subjecting their brains and their physiological and astral bodies to vibrations which are so harmful. If they could see the damage that is caused, they would vacate the discotheque quicker than if there was a fire.
But vibrations don’t only come from noise; they also come from colours and it is astonishing that, on your planet, experiments conducted in this field have not been followed up. Our ‘agents’ reported a particular experiment involving a man who was capable of lifting a certain weight. It was found (that)1, after staring for a moment at a pink-coloured screen, he consistently lost thirty per cent of his strength.
Your civilisation pays no attention to such experimentation. In fact, colours can enormously influence the behaviour of human beings and yet, control of this influence requires that an individual’s Aura be taken into account. If for example, you want to paint or wallpaper your bedroom with the colours that are truly appropriate for you, you must be aware of the colours of certain principal points of your Aura.
By matching the colours of your walls with those of your Aura, you can improve your health or maintain good health. Further, the vibrations emanating from these colours are essential for good mental balance, exerting their influence even while you sleep.
I was wondering how we could be expected to know these significant colours in our Auras when, on Earth, we were not capable of perceiving Auras.
Of course, Thaora replied immediately, without me having to say a word aloud.
Michel, it is now very important that your experts invent the special equipment necessary, to enable perception of the Aura, as this, in turn, will ensure that correct choices are made at the critical cross-roads ahead.
The Russians have already photographed the Aura. This is the beginning, but the results obtained allow them only to read the first two letters of the alphabet, as it were, in comparison with what we are able to decipher. The reading of the Aura in order to heal the physical body is nothing compared with what such a reading can achieve for the psychic body, or the physiological body. It is in the area of the psyche that, on Earth, your greatest problems exist.
We could have brought you to our planet in Astral body, but instead, we have brought you here in physical body - and for an important reason. I see you already understand our reason. This pleases us and we thank you for your willingness to assist us in our task.
我们本可以只让你的星魂体来到我们的星球,但相反,我们让你以肉体之躯来到这里 - 有一个重要的原因。我看到你已经理解了我们的原因。这让我们感到高兴,我们感谢你愿意协助我们的任务。
私たちはあなたを星体で私たちの惑星に連れて行くことができましたが、代わりに、私たちはあなたを肉体でここに連れて来ました - そして重要な理由があります。私はすでにあなたが私たちの理由を理解していることを見ています。これは私たちを喜ばせ、私たちの任務に協力してくれたことに感謝します。
The Thaora stopped talking and seemed to lapse into thought, at the same time, fixing me with his luminous eyes. I cannot say how much time elapsed. I know my state became more and more euphoric and I was aware that the Auras of the seven personages were gradually changing. The colours became more vivid in places, softer in others, while the outer edges became misty.
This mist became more golden and pink as it spread, gradually blurring the seven figures. I felt Thao’s hand on my shoulder.
No, you are not dreaming, Michel. It’s all quite real.She spoke very loudly and, as if to prove her point, she pinched my shoulder so hard, she left a bruise that could be seen for several weeks.
Why did you do that? I would not have thought you capable of such violence, Thao.
I’m sorry, Michel, but sometimes strange means are employed. The Thaori always disappear - and sometimes appear in this manner - and you might have thought it part of a dream. I am entrusted with the task of ensuring that you recognise what is real.
对不起,米歇尔,但有时候会采用特殊的手段。长老Thaora总是以这种方式显现或消失 - 你可能会以为这是梦的一部分。我被委托确保你认识到什么是真实的。
申し訳ありません、ミシェル、しかし時には奇妙な手段が使われます。Thaoriは常に消え去ります - そして時にはこのように現れます - あなたはそれが夢の一部だと思っていたかもしれません。私はあなたが何が本当かを認識することを保証されています。
With these words, Thao pivoted me around and I followed her, as we departed by the same route we had come.
Before leaving the doko, Thao fitted a mask on my head - a mask that was different from the one I’d worn previously. I was able to see colours that were much more vivid and much more luminous.
dokoを出る前に、タオは私の頭にマスクを装着しました- 以前に着用していたものとは異なるマスクです。私ははるかに鮮明で明るい色を見ることができました。
How do you feel in your new voki Michel? Do you find the light tolerable?
Yes...it’s...fine, it’s so beautiful and I feel so...With that, I collapsed at Thao’s feet. She took me in her arms and carried me to the flying platform.
I awoke in my doko, quite astonished. My shoulder was hurting; quite instinctively I put my hand to the pain, and grimaced.
I am really sorry, Michel, but it was necessary.’ There was just a hint of remorse in Thao’s expression.
What happened to me?
Let’s say that you fainted, although the word is not quite appropriate; rather, you were overwhelmed with beauty. Your new voki allows fifty per cent of the vibrations of colour on our planet to pass, whereas your former voki subdued all but twenty per cent.
Only twenty per cent? - that’s incredible! All those marvellous colours I could see - the butterflies, the flowers, the trees, the ocean... No wonder I was overcome. I remember, during a journey I made from France to New Caledonia, we called in at the island of Tahiti. While there, I toured the island with family and friends, in a hired car. The islanders were delightful and made such a charming picture, with their straw hats constructed on the banks of lagoons amidst bougainvillea, hibiscus and exoras - red, yellow, orange and purple, surrounded by well-kept lawns and shaded by coconut trees.
只有百分之二十?-太不可思议了!我能看到那些奇妙的色彩 - 蝴蝶、花朵、树木、大海...难怪我感到不知所措。我记得,我从法国到新喀里多尼亚的旅途中,我们在塔希提岛停留了一下。在那里,我和家人朋友一起在一辆租来的汽车上环岛游览。岛民们非常可爱,构成了迷人的画面,他们的草帽搭建在湖泊边上,周围是三角梅、木槿和茉莉花 - 红色、黄色、橙色和紫色,周围是修剪整齐的草坪,被椰子树遮蔽着。
たった20%? - 信じられない!私が見ることができたあの素晴らしい色彩 - 蝶々、花、木々、海...当然ながら私は圧倒されました。フランスからニューカレドニアへの旅の途中、私たちはタヒチ島に立ち寄りました。その間、私は家族や友人と一緒に、借りた車で島を巡りました。島民は魅力的で、ラグーンの岸辺に作られたイグサの帽子をかぶっていて、ブーゲンビリア、ハイビスカス、エクソラの中に - 赤、黄、オレンジ、紫 - きちんと手入れされた芝生に囲まれ、ココナッツの木によって日陰にされていました。
The backdrop to these scenes was provided by the blue of the ocean. We spent all day touring the island and I described it in my journal as having been an entire day of inebriation for my eyes. I was, indeed, intoxicated by the beauty around me; and yet, now, I admit all that was nothing compared with the beauty here on your planet.
Thao had listened to my description with marked interest, smiling all the while. She placed her hand on my forehead and said, Rest now, Michel. Later you will feel better and will be able to come with me.
I fell asleep immediately and slept peacefully, without dreaming, I think for about 24 hours. When I awoke, I felt rested and refreshed.
Thao was there, and Latoli and Biastra had joined her. They had regained their normal size and I commented on the fact straight away.
Little time is required for such a metamorphose, Michel,explained Biastra, but that is not important. Today we are going to show you something of our country and introduce you to some very interesting people.Latoli approached me and touched my shoulder with her fingertips, just where Thao had bruised me. Instantly, the pain vanished and I felt quivers of wellbeing run through my whole body. She returned my smile and handed me my new mask.
米歇尔,像那样的变身并不需要太长时间,碧阿斯特拉说道,但这并不重要。今天我们要带你看看我们国家的一些东西,并介绍你认识一些非常有趣的人。 拉托利走近我,用指尖轻触了我肩膀,就在涛捏我肩膀的地方。瞬间,疼痛消失了,我感到整个身体都充满了幸福的感觉。她回以微笑,递给我我的新面罩。
I still found that, outside, I had to squint against the light. Thao gestured to me indicating that I should climb on to the Lativok as our flying platform was called. The others chose to fly independently, fluttering about our vehicle, as though playing a game - and no doubt they were. On this planet, the inhabitants seemed perpetually happy; the only ones I had found to be serious - in fact, even a little severe, despite their air of benevolence - were the seven Thaori.
我发现,外面的光线依然很刺眼。涛向我示意,表示我应该乘坐被称为Lativok(拉提沃科)的飞行平台。其他人选择独立飞行,在我们的周围飘来飘去,仿佛在玩游戏 - 毫无疑问,他们确实在玩游戏。在这个星球上,居民似乎永远都很开心;我发现唯一认真的人就是那七位圣贤长老 - 实际上,即使他们表现出仁慈的气息,也有点严肃
私は外で光に向かって目を細める必要があることに気付いた。タオは私に合図して、私がLativokと呼ばれる飛行プラットフォームに登るべきだと示しました。他の人たちは独立して飛行を選び、私たちの乗り物の周りを羽ばたいていました。まるでゲームをしているかのようです - そして間違いなくそうでした。この惑星では、住人たちは絶えず幸せそうでした;私が見つけた唯一の真剣な人々は、実際には、彼らの慈悲深い雰囲気にもかかわらず、少し厳しいと感じたのは、七人のThaoriでした。
We flew at high speed, several metres above the water and, although my curiosity was constantly aroused, I often had to close my eyes to allow them to ‘recover’ from the brightness.
私たちは水面数メートル上空を高速で飛行しましたが、私の好奇心は常に刺激されていました。しかし、私はしばしば目を閉じなければならず、彼らが光の明るさから '回復'するのを許す必要がありました。
Still, it appeared I was going to become accustomed to it...I wondered how I would cope though, if it occurred to Thao to give me a mask which permitted seventy per cent of the light to penetrate - or even more?
We rapidly approached the coast of the mainland, where waves were breaking over rocks of green, black, orange and gold. The iridescence of the water, crashing against the rocks, under the perpendicular rays of a midday sun, created a memorably lovely effect. A band of light and colour was formed, one hundred times more crystalline than a rainbow on Earth. We rose to an altitude of about 200 metres and proceeded to travel over the continent.
Thao flew us over a plain on which I could see animals of all sorts - some were two-legged and resembled little ostriches; others were four-legged creatures, similar to mammoths, but twice as big. I also watched cows graze side by side with hippopotamuses. The cows were so similar to those we have on Earth, I couldn’t help but remark on it to Thao, pointing as I did so, at a particular herd, just like an excited child at the zoo. She laughed heartily.
涛带领我们飞过一片平原,我看到各种各样的动物 - 有些是两条腿的,像小鸵鸟;另一些是四条腿的动物,类似于猛犸象,但是大两倍。我还看到牛和河马并排吃草。这些牛和地球上的牛非常相似,我不禁向涛指出了这一点,指着一群特别的牛群,就像一个兴奋的孩子在动物园里一样。她大笑起来。
タオは私たちを平原の上空を飛ばしました。そこにはさまざまな種類の動物がいました - 一部は二本足で、小さなダチョウのようでした。他のものは四本足の生物で、マンモスに似ていますが、2倍の大きさです。また、牛がカバと並んで草を食べているのを見ました。これらの牛は地球上のものと非常に似ていたので、私はタオにそれについてコメントせずにはいられませんでした。私は動物園で興奮した子供のように、特定の群れを指さしながらそう言いました。彼女は心から笑いました。
Why shouldn’t we have cows here, Michel? Look over there and you’ll see donkeys and there, giraffes - although they are somewhat taller than on Earth. See how lovely those horses are as they run together.
为什么我们这里不能有牛,米歇尔?看那边,你会看到驴子,那边有长颈鹿 - 虽然它们比地球上的稍高一些。看看那些马在一起奔跑时是多么可爱。
ここに牛がいないのはなぜですか、ミシェル?あそこを見てください、そこにはロバがいて、そこにはキリンがいます - 地球よりもやや背が高いですが。一緒に走る馬がどれほど素敵か見てください。
I was thrilled, but wasn’t I constantly thrilled by this experience -sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less? What really rendered me speechless, to the amusement of my friends, was the sight of horses bearing the heads of very pretty women - some blonde, others auburn or brown and even some with blue hair. As they galloped, they would often soar for tens of metres. Ah yes! In fact, they had wings, folded back against their bodies, which they made use of from time to time - something like the flying fish which follow or precede ships. They lifted their heads to see us and tried to rival the speed of the Lativok.
我很激动,这种体验总是让我兴奋不已 - 总是给我不断的惊喜?真正让我觉得神奇的是,我看到了一种马,长着非常漂亮女人的脸 - 有些是金发,有些是赤褐色或棕色的头发,甚至还有一些蓝色的头发。当它们飞奔时,能飞行数十米。啊,是的!事实上,它们有翅膀,贴在身体上,它们偶尔会使用翅膀 - 就像跟随在船前飞行的飞鱼一样。它们抬头望向我们,试图与Lativok比看谁速度快。
私は興奮していましたが、このような経験には常に興奮していました - 時には少し多く、時には少し少なく?私の友人たちを楽しませたのは、非常に美しい女性の頭を持つ馬を見た光景で、ブロンドの人もいれば、赤茶色や茶色の人もいて、青い髪の人もいました。彼らが疾走すると、しばしば数十メートル飛び上がりました。ああ、そうです!実際、彼らは翼を持っており、身体に折りたたまれていましたが、時折使用していました - 船に続くまたは先行する飛ぶ魚のようなものです。彼らは私たちを見るために頭を上げ、Lativokの速度に匹敵しようとしました。
Thao reduced speed and altitude, enabling us to approach within several metres of them. There were more surprises ahead of me, as some of these horse-women cried out to us in a language that was recognisably human. My three companions answered in the same language, and the exchange was obviously a pleasant one. We didn’t linger long at that low altitude, however, as some of the horse-women soared to such heights, they almost touched our vehicle, thereby risking injury to themselves.
The plain we flew over was, in places, embossed with small knolls, all of about the same size. I remarked on them and Biastra explained that, millions of years ago, these knolls had been volcanoes. The vegetation below us had none of the exuberance of the forest I had ‘experienced’ on my arrival. On the contrary, here the trees were grouped in small stands, reaching no more than 25 metres in height. As we passed, large white birds took flight by the hundreds, only to land again, a ‘safe’ distance away. A wide water-course flowed to the horizon, dissecting the plain with its lazy wanderings.
私たちが飛び越えた平原は、場所によっては小さな丘で凹凸しており、すべてほぼ同じサイズでした。私がそれについてコメントしたところ、Biastra は、数百万年前、これらの丘が火山だったことを説明しました。私たちの下の植物は、私が到着したときに「体験」した森林の活気がありませんでした。それどころか、ここでは木々が小さな集団を形成し、高さが25メートルを超えることはありませんでした。私たちが通過すると、大きな白い鳥が数百羽飛び立ち、また「安全な」距離に着地します。広い水路が地平線に流れ、そののんびりした流れで平原を切り分けました。
I could make out some small dokos grouped together on a bend of the river. Thao guided the Lativok above the river, reducing altitude to water level as we approached the settlement. We landed in a small square between two dokos and were immediately surrounded by the inhabitants. They didn’t scramble or push to get near us; rather, they stopped what they were doing and calmly approached us. They formed a circle large enough to be comfortable and for all to have equal opportunity to see an alien face to face.
Again, it struck me that these people all seemed to be of the same age, apart from about half a dozen that could have been older. Age, here, did not detract but added a quality of surprising nobility.
I had also been struck by the absence of children on the planet; and yet, in this settlement and among the crowd that approached, I saw six or seven of them. They were charming and appeared to be quite level headed for children. According to Thao, they would have been eight or nine years old.
Since my arrival on Thiaoouba, I had not yet had occasion to meet so great a number of these people. Glancing around the circle, I could appreciate a calmness and reserve about them, as well as the great beauty in their faces that I’d grown to expect. There was a strong resemblance between them, as if they were all brothers and sisters; and yet, isn’t that our first impression when we encounter a group of blacks or Asians together? In fact, the same physical variety in facial features existed among these people, as exists within races on Earth.
In height, they varied from 280 to 300 centimetres, their bodies being so well-proportioned, they were a pleasure to behold - neither too muscly nor too puny, and without deformity of any kind. Their hips were somewhat larger than you would expect in a man, but then I’d been told that some of them gave birth to children.
All possessed magnificent heads of hair - most of a golden-blond colour, others platinum-blond or coppery-blond and occasionally, a bright chestnut colour. There were also some, like Thao and Biastra, with a fine down of hair on the upper lip, but, apart from this, these people had absolutely no other body hair. (This is not, of course, an observation that I made at the time but one which I made later, when I had occasion to see from quite near, a group of naked sunbathers.) Their skin-type reminded me of Arab women who protect themselves from the sun - it was certainly not the pale skin typical of blondes with such light eyes. So light, indeed, were the mauve and blue eyes around me, that I might have wondered if they were blind, had I been on Earth
When I speak now, of their long legs and rounded thighs - they reminded me of our female long-distance runners, as well as their beautifully proportioned breasts, firm and shapely in every case, the reader will understand my error in believing Thao to be a female giant when first we met. It occurred to me that women on Earth would be most envious of the breasts of these people - and men would be most delighted by them...
I have already commented on the beauty of Thao’s face, and others in this crowd had similar ‘classic’ features; still others I would describe as ‘charming’ or ‘alluring’. Each face, though slightly different in shape and features, seemed to have been designed by an artist.
Each had been given its own unique charm; but, above all, the quality most evident in their faces and in their manner and deportment, was the quality of intelligence.
In all, I could find no fault with these people who grouped around us, beaming smiles of welcome which revealed rows of perfect white teeth. This physical perfection did not surprise me, since Thao had explained their ability to regenerate their body cells at will. There was no reason, therefore, that these magnificent bodies should age.
Are we interrupting them in their work?I asked Biastra, who happened to be by my side.
No, not really,she replied.Most of the people in this town are on vacation - it is also a place where people come to meditate.
Three of the ‘elders’ approached and Thao asked that I address them in French, and loudly enough for everyone to hear. I believe I said; I am very happy to be among you and to be able to admire your wonderful planet. You are fortunate people and I, myself, would like to live among you.
This speech released a concert of exclamation, not only on account of the language, which most of them had never before heard spoken, but also for the sense of what I had said, which had been telepathically communicated.
Biastra signalled we should follow the three ‘elders’, who led us into one of the dokos. When the seven of us were comfortably installed, Thao began; Michel, I would like to introduce you to Lationusi.She held her hand towards one of the three and I bowed. Lationusi was, about 14 000 of your years ago, the last King of the continent Mu on Earth.
I don’t understand.
You don’t want to understand, Michel, and, at this particular moment, you resemble many of your peers on Earth.
I must have looked troubled, for Thao, Biastra and Latoli laughed loudly.
Don’t look like that, Michel. I just meant to jostle you a little. Now, in the presence of Lationusi, I am going to explain one of the mysteries that elude many experts on your planet - who, I might add, would do better to devote their precious time discovering more useful things. I am going to unveil not one, but several of the mysteries which obsess them.
Our seats were arranged in a circle, Thao sat next to Lationusi and I sat facing them.
As I already explained during our journey to Thiaoouba, the Bakaratinians arrived on Earth 1,350,000 years ago. Thirty thousand years later came the terrible cataclysm that gouged out seas and caused the emergence of islands and even continents. I made mention also, of an enormous continent which arose in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
This continent was called ‘Lamar’ but is better known to you as the continent of Mu. It emerged virtually in one piece, to be shattered 2000 years later, by seismic shock, into three principal continents.
With the passing of years, vegetation established on these continents, large areas of which were located in equatorial regions. Grass grew, forests established and, gradually, animals migrated across the very narrow isthmus that bound Mu to North America.
The yellow race that had better managed to come to terms with the disastrous consequences of the cataclysm, were first to construct ships and explore the seas. About 300,000 Earth years ago, they landed on the northwest coast of Mu, where they eventually founded a small colony.
This colony barely grew over the course of centuries as there were difficulties in expatriating, which would take too long to explain and which does not concern us now.
About 250,000 Earth years ago, the inhabitants of planet Arèmo X3, on which we stopped to take samples during our journey here, embarked on an interplanetary voyage of exploration penetrating your solar system. After having skirted Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Mercury, they landed on the planet Earth in China, where their spacecraft caused considerable panic among the populace. Their legends refer to ‘fire dragons’ descending from the sky. The fear and mistrust of the Chinese, led them eventually, to attack the aliens, who were forced to use violence in order to defend themselves. This they hated, for they were not only technologically advanced but also highly spiritual people who abhorred killing.
約25万年前、地球の住人たちが地球への旅行中にサンプルを取るために立ち寄った惑星Arèmo X3の住人は、太陽系を探検する星間航行に乗り出しました。土星、木星、火星、水星を迂回した後、彼らは中国の地球に着陸しました。彼らの宇宙船は地元の人々の間で大きなパニックを引き起こしました。彼らの伝説では、「天から降りてきた火の龍」とされています。中国人の恐怖と不信は最終的に彼らを外国人に攻撃させ、外国人は自衛のために暴力を使用せざるを得ませんでした。彼らはこれを嫌いました、なぜなら彼らは技術的に高度に発展しているだけでなく、殺生を嫌う高度に霊的な人々でした。
They moved on, continuing their exploration of the planet. It turned out, that the continent of Mu had most appeal for them for two main reasons. First, the continent appeared to be virtually uninhabited and second, by virtue of its latitude, it was a veritable paradise.
They had become particularly cautious since their confrontation with the Chinese and felt it would be wise to establish a base to which they could retreat, should they encounter further hostilities of a serious nature from Earth people. I have not yet explained that their reason for exploring Earth was their intention of resettling several million people from Arèmo X3 - a planet that was becoming uncomfortably over-populated. This operation was much too serious to take risks of any kind. Thus, it was decided that their base of retreat would be set up, not on Earth, but on the moon, which was quite close and considered very safe.
彼らは中国人との対立以来特に慎重になり、地球人からの深刻な敵意にさらされる可能性がある場合に、撤退できる拠点を設立するのが賢明だと感じました。まだ説明していませんが、彼らが地球を探索する理由は、Arèmo X3から数百万人の再定住を意図しているためです。これは人口が不快に増加している惑星です。この作戦はあらゆるリスクを冒すにはあまりにも重要です。したがって、彼らの撤退基地は地球ではなく、月に設置されることになりました。それはかなり近く、非常に安全と考えられています。
Fifty years were spent establishing the lunar bases and it wasn’t until they were ready that emigration to Mu began. All went well. The small Chinese colony that had existed in the north-west of Mu had been totally destroyed some decades after their first visit, so in effect, they had the entire continent to themselves.
Work began immediately on the construction of towns, canals and roads, which they paved with immense flagstones. Their usual means of transport was a flying chariot, not unlike our Lativoks.
From their planet, they imported animals such as the dog and the armadillo - which they were very partial to on Arèmo X3, and also the pig.
他们从自己的星球引进了诸如狗和犰狳之类的动物 - 这些动物在阿瑞姆X3上非常受欢迎,还有猪。
彼らは彼らの惑星から、犬やアルマジロなどの動物を輸入しました - これらの動物はArèmo X3では非常に好まれていました - そしてブタも輸入されました。
When she told me about all those imported animals, I remembered how astonished I’d been to see pigs and dogs on that famous planet during our earlier visit. Suddenly, everything was very clear to me.
In height, these people averaged 180 centimetres for the males, and 160 centimetres for the females. Their hair was dark, their eyes of a beautiful black and their skin lightly bronzed. You saw some of their kind when we stopped at Arèmo X3 and I believe you have already guessed them to be the ancestors of the Polynesians.
身長では、男性が平均180センチメートル、女性が平均160センチメートルでした。彼らの髪は暗く、目は美しい黒色で、肌は軽く日焼けしていました。私たちがArèmo X3で停止したとき、あなたは彼らの一部を見ました。そして、あなたは彼らがポリネシア人の祖先であるとすでに推測したと思います。
So they established settlements throughout the length and breadth of the continent, including 19 large cities, seven of which were sacred. Small villages were also numerous, for these people were highly skilled farmers and graziers.
Their political system was modelled on that of Arèmo X3. They had long ago discovered that the only way to govern a country properly was to place at the head of government, seven men of integrity, representing no political party, but sincerely committed to doing what they could for their nation.
彼らの政治制度はArèmo X3のものをモデルにしていました。彼らはずっと前に、国を適切に統治する唯一の方法は、政府のトップに政党を代表せずに誠実な7人を置くことだと発見しました。
The seventh among them was the Supreme Judge whose vote on council was worth two. If four were against him and two with him on a particular issue, they were at deadlock, and hours or days of debate would ensue, until at least one of the seven was persuaded to change his vote. This debate was conducted within a context of intelligence, love and concern for the people.
These high figures received no great material benefits for leading the nation. It was their vocation to lead and they did it for the love of serving their country - this avoided the problem of hiding opportunists among the leaders.
这些高层人物领导国家并不会得到很大的物质利益。领导是他们的职责,他们是出于对国家的爱而领导的 - 这避免了在领导层中隐藏投机者的问题。
これらの高位の人々は、国を指導するために大きな物質的利益を受けませんでした。指導することは彼らの職業であり、彼らは国に奉仕することを愛して指導しました - これにより、指導者の中に投機家を隠す問題が回避されました。
The same can’t be said of our national leaders now,I remarked with a hint of bitterness. Where were such men found?
The procedure was as follows: In a village or district, a man of integrity was elected by referendum. No one with a record of bad conduct or a tendency towards fanaticism could be chosen - the chosen one would have demonstrated integrity in all spheres. He would then be sent to the nearest town, along with other representatives from neighbouring villages, and there, further elections would be held.
程序如下:在一个村庄或地区,通过全民公投选举一个正直的人。任何有不良记录或倾向于狂热主义的人都不能被选中 - 被选中的人必须在各个方面都表现出正直。然后,他将与其他来自邻近村庄的代表一起被送往最近的城镇,在那里进行进一步的选举。
手順は次のようになります:村や地区では、誠実な人物が住民投票で選出されました。不正行為の記録がある人や狂信的傾向のある人は選ばれませんでした - 選ばれた人はすべての領域で誠実さを示している必要がありました。そして、彼は隣接する村からの他の代表と共に最寄りの町に送られ、そこでさらなる選挙が行われました。
For example, if there were 60 villages, there would be 60 men elected by the people for their integrity and not for promises which they made, but couldn’t keep.
Representatives from all over the nation would meet together in the capital city. They would be divided into groups of six and each group assigned a particular conference room. For the next ten days the group would be together - holding discussions, sharing meals, enjoying shows and, eventually, they would elect a group leader. So, if there had been 60 representatives, divided into ten groups, there would be ten group leaders. Of these ten, seven would be elected by the same process, and from the seven, an eventual Supreme Leader would emerge. He was given the title of King.
来自全国各地的代表将在首都会聚。他们将被分成六人一组,并为每个组分配一个特定的会议室。在接下来的十天里,这个团队将在一起 - 进行讨论,共进餐,观赏表演,并最终选举出一个组长。因此,如果有60名代表,分成十组,就会有十个组长。在这十个人中,有七个人将通过同样的程序选举产生,从这七个人中,最终将产生出一位最高领袖。他会被赋予国王的称号。
So, he was a republican King,I said.
Thao smiled at my remark and Lationusi gave a slight frown.
The King was elected in this way only if his predecessor died without having nominated a successor, or if the successor was not unanimously accepted by the council of seven. He was given the title of King, first because he was the representative on Earth of the Great Spirit, and second because nine times out of ten, he would be the son or near relative of the preceding King.
Something like the Roman method, then.
Yes indeed. However, if this King manifested the slightest tendency towards dictatorship, he was overthrown by his council of peers. But let’s go back now to our emigrants from Arèmo X3...
はい、確かに。しかし、もしこの王が独裁の傾向を示した場合、彼は仲間の評議会によって打倒されます。しかし、今はArèmo X3からの移民に戻りましょう...
Their capital city, given the name Savanasa, was situated on a plateau overlooking the Gulf of Suvatu. The plateau was 300 metres high and, except for two hills - one in the south-west and one in the south-east, this was the highest point on the continent of Mu.
他们的首都,取名为Savanasa(萨瓦纳萨),坐落在俯瞰Suvatu湾的高原上。这个高原海拔300米,除了两个山丘 - 一个在西南,一个在东南,这是姆大陆上最高的地方。
I’m sorry, Thao - may I interrupt? When you explained the cataclysm which knocked the Earth off its axis, you said that refuge on the moon was not possible because it didn’t exist - and yet now, you say that safety bases were established on the moon for these emigrants...
对不起,Thao - 我可以打断一下吗?当你解释了使地球偏离轨道的小行星撞击灾难时,你说月球上没有避难所,因为月球并不存在 - 但现在,你说在月球上这些移民建立了安全基地...
すみません、Thao - お許しをいただけますか?地球を軸から外れさせた大災害について説明したとき、月への避難が不可能だったと言いましたが、今では月に安全基地が設置されたと言いますが、これは矛盾しています...
There was no moon at the time when the blacks populated Australia, or for a very long time afterwards. There had been two very small moons much earlier - about six million years ago, which revolved around Earth, eventually colliding with it. Earth was not inhabited at the time so, although terrible cataclysms followed, it didn’t really matter.
About 500 000 years ago, Earth ‘captured’ a much larger moon - the one which exists now. It was passing too close to your planet and was attracted into an orbit. This often happens with moons. Further catastrophes were provoked by this event...
大约 500,000 年前,地球“捕获”了一颗更大的月球 - 就是现在的这颗。它离你们的星球太近了,被吸引进入了轨道。这种情况在卫星中经常发生。这一事件引发了进一步的灾难...
約50万年前、地球はより大きな月を「捕獲」しました - 今、存在するものです。それはあなたたちの惑星にあまりにも接近しており、軌道に引き込まれました。これは月によく起こることです。このイベントによってさらなる災害が引き起こされました...
What do you mean when you say ‘passing too close’ to Earth? Why didn’t it crash? And anyway, what is a moon?
It could have crashed indeed, but that doesn’t often happen. A moon is originally a small planet revolving around its sun in a spiral that becomes increasingly tight. The smaller planets spiral more rapidly than the larger ones, because their inertial force is less.
Their spiral being faster, the smaller planets often catch up to the larger planets and, if they pass too closely, the gravitational attraction of the planet will be stronger than that of the sun. The smaller planet begins to orbit the larger one, still in a spiral, which will sooner or later result in a collision.
Are you saying that our beautiful moon celebrated in poem and song, will one day fall on our heads?
One day, yes...but not for about 195 000 years.
是的,有一天会的……但大约需要 195,000 年。
その日が来る、はい...でもおよそ 195,000 年後です。
I must have seemed relieved and my fright somewhat comical, for my hosts all laughed.
Thao continued.When that happens - when the moon collides with the Earth - that will be the end of your planet. If the people of Earth are not sufficiently spiritually and technologically advanced at the time, it will mean a holocaust; but, if they are, they will have evacuated to another planet. Everything in its time though, Michel - for now, I must finish off my story concerning the continent of Mu.
Savanasa then, was situated on a vast plateau overlooking plains which rose, on average, no more than 30 metres above sea level. On this plateau and in the centre, an enormous pyramid was constructed. Each stone used in its construction, some weighing more than 50 tonnes, was cut precisely to within one fifth of a millimetre, using what we can call ‘ultrasonic vibratory systems’. This was done in the quarries of Holaton, now found on Easter Island, which was the one place on the entire continent where this special rock could be found. There was, however, another quarry at Notora, southwest of the continent.
The enormous stones were transported using anti-gravitational techniques well known to these people. (They were carried on platforms, 20 centimetres above the paved roads, and were constructed using the same principals as those of the pyramids.) Roads such as these were built all over the country, converging, like a massive spider’s web, on the capital, Savanasa.
The huge stones were taken to Savanasa and put into position according to directions from the ‘master’ or chief architect on the project. When finished, the pyramid measured exactly 440.01 metres in height and its four faces were oriented precisely towards the four points of the compass.
Was this intended to be the King’s palace, or his tomb?Everyone wore the same indulgent smile that often appeared when I asked a question.
Nothing of the sort, Michel. This pyramid was much more important - it was a tool. An enormous tool, I admit, but a tool just the same. So, too, was the Pyramid of Cheops, in Egypt, though it was much smaller in size.
都不是,米歇尔。比那些要重要的多 - 它是一个工具。我不得不承认,它是一个巨大的工具,它也只能被认为是一种工具。同样,埃及的胡夫金字塔也是如此,尽管它的规模要小得多。
You will have realized,Thao resumed,that these were highly advanced people. They possessed a profound understanding of Universal Law and used their pyramid as a 'captor' of cosmic rays, forces and energies, as well as terrestrial energies.
你会意识到的,涛继续说道,这些人是非常先进的。 他们深刻理解了宇宙法则,并将他们的金字塔用作吸收宇宙射线、力量和能量以及地球能量的‘捕捉器’。
あなたは気づいているでしょう、タオが続けた、これらは非常に高度な人々だったことに。 彼らは宇宙法則を深く理解し、彼らのピラミッドを宇宙の光線、力、エネルギー、および地球のエネルギーの‘捕獲器’として使用していました。
Inside, rooms positioned according to a precise plan, served the King and certain other great initiates, as powerful communications centres, enabling (telepathic) communication with other planets and other worlds in the universe. Such communication with extra-terrestrials is no longer possible for people on Earth; but the people of Mu in those days, by natural means and by exploiting cosmic forces, were in constant communication with other beings and were even able to explore parallel universes.
内部には、精密な計画に基づいて配置された部屋があり、王と特定の偉大な入門者に、宇宙の他の惑星や世界との(テレパシーの)通信を可能にする強力な通信センターとして機能しました。地球の人々とのこのような異星人との通信はもはや可能ではありません。しかし、Mu の人々は当時、自然の手段と宇宙の力を利用して、他の存在と絶えずコミュニケーションを取り、さらに平行宇宙を探索することさえできました。
Was this the sole purpose of the pyramid?
Not quite. Its second use was to make rain. By a system of plates, made of a special alloy incorporating silver as its major component, these people were able, in a few days, to cause the accumulation of clouds above the country, and so, to have rain as they needed it.
Thus, they were able to create, virtually, a paradise over the whole continent. Rivers and springs never dried up, but flowed lazily across the numerous plains of a land that was essentially flat.
Fruit trees were laden with fruit, bowing under the weight of oranges, mandarins or apples, according to latitude. Exotic fruits, of kinds that actually no longer exist on Earth, were harvested in abundance. One such fruit, called the Laikoti, possessed a property that caused an excitation of brain activity, allowing whoever ate it to solve problems which would normally be beyond them. This property was not actually a drug but the fruit was, nevertheless, condemned by the sages. The Laikoti was only authorised to be planted in the gardens of the King.
Man being what he is, however, the fruit was secretly planted in various places throughout the continent. Those caught with the fruit were harshly punished for they had directly disobeyed the King of Mu.
In writing this book, I feel it is interesting to emphasise the striking similarity between this prohibition from eating the Laikoti - for reasons relating to knowledge - and, in the Bible, Adam being forbidden to eat the apple on similar grounds. (Author’s comment)
在撰写这本书时,我觉得有趣的是强调禁止食用Laikoti的相似之处 - 出于知识方面的原因 - 和《圣经》中亚当因类似原因被禁止吃苹果之间的引人注目的相似性。(作者评论)
In matters of religion and government, he was to be obeyed absolutely, as he was the representative of the Great Spirit. ‘As such, the King was not one to be worshiped - he simply represented another.
在宗教和政府事务上,人们需要跟随他的命令,因为他是伟大精神的代表。‘因此,国王并不是要受到崇拜的人 - 他只是代表。
Those people believed in Tharoa - the God, The Spirit, the One and Only, the Creator of all things and, of course, they believed in reincarnation.
这些人相信Tharoa - 上帝,超智神灵,唯一的创造者,万物之源,当然,他们也相信轮回。
これらの人々は、タロア - 神、精神、唯一のもの、万物の創造主を信じていました。そしてもちろん、彼らは輪廻を信じていました。
What concerns us here, Michel, are the great events which occurred on your planet, in times long gone, so that you will be able to enlighten your people. I won’t, therefore, elaborate on my description of the continent that was home to one of the best-organised civilisations to have existed on Earth. However, you should know that, after a period of 50 000 years, the population of Mu was eighty million.
Expeditions were undertaken regularly, to explore and research aspects of the planet. For these expeditions, they used flying ships, similar to what you call ‘flying saucers’. It was known that most of the planet was populated by black, yellow and also white races, although the latter had regressed into a primitive state due to their loss of technical understanding right at the beginning. These white people had actually arrived on Earth in very small numbers at a time in between the arrival of the Bakaratinians and the colonising of Mu. They had settled on a continent known to you as Atlantis, but, as much for material as spiritual reasons, their civilisation failed completely.
What do you mean by ‘material reasons’?
Natural disasters, which effectively destroyed their towns and almost all that might have allowed them to advance technologically.
I must emphasise the following point: prior to embarking on their exploratory expeditions of the planet, the inhabitants of Mu had conducted research by means of the Pyramid of Savanasa. As a result of this research, it was decided to send forth the flying ships and to colonise New Guinea and the southern Asiatic region - that is, all to the west of Mu. Simultaneously, they set up colonies in South America and Central America.
我必须强调以下一点:在进行对行星的探险探索之前,姆的居民通过萨瓦纳萨金字塔进行了研究。由于这项研究,决定派遣飞船并殖民新几内亚和南亚地区 - 也就是姆西部的所有地区。与此同时,他们在南美洲和中美洲建立了殖民地。
Most importantly, they established a colonial base, which grew into a huge town, in the area known to your archaeologists as Thiacuano, located not far from Lake Titicaca. The Andes did not exist at the time, the mountains formed some time later, as you will soon see.
At Thiacuano, an enormous seaport was built. In those days, North and South America were flat and eventually, a canal was constructed to link an inland sea, existing where Brazil is now, with the Pacific Ocean. This sea also had an outlet into the Atlantic Ocean, so that it was possible to pass from one ocean to the other and so, to colonise the continent of Atlantis...
Alternate spelling: Tiahuanaco (Editor's note)
But you say they had flying ships - why wouldn’t they use them? If they pierced a canal, they must have intended to use boats.
但你说他们有飞船 - 为什么他们不用呢?如果他们开凿了一条运河,他们肯定是打算使用船只的。
They used their flying machines just as you now use aeroplanes Michel, but for very heavy loads, they used machines of anti-gravitation, exactly like the heavy vehicles are now used on Earth.
So, as I said, they colonised the continent of Atlantis. Many white people from Atlantis preferred, at the time, to emigrate to the region of Northern Europe, as they didn’t accept the new government and the new religion coming from Mu. These white people set off in their sea vessels propelled by steam and wind. Indeed, the white race had discovered steam power, having passed through a period you would call ‘prehistoric’. I must also explain that Britain was not an island, at this time as it was joined to northern Europe, and the Straits of Gibraltar didn’t exist either, as Africa reached to the south of Europe. Many white people from Atlantis emigrated to North Africa, mixing with the crossbred black-yellow race of the area. Interbreeding created new races in North Africa, which have perpetuated themselves over thousands of years and which you know as Berbers, Tuaregs and others.
We often visited Earth during those times. When we judged the time opportune, we went overtly, to visit the King of Mu and, according to his request or the information he gave us, we would visit the new colonies. In India, for example, or in New Guinea, the people of Mu sometimes experienced great difficulties assimilating their civilisation with that already in existence. We would arrive, openly and publicly, in vessels quite like the one that brought you to Thiaoouba, although different in shape.
Our size, which has always been large and our radiant beauty, meant that we passed as gods in the eyes of people who were not greatly advanced and, in some cases, were even cannibals.
According to our mission, it was important that we impress as friendly gods in the eyes of the colonisers so that war could be avoided, something which they abhorred on account of their advancement, their beliefs and their religion.
It is because of our frequent visits, during this period, that there are so many legends on Earth, describing ‘giants’ and ‘chariots of fire’ from the heavens.
We were great friends with the inhabitants of Mu and my astral entity at the time, existed in a body quite similar to the one I’m ‘wearing’ now.
Artists and sculptors gave us much consideration. They consulted the King of Mu and, with his consent, worked to immortalise us. The immense statues at Holaton (Easter Island) are examples of such work. They were, for the civilisation of the time, the ultimate of great art - being in size and shape, what you would describe as ‘stylised’.
艺术家和雕塑家对我们非常关注。他们咨询了姆大陆国王,并在他的同意下努力使我们被记住。Holaton(复活节岛)上的巨大雕像就是在那个时候建造的。它们对于当时的文明来说,是伟大而极致的艺术 - 在大小和形状上,正如你所描述的那样,被称为‘风格化’的形象。
芸術家や彫刻家は私たちを非常に考慮しました。彼らはMuの王に相談し、彼の同意を得て、私たちを不朽の存在として表現しました。Holaton(イースター島)の巨大な像はそのような仕事の例です。当時の文明にとって、それは偉大な芸術の究極でした - サイズと形状では、あなたが「スタイル化された」と表現するものです。
Holaton (Easter Island) was situated at the south-east of the Continent of Mu. (Author’s comment)
This is how a statue of me came to be sculpted. It was finished and ready to be transported on one of the enormous platforms that serviced the length and breadth of the country, terminating always in Savanasa. The Master of the time erected these statues either in the King’s gardens or along the path that led to the pyramid. Unfortunately, when the statue representing me, along with several others, was about to be transported, a cataclysm occurred which destroyed the continent of Mu.
However, Holaton was partially spared. When I say ‘partially’, you must realise that the quarries had been ten times as extensive as the vestiges that remain today. The part that wasn’t swallowed up in the cataclysm was the area where my statue stood.
My stylised image is thus preserved on Easter Island. When you told me you had dreamed of me in the form of a statue on Easter Island and I confirmed that I was, you thought I was being metaphorical, but that was only half right. You see, Michel, certain dreams, and yours most definitely, are influenced by lacotina. This is something for which there is no corresponding word in any Earth language. It is not necessary for you to understand the phenomenon, but, under its influence, it is a true dream.
Thao ended her account at that point, flashing her familiar smile and adding:If you have difficulty remembering all that, I will help you in good time.
With that, she rose, and we all did likewise.
We followed Lationusi who led us into another part of the doko - the relaxation area where one can relax completely and no external sound can penetrate. Here, Latoli and two of the ‘elders’ left us. Lationusi, Thao, Biastra and I remained.
我们跟随 Lationusi 进入了doko的另一个区域 - 一个可以完全放松并且没有外部声音能够穿透的休息区。在这里,拉托利和另外两位‘长者’离开了我们。拉托努斯、涛、碧阿斯特拉和我留了下来。
私たちはラトヌシに続いて、ドコの別の部分に連れて行かれました - 完全にリラックスし、外部の音が侵入しない場所です。ここでは、ラトリと2人の「長老」が私たちを去りました。私たちが残ったのは、ラトヌシ、タオ、ビアストラ、私の4人です。
Thao explained that, because my psychic powers were not sufficiently developed and refined, and, in order to participate in an important and very special experience, I would be obliged to take a special elixir. It was a matter of ‘delving’ into the psychosphere, of the planet Earth at the time of the disappearance of Mu, that is, 14 500 years ago, she explained.
My understanding of the term ‘psychosphere’ is as follows:
Around each planet, since its creation, is a kind of psychosphere or vibratory cocoon, which turns at a speed seven times that of light. This cocoon acts as a blotter, as it were, absorbing (and remembering) absolutely every event occurring on the planet. The contents of this cocoon are inaccessible to us on Earth - we have no way of ‘reading the story’.
每个行星自创造以来,周围都有一种心灵层或振动茧(壳),其转速是光速的七倍。这种茧(壳)就像吸墨纸一样,吸收(并记忆)发生在行星上的每一个事件。这个茧的内容对我们地球人是无法读取的 - 我们没有办法“回述内容”。
各惑星の周りには、その創造以来、光の7倍の速さで回転する、一種の心霊圏または振動の繭があります。この繭はいわばブロッターとして機能し、惑星で起こるすべての出来事を絶対に吸収(および記憶)します。この繭の内容は地球上の私たちにはアクセスできません - 私たちは「物語を読む」方法を持っていません。
It is well known that, in the USA, researchers and technicians are employed to develop a ‘time machine’ but, up to the present time, their efforts have been without success. The difficulty exists, according to Thao, in adapting to the vibrations of the cocoon, rather than to wavelengths. The human being, comprising an integral part of the universe can, because of his Astral body and if he is correctly trained, draw what knowledge he seeks from within the psychosphere. Of course, great training is required for this. This elixir will allow you access to the psychosphere, Michel.
All four of us made ourselves comfortable in a special bed. I was placed in the centre of a triangle formed by Thao, Biastra and Lationusi. I was handed a goblet containing a liquid, which I drank.
‘great training’ - many people experience accidental contact with the psychosphere during dreams. Visions of heliographs, architecture and Nature are quite frequent. Great knowledge and practice are required to control the access to the information from the psychosphere. (Editor's note based on explanations of the Author)
‘大量的训练’ - 许多人在梦中意外接触到心灵层。 镜像、建筑和自然的幻象非常频繁。 需要很大的知识和实践来控制从心灵层获取信息的访问。(根据作者的解释,编辑添加)
「大量の訓練」- 多くの人が夢の中で心霊圏との意図せぬ接触を経験します。 ヘリオグラフ、建築、自然の幻想は非常に頻繁です。 心霊圏からの情報へのアクセスを制御するには、大きな知識と実践が必要です。 (著者の説明に基づくエディターの注釈)
Biastra and Thao then placed their fingers lightly on my hand and my solar plexus, while Lationusi put his index finger above my pineal gland. They told me to relax completely and not be afraid, regardless of what happened. We would be travelling in Astral body and I would be under their guidance and so, quite safe.
That time is engraved on my memory forever. The longer Thao spoke to me softly and slowly, the less afraid I was.
I must confess however, that initially, I was very frightened. Suddenly, in spite of my closed eyes, I was dazzled by the colours of the whole spectrum, which danced and shone. I could see my three companions around me, radiant with colour, but at the same time, translucent.
The village slowly blurred below us.
I had the bizarre impression that four silver cords attached us to our physical bodies, which were assuming the proportions of mountains.
Suddenly, a flash of blinding white gold crossed my ‘vision’ and for some time afterwards, I neither saw nor felt anything.
A ball, brilliant like the sun but silver in colour, appeared in space and approached at an incredible speed. We hurried through, I should say, I hurried through for, at that moment, I was no longer aware of the presence of my companions. When I had penetrated this silvery atmosphere, I could make out no more than the ‘fog’ that surrounded me. It’s impossible to say what time period was involved but, quite suddenly, the fog dissipated, revealing a rectangular room, with a low ceiling, in which two men sat crosslegged on marvellously coloured cushions.
The walls of the room were of finely sculptured stone blocks, scenes of contemporary civilisation, with clusters of grapes which seemed transparent, fruits which I couldn’t recognise and animals too - some of which had human heads. There were also human figures with the heads of animals.
房间的墙壁是精细雕刻的石块,上面刻画着当代文明的场景,有一簇簇葡萄看起来是透明的,还有我不认识的水果,还有动物 - 其中一些动物的头部是人类的。还有人的身体,但头部是动物的。
部屋の壁は、微細に彫刻された石のブロックで、現代の文明の場面が描かれており、透明に見えるぶどうの房や、私が認識できない果物、そして動物も - その中には人間の頭を持つものもいました。また、動物の頭を持つ人間の姿もありました。
I noticed, then, that my three companions and I formed a ‘unit’ that was a gaseous mass, and yet we were able to distinguish each other.
We are in the main chamber of the Pyramid of Savanasa,said Lationusi. It was incredible - Lationusi had not opened his mouth and yet he spoke to me in French! The explanation came in a flash:‘it’s true telepathy, Michel. Ask no questions, all will unfold naturally and you will learn what you must know.
拉托努斯说:我们在萨瓦纳萨金字塔的主要大厅。这太不可思议了 - 拉提欧奴斯没有开口,但他用法语和我交谈!突然对我解释说:这是真正的心灵感应,米歇尔。 不要提问,一切将自然揭晓,你将学到必须知道的一切。
(Since my duty, in writing this book, is to report on my experiences, I must try to explain as clearly as possible that, in the state I was in at the time - my Astral body had passed into the psychosphere - the words saw, heard and felt, were not appropriate, merely useful, as sensations occur ‘spontaneously’ in a very different way from that which we normally experience - and even from that which we experience when we travel in Astral body.
(由于我在写这本书时的主要责任是报告我的经历,我必须尽量清楚地描述当时我处于的状态 - 我的星体已经进入灵球层 - 看到、 听到 感到 这些词语并不适用,因为感觉是以一种非常不同的方式‘自发地’发生的,这与我们正常经历的方式 - 甚至与我们在星魂体旅行时经历的方式都不同。
(この本を書く上で私の責任は私の経験について報告することです。したがって、私がその時にいた状態をできるだけ明確に説明しなければなりません - 私の星体が心霊層に進んでいた状態です - 見た、 聞いた、 感じた という言葉は適切ではなく、単に役立つものでした。なぜなら、感覚は通常の経験とは非常に異なる方法で「自発的に」発生するからです - そして、星体で旅行するときにさえ経験する方法とも異なります。
Events occur rather as they do in a dream, and sometimes very slowly, other times with a disconcerting speed. Afterwards, each thing seemed self-evident and I learned later, this was because of the state I was in and because of the close supervision that my mentors exercised over me.)
Very rapidly, I saw an opening in the ceiling of the room and, right at the end, a star. I was aware that the two figures were exchanging ‘visible’ thoughts with the star. From their pineal glands, streamed threads of what looked like silvery cigarette smoke that passed through the opening in the ceiling and went to join the star in distant space.
The two figures were perfectly immobile and, around them, floated a soft golden light. I know, thanks to the constant tutelage of my companions, that these figures not only couldn’t see us, but neither could they be disturbed by us, since we were spectators in another dimension. I examined them more attentively.
One of them was an old man with long white hair falling past his shoulders. On the back of his head, he wore a skullcap of saffron-coloured fabric similar to that worn by rabbis.
He was dressed in a loose-fitting, yellow-gold tunic, with long sleeves, which enveloped him totally. In the position he sat, his feet were not visible but I ‘knew’ they were bare. His hands met, touching only at the fingertips and I could clearly see little bluish flashes around his fingers, bearing testimony to the immeasurable force of his concentration.
The second figure seemed to be about the same age, in spite of his shiny black hair. Apart from the colour of his tunic, which was bright orange, he was dressed in the same manner as his companion. So completely motionless were they that they didn’t appear to be breathing.
They are in communication with other worlds, Michel,it was explained to me.
Suddenly, the ‘scene’ vanished, to be immediately replaced by another. A palace, in the shape of a pagoda, with roofs covered in gold, stood before us with its towers, its portals, its immense picture windows opening on to splendid gardens and its enamelled pools in which the water of fountains gushed and fell, forming rainbows under the rays of a sun at its zenith. Hundreds of birds flitted in the branches of trees scattered throughout immense parks, adding splashes of colour to an already magical setting.
People dressed in tunics of various styles and colours strolled in groups, beneath the trees or near the pools. Some sat in meditation beneath floral bowers specially provided for their comfort and shelter. The whole scene was dominated by a structure that loomed in the distance beyond the palace - a gigantic pyramid.
さまざまなスタイルと色のチュニックを着た人々が、木々の下やプールの近くをグループで散策していました。特別に用意された花のボウワーの下で瞑想にふける人もいました。全体の光景は、宮殿の向こうにある遠くにそびえ立つ構造物に支配されていました - 巨大なピラミッド。
I ‘knew’ that we had just left this pyramid and that I was now admiring the marvellous palace of Savanasa, the capital of Mu.
Beyond the palace, in all directions, stretched the plateau Thao had spoken of. A pathway, at least 40 metres wide, seemed to be made of a single stone block, led out on to the plateau from the centre of the gardens. It was bordered by two rows of massive shade trees interspersed with huge, stylised statues. On some of these statues were hats, red or green, with wide rims.
We glided along this pathway amidst people on horseback and others riding strange four-legged animals with heads resembling dolphins - animals to which I had never heard any reference made: animals whose existence took me by surprise.
我们在这条小路上穿行,周围有骑马的人和骑着奇怪的四脚动物的人,它们的头部形似海豚 - 这些动物我从未听说过:它们的存在让我感到惊讶。
私たちはこの小道を滑りながら、馬に乗る人々や、イルカのような頭を持つ奇妙な四つ足の動物に乗る人々の間をすり抜けました - 私はこれらの動物の存在について聞いたことがなかった:その存在に驚きました。
These are Akitepayos, Michel, which have long been extinct, it was explained to me.
This animal was the size of a very large horse, with a multi-coloured tail, which he sometimes spread like a fan, similar to the tail of a peacock. Its hindquarters were much broader than those of a horse; its body was of a comparable length; its shoulders emerging from the body like the carapace of a rhinoceros; and its forelegs were longer than its hindlegs. All of its body, except for the tail, was covered in long grey hair. When it galloped, I was reminded of the way our camels run.
I sensed quite strongly that I was being led elsewhere by my companions. We quickly passed the people on their walks - very quickly, and yet I was able to ‘take in’ and note a feature of their language. It was very pleasant to the ear and seemed to comprise more vowels than consonants.
我强烈地感觉到我的同伴正在把我带到别的地方。我们迅速地走过了散步的人们 - 非常快,然而我能够‘领略’并注意到他们语言的一个特点。它听起来非常悦耳,似乎元音比辅音多。
Immediately, we were presented with another scene, similar to a film, when one scene is cut and another shown. Machines, exactly like the ‘flying saucers’ dear to the writers of science fiction, were lined up in an immense field on the edge of the plateau. People were disembarking and boarding the ‘flying machines’ that took them to an enormous building, which no doubt served as an air terminal.
On the landing field, the flying machines emitted a whistling sound that was quite tolerable to the ‘ear’. I was told that our perception of the sound and its intensity was comparable with that of the people who were part of the scene before us.
It struck me that I was witnessing the daily life of people who were remarkably advanced, and who had been dead for thousands of years! I recall taking note also, of the pathway beneath our ‘feet’ and realising that it was not one huge stone block, as it appeared to be, but, in fact, a series of large flagstones, so precisely cut and positioned that the joins were barely visible.
From the edge of the plateau, we had a panoramic view over an immense city and seaport, and beyond, the ocean. Then, instantaneously, we were in a wide street of the city, bordered by houses of varying sizes and architectural designs. Most of the houses had terraces surrounded by flowers, where at times, we glimpsed a very pretty species of bird. The more modest houses without terraces had, instead, beautifully made balconies - also flower-filled. The effect was quite delightful - like walking in a garden.
站在高地的边缘,我们俯瞰着一座庞大的城市和海港,远处是无边的海洋。接着,我们瞬间来到了这座城市的一条宽阔街道上,两旁是各种尺寸和建筑设计的房屋。大多数房屋都有被花园环绕的露台,有时我们会看到一种非常漂亮的鸟儿。没有露台的普通房屋则有精美的阳台 - 也是花园里的一部分。这种效果非常令人愉悦 - 就像在花园里漫步一样。
高原の端から、我々は広大な都市と港、そしてその先に広がる海を一望する眺めを楽しんだ。そして、瞬く間に、私たちはその都市の広い通りに立っていた。大小さまざまな建物が立ち並び、そのデザインも異なっていた。ほとんどの家には花々に囲まれたテラスがあり、時々、非常に美しい鳥の一種を見かけることがある。テラスのない控えめな家は、代わりに美しく作られたバルコニーがあり - それも花でいっぱいだった。その効果は非常に楽しく、まるで庭を歩いているようだった。
In the street, the people either walked or flew, about 20 centimetres above the road, (standing) on small (circular) flying platforms that made no sound at all. This seemed a very pleasant way to travel. Yet others rode on horseback.
When, at the end of the street, we found ourselves in a large town square, I was surprised to see no boutiques or the like. Instead, there was a covered market where ‘stalls’ displayed all manner of goods that the heart, or palate, might desire. There were fish, among which I recognised tuna, mackerel, bonitoes and rays; there was meat of many varieties as well as an incredible assortment of vegetables. Most predominant however, were the flowers that seemed to fill the area. It was clear these people delighted in flowers, which were either worn in the hair or carried in the hands of everyone. The ‘shoppers’ helped themselves to what they wanted, giving nothing in exchange - neither money nor anything which might substitute. My curiosity drew our group into the heart of the marketplace, right through the bodies of the people - an experience that I found most interesting.
当我们走到街的尽头时,发现自己来到一个宽阔的城镇广场,我惊讶地发现没有精品店或类似的东西。相反,那里有一个大棚市场,各种摊位上摆满了日用品或艺术品。有鱼类,其中我认出金枪鱼、鲭鱼、鲣鱼和鳐鱼;还有各种各样的肉类以及令人难以置信的蔬菜品种。然而,最突出的是那些似乎填满整个区域的鲜花。显然,这些人喜欢鲜花,每个人的头发上或手中都戴着鲜花。 “购物者”自行拿取他们想要的东西,不用任何东西交换 - 既不是钱,也不是任何可以替代的东西。我的好奇心引领我们的团队进入了市场的核心,穿过人群的身体 - 这是我觉得非常有趣的经历。
街の終わりに大きな広場に出たとき、私はブティックなどがないことに驚きました。代わりに、心や口腹を満たすあらゆる種類の商品が並ぶ屋根付きの市場がありました。そこには、マグロ、サバ、カツオ、エイなど、多くの種類の魚がありました。多様な種類の肉や信じられないほどの種類の野菜もありました。しかし、最も目立つのは、その地域を埋め尽くすように見える花でした。明らかに、これらの人々は花を楽しんでおり、髪に付けたり、手に持っている人々がいました。 「ショッパー」は欲しいものを自分で取り、お金や代替品など何も与えませんでした。私の好奇心が私たちのグループを市場の中心に引き寄せましたが、人々の体の中を通るという経験は、非常に興味深いものでした。
All my questions were answered as they occurred to me: they use no money as everything belongs to the community. No one cheats - communal life is perfectly harmonious. With the passing of time, they have been taught to obey well-established and well-studied laws that suit them very well.
我提出的所有问题都得到了解答:他们不使用货币,因为一切都属于社区。没有人作弊或作假 - 共同生活是完美和谐的。随着时间的流逝,他们被教导遵守成熟且经过深入研究的法律,这些法律非常适合他们。
私が考え付いた質問はすべて答えられました:彼らはコミュニティにすべてが属しているため、彼らはお金を使いません。だれもが不正を働かない - 共同生活は完全に調和しています。時が経つにつれて、彼らは自分たちに非常に適した確立された法律を従うように教えられました。
Most of these people were between 160 and 170 centimetres in height, with light brown skin and black hair and eyes - very similar to our present day Polynesian race. There were also some white people among them, larger in size, about two metres tall, with blond hair and blue eyes and, in greater numbers, some blacks. The latter were tall, like the whites, and appeared to be of several ‘kinds’, including one like the Tamils and another, strikingly like our Aborigines in Australia.
これらの人々のほとんどは、身長が160から170センチメートルで、肌が浅褐色で、黒髪黒目 - 現代のポリネシア系人種に非常に似ています。彼らの中には、体格が大きく、約2メートルの身長で、金髪と青い目を持つ白人もいました。また、より多くの黒人もいました。後者は白人と同じくらい背が高く、いくつかの異なるタイプのように見えました。タミル人に似たものや、我々のオーストラリアのアボリジニに非常に似ているものなどが含まれています。
We went down towards the port where vessels of all shapes and sizes were moored. The quays were constructed from gigantic stones which I was ‘told’, came from the Notora quarry in the south-west of the continent.
The entire port had been artificially made. We were able to see some very sophisticated pieces of equipment in operation - ship-building equipment, loading equipment machines carrying out repairs...
The vessels in port represented, as I have said, a huge range - from eighteenth and nineteenth-century-style sailing ships to modern style yachts; from steam boats to ultra modern hydrogen powered cargo vessels. The enormous ships at anchor in the bay were the anti-magnetic, anti-gravitational vessels I’d been told about.
Out of action, they floated on the water: however, when carrying their several thousand tonne loads, they travelled, at speeds of 70 to 90 knots, just above the water - and that, without making any noise.
It was explained to me that the ‘classic’ vessels represented in the port, belonged to people of distant lands - India, Japan, China - which had been colonised by Mu, but which did not yet have the capacity to take advantage of technological advance. In this regard, I also learned from Lationusi, that the leaders of Mu kept secret much of their scientific knowledge, for example, nuclear energy, anti-gravitation and ultra-sounds. This policy ensured that they maintained their supremacy on Earth and guaranteed their security.
The scene was ‘cut’ and we found ourselves back on the landing field, looking at a night view of the city. It was lit up, quite uniformly, by large globes, as was The Path of Ra, the road which led to the palace of Savanasa. Globes positioned in the sculptured colonnades along the avenue illuminated it, as though it were day.
It was explained to me that these globes, which were spherical in shape, converted nuclear energy into light and had the capacity to be working thousands of years into the future without extinguishing. I confess I didn’t understand, but I believed it must be so.
Another scene change - and it was daylight. The grand avenue and the palace gardens had been invaded by crowds of people brightly dressed and there was an enormous white ball attached to the top of the pyramid.
Apparently, the King, whom I had seen meditating in the pyramid, had died just prior to the gathering of the crowd.
With much noise, the ball exploded and a unanimous cry of joy rose from the people. This astonished me, as death usually inspires tears, but my companions explained it as follows:
Michel! You don’t remember the lessons we taught you. When the physical body dies, the Astral being is liberated. These people also know it and celebrate the event. In three days time, the Astral body of the King will leave Earth to rejoin the Great Spirit, for this King has conducted himself in an exemplary manner during this final life on Earth, despite very difficult responsibilities and tasks required of him.
I had no answer and I felt ashamed of being caught out by Thao for my forgetfulness.
Suddenly the decor changed again. We found ourselves on the front steps of the palace. A huge crowd stretched before us for as far as the ‘eye’ could see, and, beside us, was an assembly of dignitaries, including a figure dressed in the finest attire imaginable. This was to be the new King of Mu.
Something about him drew my attention. He was familiar - it was as though I knew him but didn’t quite recognise him, made up as he was. In a flash I had the answer from Lationusi: it’s me, Michel, during another life. You don’t recognise me but you are aware of my astral vibrations in that body.
彼の何かが私の注意を引きました。彼は馴染みがありました - まるで彼を知っているかのようですが、彼を化粧しているので完全には認識できませんでした。一瞬で、ラトヌシから答えがありました。それは私です、ミシェル、別の生涯で。あなたは私を認識しませんが、その体での私の星の振動に気づいています。
In effect, Lationusi was experiencing the extraordinary within the extraordinary! Lationusi was seeing himself living a previous life while he was still existing in his present life!
From the hands of one of the dignitaries, the new King received a magnificent head-piece which he put on himself.
A shout of joy rose from the crowd. The continent of Mu - the most highly developed nation on the planet and ruler over more than half of it, had a new King.
The crowd seemed delirious with joy. Thousands of small balloons, garnet-coloured and bright orange, soared into the sky, and an orchestra began to play. The musicians of the ‘orchestra’, who numbered two hundred at least, played from stationary flying platforms located all around the gardens, the palace and the pyramid. On each platform, a group of musicians played together on indescribably strange instruments and in such a way that the sound was distributed as though through gigantic stereophonic speakers.
The ‘music’ was not at all the music we are familiar with. Apart from a type of flute that produced notes of a very special frequency, the instruments all modulated the sounds of nature; for example, the howling wind, the hum of bees in the flowers, the songs of the birds, the sound of rain falling on to a lake or of the waves crashing on a beach. It was all so skilfully arranged - the sound of a wave might originate in the gardens, roll towards you, pass over your head and finish by crashing on the steps of the Great Pyramid.
这种‘音乐’与我们熟悉的音乐完全不同。除了一种能产生特殊频率音符的长笛外,其他乐器都模仿着大自然的声音;例如,呼啸的风声、花中蜜蜂的嗡嗡声、鸟儿的歌唱、雨滴落在湖面上的声音或海浪拍打沙滩的声音。这一切都被精心安排 - 浪声可能起源于花园,向你滚动,越过你的头顶,最后在大金字塔的台阶上砰然作响。
この‘音楽’は私たちが馴染んでいる音楽とはまったく異なっていました。非常に特殊な周波数の音符を生み出す種類のフルートを除いて、楽器はすべて自然の音を調律しました。例えば、風のうなり、花の中のミツバチのブンブン鳴き声、鳥の歌、湖面に降る雨の音、ビーチに打ち寄せる波の音などです。すべてが非常に巧妙に配置されていました - 波の音は庭園から発生し、あなたに向かって転がり、あなたの頭上を通過し、最後に偉大なピラミッドの階段で打ち付けられるかもしれません。
I never would have imagined that human beings, no matter how advanced, could accomplish such a feat as that orchestral arrangement.
The crowd, the nobles and the King seemed to ‘experience’ the music from within their souls, so entranced were they. I would have liked to stay too, to listen and listen more, to allow myself to be impregnated by this song of nature. Even in my astral-psychospheric situation, the music ‘penetrated’ and the effect was spell binding. I was ‘reminded’ that we were not there for the pleasure...The scene vanished.
‘head-piece’ - head decoration partly resembling a crown and partly a bishop's tiara.(comment of the Editor based on the explanation of the Author)
‘head-piece’ - 头饰,部分类似皇冠,部分类似主教的冠冕。(根据作者解释的编辑评论)
‘head-piece’ - 頭飾り、部分的には王冠を思わせ、部分的には司教のティアラに似ています。(著者の説明に基づく編集者のコメント)
Immediately, I was witnessing an extraordinary meeting, presided over by the King and restricted to his six advisers. I was told the matter was serious when the King met only with these six.
The King had aged significantly, for we had leapt forward in time by twenty years. Everyone present looked grave, as they discussed the technical worth of their seismographs and I was able to understand it all within one-hundredth of a second: I could follow the course of their discussions as if I was one of them!
One of the advisers was claiming that the equipment had, on occasions, proved unreliable but there was no great cause for concern. Another stated that the seismograph was perfectly accurate since that very model had proven itself at the time of the first catastrophe, occurring in the west of the continent...
As they spoke, the palace began to tremble, like leaves on a tree in the wind. The King rose, his eyes wide with surprise and fear: two of his advisers fell from their seats. Outside, a great din seemed to come from the town.
The scene changed and suddenly, we were outside. The moon was full and illuminated the gardens of the palace. All had become calm again - too calm. The only sound heard was a dull rumbling, coming from the edge of town...
场景变化,突然间,我们来到了外面。月光明亮,照亮了宫殿的花园。一切再次变得平静了 - 太平静了。唯一能听到的声音是从城镇边缘传来的低沉隆隆声...
シーンが変わり、突然、私たちは外に出ました。月が満ちて宮殿の庭を照らしていました。全てが再び穏やかになっていました - あまりにも静かです。聞こえる唯一の音は町の端から聞こえる低い轟音でした...
Suddenly, the servants ran from the palace and scurried in all directions. Several of the columns supporting the globes that lit up the avenue lay on the ground - smashed. Emerging quickly from the palace, the king and his ‘entourage’ climbed on to a flying platform and headed immediately for the airport. We followed them. Around the flying vessels on the field, and in the terminal, confusion reigned. Some people were making a dash for the vessels, screaming and shoving. The King’s flying platform moved quickly towards one of the vehicles that stood apart from the others: he and his followers boarded it. Other craft were already taking off, when a deafening sound rose from the depths of the Earth - a strange, continuous sound like thunder.
突然间,仆人们从宫殿中跑出,四处奔走。照亮大道的一个灯柱倒在地上,支撑着它的柱子都被打碎了。国王和他的“随从”迅速从宫殿中走出来,登上了一架飞行平台,立即向机场飞去。我们跟着他们。机场场地和候机室都一片混乱。一些人冲向飞行器,尖叫着推搡着。国王的飞行平台迅速驶向一辆与其他飞行器分开的飞船:他和他的追随者登上了它。当其他飞行器已经开始起飞时,从地球的深处传来了震耳欲聋的声音 - 一种奇怪的、连续不断的雷声。
突然、仕え人たちは宮殿から駆け出し、あたりに散りました。大通りを照らす街灯の支柱のいくつかが地面に倒れていました - 砕け散っています。宮殿から素早く現れた王とその「従者」は、飛行プラットフォームに乗り、直ちに空港に向かいました。私たちは彼らに続きました。フィールドの飛行船やターミナル周辺は混乱していました。人々の中には飛行船に向かってダッシュし、叫びながら押し合う者もいました。王の飛行プラットフォームは、他のものとは離れた場所に立っている車両の一つに迅速に向かっていました:彼と彼の追随者はそれに乗り込みました。他の船はすでに離陸していましたが、地球の奥から耳をつんざくような音が立ちのぼりました - 雷のような奇妙で連続的な音。
The airfield suddenly ripped apart like a sheet of paper, and an enormous column of fire enveloped us. The vessels that had just taken off were trapped in the middle of the flames and exploded. The people who had been running on the airfield were lost in the crevasse. The king’s vessel, still on the ground, caught fire and exploded.
At this moment, as if the King’s death had been a signal, we saw the great pyramid topple in a single block into the crevasse, which was extending along the plateau, widening by the second. The pyramid had balanced for a moment on the edge of the crevasse, then, with a violent shudder, it was swallowed into the flames.
Again the scene changed. We had a view of the seaport and the town, which seemed to undulate like waves on the ocean. Buildings began to collapse accompanied by screams of terror in the scenes of horror that appeared and disappeared among the flames.
Deafening explosions occurred, originating I learned, from deep below the surface of the Earth. Entire ‘suburbs’ plunged into the earth; then huge pieces of the continent followed suit. The ocean rushed in to fill the immense chasms being created and suddenly, the entire plateau of Savanasa sunk into the waters, like an enormous foundering liner, but much quicker. Powerful whirlpools were formed and, within them, I could see people desperately clinging to wreckage, trying in vain, to survive.
It was horrifying for me to witness such a cataclysm, even knowing that it had occurred 14,500 years ago.
We began a very rapid ‘tour’ of the continent, finding everywhere, the same disasters. Water rushed in gigantic waves over the remaining plains, submerging them. We approached a volcano that had just erupted, and nearby, we saw rocks begin to move with a regular motion, as though a gigantic hand was lifting them above the lava flow and creating a mountain before our very eyes. This seemed to take as little time in happening, as the plateau of Savanasa had taken to disappear.
The scene vanished again, to be repeated by another.
We are arriving in South America, Michel, where the cataclysm has not yet had effect. We’ll have a look at the coast here and the port of Thiacuano. In time, we’ve gone back to just prior to the first tremor, when the King of Mu was meeting with his advisers.
We were on the quays of the large seaport of Thiacuano. It was night and a full moon lit up the land, although quite soon it would set. In the east, a faint lightening of the sky heralded the approach of dawn. All was quiet. Watchmen patrolled the quays where numerous boats were moored.
A few rowdy revellers were entering a building on which a small night light shone. Here, we could see some of the spherical globes of Mu - but just a few.
几个吵闹的狂欢者正进入一座有小夜灯的建筑物。在这里,我们可以看到一些姆大陆的球形灯 - 但只有几个。
数人の騒々しい浮浪者が、小さな夜灯が灯っている建物に入っていきました。ここでは、Muの球形の球体のいくつかを見ることができました - ただいくつかです。
We flew over the canal, where several ships could be seen heading in the direction of the inland sea (now Brazil).
Our group ‘came to rest’ on the bridge of a pretty sailing ship. A gentle breeze coming from the west pushed the vessel from behind. It carried little sail, as it negotiated a zone congested with numerous boats. There were three masts on deck, quite modern in style, and of about 70 metres in length. Judging by the shape of its hull, it would be capable of significant speed in open waters.
A moment later, we found ourselves in a large seaman’s cabin, furnished with a good dozen bunks, all occupied.
Everyone was asleep, apart from two men of about thirty years of age, who, by their physical appearance, probably came from Mu. They sat at a table, engrossed in a game, which might well have been mahjong. My attention was drawn to one of the pair - perhaps older than his companion - whose long dark hair was tied back in a red scarf. I was attracted to him as a piece of iron is to a magnet and, in an instant I was upon him, taking my companions with me.
除了两个大约三十岁的男人外,所有人都在睡觉,从他们的外貌看,他们可能来自于姆大陆。他们坐在桌子前,专心致志地玩着一种可能是麻将的游戏。我注意到了他们其中一个人 - 可能比他的伙伴年长一些 - 他长长的黑发用红色的头巾束起来。我被他吸引,就得像铁片被磁铁吸引一样,一瞬间我就冲到他跟前,带着我的同伴们一起。
誰もが眠っていましたが、二人の約30歳の男性が例外でした。彼らの外見から見て、おそらく彼らはMu出身のようです。彼らはテーブルに座り、おそらく麻雀であると思われるゲームに没頭していました。私の注意は、おそらく彼の相棒よりも年上であると思われる一人に引かれました - 彼の長い黒髪は赤いスカーフで後ろに結ばれていました。私は彼に鉄片が磁石に引かれるように引かれ、一瞬で彼のところに行き、私の仲間たちも連れて行きました。
As I passed through him, I felt an almost electric stimulation - and a sensation of love, such as I had never felt before, invaded my being. I felt an indefinable oneness with him and I passed through him again and again.
当我穿过他时,我感到一种近乎触电般的感觉 - 以及一种前所未有的爱的感觉侵入了我的内心。我感到与他融为一体,我一次又一次地穿过他。
彼を通過すると、私はほとんど電気的な刺激を感じました - そして、以前に経験したことのないような愛の感覚が私の存在に侵入しました。彼と私は不明瞭な一体感を感じ、何度も彼を通り抜けました。
This is easily explained, Michel. In this man, you are reunited with your Astral body. This is you, in one of your previous lives. However, you are here as an observer and no purpose is served by trying to re-live this time. Do not get involved.
With regret, I ‘followed’ my companions back to the bridge.
Suddenly, in the distance to the west, a loud explosion was heard, then another nearer. Still in the west, the sky began to glow. Closer still, amid much sharper explosions, we watched the eruption of a volcano that lit up the western sky for about a 30 kilometre radius.
On the canal and in the port, we were aware of a feverish agitation as cries rang out and sirens sounded.
We heard running footsteps and the sailors from below spilled on to the bridge. Among them, I could see the sailor who ‘wore’ my Astral body, just as frightened as his companions and I felt an enormous wave of sympathy for the panic-stricken ‘self’.
On the outskirts of the town, in the glow of the volcano, I saw a shining sphere fly very rapidly up into the sky, and eventually, disappear from sight.
‘Yes, that was one of our spacecraft,‘explained Thao. It will observe the cataclysm from very high. There are seventeen people on board, who will do what they can to help survivors, but this will be very little. Watch.
The ground began to shake and rumble. Three more volcanoes surged from beneath the surface of the ocean near the coast, only to be engulfed by the waters as quickly as they had appeared. At the same time, it caused a tidal wave of about 40 metres in amplitude to surge towards the coast with an infernal noise. Before it reached the town however, the land beneath us began to rise. The port, the town and the countryside beyond - a whole section of the continent - rose rapidly, blocking the assault of the waves. In order to see better, we rose higher. I was reminded of a gigantic animal arching its back as it stretched, after extricating itself from a burrow.
大地开始震动和轰鸣。三座新的火山从海洋下涌出,靠近海岸,却迅速被海水吞没,就像它们出现的速度一样快。与此同时,这引发了一股约40米高度的巨浪向海岸涌去,伴随着地狱般的噪音。然而,在它到达城镇之前,我们站立的土地开始升起。港口、城镇和远处的乡村 - 大陆的整个部分 - 迅速上升,阻挡了海浪的袭击。为了更好地观察,我们升得更高。我联想到一只巨大的动物挺起背部的样子,就像从洞穴中出来伸展身体一样。
大地が揺れ始め、轟音を立てました。沿岸の海底からさらに3つの火山が噴火し、姿を現すやいなや水に飲み込まれました。同時に、約40メートルの振幅の津波が地獄のような音と共に海岸に押し寄せました。しかし、それが町に達する前に、私たちの足元の地面が上昇し始めました。港、町、およびその先の田園地帯 - 大陸の一部 - が急速に上昇し、波の襲撃を防ぎました。より良く見るために、私たちは高く上がりました。私は、自分を穴から抜け出した後に伸びる巨大な動物の背中を弓なりにしたような景色を思い出しました。
The cries of the people reached us as a Dantean screech. They were mad with panic, for they were rising with the town, as though in a lift, and it seemed their ascent would never stop.
The boats had been smashed to pieces on rocks hurled from the ocean, and I watched as the sailor we had left behind was literally pulverised. One of my ‘selves’ had just returned to its source.
It seemed the Earth was completely remodelling its shape. The town disappeared as thick black clouds rolled in rapidly from the west, showering the land with lava and ash, spewed from the volcanoes. Two words of description came to mind at that moment: ‘grandiose’ and ‘apocalyptic’.
Everything blurred and I felt my companions close around me. I was aware of a silvery-grey cloud moving away from us at a dizzying speed and then Thiaoouba appeared. I had the impression that we were pulling on the silvery threads, in order to return quickly to our physical bodies that seemed to be waiting for us - huge like mountains and shrinking as we approached.
一切都变得模糊起来,我感觉到我的同伴们紧紧地围在我周围。我意识到一团银灰色的云以令人眩晕的速度远离我们,然后海奥华出现了。我有一种印象,我们正在拉着银色的线,以便迅速返回我们的身体,它们似乎在等我们 - 巨大得像山一样,在我们接近时缩小了。
すべてがぼやけて、私は仲間たちが私の周りに集まってくるのを感じました。私は私たちから遠く離れて銀色の灰色の雲が目まぐるしい速度で動いていることに気づきました。その後、ティアウバが現れました。私たちが銀色の糸を引っ張っているような印象を持ちました。私たちの肉体に迅速に戻るために、私たちが待っているように見える肉体 - 山のように巨大で、私たちが近づくにつれて縮小していました。
My astral eyes appreciated the beauty of the colours here on this ‘golden’ planet, after enduring the nightmares we had just left behind.
I felt the hands which were touching my physical body let go. Opening my eyes, I looked around me. My companion stood up, smiling, and Thao asked me if I was all right.
Very well, thank you. I am very surprised it is still light outside.
Of course it is still light, Michel. How long do you think we were away?
I really don’t know. Five or six hours?
No, said Thao, amused. No more than fifteen lorses - about fifteen minutes.
不,涛笑着说道。不超过十五洛斯 - 大约十五分钟。
いいえ、タオは笑いながら言いました。15ロースを超えることはありません - 約15分です。
Then each taking me by a shoulder, Thao and Biastra guided me out of the ‘relaxation chamber’, bursting with laughter at my dumbfounded air. Lationusi followed, less exuberant in his amusement.
When I had paid my respects and said my goodbyes to Lationusi and his companions, we left the village and boarded the flying platform once again, to retire to my doko. We took a different route this time, flying over large cultivated fields, and pausing long enough for me to admire the crops of wheat which grew there with very large ears. Our route also took us over an interesting looking city - not only were all the buildings ‘dokos’, from the largest to the smallest, but there were also no actual streets linking them. I understood the reason for this: the people here were able to move from place to place by ‘flying’ - with or without a Lativok so that proper streets were unnecessary. We passed close by people entering and leaving huge dokos, similar in size to those at the spaceport.
当我向拉提欧奴斯和他的同伴们致意并告别后,我们离开了村庄,再次登上飞行平台,返回我的doko。这次我们选择了不同的路线,飞越了广阔的田野,停留的时间足够我欣赏那里长着颗粒饱满的小麦作物。我们的路线还经过了一个看起来很有趣的城市 - 所有的建筑物都是“doko”,从最大的到最小的都是,而且它们之间也没有实际的街道连接。我理解了这一点:这里的人们能够通过“飞行”从一个地方到另一个地方 - 无论是否有拉提沃克,因此正规的街道是不必要的。我们经过了一个巨大doko,那里有很多人,大小与太空港的相似。
私がラティオヌシと彼の仲間たちに敬意を表し、別れを告げたとき、私たちは村を出て、再び飛行プラットフォームに乗り、私のドコに引退しました。今回は異なるルートを取り、広大な耕作地を飛び越え、そこで育った小麦の穂が非常に大きくなっているのをじっくりと見る時間がありました。私たちのルートは興味深い見た目の街を通りました - 最大から最小まで、すべての建物が「ドコ」であり、それらを結ぶ実際の道路はありませんでした。私はこれの理由を理解しました:ここでは人々が「飛行」して場所から場所へ移動できるため、適切な通りは不要です。私たちは巨大なドコに出入りする人々の近くを通過しました、それは宇宙港のものと同じくらいの大きさです。
These are the ‘factories’ where our food is prepared, explained Thao. The manna and the vegetables you were eating yesterday in your doko, would have been prepared here.
We didn’t stop but flew on, over the city and then over the ocean. Before long, we had reached the island where my doko was situated. Leaving our vehicle in the usual place, we went inside.
Do you realise,said Thao, that you have eaten nothing since yesterday morning? You are going to lose weight at this rate. Aren’t you hungry?
わかっていますかとタオが言いました。昨日の朝から何も食べていないことに気付いていますか? このままでは体重が減るでしょう。お腹は空いていませんか?
Surprisingly, I’m not particularly hungry, and yet, on Earth, I have four meals per day!
It’s not really so surprising, my friend. Our food here is prepared in such a way that the calories contained in the food are released at regular intervals over a two-day period. We continue to be nourished without overloading our stomachs. This also allows our minds to remain clear and alert and, after all, our minds must be a priority - isn’t that so?I nodded my agreement.
这并不是很奇怪,我的朋友。我们这里的食物是以这样一种方式准备的,食物中含有的热量会在两天的时间内定期释放出来。我们可以持续得到营养,而不会给我们的胃部增加负担。这也让我们的头脑保持清晰,毕竟,我们的精神才是最紧要的 - 不是吗?我点头表示同意。
それほど驚くべきことではありません、友よ。ここでは、食品中に含まれるカロリーが2日間で定期的な間隔で放出されるように調製されています。私たちは胃を過負荷にすることなく栄養を得続けることができます。これにより、私たちの心もクリアで警戒心があり、結局のところ、私たちの心は優先事項でなければなりません - そうですね?私は頷いて同意しました。
We helped ourselves to various coloured dishes and a little manna, then, as we enjoyed a glass of hydromel, Thao asked, What do you think of your stay on Thiaoouba, Michel?
What do I think of it? Perhaps after my experience of this morning, you should rather be asking what I think of the planet Earth! It seemed to me during those... fifteen minutes - that years had passed by. Some moments were, obviously, dreadful, but others were enthralling. May I ask you, why did you take me for that journey in time?
私はそれについてどう思うのか?おそらく今朝の経験の後、あなたはむしろ私が地球についてどう思うかを尋ねるべきです!その... 15分の間、私には年月が過ぎ去ったように思えました。一部の瞬間は明らかに恐ろしかったが、他の瞬間は魅惑的でした。お尋ねしてもよろしいですか、なぜ私をその時間旅行に連れて行ったのですか?
A very good question, Michel. I am glad you have asked. We wanted to show you that, prior to your present so-called civilisation, there had been, on Earth, ‘true’ civilisations. We didn’t ‘kidnap’ you, as you might say, and bring you several billion kilometres just to show you the beauty of our planet.
You are here because you belong to a civilisation that has taken a wrong turn. Most of the nations on Earth believe themselves to be highly advanced, which is not so. Rather, their cultures are decadent, from the leaders and so-called elite classes. The whole system is distorted.
We know this because we have kept a very close watch over the planet Earth, particularly during recent years, as the great Thaora explained to you. We are able to study what is happening in a whole range of ways. We can live among you in physical bodies or in astral presence. We are not just present on your planet - we are able to influence the behaviour of certain of your leaders, fortunately for you. For example, our intervention prevented Germany from being the first nation to have the use of the atomic bomb, for it would have been disastrous for the rest of the people on Earth if Nazism had triumphed at the end of the Second World War. As you will appreciate, any totalitarian regime signifies a great backward step for civilisation.
我们知道这一点,因为我们一直在密切关注地球,特别是在最近几年,正如伟大的长老Thaora向你解释的那样。我们能够以各种方式研究发生的事情。我们可以以肉体或灵体存在的形式加入到你们当中。我们不仅仅存在于你们的星球上 - 我们能够影响你们某些领导者的行为,对你们来说是幸运的。例如,我们的干预阻止了德国成为首个使用原子弹的国家,因为如果纳粹主义在第二次世界大战结束时取得胜利,那对地球上其他人民将是灾难性的。正如你将会意识到的那样,任何极权主义政权都意味着文明的巨大倒退。
Still less, could the Germans believe themselves to be the chosen people. To act as they did, they had to have fallen lower than any tribe of cannibals.
The Russians who send thousands to work in concentration camps and who eliminate thousands more, on the grounds they represent a danger to ‘the regime’ are no better.
On Earth, there is a great need for discipline, but ‘discipline’ does not mean dictatorship. The Great Spirit, the Creator himself obliges no creature, human or otherwise, to do anything against their will. We all have free will and it is up to us to discipline ourselves in order to improve spiritually.
’their will’ was originally ‘its will’. This caused the entire sentence to have a double meaning. WHOSE will? Creator or human? Of course HUMAN. Sentences like these were repeatedly mistranslated in religious texts, requesting people to submit to ‘God's will’ formulated of course by the clergy to control the crowd. Free will is absolutely essential to any spiritual evolution. We used plural (creatures, people) to remove the ambiguity. (comment of the Editor based on the clarification of the Author)
To impose one’s will on another, in a way which deprives the individual of the privilege of exercising his own free will, is one of the greatest crimes that man can commit.
What is happening now in South Africa is a crime against all humanity. Racism itself is a crime...
Thao, I interrupted, there is something I don’t understand. You say that you prevented the Germans from being the first to have the atomic bomb, but why did you not prevent all countries from having it? You must admit that, at the point we have arrived at with atomic arms, we are sitting on a volcano. What do you say of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - don’t you feel in some way responsible?
涛,我打断道,有件事我不明白。你说你们阻止了德国成为第一个拥有原子弹的国家,但为什么你们没有阻止所有国家拥有它呢?你必须承认,我们在原子武器的发展上已经走到了一个危险的边缘。对于广岛和长崎,你有何感想 - 你难道不觉得在某种程度上负有责任吗?
タオ、と私が言いかけたところで、私は言います。理解できないことがあります。あなたは、ドイツが最初に原子爆弾を持つことを防いだと言いますが、なぜすべての国がそれを持つのを防がなかったのですか?原子爆弾の開発が進んだ現在、私たちは火山の上に座っていると認めざるを得ません。広島と長崎についてどう思いますか - あなたは何らかの方法で責任を感じないのですか?
Michel, of course you look at such things in a very simplified way. Everything for you is black or white, but there are also many shades of grey. If the Second World War had not been stopped, as it was by the bombing and destruction of those two cities, there would have been many more deaths - three times as many as there were victims of the atomic bombs. As you say in your language, we chose the lesser of the two evils.
米歇尔,当然你对这种事情的看法非常简化。对你来说,一切都是非黑即白的,但也有很多灰色地带。如果第二次世界大战没有被停止,就像通过轰炸和摧毁那两座城市那样,将会有更多的死亡 - 死亡人数是原子弹受害者的三倍。就像你们的语言中所说的,我们选择了两害取其轻。
ミシェル、もちろんあなたはそうしたことを非常に単純化された方法で見ています。すべてがあなたにとっては白か黒ですが、灰色のニュアンスもたくさんあります。第二次世界大戦が、その2つの都市の爆撃と破壊によって停止されなかった場合、より多くの死者が出るでしょう - 原爆の犠牲者の3倍の数になります。あなたの言語で言うように、私たちは二つの悪のうち小さい方を選びました。
As I have told you before, we can ‘lend a hand’ but we don’t concern ourselves with the fine details of a situation. There are very strict rules to be followed. The bomb had to exist - just as on all planets it is eventually discovered. Once in existence we can either watch what ensues, as spectators, or we can intervene. If we intervene, it is to give an advantage to the ‘side’ which is most sincere and most respectful of individual liberty.
正如我之前告诉过你的那样,我们可以“伸出援手”,但我们不会过多关注情况的细节。必须遵循非常严格的规则。原子弹一定会被发现 - 正如在所有行星上最终都会发现一样。一旦存在,我们可以作为旁观者观察发生的事情,或者我们可以干预。如果我们干预,那是为了给予最真诚、最尊重个人自由的‘一方’优势。
以前にもお伝えしたように、私たちは手を貸すことができますが、状況の細部には関与しません。守るべき非常に厳格な規則があります。原爆は存在しなければならなかった - すべての惑星で最終的に発見されるように。一旦存在すると、私たちは観客としてそれが何をもたらすかを見守るか、または干渉するかもしれません。干渉する場合、それは最も誠実で個人の自由を最も尊重する「側」に利益を与えるためです。
If certain of the leaders who read your book don’t believe you, or doubt what is written, challenge them to explain the disappearance of billions of ‘needles’ put into orbit around Earth several years ago. Ask them also to explain the second disappearance of billions more ‘needles’ again put into orbit. They will know what you are referring to, never fear. We are responsible for the disappearance of these ‘needles’, judging them to be potentially disastrous for your planet.
We do, at times, prevent your experts from ‘playing with matches’ but it is important that our assistance not be relied upon when mistakes are made. If we judge it appropriate to ‘lend a hand’, we do so, but we can’t, and we don’t wish to save you from disaster automatically - that would be to contravene Universal Law.
有时,我们会阻止你们的专家们‘玩火’,但当出现错误时,重要的是,你们不能总是依赖我们的帮助。如果我们认为适当的话,我们会‘伸出援手’,但我们不能也会自动地拯救你们免受灾难 - 那将违反宇宙法则。
時折、我々はあなたたちの専門家が‘マッチをいじる’のを妨げますが、間違いがあったときには私たちの助けに依存することは重要ではありません。私たちが‘手を貸す’ことが適切と判断した場合、そうしますが、私たちは自動的に災害からあなたたちを救いたいとは思いません - それは普遍的な法則に違反することになります。
You see, Michel, atomic weaponry seems to cast fear into the hearts of people of Earth, and I admit that it is a sword of Damocles suspended over your heads, but it is not the real danger.
‘needles’ - 11 years after Michel's adventure, Scientific American, August 1998 (Vol 279, Nr 2, article by N.L.Johnson, explains: ‘80 clumps of needles (were) released in May 1963 as part of US Department of Defense telecommunication experiment. The radiation pressure exerted by sunlight (???) was to have pushed the tiny needles - all 400 million of them - out of orbit...’ Has anyone ever heard of anything else in the Universe that has been pushed out of orbit by the ‘pressure of sunlight’?? Why do we use rockets? To comprehend the situation, I invite you to calculate the MASS of 400 million needles. (Editor’s comment)
‘针’ - 米歇尔冒险11年后的《科学美国人》,1998年8月(Vol 279,Nr 2,作者为N.L.Johnson的文章解释说:‘1963年5月,美国国防部的一项电信实验中释放了80束‘针’。太阳光辐射压力(???)应该推动这些微小的针 - 全部4亿个 - 脱离轨道...’ 宇宙中是否曾经有其他物体被‘太阳光压力’推出轨道?为什么我们使用火箭?为了理解这种情况,我邀请你计算400百万根针的质量。(编辑评论)
「針」- ミシェルの冒険から11年後のScientific American、1998年8月(Vol 279、Nr 2、N.L.Johnsonによる記事は、1963年5月に米国国防総省の通信実験の一環として80束の「針」(が)解放されたことを説明しています。太陽光(???)によって放射される圧力が、これらの微小な針 - すべて4億本 - を軌道から押し出すはずであった...」 宇宙で他に「太陽光の圧力」によって軌道から押し出されたものを聞いたことがありますか?なぜ私たちはロケットを使用するのですか?この状況を理解するために、400百万本の針の質量を計算してみることをお勧めします。(編集者のコメント)
The real dangers on Earth, in order of ‘importance’ are: first money then politicians; third journalists and drugs and fourth religions. These dangers in no way relate to nuclear arms.
If the people on Earth are wiped out by a nuclear cataclysm, their Astral beings will go where they must after death and the natural order of death and rebirth will be maintained. The danger does not lie in the death of the physical body, as millions believe: the danger exists in the way in which one lives.
On your planet, money is the worst of all evils. Try now, to imagine life without money.
You see,said Thao who had ‘read’ my efforts, you can’t even imagine such a life, for you are caught up in the system.
However, just two hours ago, you saw that the people of Mu were able to meet their needs without spending any money. You noticed, I know, that the people were very happy and highly advanced.
The civilisation of Mu revolved around the community - both spiritually and materially, and it thrived. Of course, you must not confuse ‘community’ with ‘communism’, as exists in certain countries on Earth. Communism, as practised on Earth, is the essential part of totalitarian regimes rather than democratic, and, as such, is degrading for Man.
姆大陆文明的核心是围绕社区展开的 - 在精神和物质上,它蓬勃发展。当然,你不能将‘社区’与某些地球国家存在的‘共产主义’混淆。地球上的共产主义实践是极权主义政权的基本组成部分,而不是民主的,因此对人类是有害的。
Unfortunately, as regards money, it is difficult to help constructively on Earth for your whole system is based on it. If Germany needs 5000 tonnes of Australian wool, it can’t send, in exchange, 300 Mercedes and 50 tractors. Your economic system doesn’t work this way; it is, therefore, difficult to improve the system.
On the other hand, much could be achieved in regard to politicians and political parties. You are all in the same boat...and there is a useful comparison to be made between a country or planet and a boat. Every boat must have its captain, but to run well it requires skill and a spirit of cooperation among the sailors, as well as their respect for their captain.
If, as well as being knowledgeable, experienced and quick thinking, the captain is also fair and honest, the chances are great that his crew will do its best by him. It is, ultimately, the intrinsic worth of the captain - regardless of his political or religious leanings - that will determine the effectiveness of his operation.
如果船长不仅具有丰富的知识、经验丰富且反应迅速,而且还公正和诚实,那么他的船员会尽力效劳。归根结底,船长的内在 - 不论他的政治或宗教倾向如何 - 将决定了他行动的有效性。
Imagine, for example, that a captain had to be elected by his crew, more for reasons of politics than for his skill in navigation and his cool-handedness in times of danger. To imagine the situation better, let’s suppose we are watching an actual election. We are standing on a leading dock where 150 crew members are assembled with three candidates for command of a ship. The first is a democrat, the second, a communist, and the third a conservative. Among the crew members, there are 60 with communist leanings, 50 democrats and 40 conservatives. Now, I am going to show you that this affair cannot be conducted appropriately.
The communist candidate is obliged to make certain promises to the democrats and conservatives if he wants to win; because he is only ‘guaranteed’ 60 of the votes. He must convince at least 16 men from the other parties that it is in their interests to elect him. But will he be able to keep the promises he makes? And, of course, the same applies to the other two candidates.
When one or the other of these captains is at sea, he will always find that a significant number of his crew are fundamentally opposed to his having command, so there is always a significant risk of mutiny.
Of course, this is not the method by which a captain achieves his command - fortunately. I merely wished to illustrate the dangers that are inherent in electing leaders on the basis of political bias rather than for their ability to lead people, honestly, in appropriate directions.
もちろん、これは船長が指揮権を得る方法ではありません - 幸いです。私は単に、人々を率いる能力よりも政治的な偏見に基づいて指導者を選ぶことに固有の危険性を示したかっただけです。
While on the subject, I must emphasise another point. When our ‘captain-elect’ is at sea, he is the one and only leader of the vessel, whereas, when a party leader is elected as head of state, he is immediately confronted with a ‘Leader of the Opposition’. From the very beginning of his leadership, whether his decisions are good or bad, he will be systematically criticised by an opposing party bent on his demise. How can a country be properly governed under such a system, Michel?
Do you have a solution?
Of course, and it has already been described to you. The only solution is to follow the example of the government of Mu.
This is to place as head of state a leader whose unique goal is the wellbeing of the people - a leader not motivated by false pride or party and personal pecuniary ambition; to do away with political parties - and the resentment, the grudges, the hatred that go with them; and to hold out your hand to your neighbour - to accept him and work with him, regardless of differences you may have. He is after all, in the same boat with you, Michel. He is part of the same village, the same town, the same nation, the same planet.
这意味着,将一个以人民福祉为宗旨的领袖置于国家元首的位置 - 一个不受错误自尊、党派和个人金钱野心驱使的领袖;废除政党制度 - 及其带来的愤怒、怨恨、仇恨;向你的邻居伸出援手 - 接纳他并与他合作,不管你们之间有什么分歧。毕竟,他和你是同舟共济的,米歇尔。他会使同一个村庄、同一个城镇、同一个国家、乃至同一个星球同心协力。
これは、国の首脳に人民の幸福が唯一の目標であるリーダーを置くことです - 偽の誇りや党派、個人の金銭的野心に駆られないリーダーです。政治的な党派 - それに付随する憎しみ、恨み、憎しみを廃止し、隣人に手を差し伸べ、彼を受け入れ、彼と協力します。あなたが持っている違いに関係なく。結局のところ、彼はあなたと同じ船に乗っています、ミシェル。彼は同じ村、同じ町、同じ国、同じ惑星の一部です。
What is the house which shelters you made of, Michel?
Of bricks...of wood, tiles, plaster, nails...
Indeed, and what are all these materials made of?
Atoms, of course.
Perfect. Now these atoms, as you know, have to connect very closely in order to form a brick or any other building material. What would happen if these atoms repelled each other instead of combining as they do?
And there we are. When you push away your neighbours, your son or your daughter - if you aren’t always ready to help even those whom you don’t like, you contribute to the disintegration of your civilisation. And this is what is happening on Earth more and more, through hate and violence.
就是这样。当你厌烦你的邻居、你的儿子或你的女儿 - 如果你甚至不愿意帮助那些你不喜欢的人,你就在加剧你的文明的分解。这正是地球上越来越多发生的事情,甚至仇恨和暴力。
そして、そこにいます。あなたが隣人、息子、または娘を突き放すとき - あなたが嫌いな人でさえ助ける準備がいつもできていない場合、あなたはあなたの文明の崩壊に寄与しています。そして、これが地球でますます起こっていることです、憎しみと暴力を通じて。
Consider two examples well known to all on your planet, which prove that.
The first is Napoleon Bonaparte: by the use of arms he was able to conquer all of Europe, and he established, as national leaders, his own brothers to diminish the risk of treason. It is widely accepted that Napoleon was a genius and, indeed, a competent organiser and legislator since, 200 years later, many of his laws still exist in France. But what has become of his empire, Michel? It quickly disintegrated because it had been established through the use of arms.
Hitler, similarly, sought to conquer Europe by force and you know what happened there.
Violence does not pay, and never will. The solution lies, rather, in love and the cultivation of minds. Have you ever noticed that, all round the world, and particularly in Europe, you had many more great writers, musicians and philosophers emerging in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?
Yes, I believe it is so.
Do you know why?
Because, along with the advent of electricity, the internal combustion engine, the automobile, the aeroplane and such like, the people of Earth neglected the cultivation of their spirituality and focused on the material world.
Now, as the great Thaora explained, materialism poses one of the greatest threats to your present life and your future lives.
After politicians, you have the problem of journalists and reporters. There are some among them, although unfortunately rare, who try to do their job of disseminating information honestly and sincerely, attending carefully to their sources; but we are greatly alarmed that most of them seek only sensationalism.
Your television stations too, screen more and more scenes of violence. If those responsible were obliged to study psychology before being able to undertake such grave responsibilities, a step in the right direction would have been taken. Your reporters seem to seek and even prey on scenes of violence, murder, tragedy and disaster; we are sickened by their behaviour.
The leaders of a country, the journalists, in fact anyone who, by their position, is able to exert influence on the people, has an enormous responsibility towards millions of people who are no more nor less than his fellow creatures. Too often, even those who have been elected to their positions by the people, forget the obligations they have in this regard - until, that is, a few months prior to a new election, when it occurs to them that the people are dissatisfied and might vote them out.
一个国家的领导人、记者,事实上,任何一个凭借其职位能够对人民施加影响的人,对成千上万的人民都有着巨大的责任,这些人不过是他的同类而已。太多的时候,甚至那些由人民选举产生的人,也会忘记他们在这方面所拥有的义务 - 直到新选举的几个月前,他们才会意识到人民不满,并可能将他们选下台。
国の指導者、ジャーナリスト、実際には、その立場によって人々に影響を与えることができる誰もが、彼らの仲間である何百万人もの人々に対して莫大な責任があります。選挙で人々に選ばれた人々さえも、しばしばこの点で持っている義務を忘れてしまいます - 新しい選挙の数か月前まで、人々が不満であり、彼らを投票で落とす可能性があることに気付くまで。
This is not the case with journalists though, as they have not needed to inspire confidence in the people in order to attain their positions; and yet they have a similar power to influence in ways which are good or bad.
Indeed, they are capable of doing much good when they alert public attention to danger and injustice - and this should be their main function.
实际上,当他们提醒公众注意危险和不公正时,他们能够做很多好事 - 这应该是他们的主要功能。
実際、彼らは危険や不正義に対する公衆の注意を喚起する際に多くの善をなすことができます - そして、これが彼らの主な機能であるべきです。
To return to the need for such high profile people to understand and apply psychology, I will give you a good example to illustrate what I mean. On TV we see the following report: A young man has just taken a rifle and killed seven people including two women and two young children. The reporter shows the bloodstains and the bodies, adding that the killer had imitated the style of an actor, well known for his violent roles in films. And the result? The murderer is going to be proud of himself - not only has he achieved ‘national notoriety’, he has also been compared with one of the most popular heroes of violent modern films. But, beyond that, another such madman who sees the reports and hears the commentaries of reporters who pay unwarranted attention to this odious crime, will be inspired to seek his own moment of national ‘glory’.
回到需要这些知名人士了解并应用心理学的必要性问题上,我将给你举一个好例子来说明我的意思。在电视上,我们看到了以下报道:一名年轻人刚刚拿起步枪杀死了七个人,其中包括两名妇女和两名幼儿。记者展示了血迹和尸体,并补充说杀手模仿了一位著名的演员的风格,这位演员以在电影中扮演暴力角色而闻名。结果呢?凶手会为自己感到骄傲 - 他不仅获得了“全国第一反派”的称号,还被比作了最受欢迎的暴力现代电影角色之一。但更重要的是,另一个看到报道的人,听到记者对这种可耻犯罪给予过多关注的疯子会受到鼓励,他也会寻求自己的国家级“荣耀”的时刻,从而进行犯罪。
心理学を理解して適用することが必要な高名な人々に戻りますが、私の意味を説明するための良い例を挙げます。テレビで次のような報告を見ます。若い男性がライフルを取って2人の女性と2人の幼い子供を含む7人を殺害しました。報道記者は血痕と遺体を示し、犯人が映画で暴力的な役柄で有名な俳優のスタイルを模倣したと付け加えました。結果は?殺人者は自分に誇りを持つでしょう - 彼は「国家的な悪名高い」とされ、さらには最も人気のある暴力的な現代映画のヒーローの1人と比較されました。しかし、それ以上に、報道を見て、この憎むべき犯罪に不当な注意を払う報道記者の解説を聞く別の狂人が自分自身の国家の「栄光」の瞬間を求めることに刺激されるでしょう。
Such a person is usually a failure - someone repressed, frustrated, inhibited; someone ignored, who yearns for recognition. He has just seen the report and he knows that all violence is reported, and sometimes exaggerated, by TV reporters and journalists. Perhaps his picture will appear on the front page of all the newspapers - and why not? Then he will go before the courts and perhaps be referred to by a name like ‘Jack the Ripper’ or ‘The Strangler with the Velvet Glove’. No longer will he rank among ordinary mortals. The harm that such irresponsible reporting can do is unimaginable. Thoughtlessness and irresponsibility are not qualities apparent in civilised nations. That’s why I say, on Earth, you have not even achieved the first letter of the word civilisation.
这样的人通常是失败者 - 压抑、沮丧、负面情绪的人;被忽视的人,渴望被认可。他刚刚看到了报告,他知道所有暴力行为都会被电视记者和新闻记者报道,并且有时会被夸大。也许他的照片会出现在所有报纸的头版上 - 为什么不呢?然后他将出庭,也许会被称为“开膛手杰克”或“天鹅绒手套杀手”。他将不再是普通人。这种不负责任的报道可能造成的伤害是不可想象的。粗心和不负责任并不是文明国家显而易见的品质。这就是为什么我说,在地球上,你们甚至可能连“文明”的边都还没沾到。
そのような人物は通常、失敗者であり、抑圧され、失望し、抑制された人物、認識されなかった人物、認められたがっています。彼はちょうどその報告を見たばかりで、すべての暴力がテレビの報道記者やジャーナリストによって報告され、時には誇張されることを知っています。おそらく彼の写真がすべての新聞の一面に掲載されるでしょう - なぜなら?その後、彼は法廷に立ち、おそらくは「ジャック・ザ・リッパー」や「ベルベット・グローブの絞殺者」といった名前で言及されるでしょう。彼はもはや普通の人間にはランクインしません。そのような無責任な報道がもたらす害は想像を絶するものです。無思慮さと無責任さは、文明国に明らかな資質ではありません。だからこそ私は言います、地球上では、あなたがたは文明という言葉の最初の文字さえ実現していないのです。
So, what is the solution?
Why do you ask such a question, Michel? You have been chosen because we know how you think, and I know that you know the answer to your question. Still, if you insist, you will hear it from my mouth. Journalists, reporters and anyone else whose function it is to disseminate information should devote no more than two to three lines to such cases of murder. They could simply say: ‘we have just learned of the murder of seven people by an irresponsible lunatic. This murder occurred at whatever location and is a sorry event in a country that considers itself to be civilised.’ Full stop.
Those who seek their day or weeks of glory would surely side step murder as a means of attaining it, if their efforts received so little publication in return. Don’t you agree?
What, then, should their reports comprise?
There are so many worthwhile things to show - reports of worthwhile events which improve the psyche of Earth people rather than brainwashing them in a negative way. Reports such as the risking of life to rescue a child who was drowning, for example, or of assistance given to the poor to improve their lot.
Of course, I agree with you entirely, but I’m sure the circulation of newspapers depends on the sensational news they contain.
And there we are, back at the root of all evil that I mentioned earlier - money. This is the curse that undermines your entire civilisation; and yet, in this particular case, the situation could be reversed if those responsible were motivated to change. On no matter which planet, the greatest dangers to humankind are, ultimately, of a psychological, rather than material nature.
Drugs, similarly, affect the psyche of the individual - not only do they ruin physical health, they also reverse the individual’s process of universal evolution. At the same time as they induce states of euphoria or artificial paradise, they are also directly attacking the Astral body. I will elaborate on this, for it is of great importance.
同样,毒品影响个体的心理健康 - 它们不仅破坏身体健康,还逆转了个体的宇宙进化过程。在诱导欣快状态或人工天堂的同时,它们也直接攻击着灵体。我将详细说明这一点,因为这非常重要。
The Astral body can only be harmed by two things: drugs and the vibrations occasioned by certain kinds of noise. Considering only drugs, it must be understood that they have an influence that is totally against Nature. They ‘remove’ the Astral body to another sphere where it should not be. The Astral body should be either in a physical body or with its Higher-self, of which it is a part. When drugged, an individual’s Astral body is as though ‘asleep’ experiencing artificial sensations that completely distort his or her judgement. It is in the same situation as a physical body is during an important surgical operation. If you like, it’s like a tool that we bend or break by using it incorrectly or for a task for which it was not intended.
According to the length of time that a person is under the influence of drugs, his or her Astral body is going to decline or, more exactly, it is going to become saturated with false data. ‘Recovery’ for the Astral body can take several lifetimes: for this reason, Michel, drugs should be avoided at all costs.
There is something I don’t understand then, I interrupted. Twice, now, you have given me drugs to take in order to release my Astral body from my physical body. Haven’t you, thereby, done me a disservice?
No, not at all. We used a drug that is not an hallucinogen, in order to assist a process which could occur quite naturally with adequate training. It is not a drug that ‘blinds’ and therefore presents no danger to your Astral body and its effects are very short-term.
Returning to the problems of your planet, Michel, the solution depends on love - not money. It requires that people rise above hate, resentment, jealousy and envy, and that each person, whether he be street sweeper or community leader, put his neighbour before himself, offering his hand to whoever needs it.
あなたたちの惑星の問題に戻りますと、ミシェル、解決策は愛にかかっています - お金ではありません。それは人々が憎しみ、恨み、嫉妬、うらやみを超え、掃除人から共同体のリーダーまで、誰もが自己よりも隣人を優先し、助けが必要な人に手を差し伸べることを求めます。
Everyone has need, both physically and mentally, of his neighbour’s friendship - not only on your planet, but on all planets. As Jesus said, when we sent him to you almost 2000 years ago: ‘Love each other’ - but of course...
每个人都在身体和精神上需要邻里的友谊 - 不仅是在你们的星球上,而是在所有的星球上。正如耶稣在将近2000年前被派遣到你们那里时所说的:‘彼此相爱’ - 当然...
すべての人は、身体的にも精神的にも、隣人の友情を必要としています - あなたたちの惑星だけでなく、すべての惑星で。ほぼ2000年前、私たちがイエスをあなたたちのもとに送ったとき、彼が言ったように:『互いに愛し合いなさい』 - もちろん...
Thao!I interrupted again, almost rudely this time. What did you just say in regard to Jesus?
Jesus, Michel was sent to Earth from Thiaoouba almost 2000 years ago - just as Lationusi also went to Earth and has returned.
耶稣,米歇尔是将近2000年前从海奥华被派到地球上的 - 就像拉拉提欧奴斯也去了地球然后回来了一样。
イエス、ミシェルはほぼ2000年前にティアウーバから地球に送られました - ラティオヌシも地球に行って戻ってきました。
Of all that had been explained to me, it was this unexpected revelation which shocked me most. At the same time, Thao’s Aura rapidly changed colour. The soft gold ‘mist’ around her head become almost yellow, and the gentle shower of colours from the top of her head, blazed forth with new energy.
A great Thaora is calling us, Michel. We must go immediately. Thao stood up.
一个伟大的Thaora在召唤我们,米歇尔。我们必须立刻去。 涛站起身来。
偉大なThaoraが私たちを呼んでいます、Michel。私たちはすぐに行かなければなりません。 タオは立ち上がった。
I adjusted my mask and followed her outside, most intrigued by this sudden interruption and uncustomary haste. We boarded the flying platform and rose, vertically, above the branches of the trees. Soon we were flying over the beach, and then the ocean, travelling at a speed much greater than ever before. The sun was quite low in the sky and we skimmed over waters that were emerald green or a perfect azure blue - if I can describe colours in Earthly terms.
Huge birds, with a wingspan of about four metres, crossed our path just in front of us and the sun’s rays lit up the bright pink feathers of their wings and the bright green feathers of their tails.
Before long we had reached the island and Thao brought the platform down again in the park, in which seemed to be precisely the same spot as before. She signalled that I should follow her and we set off - she walking and I running behind her.
This time we did not head for the central doko, but took a different path, which led us eventually to another doko, of the same huge size as the central doko.
Two people, both taller than Thao, were waiting for us under the entrance light. Thao spoke to them in a low voice; then moved nearer to them and engaged in a brief consultation, from which I was excluded. They stood still, casting curious glances my way, but not smiling at all. I could see their Auras, which were less brilliant than Thao’s - a sure indication that they were not as highly evolved in spirit.
两个人站在入口灯下等待我们。他们都比涛高。涛低声与他们交谈,然后走近他们,进行了一次我被排除在外的简短磋商。他们站着不动,好奇地看着我,没有任何表情。我可以看到他们的光环,比涛的要暗淡 - 这清楚地表明他们的精神进化程度没有那么高。
入口の光の下で、タオよりも背が高い2人が私たちを待っていました。 タオは低い声で彼らと話しました。それから彼女は彼らに近づき、私が除外された短い協議を行いました。彼らは動かず、私の方を興味深そうに見つめていましたが、全く笑わなかった。私は彼らのオーラが見えましたが、タオのものよりも薄暗い - 彼らが精神的にはあまり進化していないことを示す確実な兆候でした。
For a considerable time, we waited without moving. The birds from the park approached, watching us. No one, apart from me, paid them any attention; my companions were apparently deep in thought. I remember clearly, a bird, resembling a bird of paradise, came and stationed itself between Thao and me, for all the world as though it wanted to be admired.
The sun would soon set and I remember watching its last rays high up in the trees, igniting sparks of purple and gold among the branches. A flock of birds fluttered noisily in the canopy, breaking the silence that had been established. As if this had been a signal, Thao asked me to take off my mask, close my eyes and to take her hand that she might guide my steps. Much intrigued, I did as she asked.
Moving forward, I felt the light resistance, now familiar to me, as we entered the doko. I was told telepathically to keep my eyes half-closed and lowered, and to follow in Thao’s wake. We advanced about 30 paces before Thao stopped and placed me at her side. Still by telepathy, she indicated that I could now open my eyes and look around; this I did quite slowly. Before me were three figures remarkably like those I had met previously. Like the others, they sat cross-legged, straight backed, on fabric-covered blocks, each seat being of a colour that complemented the occupant.
Thao and I were standing beside two similar seats until, telepathically, and without a gesture, we were invited to sit down. I looked around discretely, but saw no trace of the two characters who had met us at the entrance: perhaps they were behind me..?
Like before, the eyes of the Thaori gave the impression of being illuminated from within but, by contrast, this time I was immediately able to see their Auras, resplendent with bright colours all so pleasing to the eye.
The central figure rose by levitation, without altering his position, and slowly floated towards me. He stopped before and slightly above me, placing one of his hands at the base of my cerebellum and the other on the left side of my skull. Again, I felt my body invaded by the fluid-like feeling of wellbeing, but this time I almost fainted.
Removing his hands, he returned to his seat. Perhaps I should explain that the details concerning the position of his hands on my head were provided later, by Thao, as, once again, it was beyond me at the time to register such details. And yet I remember a thought that occurred to me - a thought rather out of place at such a time - when he resumed his seat: ‘I’ll probably never get to see one of these figures use his two legs as everyone else does.’
A period of time had elapsed, I’ve no idea how long, when, instinctively, I turned my head towards the left. I’m sure my mouth fell open and remained that way. One of the two people I had met earlier was coming towards us from the left, leading a person, very odd in appearance, by the shoulder. For a moment I thought this person to be a Red Indian chief such as we see in films. I will try to describe him as best I can.
He was very small in stature, perhaps 150 centimetres but what was most striking about him was that he was as wide as he was tall - just like a square. His head was completely round and sat directly on his shoulders. What had at first sight brought to mind an Indian chief, was his hair, which was more like feathers, coloured yellow, red and blue, rather than hair. His eyes were quite red and his face was ‘flattened’ almost like a Mongoloid face. He had no eyebrows but lashes that were four times as long as mine. He had been given a robe like mine, although quite different in colour. The limbs that extended beyond the robe were of the same light blue colour as his face. His Aura, silvery in places, shone brightly and around his head was a strong halo of gold.
彼は非常に小柄で、身長はおそらく150センチメートルですが、彼の最も印象的な特徴は、彼の幅と身長が同じであることです - まるで正方形のようです。彼の頭は完全に丸く、肩の上に直接座っています。最初にインディアンの酋長を思い起こさせたのは、羽毛のような髪の毛で、髪の毛よりも黄色、赤色、青色に色付けされています。彼の目はかなり赤く、彼の顔はほぼ蒙古顔のように「平たく」なっています。彼には眉毛はありませんが、私の4倍の長さのまつげがあります。彼は私のようなローブを着ていますが、色はまったく異なります。ローブを超える四肢は、顔と同じ浅い青色です。彼のオーラは、場所によっては銀色ですが、明るく輝き、頭の周りには強力な金色の光輪があります。
The shower of colour from the top of his head was much smaller than Thao’s, rising only a few centimetres into the air. He was, telepathically, invited to take a seat, about ten paces to our left.
Again, the central figure levitated towards the new arrival and placed his hands on his head, repeating the procedure I had experienced.
When we were all seated, the great figure began to address us. He spoke in the language of Thiaoouba and I was completely stunned at finding I understood everything he said, just as if he had spoken in my mother tongue!
Seeing my agitation, Thao telepathised, Yes Michel, you have a new gift. It will be explained later.
Arki,the Thaora was saying,this is Michel, from the planet Earth. I welcome you to Thiaoouba, Arki. May The Spirit enlighten you.
Thaora 说道Arki,这位是来自地球的米歇尔。欢迎你来到海奥华,Arki。愿神灵启迪你。
Addressing me, he continued.Arki has come to visit us from the planet X (I am not allowed to reveal the name of this planet, nor the reason I have been forbidden to do so.) And we thank him in the name of The Spirit and all the Universe, just as we thank you, Michel, for your willingness to collaborate with us in our mission.
Arki has come in his Agoura at our request, especially to meet you, Michel.
Agoura: Spacecraft of the planet X which travels at a speed slightly below the speed of light.(Author’s comment)
Agoura: 行驶速度略低于光速的X行星飞船。(作者评论)
Agoura: 光速のわずか下を行くX惑星の宇宙船。(著者のコメント)
We wanted you to see with your own eyes and touch with your own hands, an extra-planetarian quite different from our own race. Arki inhabits a planet of the same category as Earth, although it is very different in certain respects. These ‘differences’ are essentially physical and have contributed, over the course of time, to the physical appearance of the people.
We also wanted to show you several things, Michel. Arki and his fellow beings are highly evolved both technologically and spiritually which might surprise you considering you will find his appearance ‘abnormal’, even monstrous. However, you can see by his Aura that he is highly spiritual and good. We also wanted to show you, by this experience, that we can give you for a time, the gift not only of seeing Auras, but of understanding all languages - and that, without recourse to telepathy.
我们还想向你展示一些事情,米歇尔。Arki和他的同伴在技术层面和精神层面上都高度发展,这可能会让你感到惊讶,因为你会觉得他们的外表“异常”,甚至是怪物般的。然而,通过他的辉光你可以看到他的精神是高度进化的,是友善的。通过这次经历,我们还想向你展示,我们可以暂时赋予你不仅可以看到辉光的能力,还可以理解所有语言的能力 - 而且不需要借助心灵感应。
また、いくつかのことをあなたに見せたかったのです、ミシェル。アーキと彼の仲間たちは、技術的にも精神的にも非常に進化していますが、彼らの外見が「異常」でさえ「怪物のよう」だと感じるかもしれないことが驚くべきことです。しかし、彼のオーラを見れば、彼が非常に精神的であり、良いことがわかります。この経験を通じて、私たちはあなたに一時的に、オーラを見るだけでなく、すべての言語を理解する能力を与えることができることを示したかったのです - そして、それをテレパシーを使わずに行います。
So that was it, I thought to myself.
Yes, that was it,Thaora replied. Now, move closer, the two of you. Talk together, touch each other if you want to - in a word, make each other’s acquaintance.
是的,就是这样,Thaora 回答道。现在,你们两个靠近些。彼此交谈,如果你们愿意的话,触摸对方 - 总之,彼此结识一下。
はい、それでした、Thaoraは答えました。さあ、もっと近づいて、あなたたち二人。話し合い、触れ合ってもいい - 要するに、お互いを知り合ってください。
I stood up and Arki did likewise. When he was upright, his hands almost touch the floor. Each had five fingers, like ours, but it had two thumbs - one in the same position as ours and the other where our little fingers are.
我站了起来,Arki 也站了起来。当他直立时,他的手几乎碰到地板。每只手有五根手指,就像我们一样,但它有两个拇指 - 一个与我们的位置相同,另一个在我们的小指的位置。
私は立ち上がり、Arki も同じように立ち上がりました。彼が直立すると、彼の手はほぼ床に触れます。それぞれが私たちのように5本の指を持っていますが、彼は2本の親指を持っています - 1本は私たちのと同じ位置にあり、もう1本は私たちの小指の位置にあります。
We approached each other and he held his arm out to me, the wrist forward and fist closed. He was smiling at me, revealing a set of straight, even teeth, just like ours, but green. I held my hand out in return, not knowing what else to do, and he addressed me in his own language - now perfectly comprehensible to me.
我们走近彼此,他向我伸出手臂,手腕向前,拳头紧握。他朝我微笑,露出一排整齐、均匀的牙齿,就像我们的牙齿一样,但是是绿色的。我也伸出手回应他,不知道还能做什么,他用自己的语言对我说话 - 现在我能完全理解。
私たちはお互いに近づき、彼は私に向かって腕を差し出し、手首を前にして拳を握り締めました。彼は私に微笑んでいて、まっすぐで均一な歯並びを見せていました。私たちの歯と同じですが、緑色です。私も手を差し出して応じましたが、他に何をすべきかわからず、彼は彼自身の言語で私に話しかけました - 今、私には完全に理解できるようになっています。
Michel, I am very pleased to meet you and would have liked to be welcoming you as a guest on my own planet.I thanked him warmly, and filled with such emotion, began the sentence in French and finished it in English, which he, likewise, had no difficulty understanding!
He continued.At the request of the great Thaora, I have come to Thiaoouba from planet X, a planet that resembles yours in many ways. It is twice larger than Earth, with 15 billion inhabitants but, like Earth and other planets of the first category, it’s a ‘Planet of Sorrows’. Our problems are much the same as yours: we have had two nuclear holocausts during our existence on our planet and we have experienced dictatorships, crime, epidemics, cataclysms, a monetary system and all that is associated with it, religions, cults and other things.
However, eighty of our years ago (our year lasts four hundred and two 21-hour-days) we initiated a reform. In fact, the reform was set in motion by a group of four people from a small village on the shores of one of our largest oceans. This group, comprising three men and one woman, preached peace, love and freedom of expression. They travelled to the capital city of their country and requested an audience with the leaders. Their request was denied for the regime was dictatorial and military. For six days and five nights, the four slept in front of the palace gates, eating nothing and drinking little water.
Their perseverance attracted public attention and by the sixth day, a crowd of 2000 had gathered in front of the palace. With feeble voices, the four preached to the crowd of uniting in love to change the regime - until guards put an end to their ‘sermon’ by shooting the four and threatening to shoot members of the crowd if they did not disperse. This they quickly did, in genuine fear of the guards. Nevertheless, a seed had been sown in the minds of the people. On reflection, thousands of them came to realise that, without a peaceful understanding, they were powerless, absolutely powerless.
Word was passed around among the people - rich and poor, employer and employee, worker and foreman, and one day, six months later, the entire nation came to a standstill.
What do you mean by ‘came to a standstill’?I asked.
The nuclear power stations shut down, transport systems halted, freeways were blocked. Everything stopped. The farmers didn’t deliver their produce; radio and television networks ceased transmitting; communication systems shut down. The police were helpless in the face of such unity, for, in a matter of hours, millions of people had joined the ‘cease work’. It seemed, for that time, the people had forgotten their hates, jealousies, differences of opinion as they united against injustice and tyranny. A police force and an army comprise human beings and these human beings had relatives and friends among the crowd.
It was no longer a question of killing four subversive individuals. Hundreds of thousands would have had to be killed just to ‘liberate’ one power station.
In the face of the people’s determination, the police, the army and the Dictator were forced to capitulate. The only deaths to occur during this incident were the 23 fanatics who comprised the Tyrant’s personal guard - the soldiers were obliged to shoot them in order to reach him.
Was he hanged?I asked.
Arki smiled.Why, no, Michel. The people were through with violence. He was deported instead, to a place where he could do no further harm, and, in fact their example inspired his reform. He found, again, the path of love and respect for individual liberty. He died, eventually, repentant for all that he had done. Now, that nation is the most successful on our planet, but, as on yours, there are other nations under the domination of violent totalitarian regimes and we are doing all in our power to help them.
We know that all we do in this life is an apprenticeship, offering us the possibility of graduating to a superior existence and even freeing us forever of our physical bodies. You must know, too, that the planets are categorised and that it is possible for entire populations to emigrate to another, when their planet is in danger, but no-one can do so if the new planet is not of the same category.
Being, overpopulated ourselves and, having highly advanced technology, we have visited your planet with a view to establish a settlement there - an idea we decided against since your degree of evolution would bring us more harm than good.
I was not very flattered by this reflection and my Aura must have indicated as much to Arki. He smiled and continued. I’m sorry, Michel, but I am saying my piece without hypocrisy. We still visit Earth but only as observers, interested in studying, and learning from you, your errors. We never intervene because that is not our role, and we would never invade your planet, as this would be a backward step for us. You are not to be envied - materially, technologically or spiritually.
Going back to our Astral bodies, an Astral body absolutely cannot change to a superior planet until sufficiently evolved. We are speaking, of course, of spiritual evolution and not technological. This evolution occurs thanks to the physical body that improves as it progresses right up as far as this planet. You have already learned of the nine categories of planets – ours are at the bottom of the scale. We, in our present physical bodies, can be permitted only nine days’ stay here. According to Universal Law, on the tenth day, our physical bodies would die and neither Thao nor the great Thaora, within whose power it is to revive the dead, would be able to prevent or reverse the process. Nature has very inflexible rules with well-established safeguards.
But if I were to die here, perhaps my Astral body could stay here and I could be reincarnated as a baby on Thiaoouba...?I was full of hope, forgetting, for the moment, the family I loved back on Earth.
You don’t understand, Michel. Universal Law would require that you be reincarnated on Earth, if you had not yet finished your time there. But it is possible that when you do die on Earth - when your moment has come - your Astral body will reincarnate in a body on another, more advanced planet...a second or perhaps third category planet, or even this one, depending on your present degree of development.
It’s possible then, to skip all categories and find ourselves reincarnated on a ninth category planet? I asked, still full of hope, for, most decidedly, I regarded Thiaoouba as a veritable paradise.
Michel, can you take some iron ore and some carbon, heat them to the right temperature, and produce pure steel? No. First you must skim the rubbish from the iron; then it goes back to the pot to be processed again and again and again... for as long as it takes to produce first-class steel. The same applies to us; we must be ‘reprocessed’ over and over until we emerge perfect, for eventually we will rejoin The Spirit who, being perfect himself, cannot accept the slightest imperfection.
ミシェル、あなたは鉄鉱石と炭を取って、適切な温度に加熱して純粋な鋼を作ることができますか?いいえ。まず最初に、鉄からごみを取り除かなければなりません。そして、それはポットに戻って何度も何度も加工されます... 一流の鋼を生産するまで。私たちにも同じことが当てはまります。私たちは何度も何度も「再処理」されなければならず、最終的には私たち自身が完璧である神に再び合流するまで、完璧に出現しなければなりません。神は完璧なので、最小の欠陥も受け入れることができません。
That seems so complicated!
The Spirit, who has created everything, wanted it this way and I’m sure that, for him, it’s very simple; but for a poor human brain, I admit, it is at times difficult to comprehend. And it gets more difficult, the closer we try to get to the Source. For this reason, we have tried, and in several places with success, to abolish religions and sects. They apparently want to group people together and help them to worship God or gods and to understand better; and yet they make it all much more complicated and quite incomprehensible by introducing rituals and laws invented by priests who look to their own personal interests rather than following nature and Universal Law. I see by your Aura that you already realise certain of these things.
I smiled, for it was true, and asked, On your planet, can you see Auras, and read them?
A few of us have learned to, myself included, but in this domain we are little more advanced than you. However, we study the subject enormously because we know this is what’s necessary for our evolution.
He stopped there, quite suddenly, and I realised it was a telepathic order coming from the great personage that made him do so.
I must go now, Michel and I will be completely happy to do so if in having spoken to you, I have been able to assist you and your fellow creatures - on Earth and across the Universe.
He held his hand out to me and I did likewise. In spite of his ugliness, I would have liked to kiss him and hold him in my arms. I wish I had...
I later learned that he had been killed, along with five others, when his spacecraft exploded just an hour after leaving Thiaoouba. I hoped that life would continue for him on a more hospitable planet...but perhaps he would return to his own in order to help his people - who knows? I had met, across the Universe, a brother who, like me, existed on a Planet of Sorrows - studying, at the same school, how one day, to gain eternal happiness.
後で、彼がティアウバを出発してからわずか1時間後に宇宙船が爆発し、彼を含む他の5人が死亡したことを知りました。私は彼の人生がより住みやすい惑星で続くことを願っていました...しかし、おそらく彼は自分の星に戻って人々を助けるために戻るかもしれません - 誰が知っていますか?私は宇宙を横断して、私と同じく悲しみの星に存在する兄弟に出会いました-いつか永遠の幸福を得る方法を同じ学校で学んでいるのです。
When Arki had left the room with his mentor, I sat down again near Thao. The Thaora who had given me the gift of understanding all languages, addressed me again.
Michel, as Thao has already told you, you were chosen by us to visit Thiaoouba, but the essential motive for our choice has not been revealed. It is not only because you have a mind already awakened and open, but also - and principally - because you are one of the rare soukous inhabiting Earth at the present time. A ‘soukou’ is an Astral body that has lived eighty-one lives in human physical bodies, and has lived those lives on different planets or different categories. For various reasons, the ‘soukous’ return to live on inferior planets, like Earth, when they could just as well continue to ‘climb the ladder’ without ever going backwards. You know that the number nine is the number of the Universe. You are here in the City of Nine Dokos, founded on Universal Law. Your Astral body has nine times nine lives, which brings you to the end of one of the great cycles.
米歇尔,正如涛已经告诉过你的那样,我们选择你访问海奥华,但我们选择的根本动机尚未揭示。这不仅是因为你的头脑已经觉醒和开放,而且 - 更主要的是 - 因为你是目前地球上罕见的soukous之一。‘soukous’是一种星魂体,已经在人类的物理身体中度过了八十一世,而且在不同的行星或不同的类别的行星上度过了不同的生活。出于各种原因,‘soukous’返回到像地球这样的较低级别的行星上生活,尽管他们也可以继续‘攀登阶梯’而不退步。你知道九是宇宙的数字。你现在在九Doko城,这是建立在宇宙法则之上的。你的星魂体需要体验九次九种不同的生命历程,这将使你完成一个伟大循环。
Once again, I was completely flabbergasted. I suspected I wasn’t living my first life, especially after my journey to Mu - but eighty-one lives! I didn’t know one lived so many...
我再次完全惊呆了。我曾怀疑我可能真的有前世,尤其是在我去过姆的旅程之后 - 但是八十一世,天啊!我不知道一个人可以活这么多次……
またしても、私は完全に驚愕しました。私は自分が最初の生を生きていないと疑っていました、特に私のミューへの旅の後には - でも八十一の生!そんなに多くの人が生きることを知りませんでした...
It’s possible to live many more, Michel,said the Thaora, interrupting my thoughts.Thao is up to her 216th, but other entities live far fewer. As I said, you have been chosen from among very few ‘soukous’ living on Earth, but, in order that you acquire a thorough understanding during the trip to our planet, we have planned another journey in time for you. So that you will better understand what reincarnation is, and what its purpose is, we will permit you to revisit your previous existences. This journey in time will be useful to you when writing your book as you will fully comprehend its purpose.
He had barely finished speaking, when Thao took me by the shoulder and spun me around. She led me towards the relaxation chamber - a feature, it seemed, of each and every doko. The three Thaori followed us, still by levitation.
他刚刚说完,涛就抓住我的肩膀把我转了过来。她领我走向放松室 - 这似乎是每个doko的特色。三位Thaori仍然跟随着我们,仍然在悬浮状态。
彼が話し終えるや否や、タオは私の肩を掴んで私を回転させました。彼女はリラックスチェンバーへと私を導いて行きました - それはどのドコにもあるようです。3人のThaoriは、なおも浮遊しながら私たちについてきました。
Thao indicated that I should lie down on a large piece of fabric that was just like an air cushion. The ‘chief’ Thaora positioned himself behind my head, the other two each holding one of my hands. Thao cupped her hands above my solar plexus.
涛示意我躺在一块大布上,就像一个气垫一样。'长老' Thaora站在我的头后面,另外两人分别握住我的一只手。涛把双手放在我的肚子上。
The leader then placed the index fingers of both hands over my pineal gland, telepathically ordering me to stare at his fingers.
Seconds later, I had the impression of sliding backwards at incredible speed, through a dark, endless tunnel. Then, abruptly, I emerged from the tunnel into what seemed to be a gallery of a coal mine. Several men, wearing small lamps on their foreheads were pushing carts; others, a little further away, were attacking the coals with picks or shovelling it into carts. I moved towards the end of the gallery where I was able to examine one of the miners closely. I seemed to know him. A voice that came from within me said, It’s one of your physical bodies, Michel. The man was quite tall and well built. He was covered in sweat and coal dust and laboured as he shovelled coal into a cart.
The scene changed abruptly, just as it had when I was in the psychosphere on Mu. I learned that he was called Siegfried, when one of the other miners at the entrance to the mine shaft called his name in German, which I understood perfectly - and I do not speak or understand that language. The other miner asked Siegfried to follow him. He headed towards an old shed, somewhat larger than all the others in this apparent main street of the village. I followed them both inside, where oil lamps were burning and men sat at tables.
场景突然变换,就像当我在姆大陆的灵球层时一样。我得知他叫西格弗里德,当矿井入口处的另一名矿工用德语呼唤他的名字时,我完全理解了 - 而我不会说或理解那种语言。另一名矿工要求西格弗里德跟随他。他朝着一间老棚屋走去,比村庄这条明显的主要街道上的所有其他棚屋都大一些。我跟着他们俩进去,在里面有燃烧着的油灯,男人们坐在桌子旁。
シーンは突然変わり、それは私がMuのサイコスフィアにいたときと同じようにでした。私は彼がジークフリートと呼ばれていることを知りました。採石場の入り口で他の鉱夫の一人がドイツ語で彼の名前を呼んだとき、私はそれを完璧に理解しました - そして私はその言語を話したり理解したりしません。他の鉱夫はジークフリートに従うように頼みました。彼は古い小屋に向かって歩きました。村のこの明らかな主要な通りにある他のすべての小屋よりもやや大きいものでした。私は彼らの後ろについて中に入りました。そこには油ランプが燃えており、男たちがテーブルに座っていました。
Siegfried joined a group of them. They shouted something at a brute wearing a dirty apron and, shortly afterwards, he brought them a bottle and some pewter goblets.
Another scene was superimposed on this one. It seemed that it was several hours later. The shed was the same, but now, Siegfried was staggering out, visibly drunk. He headed towards a row of smaller sheds, all of which had chimneys from which blackish smoke curled. Brusquely, he opened the door of one of them and entered, with me hot on his heels.
Eight children, progressing in ages from one year upwards, each twelve months apart, sat at a table plunging their spoons into bowls full of unappetising looking gruel. They all lifted their heads at the sudden appearance of their father, watching him with fearful eyes. A woman, medium in size but strong looking, with hair of a dirty blonde colour, addressed him aggressively: ‘Where have you been and where is the money? You know very well that the children haven’t had beans in a fortnight, and, yet again, you’re drunk!
She rose and approached Siegfried. As she raised her hand to slap his face, he grabbed her arm and, with his left fist, punched her so hard that she was sent flying backwards.
She fell to the floor, hitting the back of her neck on the chimney hearth as she did so, and was killed instantly.
The children were crying and screaming. Siegfried leaned over his wife whose wide-open eyes stared lifelessly into his.
‘Freda, Freda, come on, get up,’ he cried, his voice filled with anguish. He took her in his arms to help her, but she couldn’t stand. Suddenly, as she continued to stare fixedly, he realised she was dead. Sobered now, he rushed towards the door and fled into the night, running on and on, as if he had lost his mind.
Again the scene changed and Siegfried appeared, firmly bound between two guards, one of whom was putting a hood over Siegfried’s head. The executioner also wore one with holes cut in it for his eyes. He was a huge man and held within his enormous hand the handle of a wide blade axe. The guard made Siegfried kneel, bending forward so that his head rested on the execution block. Now the executioner came forward and assumed his position. A priest hastily recited prayers as the executioner slowly raised his axe over his head. Quite suddenly, he let it fall on the neck of Siegfried. The victim’s head rolled across the ground, causing the crowd to recoil several steps.
I had just witnessed the violent death of one of my many physical bodies...
The sensation was so strange. Until the moment of his death, I had been filled with a great fondness for this man, and although he had done wrong, I felt great pity for him. At the moment of his death, however, as his head rolled across the ground amid the murmurs of the crowd, I felt an overwhelming sense of relief - on his account as well as my own.
这种感觉太奇怪了。直到他死亡的那一刻,我对这个人充满了极大的喜爱,尽管他做错了事,但我对他感到非常的怜悯。然而,在他死亡的那一刻,当他的头在人群的低语声中在地上滚动时,我感到一种巨大的解脱感 - 既是为了他,也是为了我自己。
Immediately, I was presented with another scene. Before me was a lake, its shining blue waters reflecting the rays of two suns which hung quite low on the horizon.
A small boat, richly yet delicately decorated with sculptures and paintings, proceeded across the lake. It was guided by men, of medium size and reddish complexion, using long poles which they plunged into the water. Beneath a type of canopy and seated on an ornately decorated throne, was a lovely young woman with golden skin. Her oval shaped face was lit up by pretty almond eyes and long blonde hair that fell to her waist.
She was relaxed and smiling as the young company, which hovered around her, entertained her light-heartedly. I knew instantly that this pretty creature was myself in another life.
The boat proceeded steadily towards a landing pier, from which led a wide pathway bordered by tiny flowering shrubs. This path disappeared among trees that surrounded what appeared to be a palace, with roofs at various levels and of various colours.
With a change of scene, I was transported inside the palace to find myself in a lavishly decorated room.
One wall opened up on to a garden - a very orderly miniature garden of astonishing variety and colour.
一面墙打开了通往一个花园 - 一个非常井然有序、种类和颜色惊人的微型花园。
Servants with reddish skin, dressed in bright green loincloths, busied themselves with serving one hundred or so guests. These ‘guests’ were of both sexes and all richly dressed. They had the same type of light golden skin colour as the woman on the boat. In contrast to the complexions of the servants, these people had skins of the colour that blonde women on Earth can attain after numerous sun-tanning sessions.
The pretty young woman from the boat, sat, in what appeared to be the place of honour, in a high-backed seat. Music, soft and enchanting, could be heard and seemed to emanate from the far end of the room as well as from the garden.
One of the servants opened a large door to admit a tall young man - perhaps 190 centimetres in height and of similar golden complexion. His bearing was proud and his build athletic.
一名仆人打开一扇大门,进来一个高大的年轻人 - 或许身高约190厘米,肤色金黄。他的举止优雅,体格健壮。
召使の一人が大きな扉を開けて背の高い若い男性を入室させました - おそらく身長は190センチメートルで、同様の金色の肌を持っています。彼の態度は誇り高く、体つきはアスリートです。
Copper blond hair framed a face of regular features. He advanced with a purposeful stride towards the young woman and bowed before her. Whispering something to him, she gestured to the servants who brought forward an armchair similar to her own and placed it beside hers. The young man sat down and the woman gave him her hand, which he held in his.
Suddenly, on a signal from her, a gong sounded several times, and silence fell. The guests turned towards the couple. In a voice loud and clear, directed towards the servants as well as the guests, the young woman spoke: ‘to all of you gathered here, I want you to know that I have chosen a companion. This is he, Xinolini, and he will have, from this moment and according to my agreement, all of the royal rights and privileges, after me. Indeed, he will be the second power in the kingdom, after myself, the Queen and the head. Any subject disobeying him or doing wrong by him in any way will answer to me. The first child that I bear Xinolini, whether male or female, will be my successor. I, Labinola, Queen of the land, have decided this.
She signalled again, and the sound of the gong indicated the end of her speech. One by one, the guests bowed low before Labinola, kissing first her feet and then Xinolini’s in gestures of subservience.
This scene disappeared in a blur to be replaced by another, in the same palace but another room, where the royal family sat in thrones. Here, Labinola was administering justice. All sorts of people paraded before the Queen and she listened attentively to them all.
An extraordinary thing happened. I found I was able to enter into her body. It’s quite difficult to explain, but for a considerable time, while I listened and watched, I was Labinola.
I could understand absolutely all that was said, and when Labinola pronounced her judgement, I was in total agreement with her decisions.
I could hear in the murmuring of the crowd, reflections of admiration for her wisdom, never once did she turn towards Xinolini and never did she ask his advice. I felt a great pride invade me, knowing that I had been this woman in another life and I felt, during this time, the light tingling sensation that I was starting to recognise.
Everything disappeared again and then I was in the most luxurious of bedrooms. It proved to be that of Labinola, who lay, completely naked, on the bed. Three women and two men hovered nearby. As I approached, I could see her face, streaming with perspiration and disfigured with the pain of labour.
The women, midwives, and the men, the most eminent doctors in the kingdom, seemed worried. The child was arriving in a breech position and Labinola had lost a lot of blood. This was her first child and she was exhausted. Fear was evident in the eyes of the midwives and doctors and I knew that Labinola already realised she was going to die.
The scene moved forwards two hours in time and Labinola had just breathed her last breath. She had lost too much blood. The child, too, had died, suffocating before it could emerge into the world. Labinola, this pretty creature of twenty-eight years, so beautiful and good had just released her Astral body - my Astral body, to live another life.
场景向前推进了两个小时,拉比诺拉刚刚舒展了最后一口气。她失去了太多的血。孩子也已经死亡,在来到这个世界之前就被窒息了。拉比诺拉,这个年仅二十八岁的美丽善良的女子,刚刚释放了她的星体 - 我的星体,去过另一种生活。
Further scenes were already appearing, revealing other lives on other planets - as men, women and children. Twice I was a beggar, and three times a sailor. I was a water carrier in India, a goldsmith in Japan where I lived till ninety-five years of age; a Roman soldier; a black child at Chad devoured by a lion at the age of eight years; an Indian fisherman on the Amazon, dead at forty-two years leaving twelve children; an Apache chief dead at eighty-six years; several times a peasant farmer, on Earth as well as on other planets; and twice an ascetic in the mountains of Tibet and on another planet.
进一步的场景已经出现,揭示了其他星球上的其他生命 - 作为男人、女人和孩子。我曾两次是个乞丐,三次是个水手。我曾是印度的送水工,也曾是日本的金匠,在那里活到了九十五岁;我曾是罗马士兵;我曾是乍得的一个八岁时被狮子吞噬的黑人孩子;我曾是亚马逊河上的印度渔夫,四十二岁去世,留下十二个孩子;我曾是八十六岁去世的阿帕奇酋长;我曾多次是地球上和其他星球上的农民;我曾两次是西藏山区和另一个星球的苦行僧。
さらに別の惑星での他の生活 - 男性、女性、子供として - を明らかにする追加の場面がすでに現れていました。私は二度乞食であり、三度水兵でした。私はインドの水運び人、日本の金細工師で、九十五歳まで生きました;ローマの兵士でした;チャドの黒人の子供で、8歳の時にライオンに食べられました;アマゾンのインドの漁師で、四十二歳で亡くなり、十二人の子供を残しました;アパッチ族の酋長で、八十六歳で亡くなりました;地球だけでなく他の惑星でも何度も農民であり、チベットの山岳地帯と別の惑星で二度苦行僧でした。
Apart from when I was Labinola, ruling Queen of one-third of a planet, most of my lives were very modest. I saw scenes from all eighty of my previous lives - some of which impressed me a lot. I do not have time to detail them all in this book, as they would fill a volume on their own. Maybe one day I will write it.
除了我是拉比诺拉,统治着一个行星三分之一的女王之外,我的大部分生活都很平凡。我看到了我之前八十个生命的场景 - 其中一些给我留下了很深的印象。我没有时间在这本书中详细描述它们,因为它们将填满一整本书。也许有一天我会写下来。
私がラビノラ、惑星の三分の一を統治する女王だった時を除いて、私のほとんどの生涯は非常に控えめでした。私は過去の私の80の生涯からの場面を見ました - その中のいくつかは私を非常に感銘深くさせました。私はこの本でそれらをすべて詳細に説明する時間がありません。それだけでも一冊の本になるでしょう。多分いつか書くかもしれません。
At the end of the ‘show’, I had the impression of moving backwards in the ‘tunnel’ and, when I opened my eyes, Thao and the three Thaori were smiling kindly. When it was established that I was indeed back in my present skin, the leader addressed me in the following words:
We wanted to show you your past lives, that you might notice they vary, as though they were attached to a wheel. Because a wheel is made to turn, any point on it that is on top will soon be at the bottom - it is inevitable, do you see?
我们想向你展示你的前世,让你注意到它们的变化,就像它们连接在一个车轮上一样。因为车轮是用来转动的,任何位于顶部的点都很快会到底部 - 这是不可避免的,你明白吗?
私たちはあなたの過去の生活を見せたかったのです。それらが車輪に取り付けられているかのように、それらが異なることに気づくことができるでしょう。車輪は回転するように作られているので、その上のどんな点もすぐに底になります - それは避けられないことですね、分かりますか?
One day you are a beggar and then you can be a Queen, such as Labinola who, of course, was not only at the top of the wheel but also learned a lot and greatly helped others. And yet, in many cases, a beggar will learn as much as a king and in some instances he will learn much more.
When you were an ascetic in the mountains, you assisted many more individuals than in most of your other lives. What counts most is not appearances, but what is behind them.
When your Astral body takes on another physical body it is, quite simply, in order to learn more, and even more...
As we have explained to you, it is for the sake of your Higher-self. It is a process of continual refinement, which can occur just as effectively in the body of a beggar as in that of a king or a miner. The physical body is but a tool. A sculptor’s chisel and hammer are tools; they will never reach beauty on their own, but they contribute to it in the hands of an artist. A wonderful statue could not have been created with the artist’s bare hands.
You should always bear in mind this main point: An Astral body, in all cases, must conform to Universal Law, and, by following nature as closely as possible, it can achieve the ultimate goal by the fastest path.
With that, the Thaori resumed their places and we resumed ours.
During my stay in the doko, the sun had set; however, they didn’t deem it necessary to explain the luminous ambience that allowed us to see at least fifteen metres in distance inside the doko.
My attention was still focused on the Thaori. They were looking at me with kindness, surrounded by a golden mist that became more and more dense, into which they disappeared - just as they had on my first visit.
我仍然专看着长老Thaori们。他们用慈祥的目光看着我,周围环绕着一层金色的薄雾,这层雾气变得越来越浓密,他们也随之消失了 - 就像他们在我第一次访问时一样。
私の注意はまだThaoriに向けられていました。彼らは優しく私を見つめており、金色の霧に囲まれていました。その霧はますます濃密になり、彼らはそこに消えてしまいました - 最初の訪問時と同じように。
This time, Thao gently placed her hand on my shoulder and asked me to follow her. She led me towards the entrance of the doko, and in an instant we were outside. It was completely dark and no light shone anywhere apart from over the entrance. I could see no more than three metres in front of me and wondered how we were going to find the flying platform. I then remembered that Thao could see as well by night as by day. I was curious to see evidence of this - like a typical Earthling, I sought proof! It was provided immediately. Thao lifted me up effortlessly and sat me on her shoulders, just as we on Earth carry our little ones.
这一次,涛轻轻地把手放在我的肩上,要我跟着她走。她带我走向doko的入口,在一瞬间我们就出来了。四周完全漆黑,除了入口处,其他地方都没有任何光亮。我眼前看不到三米之外,不知道我们要如何找到飞行平台。我突然记起索可以像白天一样在夜间看得清楚。我很好奇要看到这一证据 - 就像一个典型的地球人一样,我寻找证据!证据立即就出现了。涛毫不费力地把我抬起来,让我坐在她的肩膀上,就像我们地球上抱着小孩一样。
今回、タオは優しく私の肩に手を置いて、彼女についてくるようにと私に頼みました。彼女は私をdokoの入り口に導いて、一瞬で私たちは外に出ました。周囲は完全に暗く、入り口の上だけに光が差していました。私は目の前で三メートル以上見ることができず、どのようにして飛行プラットフォームを見つけるか不思議に思いました。その後、サオが夜も昼も同じように見ることができることを思い出しました。私はこれを見る証拠を興味深く見たかった - 典型的な地球人のように、私は証拠を求めました!それはすぐに提供されました。タオは楽に私を持ち上げ、私を彼女の肩に座らせました、まるで地球上の私たちが小さな子供を抱くように。
You could stumble, she explained, as we proceeded along the path - and indeed, she seemed to know exactly where she was going, just as though it were daylight.
你可能会绊倒,她解释道,当我们沿着小路前行时 - 的确,她似乎完全知道自己要去哪里,就像是白天一样。
つまづくかもしれないわよと彼女は説明しながら、私たちは小道を進んでいきました - 実際、彼女はまるで昼間と同じように、自分がどこに向かっているのかを正確に知っているようでした。
Before long, she put me down on the seat of the Lativok and sat herself next to me. I placed my mask, which I had been holding in my hand, on my knees, and almost immediately we took off.
I must say that, in spite of my confidence in Thao, I felt uneasy at flying ‘blind’. We flew between the immense trees of the park and I couldn’t even see the stars that usually shone so brightly. Great clouds had formed after sundown and our surroundings were completely obscured in darkness. Next to me, however, I could see Thao’s Aura and the ‘bouquet’ at the top of her head, which was particularly bright.
We picked up speed and I’m sure we travelled as fast in the darkness as we did by day. I felt some drops of rain sting my face. Thao moved her hand towards a point on the machine and I felt the rain no more. At the same instant, I had the impression that we were stopping and I wondered what was happening, for I knew we were over the ocean. Occasionally, in the distance on our left, I could make out coloured lights that moved.
What is it?I asked Thao.
The lights at the entrances to the dokos on the coast.
I was trying to understand why the dokos were moving, when suddenly, through the darkness which seemed even thicker, a light came directly towards us and stopped beside us.
We are at your place,said Thao. Come on.’
She lifted me again. I felt a slight pressure as when one enters a doko and then felt the rain full on my face. The downpour was very strong but, in a few strides, Thao was under the light and we entered the doko.
We got here just in time,I remarked.
Why? For the rain? No, it’s actually been pouring for a short while now. I activated the force field - didn’t you notice? You stopped feeling the wind, didn’t you?
为什么?因为下雨吗?不,实际已经下了一小会儿了。刚才我启动了力场 - 你没注意到吗?你不再感受到风了,是吧?
なぜですか?雨のためですか?いいえ、実際にはしばらく雨が降っています。私は力場を起動しました - 気付きませんでしたか?風を感じなくなったでしょう?
Yes, but I thought we had stopped. I don’t understand at all.
Thao burst into laughter, which put me at ease again and suggested that the explanation to the mystery was about to unfold.
The force field not only keeps the rain out but also the wind, so you had no reference point by which to judge whether we moved or not. You see, one must not rely on perception.
But how could you find this place in such darkness?
As I told you, we can see as well by night as by day. That’s why we don’t use lighting - I realise that is not convenient for you, you can’t see me now, but, in any case, we have had a very full day and I think it would be best for you to rest now. Let me help you.
就像我告诉过你的那样,我们夜晚和白天一样能看得很清楚。这就是为什么我们不使用照明设备 - 我意识到这对你来说不太方便,你现在看不到我,但无论如何,我们今天已经过得很充实了,我认为你现在最好休息一下。让我来帮你。
私が言ったように、私たちは夜でも昼と同じように見えます。それが私たちが照明を使用しない理由です - それはあなたには不便だとわかっています、あなたは今私を見ることができませんが、とにかく、私たちは非常に充実した一日を過ごしましたし、今は休むのが一番だと思います。手伝ってあげましょう。
She led me to the relaxation area, wishing me a good night. I asked her if she was going to stay with me, but she explained that she lived quite nearby, not even requiring the vehicle to transport her there. With that, she left and I stretched out and soon fell asleep.
The next morning, I awoke to the sound of Thao’s voice as she leaned over me, whispering in my ear.
I observed as I had the first time, that this relaxation area was well deserving of its name, for I would not have heard Thao, had she not leaned over me to speak, sound being extremely muffled here. Further, I had slept soundly, without waking once. I was perfectly rested.
I got up and followed Thao towards the pool. It was at this time that she told me of the accident that had befallen Arki. I was greatly saddened by the news and tears sprang to my eyes. Thao reminded me that Arki was proceeding to another existence and should be remembered as a friend who has left us to go elsewhere.
‘Indeed it is sad, but we must not be selfish, Michel. Other adventures and other joys are probably in store for Arki.
I washed and when I rejoined Thao, we enjoyed a very light meal and drank some hydromel. I didn’t feel hungry. Looking up, I could see the grey sky and the rain falling on the doko. It was interesting to watch, as the raindrops didn’t stream down the doko as they would have done over a glass dome. Instead, they simply disappeared when they reached the doko’s force field. I looked at Thao and she smiled at me, having seen my surprise.
The drops are dislocated by the force field, Michel. It is elementary physics - at least for us. But there are more interesting things to study and, unfortunately, you have so little time. There are still more things that I must teach you, so your fellow men might be enlightened when you write your book - such as the mystery of Christ which I mentioned yesterday when we were interrupted by Arki’s arrival.
雨滴被力场移位了,米歇尔。这是基本的物理知识 - 至少对我们来说是。但还有更有趣的事情需要研究,不幸的是,你时间如此有限。还有更多的事情我必须教给你,这样当你写书时,你的同胞们就能得到启示 - 比如我昨天提到的基督的奥秘,当时我们被Arki的到来打断了。
雨粒は力場によって変位されるのです、ミシェル。これは基本的な物理学です - 少なくとも私たちにとってはそうです。しかし、研究すべきより興味深いことがまだたくさんありますが、残念ながらあなたの時間は非常に限られています。私があなたに教えなければならないことはまだまだあります。あなたが本を書くとき、あなたの同胞が啓蒙されるでしょう - 昨日、Arkiの到着に邪魔された時に私が触れたように、キリストの謎などです。
First, I must speak to you of Egypt and Israel, as well as of Atlantis, the famous continent so often talked of on Earth and the subject of so much controversy.
Atlantis, like the continent of Mu, did exist and was situated in the northern hemisphere, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. It was attached to Europe, and linked to America by an isthmus and to Africa by another isthmus at about the latitude of the Canary Islands. Its area was slightly greater than that of Australia.
It was inhabited by the people of Mu, approximately 30,000 years ago - in fact, it was a colony of Mu. There was also a white race there - tall blond people with blue eyes. It was the Mayas, very learned colonisers from Mu, who governed the country, and they constructed there, a replica of the Pyramid of Savanasa.
亚特兰蒂斯是由姆的人们居住的,大约在3万年前 - 实际上,它是姆的一个殖民地。那里也有一支白种人种族 - 身材高大、金发碧眼的人们。那里的统治者是来自姆的非常博学的玛雅人,他们在那里建造了一座萨瓦纳萨金字塔的复制品。
それは約3万年前、実際にはMuの植民地であったMuの人々によって居住されていました。そこには白人の種族もいました - 背が高く、金髪で青い目の人々です。そこを統治していたのは、Muからの非常に博識な植民者であるマヤ人であり、彼らはそこにサヴァナサのピラミッドのレプリカを建設しました。
Seventeen thousand years ago, they explored the Mediterranean thoroughly, going via the north of Africa where they acquainted the Arabs, (descendants of the cross-breeding between yellow and black Bakaratinians) with much new knowledge - material as well as spiritual. The numerical script, for example, still used by the Arabs, came from Atlantis, and from Mu, of course.
一万七千年前,他们彻底探索了地中海,通过非洲北部,他们使阿拉伯人(黄色和黑色Bakaratinians人的混血后裔)熟悉了许多新的知识 - 包括物质和精神方面。例如,阿拉伯人仍然使用的数字文字来自亚特兰蒂斯,当然还有姆。
一万七千年前、地中海を徹底的に探検し、北アフリカ経由で阿ラビア人(黄色と黒色のバカラティニアンの混血の子孫)に多くの新しい知識 - 物質的にも精神的にも - を伝えました。例えば、今でも阿ラビア人が使っている数字の文字は、もちろんアトランティスとMuから来ています。
They went to Greece where they founded a small colony and the Greek alphabet corresponds almost exactly to that of Mu.
Finally they arrived in a land that the natives called Aranka and which you know as Egypt. There, they established a strong colony with a great man, by the name of Toth, at its head. Laws were established which embodied the beliefs of Mu and the organisational principles of Atlantis. Improved plants, new techniques for raising cattle, new methods of cultivation, pottery and weaving were all introduced.
Toth was a great man of Atlantis, extremely knowledgeable materially as well as spiritually. He founded villages, built temples and, just before his death, he had constructed what you now call the Great Pyramid. Each time these great colonisers judged that the new colony had the potential to become great, materially and spiritually, they would construct a special pyramid - a tool - as you were able to see for yourself on Mu. In Egypt, they constructed the Great Pyramid on the same model as the Pyramid of Savanasa, but on a scale three times reduced. These pyramids are unique and, in order to fulfil their role as a ‘tool’, their dimensions and specifications must be precisely adhered to, as well as their orientation.
托特是一位亚特兰蒂斯的伟大人物,物质和精神上都极其博学。他建立了村庄,修建了神庙,就在他去世之前,他建造了你们现在称之为大金字塔的建筑物。每当这些伟大的殖民者判断新殖民地有可能在物质和精神上变得伟大时,他们就会建造一座特别的金字塔 - 一种工具 - 就像你在姆大陆上所见到的那样。在埃及,他们按照萨瓦纳萨金字塔的模型建造了大金字塔,但规模缩小了三倍。这些金字塔是独一无二的,为了履行它们作为‘工具’的角色,必须严格遵守它们的尺寸和规格,以及它们的方向。
トートは、物質的にも精神的にも非常に知識が豊富なアトランティスの偉大な人物でした。彼は村を建設し、神殿を建設し、彼の死の直前には、あなたが今では大ピラミッドと呼んでいるものを建設しました。これらの偉大な植民地者が新しい植民地が物質的にも精神的にも偉大になる可能性があると判断するたびに、彼らは特別なピラミッド - ツール - を建設しました - あなた自身がMuで見ることができたように。エジプトでは、彼らはサヴァナサのピラミッドと同じモデルで大ピラミッドを建設しましたが、その規模は3倍小さかったです。これらのピラミッドはユニークであり、それらが‘ツール’としての役割を果たすためには、その寸法と仕様、およびその方向が正確に守られなければなりません。
Do you know how much time it took?
It was quite fast - just nine years, for Toth and his master architects knew the secrets of anti-gravitation from Mu, and the secrets for cutting the rock and using - let’s call them ‘electro-ultra-sounds’
速度相当快 - 只用了九年,因为托特和他的主要建筑师们知道了来自姆大陆的反重力的关键技术,以及切割岩石和使用 - 我们称之为 '电超声' 的技术。
それはかなり速かったです - たった9年間で、トートと彼の主要な建築家たちはMuから反重力の秘密を知っており、岩を切断し、使用する秘密を知っていました - それらを '電気超音波' と呼びましょう。
But on Earth, the experts believe it to have been constructed by the Pharaoh Cheops.
It’s not so, Michel. Of course, this is not the only mistake that the experts on Earth have made. On the other hand, I can confirm that the Pharaoh Cheops used this pyramid as it was meant to be used.
The Maya-Atlanteans were not the only ones to explore and colonise. Gone for thousands of years, the Nagas had colonised Burma, India and finally they reached the shores of Egypt, at about the latitude of the Tropic of Cancer. They too, founded a successful colony and occupied upper Egypt. Both groups of colonisers introduced similar sorts of improvements. The Nagas established a large town called Mayou, on the banks of the Red Sea. The natives of the region went to their schools, gradually becoming assimilated with the colonists and producing the Egyptian race.
However, about 5000 years ago, the Nagas in the north of Egypt and the Maya-Atlanteans began fighting for a reason that is quite ludicrous. The Atlanteans, whose religion differed significantly from the religion of Mu, believed in the reincarnation of the soul (Astral body) in the country of its ancestors. Thus, they claimed that the soul travelled westward to where they had come from. The Nagas held a similar belief except that they claimed the soul went back to the east, since they had come from the east.
For two years they were actually at war over this difference but it was not a terribly cruel war, as both groups comprised of fundamentally peace loving people, and eventually they became allied and formed a unified Egypt.
The first King of United Egypt, both upper and lower, was called Mena. It was he who established the town of Memphis. He was elected by the same method used in Mu - a method that did not long survive in Egypt, due to the rise of a powerful clergy which little by little put the Pharaohs under its thumb. This situation continued over the years with notable exceptions among the Pharaohs who yielded to the clergy. One such exception was the Pharaoh Athnaton1 who was poisoned by the priests. Before dying, he made the following statement: ‘The time that I have spent on this Earth was an era in which the simplicity of Truth was not understood and was rejected by many.’ As often happens in religious sects, the Egyptian priests distorted the Truth, simple though it was, in order to have a better hold over the people. They had them believing in the devil and in various divine beings as well as other such nonsense.
埃及上下统一的第一位国王名叫梅纳。他建立了孟菲斯市。他是通过与姆大陆相同的方法选举产生的 - 这种方法在埃及只持续了一段时间,因为一个强大的宗教的崛起逐渐将法老架空。这种情况持续了多年,法老中有一些不肯屈服于神职人员。其中一个是法老阿赫纳顿,他被祭司毒死了。在临死前,他发表了以下声明:“我在这个地球上度过的时光,是一个所有人都拒绝真理的时代。”就像宗教教派经常发生的情况一样,埃及祭司扭曲了真理,尽管它是简单的,但为了更好地控制人民。他们让人们相信恶魔和各种神灵,以及其他一些荒谬的东西。
上下エジプトの最初の王はメナと呼ばれました。彼がメンフィス市を建設しました。彼はMuで使用されていたと同じ方法で選出されました - この方法は、強力な聖職者階級の台頭によって、エジプトで長くは生き残りませんでした。この状況は、神聖な者の中にも神聖な者に屈した顕著な例外を除いて、数年間続きました。そのような例外の1つは、神官によって毒殺されたファラオ・アテンホトンでした。死ぬ前に、彼は次の声明をしました:「私がこの地球で過ごした時代は、多くの人々によって理解されず、拒否された真実の単純な時代でした。」宗教教団ではよくあるように、エジプトの神官たちは真実を歪めました、それが単純であっても、人々をよりよく掌握するために。彼らは人々に悪魔やさまざまな神々、およびその他の愚かなことを信じさせました。
It must also be said that prior to the war and the subsequent peace-pact which saw Mena installed as King of Egypt, the population, made up of Maya- Atlanteans and Nagas in equal proportions, had established a sophisticated civilisation in both upper and lower Egypt.
The country was prosperous. Farming and grazing flourished and the (time of the) first King of Egypt, Mena, was, almost the culmination [11] of this rising civilisation.
Now, at this point, we must go back in time. Arki said that Earth is still being visited by extra-terrestrials and, as you know, it has been regularly visited in the past. But, I should elaborate on this.
Earth is visited, as are many other inhabitable planets scattered throughout the Universe. Sometimes the inhabitants of certain planets are obliged to evacuate as their planet is dying. Now, as Arki also explained, you can’t change planets as you might change houses. You must conform to a cycle that is well-established; otherwise, catastrophes can be the consequence. This is what happened 12 000 years ago. Human beings left the planet Hebra in order to visit the galaxy in search of a new planet of the same category as their own, for they knew that, in the millennium to come, their planet would become totally uninhabitable.
A spacecraft, capable of extremely high speeds, experienced serious problems during its reconnaissance flight and was obliged to land on your planet. It landed in the region of Krasnodar, a town in Western Russia. Needless to say, at the time there was no town, no people, no Russia.
On board the spacecraft were eight astronauts: three women and five men. These people were approximately 170 centimetres in height, with black eyes, fair skin and long brown hair. They made a successful landing and began repairs to their vessel.
They found the gravitational force stronger than on their own planet and, initially, had some difficulty moving about. They established a camp near their spacecraft, expecting repairs to take some time. One day, during work, an accident occurred causing a terrific explosion that destroyed half of the vessel and killed five of the cosmonauts. The other three, being some distance away, were unharmed. They were Robanan, a man, and Levia and Dina, two women.
They knew well what was in store for them. Coming from a planet of a superior category, they did not belong on Earth, where they were in fact prisoners, and thus they anticipated the misadventures that befell them. The accident came as no great surprise.
For several months, the three remained at the spot for the season was warm. They had some weapons and they were able to procure game - their provisions of manna and roustian having been lost in the explosion. Eventually the cold arrived and they decided to move further south.
几个月来,三人留在原地,因为季节温暖。他们有一些武器,能够捕获猎物 - 他们的麦纳和罗斯蒂安的食物在爆炸中丢失了。最终寒冷来临,他们决定向南移动。
数か月間、3人は季節が暖かいため、その場所にとどまっていました。彼らはいくつかの武器を持ち、獲物を調達することができました - 彼らのマンナとルスティアンの食料は爆発で失われました。やがて寒さがやってきて、彼らは南に移動することに決めました。
The gravitational force made walking long distances extremely difficult for them, so that their trek south to warmer climates became a veritable ‘Road to Calvary’. They passed by the Black Sea heading in the direction of today’s Israel. The journey took months but they were young people and, astonishingly, they made it. The weather became more clement, and even hot, as they reached lower latitudes. They stopped by a river, establishing there a permanent camp - all the more permanent since Dina was several months pregnant. At full term, she gave birth to a son whom they named Ranan. By then, Levia too, was pregnant and some time later, she also bore a son, Rabion.
重力使得长途跋涉对他们来说极为困难,因此他们向南迁徙到更暖和的气候区域成为一条真正的“加略山之路”。他们经过黑海,朝着今天的以色列方向前进。旅程历经数月,但他们是年轻人,令人惊讶的是,他们成功了。随着他们到达较低纬度地区,天气变得更加温暖,甚至炎热。他们在一条河边停下来,在那里建立了一个永久的营地 - 由于迪娜已怀孕数月。足月后,她生下了一个儿子,他们命名为拉南。到那时,列维亚也怀孕了,一段时间后,她也生下了一个儿子,名为拉比翁。
重力の影響で長距離を歩くことは彼らにとって非常に困難であり、彼らの暖かい気候への南下はまさに“カルバリーの道”となりました。彼らは黒海を通過し、今日のイスラエルの方向に向かいました。旅程は数か月かかりましたが、彼らは若者であり、驚くべきことに、彼らは成功しました。彼らがより低緯度に到達するにつれて、天候はより温暖で、暑くなりました。彼らは川のそばで停止し、そこに永続的なキャンプを設立しました - ディナが数か月妊娠していたため、より永続的でした。満期で、彼女は息子を出産し、彼らは彼をラナンと名付けました。その時点で、レヴィアも妊娠しており、しばらくして彼女も息子を出産し、ラビオンと名付けました。
These people from Hebra acclimatised in this spot which was rich in game, honey and edible plants - and there they founded their line. It was quite some time later that they made the acquaintance of some nomads passing by. This was their first contact with Earthlings. The nomads numbered ten and, having found Robanan’s women to their liking, they wanted to kill him and take all that he had, including the women.
这些来自赫布拉的人在这个富有猎物、蜂蜜和食用植物的地方适应了环境 - 并在那里建立了他们的家庭。相当长一段时间后,他们结识了一些路过的游牧民族。这是他们与地球人的第一次接触。游牧民族共有十人,他们喜欢上了罗巴南的女人,他们想要杀死他,并带走他所有的东西,包括女人。
Robanan still had his weapon and, although a pacifist, he was obliged to use it and killed four of his attackers who fled in the face of such power.
These people were greatly saddened that they had to resort to such a measure, and saw in it yet another sign that they were on a planet that was forbidden to them by Universal Law.
I don’t understand, I interrupted. I thought that it wasn’t possible to jump categories in a forward direction, but that it would be possible to go to inferior planets.
No, Michel, neither forwards nor backwards. If you go forward, disregarding Universal Law, you will die; if you go backwards, you expose yourself to worse conditions because your advanced spirituality can’t exist in a materialistic environment.
If you like, I can give you an analogy in the form of a childish comparison. Imagine a man immaculately dressed in polished shoes, white socks and pressed suit. You oblige this man to walk through a farmyard, 30 centimetres deep in mud. Further, you insist that he put this mud into a wheelbarrow with his hands. No need to ask what state he will be in when he has finished.
Nonetheless, our group of extra-terrestrials founded their line that became the ancestors of present-day Jews.
The Bible was written later by scribes who retraced the history of these people, distorting it, as legend became mixed with reality.
I can affirm for you that the Adam of the Bible was, not only, not the first man on Earth, far from it, but he was called Robanan and he didn’t have a wife called Eve but two wives named Levia and Dina. The race of Jews developed from these three, without mixing with other races because, by atavism, they felt themselves superior - and indeed they were.
我可以向你断言,圣经中的亚当不仅不是地球上的第一个人,而且相距甚远,他叫做罗巴南,他没有一个叫夏娃的妻子,而是有两个名字叫列维亚和迪娜的妻子。犹太人的种族是从这三个人中发展起来的,他们没有与其他种族混合,因为出于遗传,他们感觉自己是优越的 - 而事实上确实如此。
私はあなたに断言できます、聖書のアダムは、地球上の最初の人ではなく、それどころか、彼の名前はロバナンで、妻はイヴではなく、レヴィアとディナという2人の妻でした。ユダヤ人の種族は、これらの3人から発展しましたが、他の種族と混交せず、それは、彼らが遺伝的に優越感を感じたからです - 実際に彼らは優れていました。
However, I must assure you that the (original) Bible is not the product of the scribes’ imagination - nor is it embellished. There was much truth in it. I say ‘was’ because in the various councils of the Roman Catholic Church, the Bible has been greatly revised, for reasons which are clear: to serve the needs of Christianity. This is why I said yesterday, that religions are one of the curses of Earth. I must also enlighten you in regard to several other biblical points.
然而,我必须向你保证,(原始的)《圣经》并非是书吏的想象产物 - 也没有被美化。其中有很多真理。我之所以说‘是’,是因为在罗马天主教会的各个会议中,圣经已经被大幅修订,原因是显而易见的:为了服务基督教的需求。这就是我昨天说的,宗教是地球的诅咒之一。我还必须就几个其他圣经问题向你启示。
Shortly after the arrival of the Hebrews on Earth, we helped them on several occasions. We also punished them. For example, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was caused by one of our space vehicles. The people of those two towns were presenting a bad example and acting dangerously for the people in contact with them. We tried various means in an endeavour to put them back on the right track, but in vain. We had to be ruthless.
Each time that you read in the Bible: ‘And the Lord God said this or that’ - you should read ‘and the inhabitants of Thiaoouba said...’
每当你在圣经中读到:‘上帝说了这个或那个’ - 你应该读 ‘海奥华的居民说...’
Why not save them in the beginning and take them back to their planet or to another of the same category?
That is, of course, a reasonable question, Michel, but there is a snag. We can’t predict the future more than 100 years in advance. We thought, at the time, that, being such a small group, they might not survive and, if they did, they would mix with other races and thus be absorbed by other peoples and rendered ‘impure’. We guessed that this would occur within a century - but such was not the case. Even now, as you know, the race is still almost as pure as it was 12 000 years ago.
当然,这是一个合理的问题,米歇尔,但有一个问题。我们无法预测100年后的未来。当时,我们认为,作为如此小的一个群体,他们可能无法生存,即使他们生存下来,他们也会与其他种族混合,从而被其他民族吸收并变得‘不纯’。我们猜测这会在一个世纪内发生 - 但事实并非如此。即使现在,正如你所知道的,这个种族仍然几乎和12000年前一样纯洁。
もちろん、それは合理的な質問です、ミシェル、しかし問題があります。私たちは100年先の未来を予測することはできません。当時、私たちは、そのような小さなグループであるため、彼らが生き残ることができないかもしれないと考えました。そして、もし彼らが生き残ったとしても、彼らは他の人種と混ざり合い、他の民族に吸収され、「不純」にされる可能性があります。私たちはそれが1世紀以内に起こると推測しました - しかし実際にはそうではありませんでした。現在でも、あなたが知っているように、その種族はまだ12000年前とほぼ同じくらい純粋です。
‘As I told you, by means of religious councils, priests erased or changed many things in the Bible, but others survived and can easily be explained.
In Chapter 18, verse (1) the scribe refers to our appearance at that time, saying: ‘The Lord God appeared unto him among the oaks of Mamre as he sat at the entrance to his tent in the heat of day.’ The scribe is speaking of Abraham in this chapter.
第18章、1節では、書記が当時の私たちの姿を言及し、「主なる神が彼に、昼の熱の中で彼が天幕の入口に座っている間、マムレの樫の木の間に現れた」と述べています。 この章では、書記はアブラハムについて述べています。
(2)He, Abraham, looked up and saw three men standing nearby. When he saw them he ran to them and fell to the ground before them.
And he said, ‘Lord and master, if I have found grace in your eyes, I beg you not to go far from your servant.’ Abraham invites the three men to stay. The scribe refers to them as men one minute and yet one of them is also called ‘the Lord God’. He speaks to them and each time, it is the one referred to as ‘the Lord God’ who replies. Now, the priests of the Roman Catholic Church find this in formal contradiction with their views, as do many other religions, for they will tell you that no one can imagine the face of God - that one would be blinded by it. In a sense they are right, since the Creator, being a pure spirit, has no face!
他说:‘主啊,如果你在我眼中蒙恩,求你不要离开你的仆人太远。’亚伯拉罕邀请这三个人留下。抄写员有时将他们称为人,但其中一个也被称为‘主上帝’。他与他们交谈,每次回答的都是被称为‘主上帝’的人。现在,罗马天主教会的神职人员以及许多其他宗教都认为这与他们的观点形成正式矛盾,因为他们会告诉你没有人能够想象到上帝的面容 - 否则人会因此而变得失明。在某种意义上,他们是对的,因为创造者是一种纯精神,没有面容!
そして彼は言いました、「主よ、もし私があなたの目に恵みを見出したならば、あなたのしもべから遠く離れないようにお願いします。」アブラハムはこれらの三人に滞在するように招待します。書記は彼らを一時的に人と呼びますが、彼らの一人は「主なる神」とも呼ばれています。彼は彼らと話し、毎回、回答するのは「主なる神」と呼ばれる人物です。現在、ローマカトリック教会の神父たちや多くの他の宗教は、これを彼らの見解と形式的に矛盾するものと見なしています。なぜなら、彼らは誰もが神の顔を想像できないと言います - その顔を見ると失明するでしょうと。ある意味で彼らは正しいです、なぜなら、純精神である創造主には顔がないからです!
According to the scribe, Abraham converses with the Lord God as he would with a high ranking lord on Earth. And the Lord God answers him and is accompanied by two other ‘men’ - the scribe does not speak of ‘angels’. Isn’t it odd that God comes down to Earth in the form of a man, accompanied, not by angels, but by men? Actually, there, and in many other places in the Bible, it is easy for someone of good faith to see that God has never spoken to any human being.
根据抄写员的说法,亚伯拉罕与主上帝交谈,就像他与地球上的高级领主交谈一样。主上帝回答了他,并被另外两个‘人’陪伴 - 抄写员没有提到‘天使’。上帝以人的形象降临到地球上,而不是被天使陪伴,而是被人陪伴,这不是很奇怪吗?实际上,在那里,以及圣经中的许多其他地方,一个有良好信仰的人很容易看出,上帝从未对任何人说过话。
書記によると、アブラハムは地球上の高位の貴族と同様に、主なる神と会話します。そして、主なる神は彼に答え、他の二人の‘男性’と一緒にいます - 書記は‘天使’について言及しません。神が天使ではなく人間たちに伴われて地球に降臨するのは奇妙ではないですか?実際、そこにおいて、および聖書の他の多くの場所で、良心のある人々にとって、神は決して人間に話しかけたことがないということは簡単に理解できます。
He could not have done so, since it is astral bodies which aspire towards Him and not God who leans towards them. That would be like a river flowing backwards - you have never seen a river flowing from the sea to the mountaintop, have you? A passage from the Bible, two pages further on from the one just mentioned, is also quite amusing: Chapter 19, verse (1): ‘The two angels arrived in Sodom, and Lot was seated at the gates to Sodom. When Lot saw them, he rose to go and kiss the ground in front of them’ - then he manages to get them to go to his house, and suddenly, in verse five, ‘They called Lot and said to him: ‘Where are the men who entered your house?’. Now the scribe is referring to them as ‘men’. Next, in verse (10), ‘The men reached out, made Lot come inside and closed the door.’ (11) ‘And they struck blind everyone at the entrance to the house, from the smallest to the largest person, so that it was useless for them to try to find the door.’
他不可能这样做,因为星魂体想回归超智神灵,而不是反过来。那就像一条河流向后流动一样 - 你从未见过河流从海洋流向山顶,对吧?圣经的一段插文,比刚才提到的那一页还要有趣一些:第19章,第(1)节:“两位天使来到所多玛,罗得坐在所多玛的城门口。罗得看见他们,就站起来向他们面前下拜。” - 然后他设法让他们去他的房子,突然,到了第五节,“他们叫罗得,对他说:‘进了你家的那两个人在哪里?’。现在,抄写员将他们称为‘人’。接下来,在第10节,“那两个人伸手,拉罗得进来,关上了门。”(11)“他们使所有站在房子入口处的人,无论大小,都瞎眼,所以他们试图找到门也是徒劳的。
彼がそうすることはできなかった、なぜならそれは星体が彼に向かって渇望するものであり、上帝が彼らに傾斜するのではないからです。それは川が逆流するのと同じです - あなたは海から山の頂上に流れる川を見たことがありませんね?先ほど言及されたものから2ページ進んだ聖書の一節も興味深いです:第19章、1節:“二人の天使がソドムに到着し、ロトはソドムの門のところに座っていた。ロトは彼らを見ると、彼は立ち上がって彼らの前に地面に口づけをするために行きました。” - そして彼は彼らを彼の家に行くように説得しますが、突然、第五節で、“彼らはロトを呼び、彼に言った:‘あなたの家に入った人々はどこにいますか?’。今、書記は彼らを‘人々’と呼んでいます。次に、第10節で、“その人々が手を差し伸べ、ロトを中に入れ、ドアを閉めました。”(11)“そして彼らは家の入り口に立つすべての人々を、最小から最大の人まで、盲目にしました、そのため彼らがドアを見つけようとしても無駄でした。
God has never spoken’ - In the oldest available, the Hebrew version of the Bible Yehova is one of many names for ‘God’. All other translations mix them up completely - replacing the exact names by ‘Father’,‘Lord’ or ‘God’. From the Hebrew version it is clear that it was Yehova who talked to people, appeared in human form, made ‘miracles’ - not God, the Creator. From the information contained in this book it is clear that God is God (The Great Spirit) and Yehova = Thiaoouba. In the context of this single detail - the entire Bible makes much more sense and becomes fascinating reading. (Editor)
上帝从未说过话’ - 在最古老的可得版本的圣经中,耶和华是‘上帝’的众多名称之一。所有其他译本完全混淆了它们 - 用‘父亲’、‘主’或‘上帝’替换了确切的名称。从希伯来语版本中可以清楚地看出,是耶和华与人交谈,以人的形式出现,进行‘奇迹’- 而不是上帝,创造者。从本书中包含的信息可以清楚地看出,上帝就是上帝(伟大的灵魂),耶和华= 海奥华。在这个单一细节的背景下 - 整个圣经变得更有意义,变得令人着迷。 (编辑)
神は決して話したことはありません’ - 利用可能な最古のヘブライ語バージョンの聖書では、エホバは‘神’の多くの名前の1つです。他のすべての翻訳はそれらを完全に混同し、正確な名前を‘父’、‘主’、または‘神’に置き換えます。ヘブライ語のバージョンからは、人々と話し、人間の形で現れ、‘奇跡’を起こしたのはエホバであり、創造主の神ではないことが明確です。この本に含まれる情報からは、神は神(偉大な霊)であり、エホバ= ティアウーバであることが明らかです。この1つの詳細な文脈で - 整体の聖書はより意味があり、魅力的な読書となります。 (編集者)
It is easy to see the lack of precision in this passage, where the scribe begins by speaking of two angels, then speaks of two men, and then describes two men striking people blind. According to the Bible, such a ‘miracle’ requires at least an angel! There my dear, is another good example of confusion in Earthly scripts. The ‘men’ were quite simply our men from Thiaoouba.
Thus we guided and helped the Jews, for it would have been a shame to let a race so spiritually evolved sink back into ignorance and savagery only because it had accidentally committed the error of coming to a planet which was not appropriate for it. We helped them in the centuries that followed and it is this that certain scribes have tried to explain by writing the accounts that have formed the Bible. Often they were in good faith; at times, they have distorted the facts, although not purposely.
The only times this distortion was purposely done, and for very specific reasons, as I have said, was by the Roman Church during the councils of Nicein AD 325, Constantinople in AD 381, Ephese in AD 431 and Chalcedoine in AD 451. There were others too, but of lesser significance. The Bible is not the Book of God, as many people on Earth believe it to be; it is simply a document of ancient history much modified and full of embellishments, added by writers different from the original scribes. For example, let’s go back to Egypt and the time of the Exodus, which interests people on Earth. I’m going to restore the truth concerning this, for you and for others, before going further.
Let’s go back, then, to Egypt, where we find that the descendants of the cosmonauts have become the Hebrew people (the name deriving from that of their planet, Hebra). Since arriving accidentally on your planet, this race has experienced great difficulties - it experienced them then and it experiences them still.
那么,让我们回到埃及,我们发现宇航员的后代成为了希伯来人(该名称源自他们的星球Hebra)。自从意外来到你们的星球以来,这个种族经历了巨大的困难 - 那时候它经历了,现在它依然经历着。
では、エジプトに戻りましょう。そこでは、宇宙飛行士の子孫がヘブライ人となったことがわかります(その名前は彼らの惑星であるヘブラから派生しています)。あなたの惑星に偶然到着して以来、この種族は大きな困難に直面してきました - その時も、今も。
As you know, the Jews are very intelligent by comparison with other races; they have a religion which is quite different; and they don’t mix with other races. Marriages are almost always among their own kind. Because of inexorable Universal Law, they have always suffered persecution, much of which has occurred in recent times. As a result, their astral bodies were liberated and therefore able to proceed directly to more highly evolved planets where they belong.
As you also know, a group of Hebrews travelled with Joseph, son of Jacob, into Egypt, where they established a line, only to end up being hated by the Egyptians and always for the same unstated reasons - their intelligence and, particularly, their solidarity in the face of adversity. Action was needed.
正如您所知,一群希伯来人跟随雅各的儿子约瑟前往埃及,在那里他们建立了一个家族,最终却被埃及人憎恨,而且总是因为同样没有明确说明的原因 - 他们的智慧,特别是在面对逆境时的团结。行动是必要的。
ご存知の通り、一団のヘブライ人がヤコブの息子ヨセフとともにエジプトに旅し、そこで一族を築き上げました。しかし、エジプト人から嫌われることになり、その理由は常に同じで明示されていないものでした - 彼らの知識と特に逆境に対する団結力。行動が必要とされました。
This occurred during the time of the Pharaoh Seti I. It was a time when the people of Earth had all become materialistic. In Egypt, it was common in high society to take drugs; likewise, in Greece. Fornication with animals was by no means rare - something which is absolutely contrary to Nature and Universal Law.
这发生在法老塞提一世时期。那是一个地球人都变得唯物主义的时代。在埃及,吸毒在上层社会很普遍;同样,在希腊也是如此。与动物发生性关系并不罕见 - 这完全违背了自然和宇宙法则。
これはファラオセティ一世の時代に起こりました。地球の人々がすべて物質主義者になった時代でした。エジプトでは、上流社会で麻薬を使用することが一般的でした;同様に、ギリシャでもそうでした。動物と性交することは決して珍しいことではありませんでした - これは自然と宇宙の法則に完全に反することです。
Our mission being to help when it was deemed necessary, we decided to change the course that history was taking, by intervening at this point. We had to get the Hebrews out of Egypt, for they could no longer evolve as a free people while under the evil domination of the Egyptians. It was decided to send a man, capable and just, to lead the Hebrews from Egypt and back to the land they had occupied previously, that is, soon after their arrival on Earth.
On the planet Naxiti, a planet of the eighth category, a man by the name of Xioxtin had just died. His Astral body was waiting to be reincarnated on Thiaoouba, when it was put to him, that instead, he might be the liberator of the Hebrews. He agreed to this and went to Earth as Moses.
Moses, then, was born in Egypt of Egyptian parents. His father was the equivalent of a sub-lieutenant in the army.
Moses was not born a Hebrew - that is yet another error in the Bible. The story of the little Hebrew baby set adrift in the water and rescued by a princess is very romantic, but incorrect.
モーセはヘブライ人の家庭に生まれたわけではありません - これも聖書の別の誤りです。水中に漂流していたヘブライ人の赤ん坊が王女に救われるという物語はとてもロマンチックですが、正確ではありません。
What a shame! I always loved that story. It’s quite wonderful - like a fairy story!
残念ですね!私はいつもその話が大好きでした。それはとても素晴らしいですね - まるで童話のようです!
Fairy tales are indeed very pretty, Michel, but you must concern yourself with the Truth - not fantasy. Promise me that you will only report what is the Truth?
童話は本当にとても美しいですね、ミシェル、しかし、あなたは真実に関心を持たなければなりません - 幻想ではありません。約束してください、あなたは真実のみを報告しますか?
Of course, have no fear, Thao - your instructions will be followed to the letter, so to speak.
当然,不用担心,涛 - 你的指示会被严格遵循,可以这么说。
もちろん、心配しないでください、タオ - あなたの指示は文字通りに従われます、と言います。
I was explaining then, that Moses was born in an Egyptian, military family. His father’s name was Lathotes. Until the age of ten, Moses played often with the Hebrew children. A pretty and amiable child, he was popular with the Hebrew mothers who indulged him with offerings of sweets. In turn, they won his heart and he came to love his Hebrew friends like brothers. This is why he was incarnated of course, but you must realise that, after having seen his life as Moses flash before him, and, after accepting to live that life, all details of it were erased from his memory. He passed through what certain Nagas have called ‘The River of Oblivion’ - this happens whether one accepts or rejects a possible reincarnation. Of course, there is a reason for it.
我当时解释过,摩西出生在埃及一个军人家庭。他父亲的名字叫拉托斯。直到十岁,摩西经常和希伯来孩子们一起玩耍。作为一个漂亮和和蔼可亲的孩子,他深受希伯来孩子的母亲们喜爱,她们喜欢用糖果招待他。反过来,他们赢得了他的心,他开始像兄弟一样爱他的希伯来朋友。这就是他被投胎到那儿的原因,但你必须明白,投胎之前在看到自己作为摩西的生活一闪而过后,接受那种生活之后,他的记忆就被抹除了。他经历了某些那伽人所谓的‘遗忘之河’ - 无论接受还是拒绝可能的轮回,这种情况都会发生。当然,这是有原因的。
私はその時、モーセがエジプトの軍人の家庭に生まれたことを説明していました。彼の父の名前はラトテスでした。十歳まで、モーセはよくヘブライの子供たちと遊んでいました。可愛らしくて親しみやすい子供だった彼は、ヘブライの母親たちに愛され、彼らにお菓子をご馳走になりました。彼らからも心を掴まれ、彼は兄弟のようにヘブライの友人を愛するようになりました。これが彼が投生された理由ですが、彼が自分のモーセとしての生活が一瞬にして過ぎ去るのを見て、その生活を生きることを受け入れた後、その全ての詳細が記憶から消え去りました。彼は、あるナーガが‘遺忘の川’と呼ぶものを通り抜けました - それは可能な転生を受け入れるか拒否するかに関係なく起こるものです。もちろん、その理由はあります。
If, for example, you remembered that, around forty years of age, you would lose your wife and two cherished children in a car accident and that you, yourself, would be confined to a wheelchair, the knowledge could tempt you to take your life rather than face up to your troubles, or it might lead you to behave badly in other spheres. So, the ‘film’ is erased, in something like the way you ‘wipe out’ a tape recording.
Occasionally, by accident, the machine does not erase everything and you can hear brief portions of what should have been erased. Of course, my analogies are fanciful when I speak of ‘films’ and ‘tape recordings’ but I hope they give you an idea of what I am trying to explain. In reality, the process involves electro-photonics, which mean nothing, yet, to people on Earth. This, in fact, occurs often in the ‘films’ that the Higher-self shows to an Astral body, which is why most people say, on several occasions in the course of their lives ‘I have seen that before’ or ‘I have heard that before’ and they know what the very next action or word will be. In English, people call this feeling ‘déjà vu’.
偶尔,由于意外,机器并未完全擦除,你可能会听到本应该被擦除的片段。当然,当我谈到‘电影’和‘磁带录音’时,我使用了比喻,但我希望它们能让你对我试图解释的事情有所了解。实际上,这个过程涉及到电子光子学,这对于现在地球上的人们毫无意义。实际上,在高级自我在向星魂体显示的‘电影’中经常发生这种情况,这就是为什么大多数人在他们一生中的几个场合都会说‘我以前见过这个’或‘我以前听过这个’,他们知道下一个动作或词语会是什么。在英语中,人们称这种感觉为‘déjà vu’。
時折、偶然的に、機械が完全に消去しないことがあり、消去されるはずの一部を短時間聞くことができます。もちろん、私が‘映画’や‘テープ録音’と話すとき、私の類推は空想的ですが、私が説明しようとしていることを理解していただければ幸いです。実際には、このプロセスは電子光子学に関連していますが、それは地球上の人々にとっては何も意味しません。実際、星体に向けてHigher-selfが示す‘映画’では、このようなことがよく起こります。このため、多くの人々が一生の中で何度か‘それを以前に見たことがある’とか‘それを以前に聞いたことがある’と言い、次の行動や言葉が何であるかを知っています。英語では、この感覚を‘déjà vu’と呼びます。
Yes, I understand well what you are saying. The strangest such experience that I have had was when I was in French Equatorial Africa. I was in the army and we were on manoeuvres about 600 kilometres from base. We were approaching the Tchad border and I was standing with other soldiers in the back of a troop carrier facing the road.
Suddenly, I ‘recognised’ the road as if I’d been there just a fortnight before. I was as though hypnotised by this stretch of road that ended with a right- angled bend. I ‘recognised’ the road, however, I was also sure that, around the bend, I was going to see a little straw hut, all by itself, sheltered by a mango tree. I was increasingly convinced that such would be the case and, when the truck took the bend, there it was - a lone straw hut beneath a mango tree. And then it was over - I ‘recognised’ nothing more. My face turned white.
My nearest companion asked me if I was feeling all right, and I explained what had happened. His response was: ‘You must have come here as a kid.’ I knew that my parents had never set foot in Africa but I still wrote to them, so strongly had the experience affected me. Their reply was: ‘No, and you never left us to make any such accompanied journeys when you were little.
So, my friend suggested that I might have gone there during a previous existence, for he was a believer in reincarnation. What do you think of that?
It’s what I’ve just explained to you, Michel. Quite a long segment of your ‘film’ was not erased for you and I’m glad, for it illustrates very well what I was explaining to you in regard to Moses.
He wanted to help the Hebrews but, as he chose to enter that world by the usual means - as a new born baby, he was obliged to ‘forget’ what the course of his life would be.
However, in rare cases such as this one, the Astral body is so ‘charged’ with knowledge and experience from previous lives, that it has no trouble adapting to what it must learn in its new physical body. Moses was also advantaged in that he was sent to a good school with numerous facilities. He was enormously successful in his studies and gained entry into a much higher school of science, headed by priests and Egyptian experts. At this time, the Egyptians still had high schools which catered for a very limited elite, teaching some of the learnings Toth brought from Atlantis a long time previously. He was near finishing his studies, when he was witness to an incident that had great significance in his life.
Still feeling great friendship towards the Hebrews, he often walked with them, despite the urgent recommendations of his father not to do so. The Hebrews were becoming increasingly despised by the Egyptians, and his father advised Moses not to mix with this race.
Nevertheless, on this day he was walking in the vicinity of a building site where Hebrews were working under the directions of Egyptian soldiers. From afar he saw a soldier hit a Hebrew, who fell to the ground. Before he could intervene, a group of Hebrews threw themselves on the soldier and killed him; then they buried him quickly in foundations being made to hold an enormous column.
Moses didn’t know what to do, but he was seen by a couple of the Hebrews as he moved away. Believing he would denounce them, the Hebrews panicked and hastened to spread the word that it was Moses who had killed the soldier. When he arrived home, his father was waiting for him and advised him to go, immediately, into the desert. The Bible story that he went to the country of Madian is true, as is the report of his marriage to the daughter of the priest of Madian. I am not going to elaborate further on the details. We wanted to save these people from the slavery into which they’d fallen and, worse, from the clutches of evil priests who were a danger to their psyche.
More than a million years earlier, we had saved another group of people from the hands of other dangerous priests, if you recall, and, interestingly, it was in practically the same location. Do you see how history is just a perpetual recommencement?
Moses led the Hebrews from Egypt much as it is described in the Bible - but, before proceeding, I must rectify certain errors, since we know that many people on Earth are greatly interested in this famous Exodus.
First of all, the Pharaoh at the time was Ramses II, who was successor to Seti I. Next, the Hebrews numbered 375 000 and, when they arrived at the Sea of Reeds, and not the Red Sea, our spaceships, numbering three, opened the waters, which were quite shallow, by means of our force field. We allowed the waters to close again, but not a single Egyptian soldier drowned - simply because they hadn’t followed the Hebrews into the water. The Pharaoh, in spite of enormous pressure from the priests, did not retract his promise and let the Hebrews leave.
首先,当时的法老是拉美西斯二世,他是塞提一世的继任者。其次,希伯来人的人数为 375,000,当他们到达苇海时,不是红海,我们的飞船,共有三艘,通过我们的力场打开了水面,这些水非常浅。我们允许水再次关闭,但没有一个埃及士兵淹死 - 简单地因为他们没有跟着希伯来人进入水中。尽管受到祭司们的巨大压力,法老没有收回他的承诺,让希伯来人离开。
まず第一に、当時のファラオはセティ1世の後継者であるラムセス2世でした。次に、ヘブライ人の数は37万5千人で、彼らがレッジ海(紅海ではない)に到達したとき、我々の宇宙船、3隻、が我々の力場によって浅瀬を開きました。私たちは水が再び閉じるのを許しましたが、1人のエジプト兵も溺れませんでした - ただし、彼らはヘブライ人に水の中についていきませんでした。ファラオは、祭司たちからの強大な圧力にもかかわらず、彼の約束を取り消さず、ヘブライ人を去らせました。
The manna, distributed every day, came from our spacecraft. I must explain to you that manna is not only very nourishing, as you know, but also very compactable, which is why many spaceships carry it on board. However, if you leave manna too long exposed to the air, it becomes soft and rots within eighteen hours.
That’s why we recommended that the Hebrews take only as much as they needed for each day; and those who took more, soon saw they had made a mistake and that they should have followed the advice of ‘the Lord God’, who was actually us.
The Hebrews did not take forty years to reach Canaan, but only three and a half years. Lastly, the story of Mount Sinai is almost true.
We landed on the mountain so as not to be seen by the people. It was preferable at the time, for these simple people to believe in a God, rather than in extra-terrestrials who watched over them and helped them.
So that is the explanation of the Hebrew people, Michel, but it isn’t finished. In our eyes, these were the only people who followed the right direction, that is, the direction of spirituality. Among them, and, later, among their great priests, there were some who rumoured that a Messiah was going to come and save them. They should not have told the people that, for they were reporting a part of the conversation we had with Moses on Mount Sinai. Since then, the Hebrews have been waiting for the arrival of the Messiah - and yet, he has already come.
所以,这就是希伯来人的解释,米歇尔,但还没有结束。在我们眼中,这些人是唯一追随正确方向的人,也就是灵性的方向。在他们中间,后来在他们伟大的祭司中间,有些人传言说弥赛亚即将来临拯救他们。他们不应该告诉人们这一点,因为他们在报道我们与摩西在西奈山上的谈话的一部分。从那时起,希伯来人一直在等待弥赛亚的到来 - 然而,他已经来了。
それがヘブライ人の説明です、ミシェル、しかし終わっていません。私たちの目から見れば、彼らはただ一つの方向、つまり霊性の方向をたどった唯一の人々でした。彼らの中には、後に彼らの偉大な祭司たちの中に、メシアが来て彼らを救うと噂されている者がいました。彼らは人々にそれを伝えるべきではなかった、なぜなら彼らは私たちがシナイ山でモーセとの間で行った会話の一部を報告していたからです。その後、ヘブライ人はメシアの到来を待ち続けています - しかし、彼はすでに来ています。
Let’s now jump in time. The Hebrews, back again in the land they had originally settled, were now better organised. They established a civilisation notable for great royal legislators such as Solomon and David, to name but two.
We observed that these people, following Solomon’s death, were heading towards anarchy and allowing themselves to be influenced by evil priests. Alexander the Great invaded Egypt but, in the end, did nothing constructive for the world. The Romans succeeded him, building an immense empire that was oriented more towards materialism than spirituality.
The great peoples, such as the Romans, were technologically advanced for their time - relatively speaking, of course. But they brought with them a smattering of gods and beliefs - just enough to cause spiritual confusion, and, certainly, not enough to lead the people to Universal Truth.
伟大的民族,比如罗马人,在他们那个时代技术上处于领先地位 - 相对而言,当然。但是他们带来了一些神和信仰 - 这却正好造成了更多的心灵困惑,当然,也不足以引导人们走向普遍的真理。
ローマ人などの偉大な民族は、当時の技術的に進んでいました - もちろん、相対的に。しかし、彼らは神々と信念を持ち込みました - それだけで霊的な混乱を引き起こすには十分な量ですが、確かに人々を普遍的な真理に導くには足りませんでした。
This time, we decided to give a ‘big hand’. Rather than give it in a spiritually sterile land like Rome, we did it in Israel, thinking that the Hebrews were very intelligent, having ancestors who were spiritually highly advanced. We considered them adequate to propagate universal Truth.
The Hebrew people were unanimously elected by the great Thaori. On Earth, they were referred to as the ‘Chosen People’ and the name could not be more appropriate - they were indeed ‘chosen’.
希伯来人被伟大的长老Thaori们一致选为选民。在地球上,他们被称为‘被选之民’,这个名字再合适不过了 - 他们的确是‘被选中的’。
ヘブライ人は大いなるソーリに一致して選ばれました。地球では、彼らは『選ばれし民』として言及され、その名前はもっと適切ではありませんでした - 彼らは本当に『選ばれた』のです。
I see, Michel, you are having enormous difficulty believing what I have been saying. Never forget that we have THE knowledge - you have not seen one-tenth of what we can do. Attend carefully and I will give you a few examples to help you understand what I’m going to tell you.
看吧,米歇尔,你对我说的话难以置信。永远不要忘记,我们拥有超群的知识 - 你看到的我们能做到的事情,还不到十分之一。仔细听着,我会给你一些例子,帮助你理解我要告诉你的事情。
わかります、ミシェル、私が言っていることを信じるのに非常に苦労しているようですね。決して忘れないでください、私たちはその知識を持っています - あなたは私たちができることの十分の一も見ていません。よく聞いてください、私はあなたが理解するのを助けるためにいくつかの例を挙げます。
Thao stopped talking and appeared to be concentrating. As I watched, her face became a blur and, instinctively, I rubbed my eyes. Of course, this did not help and, in fact, she became progressively transparent until I could see right through her. Finally, she was no longer there - she had completely disappeared.
涛停止了谈话,似乎在集中注意力。当我看着时,她的脸变得模糊不清,我本能地揉了揉眼睛。当然,这并没有帮助,事实上,她变得逐渐透明,直到我能够透过她看到她的身后。最后,她不再存在了 - 她完全消失了。
タオは話すのを止め、集中しているように見えました。私が見ている間に、彼女の顔がぼやけ始め、本能的に私は目をこすりました。もちろん、これは役に立たず、実際には、彼女は段々と透明になり、最終的には彼女をすっかり透視することができるまで透明になりました。最後に、彼女はそこにはいなくなりました - 彼女は完全に消えてしまいました。
Thao,I called, slightly concerned, where are you?
‘Here, Michel.
I jumped, for the voice came as a whisper, quite close to my ear.But you are completely invisible!
Now, yes - but you are going to see me again. Look!
现在,是的 - 但你会再次看到我。看!
今は、そうだ - でももう一度私を見ることになるよ。見てごらん!
My goodness, what has happened to you?
Several feet in front of me, I saw the silhouette of Thao, completely golden yet radiant, as though inside her there burned a fire, its flames brief but intense. As for her face, it was recognisable but her eyes seemed to send forth little rays each time she spoke.
She began to rise a few feet above the ground, without having moved a muscle of her ‘body’; then she started to circle the room, so fast I had trouble keeping my eyes on her.
She stopped, eventually, above her seat and sat her ghostly form down. It was as though she were made of a shining mist - she was still recognisable as Thao and yet, quite transparent. The next instant she was gone. I looked around, but she had completely vanished.
最終的に彼女は彼女の座席の上方で停止し、幽霊のような姿勢で座りました。まるで彼女が輝く霧でできているかのようでした - 彼女はまだタオとして認識できますが、かなり透明でした。次の瞬間、彼女は消えていました。私は周りを見回しましたが、彼女は完全に消えていました。
Look no further, Michel, I am back. Indeed, there she was, in flesh and bone again, sitting on her seat.
How do you do that?
As I was just explaining to you, we have THE knowledge. We can revive the dead; cure the deaf and the blind; make people walk who are paralysed; we can cure any malady you care to name. We are masters, not of Nature, but in Nature, and we can do the thing most difficult of all - we can generate life spontaneously.
Out of the release of cosmic ray, we can create any type of living creature, including man.
You mean that you have mastered the ‘test-tube baby’?
Not at all, Michel. You reason like an Earthling. We can create a human body, but that is done only by the great Thaori, taking infinite care, for the human body must be inhabited by several bodies, as you are aware - the physiological, the astral etc. If not, it would merely be a robot. Perfect knowledge is therefore required for such an undertaking.
まったくそうではありません、ミシェル。あなたは地球人のように推論しています。我々は人間の体を創造することができますが、それは偉大なソアリによってのみ行われます。彼女は無限の注意を払います。なぜなら、人間の体はあなたが認識しているように、いくつかの体によって宿られなければならないからです - 生理的な体、星体などです。そうでなければ、それは単なるロボットになります。したがって、そのような取り組みには完全な知識が必要です。
So, how much time do you need to create a baby?
You have not quite grasped what I am saying, Michel. I am speaking, not of a baby but, in this case, of an adult human being. A man of twenty or thirty years-of-age can be created by the Thaori in approximately twenty-four of your Earth hours.
As one might expect, I was completely stunned by this disclosure. I had travelled in a spaceship at a speed several times that of light and had found myself billions of kilometres from my home. I had met extra-terrestrials, travelled in Astral body, journeyed in time to witness scenes that occurred thousands of years ago. I could now see Auras and understand languages I’d never heard before. I had even visited, briefly, Earth’s parallel universe. I thought I knew what there was to be known, by an Earthling, of these people and their capabilities, thanks to the explanations given to me. Now - it seemed I was being told that what I’d been presented with was like an hors d’oeuvre. My hosts could create a living human being in twenty-four hours!
Thao was watching me, reading me like an open book.
Now that you follow my meaning, Michel, I’ll finish the story which is going to interest so many of your fellow men, in so far as the Bible has distorted it a little.
So, our ‘angel’ implanted an embryo, so that Mary, a virgin, found herself pregnant. By acting in this way, we hoped to attract the attention of the people and emphasise that the coming of Jesus was really a remarkable event. On the birth of the child, we appeared before the shepherds in the same way that I demonstrated a few moments ago. We didn’t send the three famous ‘wise men’ - they are part of the legend that has been grafted on to real events. However, we did guide the shepherds and a group of the people towards the spot where Jesus was born. This was accomplished by sending forth one of our spheres and rendering it luminous. The optical effect thereby created, made it, indeed, resemble a star over Bethlehem. Nowadays, if we were to do such a thing, people would be crying, ‘UFO’!
所以,我们的‘天使’给处女玛丽亚植入了一个胚胎,让她怀孕了。通过这种方式行事,我们希望引起人们的注意,并强调耶稣的降临确实是一个引人注目的事件。在孩子出生时,我们以与我刚才演示的方式出现在牧羊人面前。我们没有派出那三个著名的‘智者’ - 他们是被植入到真实事件中的传说的一部分。但是,我们确实指引了牧羊人和一群人走向耶稣诞生的地方。这是通过释放一个我们的球体飞行器并使其发光来完成的。由此产生的光学效果确实使其类似于伯利恒上方的星星。如今,如果我们再做这样的事情,人们会喊叫‘快看,不明飞行物’!
したがって、私たちの『天使』は胚を植え付け、処女マリアが妊娠したことになりました。このように行動することで、私たちは人々の注意を引き、イエスの到来が本当に注目すべき出来事であることを強調したかったのです。子供が生まれると、私たちはちょうどさきほど私が示したように牧羊人の前に現れました。私たちは有名な『賢者』の三人を送らなかったのです - 彼らは実際の出来事に組み込まれた伝説の一部です。しかし、私たちは牧羊人と一群の人々をイエスが生まれた場所に導きました。これは私たちの球体を放出し、それを発光させることによって達成されました。それによって生じた光学的効果は、実際にはベツレヘムの上にある星に似ていました。今日では、もし私たちがそのようなことをしたら、人々は『UFO』と叫ぶでしょう!
Eventually the priests, and those who the priests named ‘prophets’, learned of the birth. In view of the phenomena of the star and the ‘angels’, the prophets announced to the people, the birth of the Messiah, referring to him as the King of the Jews.
King Herod however, had spies in all quarters, as most leaders do. When they reported these remarkable events to him, he found it all difficult to understand and became frightened. In those times, the lives of the people were worth little to their leaders, and Herod had no qualms about ordering the deaths of 2606 babies in the region.
While these deaths were being carried out, we evacuated, under hypnosis, Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus, as well as two donkeys, in our spaceship, depositing them in a spot quite close to Egypt. Do you see how the facts have been distorted?
Now, there are other details which were reported conscientiously, but they are inaccurate due to lack of information. Let me explain. The baby Jesus, born in Bethlehem, proved, by the miracles pertaining to his birth, that he was quite special and was, in fact, the Messiah. So, we had captured the imagination of the people but, when a baby is born, its Astral body cannot ‘know all’ in regards to its previous knowledge. This was the case of Moses too, and yet he was a great person.
We required a messenger who would be able to persuade humanity that there was another life beyond this one, through reincarnation of the Astral body, etc. This was no longer commonly accepted since civilisation on Earth had become more and more degraded following the disappearance of Atlantis.
You know that, when you want to explain something that is not a material fact, even to your closest friends, you are confronted by scepticism. People seek material proof and, if they don’t see it with their own eyes, they won’t believe.
In order to transmit our message, we needed someone who behaved like an extraordinary being - like someone coming from ‘the heavens’, who performed what would appear to be ‘miracles’. Such a person would be believed and his teachings would be listened to.
为了传递我们的信息,我们需要一个行为像非凡之人一样的人 - 像从‘天堂’来的人,会执行看起来像‘奇迹’的事情。这样的人会被相信,他的教导会被倾听。
As you know, an Astral body being reincarnated as a baby, passes through ‘The River of Oblivion’ and his earlier material knowledge is effaced. Therefore, the child born in Bethlehem would not have been able to perform ‘miracles’ even if he lived to 100 years of age. However, he was a superior being, like Moses. This is proven, by the way he astonished temple doctors at the age of twelve. Like the very young people now on Earth, who are called geniuses because they seem to have a calculation in their heads, Jesus was a human being inhabited by a highly evolved Astral body. And yet, even if he had studied in the very advanced schools on Earth, amongst the Nagas, for example, he never could have acquired the knowledge to revive the dead or cure the sick.
I know that, on Earth, there are people who believe that, from the age of twelve, until his return to Judea, Jesus studied in the monasteries of India and Tibet. This is how they try to explain the gap that exists in the Bible, when Jesus simply disappeared from Bethlehem.
He left his parents’ home at the age of fourteen, accompanied by his twelve- year-old brother Ouriki. He travelled to Burma, India, China and Japan. His brother accompanied Jesus everywhere, until Ouriki was accidentally killed in China. Jesus took a lock of Ouriki’s hair with him, for he loved him very much.
Jesus was fifty years of age when he arrived in Japan, where he married and had three daughters. Finally, he died in the Japanese village of Shingo, where he had lived for forty-five years. He was buried in Shingo, which is on the main island of Japan - Honshu, and beside his tomb is another, containing the little box holding Ouriki’s lock of hair.
耶稣五十岁时到达日本,他在那里结婚并有了三个女儿。最后,他在日本的新郎村去世,他在那里住了四十五年。他被埋葬在新郎村,那是日本的主岛 - 本州上,他的墓旁边是另一个墓,里面装着Ouriki的一小块头发。
Those of your fellow men who like evidence can go to Shingo, formerly known as Herai, in the district of Aomori.
But, let’s go back to our precise mission in this regard... The only messenger we could send to Earth had to be one of us. The ‘Christ’ who died on the cross in Jerusalem, was called Aarioc. He was brought, by us, to the desert of Judea, having volunteered to change his physical body. Thus, he abandoned his hermaphrodite body, which had lived some considerable time on Thiaoouba, and took on the body of Christ, created for him by our Thaori. By so doing, he maintained totally, the knowledge he possessed on Thiaoouba.
Why couldn’t he have remained in his body and simply reduced it in size, as Latoli and Biastra did, in front of me? Couldn’t he have stayed long enough in a ‘shrunken’ body?
There was another problem, Michel, he had to resemble a human being from Earth in all respects, and, since we are hermaphrodites, we couldn’t risk the Hebrews noticing that this messenger from God was half female.
Explanation of the fascinating Aomori evidence is quite long and has been published online at http://www.thiaoouba.com/tomb.htm (Editor’s note)
青森の証拠に関する魅力的な説明はかなり長く、http://www.thiaoouba.com/tomb.htm でオンラインに公開されています(編集者の注)。
We can regenerate a body at will, which is why you have seen so few children on Thiaoouba. We can also create a body, as I have just explained, and we can reduce it in size. Don’t look at me like that, Michel. I realise that it is difficult for you to assimilate all this and to believe what I tell you, but we have already revealed enough for you to know that we are capable of mastering most natural phenomena.
Jesus, who came from Thiaoouba, was taken by us into the desert, and you know what followed. He knew that he would come up against numerous difficulties and that he was going to be crucified. He knew all, for he had ‘previewed’ his life with us, but he had done so as an Astral body in a physical body.
The visions, I repeat, seen by Astral bodies in physical bodies are not erased in the way that visions seen by Astral bodies with the Higher-selves are. Thus, he knew all and knew exactly what to do. Of course, he had the power to resuscitate the dead, cure the blind and the deaf, and, when he was crucified and dead, we were there to take him away and revive him. We rolled the stone from the tomb, quickly took him to our spacecraft which was positioned nearby and, there, revived him. At the right moment, he appeared again, thereby providing his immortality, showing that there was, indeed, life after death, and regenerating hope among the people by persuading them that they did belong to the Creator and that each of us possesses a spark of His divinity.
So, all his miracles were performed in order to prove that what he preached was true?
Yes, because the Hebrews and the Romans would never have believed him if he hadn’t proven himself. There was a very good example of the strength of scepticism among people on Earth regarding the Shroud of Turin. Although millions believe in the coming of Jesus and practise, more or less, Christian religions, they were anxious to hear the results of research by experts, into whether or not the Shroud covered Christ after his ‘death’. You now know the answer to this. However, people seek proof and more proof, and still more proof, for doubt still exists in their minds. Buddha, an Earthling, who acquired his understanding through his own study, did not say, as your fellow men do: ‘I believe’, but rather, ‘I know’. Faith is never perfect but knowledge is.
When you return to Earth and tell your story, the first thing you will be asked is for evidence. If we were to give you, for example, a piece of metal which doesn’t exist on Earth, there would always be one, among the experts who analyse it, who would insist that you prove the metal was not created by a clever alchemist of your acquaintance - or some such thing.
Will you give me something as proof?
Michel, don’t disappoint me. You will have no material proof, for precisely the reasons I have just outlined - there would be no point.
米歇尔,不要让我失望。你不会有任何实质性的证据,因为正如我刚刚概述的原因 - 这没有意义。
ミシェル、がっかりさせないでください。私がちょうど説明した理由のために、あなたは物質的な証拠を持ちません - それには意味がありません。
Faith is nothing in comparison with knowledge. Buddha ‘knew’ and when you return to Earth, you too, will be able to say ‘I know’.
There is a well-known story of doubting Thomas who wanted to touch Christ’s wounds, for, seeing them with his own eyes did not convince him enough; and yet, when he touched them, he was still doubtful. He suspected some kind of magic trick. You know nothing of Nature on your planet, Michel, and, as soon as something occurs which is a little beyond your understanding, everyone claims it is magic. Levitation = magic; invisibility = magic - and yet we are only applying natural laws. Rather, you should say, levitation = knowledge and invisibility = knowledge.
众所周知,有一个关于多疑的托马斯的故事,他想要触摸基督的伤口,因为仅仅凭借自己的眼睛看到并不能完全说服他;然而,当他触摸到它们时,他仍然怀疑。他怀疑有一种魔术。米歇尔,你对你的星球上的自然一无所知,一旦发生了一些超出你理解范围的事情,每个人都声称它是魔术。飘浮 = 魔法;隐身 = 魔法 - 然而我们只是应用自然法则。相反,你应该说,飘浮 = 知识,隐身 = 知识。
怀疑のトマスのよく知られた物語があります。彼はキリストの傷を触りたがりましたが、自分の目で見るだけでは彼を十分に納得させることはありませんでした。しかし、彼がそれらに触れたときも、彼はまだ疑っていました。彼は何らかの魔法のトリックを疑っていました。ミッシェル、あなたは地球上の自然について何も知りません。あなたの理解を超えることが少しでも起こると、誰もがそれを魔法だと主張します。浮遊=魔法;透明=魔法 - しかし、私たちはただ自然法則を適用しているだけです。むしろ、あなたは言うべきです、浮遊=知識、透明=知識。
So, Christ was sent to Earth to preach love and spirituality. He had to contend with people who were not highly evolved, speaking to them in parables. When he tipped over the merchants’ tables at the temple, angry for the first and only time, he was making a statement against money.
His mission was to impart a message of love and goodness - ‘love one another’ and also to enlighten the people in regard to the reincarnation of astral bodies and immortality. This was all distorted by priests in the time that followed and numerous disagreements led to the rise of the many sects which claim to follow the teachings of Christ.
他的使命是传达爱和善的信息 - ‘彼此相爱’,并且还要启发人们关于星魂体的轮回和不朽性。这一切在随后的时间里都被神职人员扭曲了,许多分歧导致了许多宗派的崛起,它们声称遵循基督的教义。
彼の使命は愛と善のメッセージを伝えることでした - ‘互いに愛し合う’、そして星体の輪廻と不滅性について人々を啓発することもでした。これはすべて、その後の時代に神官たちによって歪められ、多くの意見の相違が多くの宗派の興隆につながりました、彼らはみな、キリストの教えに従うと主張しています。
Christians, throughout the centuries, have even killed in the name of God. The Inquisition was a good example, and the Spanish Catholics in Mexico behaved worse than the most savage tribes, all in the name of God and Christ.
Religions are a veritable curse on your planet - as I have said, and as I have proved. As for the new sects that are springing up and flourishing all over the world, they are based on control by brainwashing. It is terrifying to see young people, healthy in body and spirit, throw themselves at the feet of charlatans claiming to be Gurus and great masters, when the latter are masters of only two things - talking and collecting fabulous sums of money. This, of course, gives them power and enormous pride to see themselves dominating entire crowds of people who submit to them, body and soul. Not long ago, there was even one leader who asked his followers to commit suicide, and they obeyed. Since on Earth they love ‘proof’, there is an excellent one to give them: Universal Law forbids suicide - if this ‘master’ had been genuine, he would have known this. In demanding this sacrifice from them, he presented the greatest proof of his ignorance.
宗教是你们星球上的真正诅咒 - 恕我直言,如我所证明的那样。至于遍布全球、涌现并繁荣的新教派,它们是基于洗脑控制的。看到身心健康的年轻人们投身于自称为大师和伟大导师的江湖骗子面前,而后者只擅长于两件事 - 说话和收集巨额的金钱,这是令人恐惧的。当然,这让他们有了力量和巨大的自豪感,看到自己支配着顺从于他们的整个人群,身心俱服。不久前,甚至有一位领袖要求他的追随者自杀,而他们都服从了。由于地球人喜欢‘证据’,这里有一个很好的例子可以给他们:宇宙法则禁止自杀 - 如果他是真正的‘大师’,他会知道这一点的。他要求他们做出这种牺牲,这正是他无知的最大证明。
宗教は貴殿の星にとって真の呪いです - おっしゃったとおり、そして私が証明したとおりです。世界中で湧き出し繁栄する新興宗教団体については、洗脳によるコントロールに基づいています。健康で元気な若者たちが、自称グルと偉大な師とする詐欺師の足元に投げ出されるのを見るのは恐ろしいことです。後者は話すことと莫大な金額を集めることだけに秀でている。これによって彼らは力と巨大な誇りを持ち、自分たちが体と魂を捧げる大勢の人々を支配しているのを見ることができます。つい最近、一人の指導者がその信者たちに自殺を命じ、彼らは従いました。地球人は‘証拠’を好むので、彼らに提供する優れた例があります:普遍的な法律は自殺を禁止しています - この‘師’が真の存在であった場合、彼はこれを知っていたでしょう。彼は彼らからこの犠牲を要求することで、自分の無知の最大の証拠を示しました。
Sects and religions are a curse on Earth and when you see that the Pope sets aside millions of francs or dollars for his travel, when he could make do with much less, and use what money is available to help countries suffering from famine, you can not persuade me that it is the word of Christ which directs such actions.
There is a passage in your Bible that says: ‘It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter Paradise.
The Vatican is certainly the wealthiest church on your planet, and yet the priests have made vows of poverty. They have no fear of being damned, (yet they believe in damnation), because they say it is the Church which is rich, not them. This is really just a play on words since they make up the Church. It’s like the son of a multi-billionaire claiming that he is not rich - only his father is.
梵蒂冈无疑是你们星球上最富有的教会,然而神父们却发誓要过贫苦的生活。他们不怕被诅咒(尽管他们相信有诅咒存在),因为他们说的是教会富有,而不是他们个人。这实际上只是文字游戏,因为他们就是教会的一部分。这就像一个亿万富翁的儿子声称自己并不富有 - 只有他的父亲富有一样。
バチカンは確かに貴殿の星で最も裕福な教会ですが、神父たちは貧困の誓いを立てています。彼らは呪われることを恐れません(しかし、彼らは呪いの存在を信じています)、なぜなら彼らは自分たちは富んでいない、教会だけが富んでいると言います。これは実際には言葉遊びにすぎません、なぜなら彼ら自身が教会を構成しているからです。これはまるで、億万長者の息子が自分は富んでいないと主張するのに似ています - 彼の父だけが富んでいるという主張です。
The Church has not distorted the passage in the Bible relating to wealth. They have used it to their advantage, for isn’t it preferable that the rich grow poorer at the profit of the Church?
The young generations on Earth are in the process of self-examination. They have come to a turning point - events have led them to it and I know that they feel alone, more than any younger generation has before them. It isn’t by joining sects or religious groups that they are going to be free of their solitude.
地球上的年轻一代正在进行自我反省。他们已经到了一个转折点 - 事件已经导致了这一点,我知道他们感到孤独,比以往任何一代年轻人都更加孤独。加入教派或宗教团体并不会使他们摆脱孤独。
First if you want to ‘elevate’ yourself, you must meditate and then concentrate, which is different, although often the two are confused. You do not need to go to a special place, for the greatest and most beautiful temple of man is inside himself. There, he can enter into communication with his Higher-self, by concentration; asking his higher-self to help him surmount his Earthly, material difficulties. But certain people need to communicate with other human beings, like themselves, and they can meet together for this purpose. Those of them who are more experienced, will be able to give advice, but no one should ever adopt a position as master.
The Master came 2000 years ago - or, rather, I should say ‘one of the masters’, but men crucified him. However, for approximately 300 of your years, the message he brought with him was followed. After that, it was distorted and now, on Earth, you have returned to a point that is worse than that of 2 000 years ago.
2000年前,大师来过了 - 或者,我应该说是‘其中一个大师’,但人们将他钉在十字架上。然而,在接下来的大约300年里,他带来的信息被人们所遵循。之后,这些信息被扭曲了,现在,在地球上,你们已经回到比2000年前更糟的地步了。
マスターは2000年前に来ました - あるいは、むしろ「マスターの一人」と言うべきですが、人々は彼を十字架に架けました。しかし、およそ300年間、彼が持ち込んだメッセージが従われました。その後、それが歪められ、今、地球上では、2000年前よりも悪い状況に戻っています。
The young generation of whom I have just spoken, are rising up on your planet and realising, little by little, the truth of many of the things I have been talking about. But they must learn to look inside themselves for their answers. They should not wait for help to come to them from elsewhere, or they will be disappointed.
When Thao finished speaking, I could clearly see that her Aura had become dull. Outside, the rain had stopped; the sun shone on huge white clouds, tinting them blue and pink. The trees, whose branches swayed in a gentle breeze, looked refreshed and a thousand rainbows danced in the droplets of water, which clung to their leaves. The sweet songs of birds, welcoming the sun’s return, blended with the soft musical sound of the insects and the light. That moment was the most magical I had yet encountered. Neither of us felt like talking and we allowed our souls to drink their fill of the beauty around us.
It was the sound of laughter and happy voices that roused us from our peaceful state. Turning around, we saw Biastra, Latoli and Lationusi approaching, each flying with her own Tara.
They landed just in front of the dokos and entered without fuss, large smiles illuminating their faces. We stood up to welcome them and greetings were exchanged in the language of Thiaoouba. I was still able to understand all that was said although I was unable to speak the language. This didn’t seem to matter though, since I had little to say, and, in any case, if I spoke French, those who couldn’t understand my words, understood my message telepathically.
Once refreshed with drinks of hydromel, everyone was ready to leave again. I put my mask on and followed them all outside, where Latoli approached me and attached a Tara around my waist. Then, in my right hand, she placed a Litiolac. I was quite excited at the thought that I was going to be able to fly like a bird. Since the first day I had landed on this planet and seen people fly by this means, I had dreamt of doing the same, but, so much was happening so quickly that, I must say, I didn’t expect the opportunity to arise.
Latoli,I asked, why is it that you use a Tara and Litiolac to fly, when almost all of you are able to levitate?
Levitation requires great concentration and quite an expenditure of energy, Michel, even for us, and it only allows us to travel at seven kilometres per hour. Levitation is used during certain psychic exercises, but it is a poor means of transport. These apparatus are based on the same principle as levitation in so far as they neutralise what we might call ‘the cold magnetic force’ of the planet. It’s the same force that you call ‘gravity’ and which holds all bodies on the ground.
Man, like a piece of rock, is made of matter, but, by neutralising the cold magnetic force by raising certain high frequency vibrations, we become ‘weightless’. Then, in order to move and direct our movement, we introduce vibrations of a different frequency. As you can see, the apparatus that accomplishes this is for us quite simple. This same principle was used by the builders of the pyramids of Mu, Atlantis and Egypt. Thao has already spoken to you of it, but now you will experience for yourself the effect of anti-gravitation.
What speed can be attained with these apparatus?
With this particular one, you can travel at around 300 kilometres per hour and at whatever altitude you choose, but it’s time to get going - the others are waiting.
この特定のものを使うと、約300キロメートル毎時で旅行し、選んだ高度で飛行できますが、出発の時間です - 他の人たちが待っています。
Do you think I’ll be able to use it properly?
Of course. I will teach you how, and you must pay careful attention when you start. You could have a serious accident if you don’t follow my instructions to the letter.
Everyone was watching me, however it was Lationusi who seemed most amused by my anxiety. I held my Litiolac firmly in my hand, its safety strap attached to my forearm. This meant that if I let go of the Litiolac, it would remain with me.
My throat was dry. I must say, I was not feeling very confident, but Latoli came over to me and put an arm around my waist, assuring me that she would not let go before I had familiarised myself with the apparatus.
She also explained I didn’t need to concern myself with the Tara attached to my waist, but that the Litiolac was to be held firmly. First, one had to pull quite firmly on a large button, which rendered the apparatus useable - a little like turning the ignition key in a car. A tiny light appeared indicating readiness. The Litiolac was rather like a pear in shape. It was held with the base downwards, and its top ended in a mushroom-shaped ‘hat’, no doubt meant to prevent fingers from slipping. The ‘pear’ was grasped around its ‘collar’.
她还解释说,我不需要担心系在腰间的Tara,而是要紧紧握住Litiolac。首先,人们必须用力按下一个大按钮,这使得装置可用 - 有点像汽车的点火钥匙。一个微小的灯光出现,表示准备就绪。Litiolac的形状有点像到过来的梨子。它是底部朝下握持的,其顶部以蘑菇形状的‘帽子’结束,毫无疑问是为了防止手指滑动。‘梨子’是围绕其‘领子’握持的。
彼女はまた、私が腰に付けたタラを気にする必要はないと説明しましたが、リチオラクはしっかりと握る必要があります。まず、大きなボタンをかなり力を入れて引く必要があります。これにより、装置が使用可能になります - まるで車の点火キーを回すようなものです。準備が整ったことを示す小さな光が現れます。リチオラクは形状が梨のようでした。それは底面を下にして持ち、上部は指が滑らないようにするためのキノコのような形状の‘帽子’で終わります。‘梨’はその‘襟’を中心に握ります。
Latoli explained that this Litiolac had been specially made for me, since my hands were about half the size of theirs and I wouldn’t have been able to use a standard model. Besides, it is important that the size of the ‘pear’ be exactly suited to the hand that holds it. It was slightly soft, as though made of rubber, and filled with water.
Instructions received, I gripped the Litiolac so strongly that Latoli had just enough time to grab hold of me before we rose into the air.
Careful,’Thao said to her, Michel is a man of action. If you put an apparatus in his hand, he will use it immediately!
小心, 涛对她说,米歇尔是一个行动派。如果你把一个装置放在他手里,他会立刻使用它!
If you press the Litiolac as you just did, with a general, even pressure, you will rise vertically. If the pressure is slightly greater with your fingers, you will go left; with your thumb, you will go right. If you want to go down, either release the pressure or, to descend more quickly, you can press on the base with your left hand.
As she spoke, Latoli had me practise the movements and we had climbed to an altitude of about fifty metres when we heard Thao’s voice. Well done, Michel. You should let him do it alone now, Latoli. He has the idea.
I would have liked her to keep her thoughts to herself. I didn’t share her opinion at all and I felt much more confident under the protective ‘wing’ of Latoli - and I mean no play on words! She did release me, however, but remained close by and at the same height.
我希望她能保留自己的看法。我根本不同意她的观点,我在拉托利的保护下感到更自信 - 我并没有闹着玩!然而,她确实放开了我,但仍然在附近,并且保持相同的高度。
彼女には彼女の考えを自分で保持してほしかった。私は彼女の意見を全く共有していなかったし、私はラトリの保護の下でより自信を持っていました - 言葉遊びをしているわけではありません!しかし、彼女は私を放しましたが、それでも近くにおり、同じ高さに留まりました。
Gently, I released my grip on the Litiolac and ceased climbing. Releasing the pressure further, I began to descend; reassured, I pressed evenly around the ‘collar’ and shot upwards like an arrow - so far, that my fingers froze and I continued to rise.
我轻轻地放开了对Litiolac的握持,停止了攀爬。我进一步释放了压力,开始下降;感到安心后,我均匀地按住梨的‘领子’周围,我突然像箭一样向上飞射 - 飞得如此之远,以至于我的手指冻结,我仍然在上升。
優しく、私はリチオラクの握りを解き、登りを止めました。さらに圧力を解放し、私は下降し始めました。安心して、私は‘襟’の周りを均等に押し、矢のように上昇しました - それほど遠くまで、私の指が凍りついたままで、私は上昇し続けました。
Relax your hand, Michel. Relax your hand,shouted Latoli who, in the wink of an eye, had joined me.
Oh! I stopped - or almost, at approximately 200 metres’ altitude, over the ocean, for I had inadvertently pressed more strongly on my ‘frozen’ thumb. The others joined us at our 200 metre high rendezvous. I must have been wearing a strange expression on my face, for even Lationusi burst into laughter, and that was the first time I had seen him do that.
哦!我停下来了 - 几乎停下来了,大约在海洋上方200米的高度,因为我无意中更用力按了一下我的‘冻结’的拇指。其他人加入了我们,我们在200米高的地方会合。我一定是露出了一种奇怪的表情,因为连拉提欧奴斯都笑了,这是我第一次见他笑。
ああ!私は停止しました - あるいはほぼ、約200メートルの高度で、海の上にいました。なぜなら、私はうっかり‘凍結した’親指により強く押してしまったからです。他の人たちが私たちの高さ200メートルの待ち合わせ場所に加わりました。私は顔に奇妙な表情を浮かべていたに違いありません。なぜなら、ラトニウシすらも笑い出したからです。それが私が彼を笑うのを初めて見た時でした。
Gently, Michel. This apparatus is very sensitive to touch. I think we can go on our way now. We’ll show you the way.
I still made some unexpected swerves, especially when my attention was distracted by three imposing characters who crossed our path. In passing, they threw me a glance, obviously quite astonished at the sight of me.
After a time I judged to be about half an hour, I began to master the machine - at least enough to fly successfully over the ocean. With no obstacles to negotiate, we gradually picked up speed and I was even able to fly in formation beside my companions without straying too often.
大约过了半个小时,我开始掌握这台机器 - 至少足以成功飞越大海。没有障碍物需要躲避,我们逐渐加快了速度,我甚至能够与同伴并列飞行而不经常偏离。
約30分間経ったところで、私は機械を使いこなし始めました - 少なくとも海を飛び越えるのに十分なだけです。交渉する障害物はないので、徐々にスピードを上げ、私は同伴と一緒に隊形で飛行することさえ、あまり頻繁にはぐれることなくできました。
It was so exhilarating - I could never have imagined such a sensation. Because the equipment created a kind of force field around me, making me weightless, there was no sensation of being suspended, as there is in a balloon; nor was there the sensation of being carried by wings. Further, being completely surrounded by the force field, I couldn’t even feel wind whipping at my face. I had the impression of being an integral part of the environment, and the more I exercised control over the apparatus, the more pleasure I gained from this new means of locomotion. I wanted to test my control and, so, descended slightly, only to climb again. This I did several times, choosing to gain or lose altitude on the others. Finally, I moved nearer to Thao and telepathically communicated my euphoria, letting her in on my intention of skimming the ocean that stretched, below us, as far as the eye could see.
这感觉太令人振奋了 - 我从未想象过会有这样的感觉。因为这个设备在我周围创造了一种力场,使我失重,所以没有悬浮的感觉,就像气球一样;也没有被翅膀托起的感觉。而且,由于完全被力场包围,我甚至感受不到风吹打在我的脸上。我有一种成为环境的一部分的印象,而且我对这种新的移动方式越来越熟练,从中获得越来越多的乐趣。我想测试一下自己的控制能力,于是稍微下降一点,然后再次上升。我这样做了几次,选择带领其他人上升或下降。最后,我靠近了涛,通过心灵感应传达了我的欣喜,让她知道我打算在我们下方贴近海面的上方飞行,直到眼前所能看到的尽头。
それはとても陶酔的だった - こんな感覚を想像したことはありませんでした。装置が私の周りに一種の力場を作り出したため、私は無重力になり、気球のように浮いている感覚はありませんでした。また、完全に力場に囲まれているため、顔に風が吹きつけても感じられませんでした。私は環境の一部であるという印象を持っていました。さらに私が装置を制御するにつれて、この新しい移動手段からより多くの喜びを得ました。私は自分の制御力をテストしたいと思い、少し下降してから再び上昇しました。これを何度も繰り返し、他の人よりも高度を上げたり下げたりしました。最後に、私はタオに近づき、心の中で私の高揚感を伝え、私が意図している海洋の上を滑ることを彼女に知らせました。それは私たちの目の前に広がる限り続く。
She agreed and the whole group followed me at water level.
It was absolutely fantastic to be able to skim over the crests of the waves at a speed of approximately 100 kilometres per hour, as if we were all powerful gods, conquerors of gravity. From time to time, silvery flashes indicated that we were flying over schools of fish.
In my excitement, I was not aware of time, but it seemed that the voyage lasted three karses.
No matter which way I turned my head, I saw only the line of the horizon. Then, suddenly, Thao telepathised: Look over there, Michel. Far away, on the surface of the water, I was able to make out a speck that grew rapidly to reveal itself as a mountainous island of reasonable size.
We could soon make out enormous rocks, bluish-black in colour, which plunged sharply into the blue-green waters of the ocean. By increasing altitude, we gained a bird’s-eye view of the whole island. There was no beach to be seen, the enormous black rocks prohibiting access from the ocean. The waves crashing into the base of their imposing masses, were iridescent under the sun’s rays, reflecting shimmering colours which contrasted with the uniform black of the basalt.
Half-way up the slopes which faced inland, grew forests of gigantic trees, their foliage strangely dark-blue and gold; their trunks blood-red. These trees covered steep inclines right to the edge of an emerald-green lake. In places, the surface of the lake was obscured by wisps of golden mist.
In the middle of the lake, as though floating on the water, we could make out an enormous doko, its point upwards. I later learned its diameter was about 560 metres.
Its exceptional size was not its only peculiarity however; its colour was another. All the dokos I had seen to date on Thiaoouba were of a whitish colour - even those at the city of the Nine dokos. This one, though, seemed to be made of pure gold. There it was, shining in the sun and, in spite of its very ordinary egg shape, its colour and size rendered it majestic. Something else surprised me greatly: there was no reflection of the doko in the waters of the lake.
然而,它异常的大小并不是它的唯一特点;它的颜色也是另一个特点。到目前为止,在海奥华我见过的所有doko都是白色的 - 即使是在九doko之城的那些。然而,这一个似乎是由纯金制成的。它在阳光下闪耀着,尽管它的形状非常普通,但它的颜色和大小使它显得雄伟壮观。另一件让我感到非常惊讶的事情是:湖水中没有doko的倒影。
しかし、その特異な大きさは、その色が別の特異さでした。私が今までに見たティアウバのすべてのドコは白っぽい色でした - 九つのドコの街にあるものですらもです。しかし、これは純金製のように見えました。それはそこにあり、太陽の光に輝いていました。非常に普通の卵形をしていましたが、その色と大きさがそれを壮麗にしていました。さらに驚いたのは、湖の水面にドコの反射が見られなかったことです。
My companions led me towards the dome of the gold doko. We flew slowly, at water level and, from this perspective, it was even more impressive. Unlike other dokos, this one had no point of reference to indicate an entrance. I followed Thao and Latoli who soon disappeared inside.
The other two were at my side, each having caught hold of me under an arm so that I wouldn’t fall into the water, for, in my surprise, I had let go of my Litiolac. I was literally stunned by what I saw.
Here is what I discovered inside the doko:
I could see about two hundred people floating in the air with no help from any apparatus. The bodies seemed to be asleep or in deep meditation. The one closest to us floated about six metres above the water, for inside the doko, there was no floor. The bottom section of the ‘egg’ was actually in the water. As I have already explained, once inside a doko you can see outside, as though there were nothing between you and the world outside. So, in this case, I had a panoramic view of the lake, the hills and the forest in the background and, near me in the middle of this ‘landscape’, floated two hundred or so bodies. It was completely astonishing, as you would expect.
My companions were watching me in silence and, unlike other times when my wonder had made them laugh, they remained serious.
Looking more closely at the bodies, I began to notice they were generally smaller than my hosts and some had quite extraordinary - and sometimes monstrous - forms.
仔细观察这些身体,我开始注意到它们一般都比我的主人小,有些形态非常奇特 - 有时甚至是怪异的。
これらの身体をより注意深く見ると、一般的に私のホストよりも小さいことに気づき始め、いくつかは非常に奇抜な - 時には怪物のような - 形をしていることに気付きました。
What are they doing? Are they meditating?I whispered to Thao who was at my side.
Take your Litiolac, Michel. It’s hanging on your arm.
I obeyed, and she then answered my questions. They are dead. These are corpses.
Dead? Since when? Did they all die together? Was there an accident?
Some of them have been here for thousands of years and the most recent, I believe, has been here for sixty years. I think (that), in your current state of surprise, you are not going to be able to operate your Litiolac effectively. Latoli and I will guide you.Each of them took hold of me under an arm and we began to wander among the bodies. Without exception, they were entirely naked.
Among others, I saw a man sitting in the lotus position. His hair was long and of a red-blond colour. He would have been two metres tall when standing. He had golden skin and his features were remarkably fine for a man - and he was, indeed, a man rather than a hermaphrodite.
在其他人之中,我看到一个男人盘坐着。他的头发是红黄色的长发。站起来时他可能有两米高。他皮肤金黄,相貌对于一个男人来说非常精致 - 而且他确实是一个男人,而不是雌雄同体。
他の人々の中に、蓮華座に座っている男性を見ました。彼の髪は長くて赤金色でした。彼が立っていたら2メートルの背丈になるでしょう。彼は黄金色の肌を持ち、その顔立ちは男性にしては非常に優雅でした - そして、彼は確かに雌雄同体ではなく、男性でした。
A little further away lay a woman, whose skin was coarse like that of a snake, or the bark of a tree. She appeared to be young, although her strange aspect made it difficult to judge her age. Her skin was orange coloured and her short, curly hair was green.
Most surprising though, were her breasts. They were quite large, but each one had two nipples, separated from each other by about ten centimetres. She would have been close to 180 centimetres in height. Her thighs were thin and muscular, and her calves quite short. On each foot were three enormous toes, but her hands were exactly like ours.
We passed from one to another, sometimes stopping, sometimes moving on - as one does among wax figures in a museum.
我们在其中穿行,有时停下来,有时继续前行 - 就像在博物馆的蜡像之间一样。
私たちは一人から別の人へと移り、時には立ち止まり、時には進み続けました - まるで博物館の蝋人形の間を歩くように。
The eyes and mouths of all these people were closed, and they all occupied one of two positions - either sitting in the lotus position, or lying on their backs with their arms by their sides.
所有这些人的眼睛和嘴巴都是闭着的,他们都处于两种姿势中的一种 - 要么盘腿坐着,要么仰卧着,手臂放在身体两侧。
これらの人々の目と口はすべて閉じられており、彼らは全員、2つのポジションのいずれかに占められていました - 蓮華座に座っているか、仰向けになり、腕を体の両側に置いています。
Where do they come from?I whispered.
Various planets.
We spent some time before the body of a man, apparently in the prime of his 'life'. He had bright chestnut hair that was long and curly. His hands and feet were like mine. His skin was of a familiar complexion - that of someone from Earth. In height, he would have been around 180 centimeters. His face was smooth, with noble features and there was a soft goatee on his chin.
我们花了一些时间在一个男人的尸体前面,显然是在他的“生命”中的全盛时期。他有一头明亮的栗色长卷发。他的手和脚像我的一样。他的皮肤是熟悉的肤色 - 就像地球上的某个人一样。在身高上,他可能约为180厘米左右。他的脸部光滑,有着高贵的特征,下巴上还有一撮柔软的山羊胡。
I turned to Thao whose eyes were fixed on mine. One would say that he came from Earth, I said.
In one sense he did, but in another, he didn’t. You know him well by having heard him spoken of.
Intrigued, I examined his face more closely, until, telepathically, Thao said,Look at his hands and feet, as well as his side.’
Thao and Latoli brought me closer to the body and I could clearly see scars on his feet and his wrists, as well as a gash, approximately 20 centimeters long, in his side.
What happened to him?
He was crucified, Michel. This is the body of Christ of whom we spoke this morning.
Religious pictures and sculptures depict crucifixion by means of nailing through palms of hands to the cross. According to human anatomy, however, soft tissues between the bones in hands are not strong enough to support the weight of the body on a cross. Nails would simply slip between fingers. In contrast, nails through human wrists are wedged between bones and provide much stronger support. (Editor's note)
Fortunately, my hosts had anticipated my reactions and supported me under the arms, for I am convinced that I’d have been unable to manoeuvre my Litiolac. There I was - staring at the body of Christ, worshiped and spoken of by so many on Earth - the man who had been the subject of so much controversy and so much research during the past 2000 years.
幸运的是,我的东道主们预料到了我的反应,并在我的胳膊下支撑着我,因为我确信我当时无法操纵我的Litiolac。我就在那里 - 凝视着基督的身体,这个在地球上被如此多人崇拜和谈论的人 - 在过去2000年里,他一直是如此多争议和研究的对象。
幸運なことに、私のホストは私の反応を予想しており、私の腕の下で私を支えてくれました。私は自信を持って、私のリチオラックを操縦することができなかったでしょう。私はそこにいました - 地球で多くの人々に崇拝され、話題になっているキリストの体を見つめていました - 過去2000年間、多くの論争と研究の対象になってきた人です。
I reached out to touch the body, but was prevented from doing so by my companions, who drew me away.
Your name is not Thomas. Why must you touch him? Is there doubt in your mind?said Thao. You see, you confirm what I was saying this morning - you seek proof.
你的名字不是托马斯。你为什么要触摸他?你心里有疑问吗?涛说道。你看,你证实了我今天早上所说的 - 你在寻求证据。'
あなたの名前はトーマスではありません。なぜ彼に触れる必要がありますか?あなたの心に疑いがありますか?とサオは言いました。あなたが見ての通り、あなたは私が今朝言っていたことを確認しています - あなたは証拠を求めています。
I felt terribly ashamed for having initiated my gesture, and Thao understood my regret.
I know, Michel that it was instinctive and I understand it. In any case, you can’t touch these bodies - no one can, apart from one of the seven Thaori. In fact, it is the Thaori who install these bodies in a state of preservation and levitation, as you see them, and they alone, are capable of doing so.
我知道,米歇尔,那是本能的反应,我理解。无论如何,你不能触摸这些尸体 - 除了七个Thaori中的一个外,没有人可以。事实上,正是Thaori将这些尸体安置在你所看到的保存和悬浮状态中,只有他们才能做到这一点。
私はわかっています、ミシェル、それは本能的であり、私はそれを理解しています。とにかく、これらの遺体に触れることはできません - Thaoriの一人以外には誰もです。実際、それはThaoriがこれらの遺体を保存状態と浮遊状態に設置することです、そして、あなたが見ているように、それを行うことができるのは彼らだけです。
These are the actual bodies they had during their lives?
Of course.
But how are they preserved? How many of them are there and why?
Do you remember me telling you, when we took you from your planet, that there were questions you would ask to which we would give no answers? I explained then, that you would learn with us all you needed to know, but that certain things would remain a ‘mystery’ because you must not document certain points. The question you have just asked cannot be answered for this very reason. However, I am able to tell you that there are 147 bodies in this doko.
I knew that it would be futile to inquire further, but as we wandered among the bodies, I asked another burning question:
Do you have Moses’ body? And why are they all in levitation in this doko without a solid floor?
We have only the body of Christ from your planet. They are levitated in order to be perfectly preserved, and the properties peculiar to the waters of this lake assist this preservation.
Who are all the others?
They came from various planets where they have each had a very important role to play.
One of the bodies I remember well. It was about fifty centimetres high and formed exactly like a being from Earth, except that it was dark yellow and had no eyes. Instead, it had a type of horn in the middle of its forehead. I asked how it was able to see and was told that there were two eyes at the end of the protuberance, multi-faceted like the eyes of a fly. I could see the closed eyelid with several splits.
Nature is very strange,I murmured.
As I said, each body you see here, comes from a different planet, and it is the conditions in which they must live which determines the details of the physical bodies of the inhabitants.
I don’t see anyone resembling Arki.
And neither will you.
I didn’t know why, but I ‘felt’ that I should not pursue this topic further.
Throughout this macabre visit, I saw bodies resembling North American Red Indians - but they weren’t. I saw others like black Africans, but they weren’t; nor was it the body of a Japanese that I saw floating in the air. As Thao had said, Christ’s was the only body here that came, if one can say so, from Earth.
在整个这次可怕的参观中,我看到了一些类似北美红印第安人的身体 - 但它们并不是。我看到了其他像黑人非洲人的身体,但它们也不是;我在空中看到的也不是日本人的身体。正如涛所说,耶稣的身体是唯一来自地球的身体。
After an indeterminate time in this extraordinary and fascinating place, my guides led me outside. A lightly perfumed breeze carrying the scent of the forest caressed us and did me much good, for after such a visit, in spite of it being enormously interesting, I was feeling quite drained. Thao, of course, realised as much and said, in a lively voice,Are you ready, Michel? We are going home.
These words, spoken intentionally in French and with an intonation distinctly ‘Earthly’, refreshed me at least as much as the evening breeze. Taking hold of my Litiolac, I rose in the air with the others.
We flew over the giant forest that climbed the rocky mountain slope. At its peak, we could, again, admire the ocean that stretched as far as the eye could see. Following a macabre afternoon, and in contrast to it, I found this planet even more beautiful. I remember it occurring to me again, momentarily, that perhaps this was all a dream or an illusion, or that, perhaps, my mind was failing me?
As usual though, Thao was on guard and intervened with a sharp order that resounded telepathically in my head like the crack of a whip, dispelling my vague doubts: If you don’t press your Litiolac, Michel, you will end up taking a bath and, if we don’t hurry, night will overtake us. That might be a little inconvenient for you, don’t you think?
Indeed, lost in my thoughts, I had descended and almost touched the waves. I pressed my Litiolac firmly and shot up like an arrow, joining Thao and the others who were high in the sky
The sun was already quite low and the sky was totally clear. The ocean had taken on an orange colour, which was surprising. I never would have imagined water could appear such a shade. Inquiring about it, telepathically, it was explained to me that, sometimes, at this time of day, immense patches of orange coloured plankton would rise to the surface. These waters, it appeared, contained enormous quantities of plankton. What a sight it was: the sky was blue-green, the sea was orange, and everything was enveloped in the golden light which, on this planet, seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere.
Quite suddenly, my companions gained altitude and I followed them. We were about one thousand meters above the sea and accelerated in the direction we’d come from - I guessed north - to about 300 kilometers per hour.
突然间,我的同伴们提高了高度,我跟着他们。我们大约在海面上方一千米高的地方,朝着我们来时的方向加速前行 - 我猜是北方 - 速度大约是每小时300公里。
突然、仲間たちが高度を上げ、私もそれに続いた。私たちは海面から約1000メートルの高さにあり、私たちが来た方向に向かって加速しました - 私は北だと推測します - およそ時速300キロで。
Looking in the direction of the setting sun, I could make out a wide, black band on the water’s surface. I didn’t have to ask about it - the answer came quickly.
朝着落日的方向望去,我能看到水面上有一片宽阔的黑色带子。我不需要询问 - 答案很快就来了。
夕日の方向を見ると、水面に広い黒い帯を見ることができました。私はそれについて尋ねる必要はありませんでした - 答えはすぐに来ました。
It is Nuroaka, one of the continents. It’s as big as the whole of Asia.
Are we going to visit it?I asked.
Thao didn’t reply, which quite surprised me. It was the first time she had ignored my question. I thought perhaps my telepathic powers had not been sufficient and, so, I asked the question again, in French, raising my voice as I did so.
Look over there,she said.
Turning my head, I saw a veritable cloud of birds of every colour, about to cross our path. Fearing a collision with them, I descended several hundred metres. They skimmed by me at an incredible speed - but was it they who travelled so fast, or us? I thought perhaps it was our combined speeds that made them disappear so quickly but, just then, something astonished me greatly.
我转过头,看到一群五颜六色的鸟正要横穿我们的路线。担心与它们相撞,我下降了几百米。它们以令人难以置信的速度掠过我身边 - 但是是它们在飞行得这么快,还是我们?也许是我们的合速使它们消失得这么快,但就在那时,有一件事让我感到非常惊讶。
私は頭を振り向けると、私たちの道を横切ろうとしている、さまざまな色の本物の鳥の雲を見ました。彼らとの衝突を恐れて、私は数百メートル下降しました。彼らは信じられないほどの速さで私のそばをすり抜けました - しかし、本当に彼らがそんなに速く飛んでいるのか、それとも私たちなのか?おそらく私たちの合計速度が彼らをそんなに速く消えさせたのだと思いましたが、その時、私を大いに驚かせることがありました。
Looking above me, I saw that Thao and the others had not changed their altitude. How was it they hadn’t collided with this winged squadron? Glancing at Thao, I realised she had followed my thoughts - and it occurred to me that the birds had appeared at quite an opportune time - just when I had posed my question.
我抬头看到涛和其他人并没有改变他们的高度。他们怎么没有与这支飞行中的队伍相撞呢?瞥了一眼涛,我意识到她已经跟上了我的思想 - 并且我想到了鸟类出现的时机很合适 - 就在我提出问题的时候。
私は上を見上げると、タオや他のメンバーは高度を変えていないことに気づきました。彼らはどうしてこの羽ばたく中隊と衝突しなかったのでしょうか?タオをちらりと見ると、彼女が私の思考に追随していたことに気づきました - そして、鳥が非常に適切なタイミングで現れたことを思い浮かべました - 私が質問をしたときにちょうどです。
Accustomed to Thao, I knew that she would have her reasons for ‘ignoring’ me, and I let the matter drop. I decided, instead, to take advantage of this opportunity to fly without wings and I allowed myself to become intoxicated by the colours around me, which gradually changed as the sun sank towards the horizon.
The pastel shades that washed over the sky, were of a majesty quite indescribable with my pen. I thought I had already witnessed all the symphonies of colour possible on this planet and yet I was mistaken. From our altitude, the effect of the colours of the sky, sometimes contrasting with those of the ocean and sometimes complementing them perfectly, was spectacular. How incredible it was that Nature could coordinate such a range of colours, always changing, always beautiful... I felt again, the beginning of the ‘drunkenness’ which had previously caused me to faint, and received the order, brief and clear: Close your eyes immediately, Michel.
空に洗われるパステルカラーは、私のペンでは言い表せないほどの壮大さでした。私はこの惑星で可能なすべての色彩の交響曲をすでに目撃したと思っていましたが、私は間違っていました。私たちの高度から見ると、空の色の効果は、時に海の色と対照的であり、時には完璧に補完し合い、壮大でした。自然が常に変化し、常に美しい色彩の幅広い調和を実現できるということは、何とも信じられないことでした... 私は再び、以前に私を失神させた‘酔い’の始まりを感じ、簡潔で明確な命令を受け取りました:すぐに目を閉じてください、ミシェル。
I obeyed, and the sensation of drunkenness dissipated. However, it is not easy to pilot a Litiolac and to remain in formation with closed eyes - especially when one is a novice in the area. Inevitably, I strayed left and right, up and down.
我服从了,并且醉意消散了。然而,闭着眼睛驾驶Litiolac并保持队形并不容易 - 特别是当一个人在这方面是新手的时候。不可避免地,我左右摇摆,上下飘移。
私は従い、酔いの感覚が消えました。しかし、Litiolacを操縦し、目を閉じたままでフォーメーションを維持するのは簡単ではありません - 特にその分野で初心者の場合は。必然的に、左右に迷い、上下にぶれました。
Another order was given, this time less urgent: Watch Lationusi’s back, Michel. Don’t take your eyes off him and watch his wings.
I opened my eyes to see Lationusi in front of me. Strangely, it did not surprise me at all that he had sprouted black wings and I fixed all my concentration on them. After a time, Thao approached me, saying in French:We’re nearly there, Michel, Follow us.
I found it equally natural that Lationusi had now lost his wings. I followed the group down towards the ocean, where we could make out, like a jewel on a coloured tablecloth, the island where my doko was situated. We approached rapidly amidst a fantastic blaze of colour as the sun dived into the waves. I had to hurry to my doko. ‘Drunkenness’, caused by the beauty of the colours, threatened to overwhelm me again, and I was obliged to close my eyes partially. We flew now at sea level and, before long, crossed the beach and plunged into the foliage surrounding my doko. My landing, however, was unsuccessful and I found myself inside the doko astride the back of a seat.
Latoli was immediately at my side. She pushed in the button of my Litiolac, asking me if I was all right.
Yes, but those colours!I stammered.
No one laughed at my little accident and everyone seemed a little sad. It was so unusual for them that I was quite thrown by it. We all sat down and helped ourselves to hydromel and dishes of red and green food.
I was not feeling very hungry. I had taken off my mask and was beginning to feel more like myself again. Night fell quickly, as it does on Thiaoouba and we sat in darkness. I remember wondering over the fact that, while I could barely distinguish each of them, they could see me as easily as if it were daylight.
No one spoke; we sat in silence. Looking up, I could see the stars appearing one by one, shining colourfully as though a firework display had ‘frozen’ in the sky. On Thiaoouba, because their layers of gasses in the atmosphere differ from ours, the stars appear to be coloured and also much larger than they appear to us on Earth.
Suddenly, I broke the silence asking, quite naturally, Where is Earth?
As if the group had simply been waiting for this question, they all rose together. Latoli took me in her arms like a child and we went outside. The others led the way and we followed a wide path that led to the beach. There, on the moist sand of the shore, Latoli set me down.
Minute by minute, the firmament was illuminated by more stars as though a giant hand was lighting a chandelier.
Thao approached me and almost whispered in a voice that was sad and one I could hardly recognize as hers: do you see those four stars, Michel, just above the horizon? They almost form a square. The one on the top right is green and shinier than the others.
Yes, I think that’s it - yes, it forms a square - the green, yes.
ええ、そう思います - はい、それが四角形を形成しています - 緑色ですね、はい。
Now go to the right of the square and slightly higher. You will see two red stars quite close together.
Keep your eye on the one on the right and go a tiny bit higher. Can you see a tiny white star? It’s barely visible.
I think so... yes.
And on its left a little higher is a tiny yellow one.
Yes, that’s right.
The tiny white one is the sun which lights up the planet Earth.
So, where is Earth?
Invisible from here, Michel. We are too far away.
I remained there, staring at that minuscule star which seemed so insignificant in a sky filled with large colourful jewels. That minuscule star, however, was perhaps at that very moment warming my family and my home, making plants germinate and grow...
‘My family’ - the words seemed so strange. ‘Australia’ - from this perspective I had trouble imagining it to be the largest island on my planet, especially when even Earth was invisible to the naked eye. Yet, I’d been told we belonged to the same galaxy, and the universe comprised thousands of galaxies.
‘我的家人’ - 这些词显得如此奇怪。‘澳大利亚’ - 从这个角度来看,我很难想象它是我所在行星上最大的岛屿,尤其是当地球甚至用肉眼都看不见时。然而,我被告知我们属于同一个星系,而宇宙包括数千个星系。
‘私の家族’ - その言葉はとても奇妙に思えました。‘オーストラリア’ - この視点から見ると、地球上最大の島であると想像するのが難しいほどでした。特に地球さえも肉眼では見えない状態です。それでも、私たちは同じ銀河系に属していると言われましたし、宇宙には数千の銀河が含まれています。
What were we, poor human bodies? Hardly much more than an atom.
The sheets of galvanised iron on the roof creak under the burning rays of the sun, and even on the verandah, the heat is almost unbearable. I watch the delightful play of light and shadow in the garden and hear the song of the birds as they chase each other across a pale blue sky - and, I am sad.
I have just put the final full stop at the end of the twelfth chapter of this book I was asked to write. The task was not always easy. Often details would escape me and I would spend hours trying to recall certain things which Thao had said, and particular things she wanted me to write. Then, at the moment when I was totally exasperated, it would all come back to me - every detail, as if a voice was dictating the words over my shoulder, and I would write so much I would develop cramps in my hand. For periods of about three hours, sometimes more, sometimes less, images would crowd into my head.
私は、この本の第十二章の最後に最後の句点を打ちました。この仕事は常に簡単なものではありませんでした。時々、細部が私の頭から抜け落ち、タオが言ったことや、私が書くことを望んだ特定のことを思い出そうとして何時間もかけることがありました。その後、私が完全にイライラしたときに、すべてが私に戻ってくるという瞬間が訪れます - まるで声が私の肩越しに言葉を口述しているかのように、すべての細部が戻ってきます。私は多くを書き、手にけいれんが起こります。約3時間、時にはそれ以上、時にはそれ以下、さまざまなイメージが私の頭に押し寄せます。
While writing the book, with words jostling each other in my mind, I often wished I had known shorthand - and now, again, the strange sensation is back.
Are you there, Thao? I would ask, never receiving a reply. Is it one of you? Thao? Biastra? Latoli? Lationusi? I beg you to give me a sign, a sound. Please respond!
You called me?
I had spoken aloud and my wife had come running. She stood in front of me, watching me closely.
You are doing this periodically, aren’t you - talking to yourself. I will be glad when this book is finished and you ‘come back to Earth,’ literally!’
She left. Poor Lina. She certainly has not had an easy time of it, these past months. How must it have been for her? She got up one morning to find me stretched out on the sofa, deathly pale, having difficulty breathing and desperately wanting to sleep. I asked her if she had found my note.
She left. Poor Lina. She certainly has not had an easy time of it, these past months. How must it have been for her? She got up one morning to find me stretched out on the sofa, deathly pale, having difficulty breathing and desperately wanting to sleep. I asked her if she had found my note.
Yes,she said,but where did you get to?
I know you’re going to find this hard to believe, but I was picked up by extra-terrestrials and taken to their planet. I will tell you everything, but for now, please, just let me sleep for as long as possible. I’ll go to bed now - I stretched out here so as not to wake you.
Your tiredness is not, I suppose, due to some other reason?Her tone was bitter-sweet and I could sense her concern. However, she let me sleep and it was a good thirty-six hours before I opened an eye. I woke to find Lina bending over me, with the anxious air of a nurse watching someone gravely ill.
How are you?she asked. I very nearly called the doctor. I haven’t known you to sleep for so long without once stirring - and yet you were dreaming and calling out in your sleep. Who is the ‘Arki’ or ‘Aki’ you mentioned? And ‘Thao’? Are you going to tell me?
I smiled at her and kissed her. I’m going to tell you everything.It occurred to me then, that thousands of husbands and wives must say that very same sentence, having no intention whatsoever of explaining ‘everything’. I wished I’d said something a little less vulgar and common.
Yes, I’m listening.
Good, and you must listen carefully, for what I have to say is serious - very serious. But I don’t want to tell the same story twice. Call our son in, so I can tell you both.
Three hours later, I had largely finished my account of the extraordinary adventure I’d had. Lina, who is the least credulous member of the family when it comes to such matters, had detected, by certain expressions and certain intonations in my voice, that something really serious had happened to me. When one lives twenty-seven years with a person, some things cannot be misunderstood.
I was besieged with questions, especially from my son, for he has always believed in the existence of other planets inhabited by intelligent beings.
Do you have proof?asked Lina. I was reminded of Thao’s words - ‘They seek proof, Michel, and always more proof.’ I was a little disappointed the question came from my own wife.
‘No, none, but when you read the book that I must write, you will know that I tell the truth. You won’t have to ‘believe’ - you will know.’
ない。でも、私が書かなければならない本を読んでいただければ、私が真実を言っていることがわかるでしょう。‘信じる’必要はありません - あなたは知るでしょう。
Can you imagine me telling my friends: ‘My husband has just come back from the planet Thiaoouba‘?
I asked her to speak of the matter to no one, since my orders were not to speak, but first to write. I felt it was better that way, in any case, because words can be lost in the breeze whereas what is written, remains.
The days and months passed by and now the book is finished. All that remains to be done is to publish it. On this subject, Thao had assured me there would be few problems. This was in response to a question I had asked in the spacecraft on our return to Earth.
The ‘spacecraft’ - how many things that word brings to mind...
That last evening, on the beach, Thao had pointed out the minuscule star that is the sun that now made me perspire. We had then taken the flying platform and headed for the space base - quickly and without a word being spoken. A spaceship, prepared for immediate departure, awaited us. During our brief journey to the base, I had observed in the darkness, that the Auras of my companions were not shining as brilliantly as usual. The colours were more subdued and stayed closer to their bodies. This surprised me, but I said nothing.
When we boarded the spacecraft, I assumed we were going on a trip, perhaps with a specific mission, to a nearby planet. Thao had told me nothing.
Our take off went according to normal procedures and was uneventful. I watched as the golden planet became rapidly smaller, presuming that I’d be returning in a few hours time - or perhaps the next day. Several hours had elapsed before Thao finally addressed me again.
Michel, I know you have noticed our sadness. It is very real, for there are certain partings that are sadder than others. My companions and I have become very attached to you and, if we are sad, it is because, at the end of this journey, we must part. We are taking you back to your planet.
Again, I felt a twinge in the side of my stomach.
I hope you won’t hold it against us that we left so quickly. We did so to spare you the regrets one always has when one leaves a place one is fond of - and I know you are enormously fond of our planet, and our company. It’s hard not to think, ‘this is my last night’ or ‘this is the last time I will see this or that.
I looked down and had absolutely nothing to say. We sat together in silence for some time. I felt heavy, as though my limbs and organs were weighted. I turned my head slowly towards Thao, looking at her surreptitiously. She seemed even sadder and something different was missing. Suddenly, I knew - it was her Aura.
Thao, what’s happening to me? I can’t see your Aura any more.
It’s normal, Michel. The great Thaori gave you your two gifts - the ability to see Auras and understand languages, to serve as tools in your learning, but only for a limited time.
This time has just elapsed, but don’t be saddened by the fact; after all, these are gifts you didn’t have when you first joined us. What you do take back is knowledge that you and millions of your fellow beings can profit from.
Isn’t that more important than understanding languages or being able to see Auras when you aren’t able to read them? It is the reading of Auras that counts, after all - not the perceiving of them.
I accepted her reasoning, but was disappointed nonetheless, for I had soon become accustomed to the radiance around these people.
Don’t be sorry, Michel,’ said Thao, reading my thoughts. ‘On your planet, most people don’t have radiant Auras - far from it. The thoughts and concerns of millions of Earthlings are so closely related to material matters, that their Auras are quite dull; you’d have been disappointed.
别难过,米歇尔,涛读出我的思绪说。在你们的星球上,大多数人的辉光并不明亮 - 相去甚远。数百万地球人的思想和关注都与物质事务密切相关,因此他们的辉光相当暗淡;你会失望的。
悲しむことはありません、ミシェルと、タオは私の思考を読み取りながら言った。あなたたちの惑星では、ほとんどの人々が輝かしいオーラを持っていません - とても遠い存在です。何百万もの地球人の考えや関心事は物質的な問題と密接に関連しているため、彼らのオーラはかなりくすんでいます。あなたはがっかりするでしょう
I looked at her closely; very conscious of the fact that soon I would see her no more. In spite of her large size, she was so well proportioned; her pleasant pretty face was without a wrinkle; her mouth, her nose, her eyebrows - all were perfect. Suddenly, the question that had been brewing in my subconscious mind for so long sprung to mind almost involuntarily.
我仔细地看着她,非常清楚地意识到很快就再也见不到她了。尽管她身材高大,但身形匀称,她漂亮宜人的脸上没有一丝皱纹;她的嘴、她的鼻子、她的眉毛 - 一切都是完美无瑕的。突然,潜意识中长久以来酝酿的问题几乎不由自主地涌入我的脑海。
Thao, is there a reason for you all being hermaphrodites?
Yes, and it is important, Michel. I was surprised you didn’t ask that question sooner.
You see, as we exist on a superior planet, all we have that is material, is also superior, as you have seen for yourself. Our various bodies, including the physical body, must also be superior, and in this domain, we have progressed as far as it is possible to progress. We can regenerate our bodies, prevent them from dying, resuscitate them and even, sometimes, create them. But in a physical body, there are other bodies, such as the astral - indeed, there are nine altogether. Those which interest us at the moment, are the fluidic body and the physiological body.
In the fluidic body, you possess six principal points which we call Karolas and which the yogis on your planet call Chakras. The first Chakra is the one situated between your two eyes, just a centimetre and a half above your nose. It’s the ‘brain’ of your fluidic body, if you like; it corresponds to the pineal gland, which is placed much further back in your physical brain but on exactly the same level. It was by placing a finger on this Chakra that one of the Thaori was able to liberate in you the gift of understanding languages.
Now, at the bottom of the fluidic body and just above the sex organs, is found a very important Chakra, which we call the Mouladhara, and which your yogis call Sacred. Above this Chakra, and meeting the spinal column, is the Palantius.
It is in the form of a coiled spring and only reaches the base of the spinal column when it is relaxed.
For it to become relaxed, it requires the accomplishment of the sexual act between two partners who must not only love one another, but also have a spiritual affinity between them. Only at that moment and under these conditions will the Palantius extend to the spinal column, transferring an energy and special gifts to the physiological body which then affects the physical body. The person concerned will experience happiness in sexual enjoyment that is far greater than normal.
为了让其放松,需要两位伴侣完成性行为,他们不仅要彼此相爱,还必须在精神上有亲和力。只有在那一刻,并在这些条件下,Palantius 才会延伸到脊柱,将一种能量和特殊的天赋传递给生理体,然后影响到物理体。受影响的人在性愉悦中会体验到比正常情况下更大的幸福。
When, on your planet, you hear such expressions among people very much in love as: ‘we were in seventh heaven’, ‘we felt light’, or ‘we were floating on air’, you can be sure the couples were in physical and spiritual accord and ‘made for one another’ - at least for a while.
Certain Tantrists on Earth have attained this point, but it isn’t common among them, for still their religions, with ridiculous rituals and prohibitions, create a real obstacle to attaining this goal. When they look at the forest, they don’t see the trees.
Let’s go back to our loving couple: The man has experienced great pleasure transformed into beneficial vibrations for the Palantius, thanks to a love which is genuine, and absolute compatibility. All these sensations of happiness were released by the accomplishment of the sexual act. The sensations of happiness are not the same with the female, but the process is the same with her.
Now, to answer your question. On our planet, with bodies that are both male and female, we can achieve, at will, the sensations, both male and female. Of course, this brings us a much greater range of sexual pleasure than if we were mono-sexual. Further, our fluidic body can be at its best. Our appearance is, needless to say, more feminine than masculine -at least where our faces and breasts are concerned. Don’t you agree, Michel, that, as a general rule, a woman has a prettier face than a man? Well, we prefer to have faces that are pretty, rather than unattractive.
さて、あなたの質問に答えます。我々の惑星では、男性と女性の両方の身体を持ち、自由に男性と女性の感覚を得ることができます。もちろん、これにより、単性であった場合よりもはるかに幅広い性的快楽が得られます。さらに、私たちの流体体は最高の状態になります。私たちの外見は、言うまでもなく、男性よりも女性的です - 少なくとも顔と胸に関してはそうです。ミシェル、一般的なルールとして、女性の方が男性よりも顔が美しいとは思いませんか?まあ、私たちは不魅力な顔よりも美しい顔を持ちたいと思っています。
What do you think of homosexuality?
The homosexual, female as well as male, is a neurotic (when it is not a matter of hormones) and neurotics can’t be condemned but, like all neurotics, they should seek treatment. In all things, Michel, consider what Nature has decreed and you will have the answers to your questions.
Nature gave every living thing the possibility of reproduction, (so) that various species might continue. According to the Creator’s will, males and females have been created in all species. With human beings, however, and for the reasons we have already explained, he added features not given to other species. For example, a woman can bloom in sexual fulfilment, achieving a range of sexual sensations that can release the Palantius and bring about vast improvements in her physical body by way of the fluidic body.
That can happen over numerous days of the month without her becoming pregnant. A cow, on the other hand, will accept the bull only during a certain few hours of the month and, then, it is motivated only by the drive to procreate. When in calf she is no longer receptive to a bull’s ‘advances’. There you have a comparison between two of Nature’s creations. The first is quite a special being, possessing nine bodies, whereas the second possesses only three bodies. Evidently, the Creator has taken special care to place, within us, much more than a physical body. Sometimes, on your planet, these special things are referred to as ‘divine sparks’ - and it is an appropriate comparison.
What do you think of deliberate abortion?
Is it a natural act?
No, of course not.
Then why do you ask - you already know the answer.
那你为什么问呢 - 你已经知道答案了。
では、なぜそれを尋ねるのですか - すでに答えを知っているでしょう。
I recall that Thao remained as though lost in thought for quite some time - looking at me without speaking; then she resumed:
タオはしばらく考え込んでいるように見えた - 黙って私を見つめていた。そして、彼女は再び言葉を続けた:
For approximately one hundred and forty years on your planet, man has been accelerating the destruction of Nature and the pollution of the environment. This has happened since the discovery of steam power and the combustion engine. You have but a few years left in which to arrest the pollution before the situation becomes irreversible. One of the principal pollutants on Earth is the petrol-driven engine and this could be replaced immediately with a hydrogen engine that would cause no pollution, so to speak. On certain planets, this is called the ‘clean motor’. Prototypes for such an engine have been constructed by various engineers on your planet but they must be industrially manufactured in order to replace petrol engines. Not only would this measure mean a seventy per cent reduction in current levels of pollution by combustion waste, but it would also be more economical for consumers.
The big petrol corporations had been terrified at the idea of this motor being popularised for it would mean loss of sales for their oil and subsequent financial ruin.
Governments, too, who impose enormous taxes on these oils, would suffer equally. You see, Michel, it always comes back to money. Because of it, you have a whole economic and financial context that opposes progress towards radical change in the interest of all human life on Earth.
The people on Earth allow themselves to be pushed around, bullied, exploited and led to the abattoirs by political and financial cartels which are sometimes even associated with well-known sects and religions.
When these cartels fail to win the people with clever advertising campaigns intended to brainwash them, they try to succeed through political channels, and next through religion or through a clever blend of the lot.
Great men wanting to do something for mankind have simply been done away with. Martin Luther King is one example; Ghandi is another.
But the people of Earth can no longer allow themselves to be treated as fools and led to the abattoirs like flocks of sheep by leaders that they, themselves, have democratically elected. The people form the vast majority. In a nation of one hundred million inhabitants, it is absurd that a group of financiers comprising perhaps a thousand individuals can decide the fate of the others - like the butcher does at the abattoir.
但地球上的人们不能再允许自己被当作傻瓜,像一群羊一样被由他们自己民主选举产生的领导人带到屠宰场。人民构成了绝大多数。在一个拥有一亿居民的国家,由一群可能只有一千人的金融家决定其他人的命运是荒谬的 - 就像屠夫在屠宰场里所做的那样。
Such a group has well and truly stifled the business of the hydrogen motor so that it is no longer mentioned.
These people couldn’t care less what might happen to your planet in years to come. Selfishly, they seek their gains, expecting to be dead before ‘whatever is going to happen’ happens. If the Earth disappears, as a result of horrific cataclysms, they assume they will already be dead.
There, they are making a big mistake, for the source of the coming disasters is the pollution which is growing daily on your planet, and its consequences will be felt very soon - much sooner than you can imagine. The people of Earth must not do as the child forbidden to play with fire; the child is without experience and, in spite of the prohibition, he disobeys and burns himself. Once burnt, he ‘knows’ that the adults were right. He won’t play with fire again but he will pay for his disobedience by suffering for several days afterwards.
在这一点上,他们犯了一个大错,因为即将来临的灾难的根源是每天在你们的星球上不断增长的污染,其后果将会很快显现出来 - 远比你们能够想象到的要快。地球的人们不应该像被禁止玩火的孩子那样行事;孩子缺乏经验,在禁令之下,他违抗并烧伤了自己。一旦被烧伤,他‘知道’成年人的劝告是正确的。他不会再玩火了,但他会因为玩火被烧伤,从而在几天内感受烧伤的痛苦。
そこでは、彼らは大きな間違いを comしています、なぜなら、来る災害の源は、地球上で日々増大している汚染であり、その結果は非常に早く、あなたが想像する以上に早く感じられるでしょう。地球の人々は、火遊びが禁止された子供のように行動してはいけません。子供は経験がなく、禁止にもかかわらず、彼は従わず、自分自身を焼きます。一度焼かれると、彼は成人の言うことが正しかったことを‘知る’でしょう。彼はもう二度と火遊びをしないでしょうが、その後数日間、従わないことの代償を支払うことになります。
Unfortunately, in the case that concerns us, the consequences are much more serious than the burn of a child. It’s the destruction of your entire planet that is at risk - with no second chance if you don’t place your trust in those who want to help you.
不幸的是,在我们以往的经验得知中,后果比孩子的烧伤严重得多。你们整个星球出于毁灭的危险之中 - 如果你们不相信那些想要帮助你们的人,就没有第二次机会。
残念ながら、私たちの関心事の場合、その結果は子供の火傷よりもはるかに深刻です。それは、あなたの星球全体の破壊が危険にさらされていることです - あなたがたが助けてくれる人々を信頼しない限り、二度目のチャンスはありません。
It interests us to see that recently established ecological movements are gaining in momentum and power; and that the young people of Earth are ‘carrying’ other sensible people along with them in their fight against pollution.
There is only one solution, as Arki told you - the grouping of individuals. A group is only as powerful as it is large. Those whom you call the conservationists are becoming stronger and stronger and will continue to do so. But it is vital that people forget their hated, their resentment, and especially their political and racial differences. This group must be internationally united - and don’t tell me that is so difficult - for already on Earth there exists a non-violent and very large international organisation - the International Red Cross, which has been functioning effectively for quite some time.
正如Arki告诉你的那样,只有一个解决办法 - 集体团结。团体的力量取决于其规模大小。你们所称之为保护主义者的人越来越强大,他们将继续壮大。但人们必须忘记他们的仇恨、怨恨,尤其是他们的政治和种族差异。这个团体必须国际化 - 不要告诉我这是如此困难 - 因为地球上已经存在一个非暴力的非常庞大的国际组织 - 国际红十字会,它已经有效运作了相当长的时间。
アーキが言ったように、唯一の解決策は個々の集団化です。グループの力はその大きさに比例します。あなたが保全主義者と呼ぶ人々はますます強くなり、その勢いは続くでしょう。しかし、人々は彼らの憎しみ、怨み、特に政治的、人種的な違いを忘れることが重要です。このグループは国際的に団結しなければなりません - それが非常に困難だと言わないでください - 地球上にはすでに非暴力で非常に大規模な国際組織である国際赤十字が存在しており、長い間効果的に機能しています。
It is essential that this conservationist group include in its programs not only the conservation of the environment from direct damage but from indirect damage as well, such as that which results from smoke: exhaust fumes from vehicles, smoke from factories, and so on.
The waste water from large towns and factories, which is chemically treated, is also harmful and empties into river systems and oceans. Smoke from the USA has already caused more than forty lakes in Canada to become sterile by means of the acid rains it provoked. The same thing is occurring in Northern Europe due to pollution from French factories and the German Rhur.
Now we come to another kind of pollution that is of no small concern, though people might readily dismiss it. As the great Thaora told you, noise is one of the most noxious pollutants for it upsets your electrons and unbalances your physical compartment. I haven’t yet mentioned these electrons to you and I see that you are not following me very well.
A normal human Astral body contains approximately four billion, trillion electrons. These electrons have a life span of approximately ten billion, trillion of your years. They were created at the moment of creation. Your Astral body contains them and, when you die, nineteen per cent rejoin the electrons of the universe until required by Nature to form a new body or a new tree or animal, and the eighty one per cent rejoin your Higher-self.
I don’t quite follow you, I interrupted.
I know, but I intend helping you to understand. An Astral body is not quite what you would call a pure spirit. On Earth, there is a belief that the spirit is made of nothing. This is false. The Astral body is composed of billions of electrons, exactly marrying your physical shape. Each of these electrons has a ‘memory’ and each is capable of retaining as much information as is contained in all the books that fill the shelves of an average town library.
わかっていますが、理解を助けるつもりです。 アストラル体は、まさにあなたの肉体的形状に結婚している数十億の電子から成り立っています。 これらの電子のそれぞれが‘記憶’を持ち、それぞれが平均的な町の図書館の本棚に収まる情報量を保存することができます。
I see you are staring wide-eyed at me, but it is as I say. This information is coded, like a microfilm containing all the plans of an industrial installation that a spy would be able to pass in a cufflink, though much more miniaturised than that. Certain physicists on Earth are now aware of this fact but the public, at large, hasn’t been informed of it. Your Astral body transmits and receives messages, by means of these electrons, through the channel of your brain, to, and from your Higher-self. Information is being transmitted without you being aware of it, thanks to a weak electric current from your brain in harmony with your electrons.
Since it is the Higher-self which sent this Astral body into your physical body, it is in the natural order of things that your Higher-self should receive information from your Astral body.
Like all things electronic, the Astral body – tool of the Higher-self – is quite a delicate tool. During your waking hours it is capable of sending messages of extreme urgency to the Higher-self but the Higher-self seeks much more than that.
So, during sleep, your Astral body leaves your physical body to rejoin the Higher-self, either passing on required information or receiving information or orders. You have an old saying in French that: ‘the night brings counsel’. This saying emerged from common experience. Over the course of years, people noticed that, on waking in the mornings, they often had the solutions to their problems.
Sometimes this is so and sometimes it isn’t. If the ‘solution’ will be profitable to the Higher-self you can be sure that it will be presented to you - if not, you will wait in vain.
有时会这样,有时不会。如果这个“解决方案”对高我有利,你可以肯定它会呈现给你 - 如果不是,你等也是白等。
時にはそうであり、時にはそうではありません。もし「解決策」がハイヤーセルフにとって有益であれば、それが提示されることは確実です - そうでなければ、あなたは徒労に待つことになります。
Now, those people who, through very advanced and special exercises, are able to detach their astral bodies from their physical bodies, will be able to see a light, silvery-blue thread, such as you saw yourself, linking their physical and astral bodies. Their Astral bodies, likewise, are visible during the time that the separation lasts. It is these same electrons which form your Astral body and which create the visible effect of the thread.
I see that you follow what I am saying and that you have grasped my point. Let me finish by explaining the dangers of noise. Noise directly attacks the electrons of your Astral body creating parasites, to use a radio and television term. If you are watching a television screen and notice several white spots, this is an indication that a small ‘parasite’ is at work. Similarly, if someone is operating an electric tool next door to your house, such large parasites will be produced on your screen that the image will distort completely.
The same thing occurs with the Astral body, but unfortunately you won’t be aware of it in the same way that you are with a television screen; and, it’s much worse, since noise damages your electrons. And yet people say: ‘Oh, we get used to it.’ Your brain ‘tenses’, so to speak and your psyche initiates self-defence mechanisms, but not so the Astral body; a parasite invades its electrons - which, of course, has disastrous repercussions for your Higher-self.
灵体也会发生同样的事情,但不幸的是,你不会像看电视屏幕那样意识到它;而且,情况要糟得多,因为噪音会损坏你的电子。然而人们却说:‘哦,我们习惯了。’你的大脑绷紧了,你的心灵启动了自我防御机制,但灵体并非如此;寄生震荡侵袭了它的电子 - 当然,这对你的高级自我会产生灾难性的影响。
同じことが霊体でも起こりますが、残念ながらテレビ画面と同じようにそれに気づくことはありません。さらに、噪音はあなたの電子を損傷するので、状況ははるかに悪化します。それでも、人々は言います:‘ああ、慣れますよ。’あなたの脳は、いわば‘緊張’し、あなたの心理は自己防衛メカニズムを開始しますが、霊体はそうではありません。寄生虫がその電子に侵入します - もちろん、Higher-selfには壊滅的な影響を与えます。
The sounds that reach your ears are clearly very important. A particular piece of music can elevate you to a state of euphoria, while another piece, although very pretty, will have no effect on you or, perhaps, irritate you. Try an experiment: take a piece of soft violin, piano or flute music that you like and play it as loudly as you can. The suffering of your eardrums will not be as great as the discomfort you’ll feel within. Most of your fellow human beings on Earth consider noise pollution to be of negligible concern, but the noise of the exhaust pipe of a motor bike is three to four times worse than the noxious fumes that it discharges. While the fumes affect your throat and your lungs, the noise affects your Astral body.
However, no one has ever been able to take a photograph of your Astral body and, so, people don’t concern themselves with it!
Since your fellow earthlings like proof, let them consider this: there are people on Earth who are sincere and who claim to have seen ghosts - I don’t refer to charlatans.
既然你们地球人喜欢证据,那就让他们考虑这个:地球上有些人是真诚的,他们声称见过鬼魂 - 我不指的是江湖骗子。
あなたの地球の仲間たちは証拠を好むようですので、彼らはこれを考慮してください:地球上には誠実な人々がおり、霊を見たと主張している人々がいます - 私は詐欺師のことを指していません。
What they have seen is actually the nineteen per cent of electrons that don’t comprise the Astral body. These electrons detach themselves from the physical body three days after its death. Indeed, as a result of certain effects of static electricity, these electrons can be seen having the same form as the physical body. Sometimes, before being re-utilised by Nature, they are ‘vacant’, but they, too, have memories and return to ‘haunt’ places they knew - places they loved or hated.
他们所看到的实际上是那百分之十九的电子,它们不构成灵体的一部分。这些电子在身体死亡后的三天内脱离物质身体。实际上,由于静电效应的某些影响,这些电子可以看到具有与物质身体相同的形态。有时,在被大自然重新利用之前,它们是‘空缺’的,但它们也有记忆,并返回到它们熟悉的地方 - 它们爱或恨的地方。
彼らが見たものは、実際には霊体を構成しない電子の19%です。これらの電子は、物質的な体が死んだ後3日後にそれから離れます。実際には、静電気の特定の効果の結果として、これらの電子は物質的な体と同じ形をして見えることがあります。時には、自然に再利用される前に、彼らは「空虚」ですが、彼らも記憶を持ち、彼らが知っていた場所 - 彼らが愛したり嫌ったりした場所に戻ります。
Or hated?
Yes, but you’d need to write not one, but two books, if we were to concern ourselves with this subject.
Can you see into my future? Surely you can, since you are able to do things which are much more difficult.
You are correct. We have ‘pre-viewed’ your whole life - right up to the death of your present physical body.
你说得对。我们已经‘预见’了你的整个人生 - 一直到你现在的肉体死亡。
あなたは正しいです。私たちはあなたの人生全体を‘予見’しました - 今の肉体の死に至るまで。
When will I die?
You know very well that I won’t tell you, so why do you ask? It is very bad to know the future and those who have their fortunes told commit a double error. First, the fortune teller might be a charlatan, and second, it is contrary to Nature to know what the future holds, for otherwise, the knowledge would not be effaced in the ‘river of oblivion’.
Many people believe in the influence of the stars, and follow the signs of the Zodiac. What do you think of that?
To this, Thao didn’t reply but she smiled...
The entire return journey was like the first trip had been. We made no stops, but I was able, again, to admire the suns, the comets, the planets and the colours.
When I asked Thao if I would be taken back by way of the parallel universe again, she replied in the affirmative. I wondered why and she explained that it was the best way since it meant that they didn’t have to contend with the reactions of witnesses.
I was re-deposited in my garden exactly nine days after leaving it and, once again, in the middle of the night.
end/ 正文完结/ 終わり